BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology) · Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (2024)

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology)· Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (1)


Broadbl trained Cenetidat Ph.D. 1965. Twoyears of postdoctoral training; 38. Outstandingteacher, 15 years of professional experience.Special interest innovative undergraduate pro-grams. 2266 Lake Circle, Jackson, Mississippi39211. X

Immunologist. Ph.D., cellular and humoral, de-sires teaching/research position; tumor-fetal anti-gens, autoimmunity, immunoreproduction. Box 151,SCIENCE. X

Information Dissemination Specialist. Ten years'experience in foundation and federally fundedprograms to reach policy-makers and potentialimplementers with benchwork results. Prefer agri-cultural, ecologic, oceanographic sciences. Willrelocate. Box 62, SCIENCE. 3/29

Instrument Repair Spedalist. Chemistry degreeplus 3 years experience repairing wide variety ofchemical instruments from spectrometers to ther-moregulators. Box 152, SCIENCE. X

Interdisciplinary Biologist. Ph.D. 1972. Desires po-sition where students and teacher explore biology.Teaching (biology, botany, cell and plant physiol-ogy, and bioethics) and research (plant growth)experience. Welcomes administrative responsibili-ties. Box 153, SCIENCE. X

Microbiologist Biochemist. Ph.D. Eleven years ofdiversified industrial experience. Part of experienceis in setting up de novo pilot plants for R & D andproduction. Desires challenging position in indus-try or govemment. Box 154, SCIENCE. X

Neurobiologist, Writer, Editor. Ph.D. (theoreticalbiology) 1971. Interest in control of movement.Professional and popular publications. Seeks re-search, research administration, or publishing-related position, preferably in nonurban Northeast,for summer or fall 1974. Box 155, SCIENCE. X

Neurophysiologist. Ph.D. 1968. Nationally and in-ternationally recognized research accomplishments.Carrying out funded research presently. Teachingexperience in Medical Neurophysiology. Desiresresearch or teaching/research position. Box 156,SCIENCE. X

Ph.D. with considerable research and teaching ex-perience in Horticulture desires to relocate. Mostinterested in initiating new horticultural programsor revitalizing existing ones at 2- or 4-year institu-tions. Would also consider plant science researchpositions. Box 157, SCIENCE. X

Ph.D. Stanford 1962 (biology). Broadly experi-enced in science and its history, seeks opportunityto pursue a novel approach to Human Ecologyand integration of knowledge. Published adumbra-tion. Box 158, SCIENCE. X

Radiation Biophysicist. Ph.D. Nine years experi-ence in nuclear medicine, radiation biology. healthphysics, radiation dosimetry, teaching, and govern-mental regulatory activities. Numerous publica-tions. Seeks challenging position with universityor teaching hospital. Box 160, SCIENCE. X

Physiologist. Ph.D. Postdoctoral training (trans-port). Seeking research, academic position. Back-ground in membrane, general, and comparativephysiology. Teaching experience. Publications. Box159, SCIENCE. X

Virologist. Ph.D. Viral oncology, tissue culture,medical microbiology, teaching medical students,and experience in industry. Desires active academicteaching-research position at liberal arts college/teaching hospital. Box 161, SCIENCE. X


Applications accepted for:

1) ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY.Ph.D. in health-related area.

2) ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF EARTHSCIENCE. Ph.D., broad training with work inpaleontology. Both positions: undergraduate teach-ing with research encouraged. Have three profes-sional persons write us. Send resume and tran-scripts to-Head of Science Division, NortheastMissouri State University, Kirksvlle, Mo. 63501.



Applcations are invited for six available facultypositions at the Assistant Professor level. Qualifica-tions: Ph.D. and an interest in developing an ac-tive research program; competency in teachingcourses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.Fields of interest include: (i) Vertebrate Zoology(Comparative Anatomy and Histology); (ii) Gen-eral Parasitology; (ill) General Virology; (iv) Gen-eral and Applied Microbiology; (v) Mycology; (vi)Genetics. Send curriculum vitae, a brief descrip-tion of experience and current interests in teach-ing and research, and the names of at least threereferences to Search Commintee, Director's Office,School of Biological Sciences, University of Ken-tucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. Deadline forreceipt of applications, 4 weeks from date of ap-pearance of this notice. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.


Applications are invited from physicians, M.D.with practice qualifications certifiable in Districtof Columbia within 1 year. Candidate must showevidence of ability in computer programming, andresearch or practical experience in one of thefollowing: mathematics, engineering, or computerscience. Teaching experience at pre or post M.D.level desirable. Send inquiries to Chairman, De-partment of Clinical Engineering, George Wash-ington University Medical Center, 2300 K St.,NW, Washington, D.C. 20037.

We are an equal opportunity employer.


Available 1 July 1974. Ph.D. in entomology orrelated biological sciences. Responsibilities includeresearch with honey bees, teaching in apiculture,and possibly other courses in entomology. Specialconsideration will be given to applicants with ex-

pertise and research experience with honey bees.Send resume, transcripts, publications, and fourletters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr.Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee,Department of Entomology, University of Cali-fornia, Davis, California 95616.

An Affirmative Action Employer.

ASSISTANT PROFESSORResponsibilities to include teaching senior andgraduate level courses in immunology and serologyand conducting vigorous research program in somearea of immunology. Send curriculum vitae andthree references to

Dr. Robert A. Paterson, HeadDepartment of Biology

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityBlacksburg, Virgnia 24061

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universityis an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Em-ployer.

TWO ASSISTANT PROFESSORSSeptember 1974. Applications are invited fromqualified persons with recent postdoctoral experi-ence in the areas of Plant Physiology or EstuarineEcology. Regular faculty appointment; no gradu-ate program; facilities to develop research pro-gram. Please send resume, transcripts and threeletters of reference to Dr. Tom Fast, bepartunentof Biology, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara,Calif. 95053.

An Equal Opportunity Employer

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGYOne or two years postdoctoral experience in neuro-physiology. Developing department in a new medi-cal college. Salary is highly competitive. The Uni-versity of South Florida is an Affirmative ActionEqual Opportunity Employer. Contact

Dr. C. H. BakerChairman of Physiology

College of MedicineUniversity of South Florida

Tampa, Florida 33620

PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESDartmouth College plans to make a senior appoint-ment in the Department of Biological Sciences.Candidates for this position should have recog-nized distinction in scholarship and teaching, andshould be prepared to serve as department chair-man. Dartmouth is an equeal opportunity employer;women and minority applicants are urged to apply.Send all r6sumes to Dean James F. Hornig, Went-worth Hall, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H.03755.


IMMUNOLOGYApplications are invited for a position as Apsis*taProfessor in Microbiology. The departmentintendsto develop areas of procaryotic and eucaryotic cellbiology, and prefers candidates whose main inter-ests lie in these areas. Competence in microbialphysiology, biology of eucaryotic microorgpnisms,or host-parasite interactions at the moleculr levelwould make the candidate additionally desirable.Applicants should request three referees to write,and send curriculum vitae, bibliography, and asummary of research plans to Chairman, Depart-ment of Bacteriology and Immunology, Universityof California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720. The Univer-sity of California is an affirmative action employer.Both female and minority applicants are urged toapply.

BIOCHEMISTImmediate postdoctoral opening: Research in hor-mone-sensitive membrane biochemistry. Experiencein protein isolation procedures and preparation ofradiolabeled peptides desirable but not necessary.Send resume to: Professor Benedict J. Campbell,Department of Biochemistry, University of Mis-souri Medical School, Columbia, Missouri 65201.An Equial Opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer


VERSITY is seeking to fill a permanent staff posi-tion at the Assistant Professor level in the areaof virology-immunology. Appointments are on a9-month basis, with the average teaching loadbeing one undergraduate and one graduate courseper semester. Individual research activities are ex-pected. Applicants should send complete curricu-lum vitae and request three letters of recommen-dation to be sent to: Dr. Joseph LoBue, Chairman,Recruitment Committee, Biology Department, NewYork U versity, New York City, New York 10003.New lurk University is an equal opportunity

employer subscribing to an Affirmative ActionProgram.


(Physiology)National Instituteof Neurological

Diseases and StrokeResponsibilities will be to assist the Head of the

Biomedical Engineering Research and DevelopmentSection of NINDS to develop and manage planneddirected research projects for the development ofimproved clinical instrumentation applied to thediagnosis and treatment of neurological diseasesand related disorders. This involves working withadvisory groups to identify research and develop-ment needs and to develop project objectives tofill these needs, and serving as Project Officer oncontracts to carry out the research and develop-ment work to meet those objectives. Some timeand limited facilities will be available to personal-ly carry on laboratory work.

A Ph.D. or equivalent is preferable. Backgroundshould include training and/or professional ex-perience in instrumentation engineering, physics,and life sciences (particularly physiology) sufficientto properly apply sound biomedical engineenngprinciples and advanced technology to the clinicalinstrumentation problems addressed. Since the priomary responsibility is to manage contract directedresearch, a capability and interest in contract pro-gram monitoring is necessary.

To apply, forward resum6 or Federal applicati'iSF-171 to Personnel Office, NINDS, Bilding 31,Room 8A-25, NINDS, Bethesda, Maryland 20014.Deadline for receipt of applications is 6 May 1974.

An Equal Opportunity Employer

CHAIRMAN OF PHARMACOLOGYApplications and nominations are invited for theposition of Chairman, Department of Pharmacol-ogy, University of Massachusetts Medical School,starting September 1974. Please send r6sum6 toChairman, Pharmacology Search Committee, Box335, University of Massachusetts Medical School,55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, Massachusetts01605. We are an affirmative action employer.


BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology)· Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (2)


AAAS meetings (editor-ial), P. H. Abel-son, 369

Aaronson, S. A., and C. Y. Dunn: High-frequency C-type virus induction by in-hibitors of protein synthesis, 422

Abelson, P. H. (editorials): AAAS meet-ings, 369; Academic science and indus-try, 1251; No easy way out of energycrisis, 475; Out of the energy crunchby 1976, 707; Pioneer 10 mission toJupiter, 261

and R. Gillette (News and Com-ment): oil shortage, 183

Abert, J. G., et al.: The economics of re-source recovery from municipal solidwaste, 1052

Abrell, J. W. See Lewis, B. J., et al.Abuki, H. See Chino, H., et al.Academic science and industry (editorial),

P. H. Abelson, 1251Acanthaster: tests of the time course of

coral destruction, W. A. Newman andT. F. Dana, 103

Acetylenic analog of arachidonate that actslike aspirin on platelets, A. L. Williset al., 327

Acton, A. B. See Lacalli, T.Adams, J. B. See Pieters, C., et al.Adelson, J. W., and S. S. Rothman: Selec-

tive pancreatic enzyme secretion due toa new peptide called chymodenin, 1087

Adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate: inhibitionof complement-mediated cell lysis, M.Kaliner and K. F. Austen, 659

Adey, W. R. See Noda, H.Adler, N. T.: book review of Motivation

of human and animal behavior, 191Advantages of surface mining (letter), D.

L. Kuck, 28Aerosols and climate, P. Chylek and J.

A. Coakley, Jr., 75Africa counts, c. ZASLAVSKY, book review

by M. Cole, 741Age determination of burned flint by a

thermoluminescent method, H. Y. Goksuet al., 651

Aging increases susceptibility of mouseskin to DMBA carcinogenesis indepen-dent of general immune status, P. Ebbe-sen, 217

Agnew, W. G.: Reducing automotive emis-sions (letter), 254

Aid to Indochina (letter), S. Uk, 469Air pollutants study (letter), R. A. Mc-

Cormick, 1036Aksay, I. A., and J. A. Pask: The silica-

alumina system: stable and metastableequilibria at 1.0 atmosphere, 69

Alfred Binet, T. H. WOLF, book review byR. D. Tuddenham, 1071

Allen, A. O.: Radiation chemistry of con-densed phases: report of a joint Japan-United States seminar (meeting report),881

Alter, H. See Abert, J. G., et al.Alter, M. See Kahana, E., et al.Alvarez, J. M. See Kinard, W. H., et al.Ambiavagar, M. See Chalon, J., et al.Amino acid sequence of rabbit muscle

aldolase and the structure of the activecenter, C. Y. Lai et al., 1204

Amorphous semiconductor switching inmelanins, J. McGinness et al., 853

Amphetamine in human plasma: a sensitiveand specific enzymatic assay, D. S.Kreuz and J. Axelrod, 420

Analysis of neutrality in protein poly-morphism, W. J. Ewens et al., 446

ANDERSON, D. T., Embryology and phylogenyin annelids and arthropods, book reviewof, 1073-

Anderson, J. D. See Howard, H. T., et al.Anderson, J. D., et al.: Gravitational pa-

rameters of the Jupiter system from theDoppler tracking of Pioneer 10, 322

Anderson, J. J. B. See Talmage, R. V.ANDERSON, J. R., and G. H. BOWER, Human


associative memory, book review of,1283

Anderson, N. G.: Science and manage-ment techniques, 726

ANDREANO, R. L. See WEISBROD, B. A., et al.ANDREWS, J. T.: book review of Perigla-

cial processes and environment, 1285Antireceptor antiserum causes specific in-

hibition of reactivity to rat histocompati-bility antigens, T. J. McKearn, 94

Apomorphine: modification of its hyper-thermic effect on rabbits by p-chloro-phenylalanine, R. M. Quock and A.Horita, 539

Arachidonic acid causes sudden death inrabbits, M. J. Silver et al., 1085

ARECCHI, F. T., and E. 0. SCHULZ-DUBOIS(Eds.), Laser handbook, book reviewof, 843

Arias, I. M. See Mahoney, P., et al.Armand, J.-P. See Nahas, G. G., et al.Armstrong, C. M. See Bezanilla, F.Armstrong, R. A., et al.: Dynamics of

expanding inhibitory fields, 444Artificial vision for the blind: electrical

stimulation of visual cortex offers hopefor a functional prosthesis, W. H. Do-belle et al., 440

Asbridge, J. R. See Bridge, H. S., et al.Ashton, G. C. See DeFries, J. C., et al.Association AfFairs: AAAS annual meet-

ing, 104, 222, 340, 767; invitation forsuggestions on candidates, 494; NOVA:program summaries of new science TVseries, 1216

Atlas of primate gross anatomy, An, D. R.SWINDLER and C. D. WOOD, book reviewby R. Tuttle, 192

Atmospheric concentrations and sourcesof trace metals at the South Pole, W. H.Zoller et al., 198

Atmospheric effects of pollutants, P. V.Hobbs et al., 909

Atoms and molecules in astrophysics, T. R.CARSON and M. J. ROBERTS (Eds.), bookreview by A. Dalgarno, 405

Auditory periphery, The, P. DALLOS, bookreview by J. J. Zwislocki, 845

Auerbach, R., and J. Roethle: Toleranceto heterologous erythrocytes, 332

Auroral photography from a satellite, E.H. Rogers et al., 951

Austen, K. F. See Kaliner, M.Austin, C. R.: book review of Compara-

tive morphology of the mammalianovary, 948

Australia antigen: detection and transmis-sion in shellfish, P. Mahoney et al., 80

Autogenous regulation of gene expression,R. F. Goldberger, 810

Autoimmune encephalomyelitis: activationof thymus lymphocytes against syn-geneic brain antigens in vitro, S. Orgadand I. R. Cohen, 1083

Automotive emission standards and fueleconomy (letter), R. J. Naumann, 595

A.xelrod, J. See Kreuz, D. S.Aziz, K. M. S.: Diarrhea toxin obtainedfrom a waterbloom-producing species,Microcystis aeruginosa Kiitzing, 1206


BACHRACH, u., Function of naturally oc-curring polyamines, book review of, 1075

"Back-to-the-wall" effec*Pontinues (let-ter), W. Simon, 150

Bacteriophage structure: determination ofhead-tail symmetry mismatch for Caulo-bacter crescentus phage pCbK, J. A.TLake and K. R. -Leonard, 744

Bailey, J. V. See Pinsky, L. S., et al.Bair, W. J., and R. C. Thompson: Pluto-

nium: biomedical research, 715Baird, M. B. See Samis, H. V., et al.Bakay, L. See Parrish, R. G., et al.Baker, D. N. See Van Allen, J. A., et al.Baker, L. See Gehrels, T., et al.Baker, R. See Gehrels, T., et al.


Bakken, G. S., et al.: Linearized heattransfer relations in biology, 976

BALDWIN, R. E. See WEISBROD, B. A., et al.Bame, S. J. See Bridge, H. S., et al.Bandler, R. J., Jr., and J. P. Flynn: Neural

pathways from thalamus associated withregulation of aggressive behavior, 96

Bandoni, R. J., and R. E. Koske: Mono-layers and microbial dispersal, 1079

Barobiology and the experimental biologyof the deep sea, R. W. BRAUER (Ed.),book review by H. W. Jannasch, 1074

Barr, A. See Villareale, M., et al.BARRETT, j. See LEMBERG, R.Barstad, P., et al.: Immunoglobulin struc-

ture: amino terminal sequences of mousemyeloma proteins that bind phosphoryl-choline, 962

Bartl, P. See Skalka, A., et al.BARTLETT, M. s., and R. W. HIORNS (Eds.),The mathematical theory of the dynamicsof biological populations, book reviewof, 1188

Basmajian, J. V. See Smith, H. M., Jr.,et al.

Bassler, T. J.: Marathoning (letter), 256Bateson, P. P. G.: book review of Im-

printing, 740B-cell alloantigens determined by the H-2

linked Ir region are associated withmixed lymphocyte culture stimulation,E. C. Lozner et al., 757

Beatty, J., et al.: Operant control of occipi-tal theta rhythm affects performance ina radar monitoring task, 871

Behannon, K. W. See Ness, N. F., et al.Behavioral embryology, G. GOTTLIEB (Ed.),

book review by J. S. Rosenblatt, 948Belton, M. J. S. See Broadfoot, A. L., et al.

See also Murray, B. C., et al.Bendich, A. A., et al.: Penetration of

somatic mammalian cells by sperm, 857Benitez, J. T. See Lynn, G. E.Benjamin, C. G.: Soaring prices and sink-

ing sales of science monographs, 282Bensinger, R. E., et al.: Guanylate cyclase:

inhibition by light in retinal photorecep-tors, 86

Benson, R. E. See Pinsky, L. S., et al.Berendzen, R., and A. H. Hammond:

Copernican observations (letters), 469Berger, E. See Eaton, J. W., et al.Berger, M. See Rossini, A. A., et al.Berger, R., and R. Protsch: Radiocarbon

dates for earliest domesticated animalsfrom Europe and the Near East, 1100

Bergstrom, W. H. See Villareale, M., et al.Bernheisel, J. F. See Abert, J. G., et al.Bernstein, R. L.: Mesoscale ocean eddies

in the North Pacific: westward propaga-tion, 71

Beroza, M. See Cameron, E. A., et al.Beroza, M., et al.: Sex pheromones: (E,E)-

8,10-dodecadien- 1-ol in the codlingmoth, 89

Beryllium disease (meeting report), J. D.Stoeckle and T. Mancuso, 449

Best, G. See Gehrels, T., et al.Best, P. M. See Kerrick, W. G. L.Beta cell protection to alloxan necrosis by

anomers of D-glucose, A. A. Rossiniet al., 424

Bewley, T. A.: book review of Structure-activity relationships of protein andpolypeptide hormones, 193

Bezanilla, F., and C. M. Armstrong:Gating currents of the sodium chan-nels: three ways to block them, 753

Bhalla, R. C. See Korenman, S. G., et al.BICKEL, L., Rise up to life, book review of,

505Bidleman, T. F., and C. E. Olney:

Chlorinated hydrocarbons in the Sar-gasso Sea atmosphere and surface water,516

Biederman-Thorson, M. See Thorson, J.Bierl, B. A. See Beroza, M., et al.Binford, C. H. See Storrs, E. E., et al.Biological cycles for toxic elements in the

environment, J. M. Wood, 1049

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology)· Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (3)

ivBiological responses of Atta texana to its

alarm pheromone and the enantiomer ofthe pheromone, R. G. Riley et al., 760

Biology of Coccinellidae, I. HODEK, bookreview by K. S. Hagen, 299

Biology of the Indian Ocean, B. ZEITZSCHEL(Ed.), book review by J. Steele, 405

Biosynthesis of a-ecdysone by prothoracicglands in vitro, H. Chino et al., 529

Biotic energy flows (letter), G. M. Wood-well, 367

Biotransformation and fermentations (neet-ing report), J. P. Rosazza, 1217

BISHOP, J. E., Limnology of a small Malay-an river Sungai Gombak, book reviewof, 65

Bjorkholm, P. See Gorenstein, P., et al.Blenman, C. See Gehrels, T., et al.Bloom, A. D.: book review of Genetics

of sex differentiation, 66Blumberg, B. S. See Mahoney, P., et al.Bond, J. J. See Power, J. F., et al.Bondinell, W. E. See Hoffmann, D., et al.Bonds and bands in semiconductors, J. c.

PHILLIPS, book review by J. J. Hopfield,403

Borenfreund, E. See Bendich, A., et al.Bormann, F. H.: Energy and environ-

mental costs (letter), 1246Bornstein, M. M. B. See Fry, J. M., et al.BOWER, G. H. See ANDERSON, J. R.Boyd, W. C. See Matsubara, S.Braham, J. See Kahana, E., et al.Brain hyaluronidase: changes in activity

during chick development, J. R. Polanskyet al., 862

BRAUER, R. W. (Ed.), Barobiology and theexperimental biology of the deep sea,book review of, 1074

Bressler, R. See Brumbaugh, P. F., et al.Bridge, H. S., et al.: Observations at

VenuLs encounter by the plasma scienceexperiment on Mariner 10, 1293

Broadfoot, A. L., et al.: Ultraviolet ob-ser-vations of Venus from Mariner 10preliminary results, 1315

Brown, H.: Scholarly exchanges with thePeople's Republic of China, 52. See alsoKuhn, U. S. G., III

Brtimbaugh, P. F., et al.: Radioreceptorassay for la,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3,1089

Brunhes epoch: isotopic paleotemperaturesand geochronology, The, C. Emilianiand N. J. Shackleton, 511

Brunn, D. L. See Howard, H. T., et al.Brush, S. G.: Should the history of science

be rated X?, 1164Bumblebee Oceli and navigation at dusk,W. G. Wellington, 550

Burchfield, H. P. See Storrs, E. E., et at.Burt, W.: book review of North Sea sci-

ence, 1286Butzer, K. W.: book review of Geo-morphology in deserts, 1286


Cahill, G. F., Jr. See Rossini, A. A., et al.Cain, D. L. See Kliore, A., et al.Calcification on an unstable substrate:

marginal growth in the mollusk Pectentliegensis, G. R. Clark II, 968

Calcium absorption and calcium-bindingprotein synthesis: SolantumX malacoxylonreverses strontium inhibition, R. H.Wasserman, 1092

Calcium and phosphorus metabolism, J. T.IRVING, book review by H. E. Harrison,845

Calcium ion release in mechanically dis-rupted heart cells, W. G. L. Kerrickand P. M. Best, 435

Callaway, E. See Harris, P. R.Cameron, E. A., et al.: Disruption of

gypsy moth mating with microencapsu-lated disparlure, 972

Cancer and adventists (letter), R. L. Phil-lips, 471


CANNY, M. J., Phloem translocation, bookreview of, 68

Cantharidin: potent feeding deterrent toinsects, J. E. Carrel and T. Eisner, 755

Capron, A. M., and A. Etzioni: Protectionof human subjects (letters), 797

Carbon dioxide hydrate and floods onMars, D. J. Milton, 654

Carbon fixation and isotope discrimina-tion by a crassulacean plant: dependenceon the photoperiod, J. C. Lerman and0. Queiroz, 1207

Carbonic anhydrase and osteoclasts: locali-zation by labeled inhibitor autoradiog-raphy, C. V. Gay and W. J. Mueller,432

Carcinogenicity of methylchrysenes, D.Hoffmann et al., 215

Carew, T. E. See Sniderman, A. D., et al.Carlson, H. J.: Science: challenges of to-day-outlook for the future (Associa-tioii Affairs), 104

Carlson, R. W. See Judge, D. L.CARLSOO, s., How man moves, book re-

view of, 649Carmichael, K. See Kulik, J. A., et al.Carpenter, F. L.: Torpor in an Andean

hummingbird: its ecological significance,545

Carrel, J. E., and T. Eisner: Cantharidin:potent feeding deterrent to insects, 755

Carson, H. L.: book review of The evolu-tion of melanism, 67

CARSON, T. R., and M. J. ROBERTS (Eds.),Atoms and molecules in astrophysics,book review of, 405

Carter, L. J. (News and Comment): bollweevil and its eradication, 494; floatingnuclear plants, 1063; land use legisla-tion, 1176; off-road vehicles in Cali-fornia Desert, 396, 936

Casagrande, J. T. See Menck, H. R., et al.Casida, J. E., et al.: Toxaphene insecticide:

a complex biodegradable mixture, 520Casparian strip as a barrier to the move-

ment of lanthanum in corn roots, The,G. Nagahashi et al., 670

CASPERSSON, T., and L. ZECH (Eds.),Chromosome identification, book reviewof, 647

Castillo, N. See Gehrels, T., et al.Castor, G. B., and W. H. Smyers: Gaso-

line substitutes (letters), 698Cell culture of mammalian endometrium

and synthesis of blastokinin in vitro, G.L. Whitson and F. A. Murray, 668

Cerebroside antibody inhibits sulfatidesynthesis and myelination and demyeli-nates in cord tissue cultures, J. M. Fryet al., 540

Cervetto, L., and M. Piccolino: Synaptictransmission between photoreceptors andhorizontal cells in the turtle retina, 417

Chader, G. J. See Bensinger, R. E., et al.Chaganti, R. S. K. See Marsh, W. L., et al.Chalon, J., et at.: Tracheobronchial epithe-

lial multinucleation in malignant disease,525

Chandler, J. G. See Sniderman, A. D.,et al.

Chang, D. See Lai, C. Y., et al.Chang, K.-P., and W. Trager: Nutritional

significance of symbiotic bacteria in twospecies of hemoflagellates, 531

Chapin, F. S., III: Phosphate absorptioncapacity and acclimation potential inplants along a latitudinal gradient, 521

Charette, M. P See Pieters, C., et al.Charles, D. Seakannard, A., et al.Charlson, R..,E.- See Whitby, K. T., et al.Chase, S. C., E. D. Miner, D. Morrison,

G. Munch, G. Neugebauer: Preliminaryinfrared radiometry of Venus fromMariner 10, 1291

Chase, S. C., R. D. Ruiz, G. Munch, G.Neugebauer, M. Schroeder, L. M. Traf-ton: Pioneer 10 infrared radiometer ex-periment: preliminary results, 315

CHASE, W. G. (Ed.), Visual informationprocessing, bqok review of, 402

Chemistry and functions of colicins, L. P.

HAGER (Ed.), book review by F. M.Richards, 1076

Chemistry of organophosphorus pesticides,The, C. FEST and K.-J. SCHMIDT, bookreview by R. L. Metcalf, 506

Chino, H., et al.: Biosynthesis of a-ecdy-sone by prothoracic glands in vitro, 529

Chiroff, R. T. See Villareale, M., et al.CHISSICK, S. S. See PRICE, W. C., et al.Chlorinated hydrocarbons in the Sargasso

Sea atmosphere and surface water, T. F'Bidleman and C. E. Olney, 516

Cho-Chung, Y. S., and P. M. Gullino: Invivo inhibition of growth of twohormone-dependent mammary tumorsby dibutyryl cyclic AMP, 87

Cholera toxin: interaction of subunits withganglioside Gm1, S. van Heyningen, 656

Choline content of rat brain, W. B.Stavinoha and S. T. Weintraub, 964

Chorus, C. A.: Drug education conference(letter), 1142

Chromosome identification, T. CASPERSSONand L. ZECH (Eds.), book review by J.German, 647

Chung, E., and E. J. Miller: Collagenpolymorphism: characterization ofmolecules with the chain composition[al (II1)]3 in human tissues, 1200

Chylek, P., and J. A. Coakley, Jr.: Aero-sols and climate, 75

Citation analysis (letters), S. A. Goudsmitet al., 28

Clark, G. R., II: Calcification on an un-stable substrate: marginal growth in themollusk Pecten diegentsis, 968

Claycomb, W. C. See Goldstein, M. A.,et al.

Clements, A. See Gehrels, T., et al.Cloud, P.: Rubey conference on crustal

evolution (meeting report), 878Coakley, J. A., Jr. See Chylek, P.Coal and the present energy situation, E.

F. Osborn, 477Coburn, J. (News and Comment): sterili-

zation regulations, 935Cody, M. L.: Optimization in ecology,

1156Coffeen, D. See Gehrels, T., et at.Cohen, G. See Riely, C. A., et al.Cohen, I. R. See Orgad, S.Cohn, M. See Barstad, P., et al.Colburn, D. S. See Schubert, G., et al.

See also Smith, E. J., et at.Cole, J. R. See Goudsmit, S. A., et al.COLE, J. R., and S. COLE, Social stratifica-

tion in science, book review of, 841Cole, M.: book review of Africa counts,

741Cole, S. See Goudsmit, S. A., et al.COLE, S. See COLE, J. R.Coleman, P. J., Jr. See Smith, E. J., et

al.Collagen polymorphism: characterization

of molecules with the chain composi-tion [al (III)]. in human tissues, E.Chung and E. J. Miller, 1200

Collard, H. R. See Wolfe, J. H., et al.Comar, C. L.: Radiation effects (letter),

258Comparative morphology of the mam-

malian ovary, H. W. MOSSMAN and K. L.DUKE, book review by C. R. Austin, 948

Computer systems (letter), D. J. Frailey,150

Computers and future music, M. V.Mathews et al. 263

Comroe, J. H., Jr.: Heart panel's report(letter), 150

Conception of nature in Japanese culture,The, M. Watanabe, 279

Condon, W. S., and L. W. Sander: Neonatemovement is synchronized with adultspeech: interactional participation andlanguage acquisition, 99

Confusion over bacteriophage OX-174,The (letter), W. Szybalski, 1145

COOKE, R. u., and A. WARREN, Geomor-phology in deserts, book review of, 1286

Cooper, J. C., and A. D. Hasler: Elec-troencephalographic evidence for reten-

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology)· Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (4)

tion of olfactory cues in homing cohosalmon, 336

Copernican observations (letters), R.Berendzen and A. H. Hammond, 469

Copyright decision (letter), W. White Jr.,698

copyright, public policy, and informa-tion technology, N. L. Henry, 384

Corry, P. See McGinness, J., et al.poser, L. A.: book review of Tradition,

change, and modernity, 742Cosmides, G. J.: Pharmacology and tox-

icology applied to the treatment of pa-tients (meetinig report), 1219

Costa, J. L., et al.: Serotonin storage inplatelets: estimation of storage-packetsize, 537

Cotter, W. B.: Social facilitation and de-velopment in Ephestia kiilnziella Z., 747

Coupling between cortical potentials fromdifferent areas, E. Callaway and P. R.Harris, 873

Covers: dog as surrogate mother (22Mar.); glacier crevasse (18 Jan.); iso-density computer display (22 Feb.);Jupiter's red spot and a shadow of themoon (25 Jan.); male pronghorn (1Mar.); manganese nodules (8 Feb.);metals recovered from municipal refuse(15 Mar.); micrograph of aluminum-silicate mixture (11 Jan.); peregrine fal-cons in an eyrie (15 Feb.); "phosphenes"in visual field of a blind patient (1 Feb.);satellite photo of east coast of NorthAmerica and Greenland (8 Mar.);Venus (29 Mar.)

Cram, D. J., and, J. M. Cram: Host-guest chemistry, 803

Cram, J. M. See Cram, D. J.Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: focus among

Libyan Jews in Israel, E. Kahana et al.,90

Cruickshank, A. M.: Gordon ResearchConferences (meeting report), 979

Culliton, B. J. (News and Comment):Frederickson and Institute of Medicine,184, 398; health budget for fiscal year1975, 638; Institute of Medicine scrubsthree committees, 937; Marston to presi-dency of the University of Florida, 285;medical education and its cost, 1272;National Institutes of Health and itsleadership, 829; Office of Managementand Budget, 392; prescription drugs, 284;Sherman to American Association ofMedical Colleges, 285; Stetten to deputydirector at NIH, 285

Culotti, J. See Hartwell, L. H., et al.Currey, J. D.: book review of Mechanical

properties of bone, 67Cutler, H. C.: book review of Palaeoethno-

botany, 193Cyclic adenosine monophosphate: selective

increase in caudate nucleus after admin-istration of L-dopa, E. Garelis and N.H. Neff, 532

Cytochromes, R. LEMBERG and J. BARRETT,book review by R. E. Dickerson, 505


Dale, D. C., and R. G. Graw, Jr.: Trans-plantation of allogeneic bone marrow incanine cyclic neutropenia, 83

Dalgarno, A.: book review of Atoms andmolecules in astrophysics, 405

DALLOS, P., The auditory periphery, bookreview of, 845

Dana, T. F. See Newman, W. A.Danes, Z. F.: book review of Theory of

the earth's gravity field, 1284Danielson, G. E. See Murray, B. C., et al.David, E. E., Jr.: Prospectus for science

advising (editorial), 801Davies, M. E. See Murray, B. C., et al.Davies, R. E.: book review of How man

moves, 649Davis, D. E.: Unemployed biologists (let-

ter), 1036Davis, L., Jr. See Smith, E. J., et al.


DDE: its presence in peregrine eggs in1948, D. B. Peakall, 673

Deep impurities in semiconductors, A. G.MILNES, book review by C. H. Henry,1284

Deepwater illumination (letter), M. V.King, 596

Definition of the meter (letter), J. D.Mulholland, 1248

DeFries, J. C., et al.: Near identity ofcognitive structure in two ethnic groups,338

Deibler, W. P. See Beatty, J., et al.DE JONG, K. A., and R. SCHOLTEN (Eds.),

Gravity and tectonics, book review of,1186

DeLuca, H. F. See Tanaka, Nevers, N. See Levenspiel, 0.DePierre, J. W., and M. L. Karnovsky:Ecto-enzyme of granulocytes: 5' nucleo-tidase, 1096

Detection of heat-labile Esclierichia colienterotoxin with the use of adrenal cellsin tissue culture, S. T. Donta et al., 334

Detection of radon emission at the edgesof lunar maria with the Apollo alpha-particle spectrometer, P. Gorenstein etal., 411

Deuterium oxide effect on temperature-dependent survival in populations ofDr osophiila melaniogaster, H. V. Samiset al., 427

DE WITT, B. S., and N. GRAHAM (Eds.), Themany-worlds interpretation of quantummechanics, book review of, 1189

Diarrhea toxin obtained from a water-bloom-producing species, Microcystisaeruginiosa Kiutzing, K. M. S. Aziz, 1206

Dickerson, R. E.: book review of Cyto-chromes, 505

Dickey, P. A. See Pozo-Olano, J. deD.,et al.

Dickinson, R. See Howard, H. T., et al.Diphenylhydantoin: effects on calcium

metabolism in the chick, M. Villarealeet al., 671

Disease and economic development, B. A.WEISBROD et al., book review by P. K.Newman, 1286

Disruption of gypsy moth mating withmicroencapsulated disparlure, E. A.Cameron et al., 972

Distributed relaxation processes in sensoryadaptation, J. Thorson and M. Bieder-man-Thorson, 161

DNA synthesis and mitosis in well-dif-ferentiated mammalian cardiocytes, M.A. Goldstein et al., 212

Dobelle, W. H., et al.: Artificial vision forthe blind: electrical stimulation of vis-ual cortex offers hope for a functionalprosthesis, 440

Dolezalova, H. See Stepita-Klauco, M.,et al.

Domestikationsforschung und geschichteder haustiere, J. MATOLCSI (Ed.), bookreview by E. S. Wing, 844

Donaldson, J. L.: Injuries related to cos-metics (letter), 1246

Donta, S. T., et al.: Detection of heat-labile Escherichia coli enterotoxin withthe use of adrenal cells in tissue culture,334

Doolittle, R. F.: book review of The var-iation and adaptive expression of anti-bodies, 190

Doose, L. See Gehrels, T., et al.Douce, R.: Site of biosyntaesis of galacto-

lipids in spinach chlorocijiasts, 852Dowling, H. F.: book review of Rise up

to life, 505Dowty, E., et al.: "Very High Alumina

basalt": a mixture and not a magmatype, 1214

Dretchen, K. L. See Hoekman, T. B., et al.Drug education conference (letter), C. A.Chorus, 1 142

Duce, R. A. See Zoller, W. H., et al.Duffy, T. E. See Vergara, F., et al.DUKE, K. L. See MOSSMAP\ H. W.Dunn, C. Y. See Aaronson, S. A.


Dunne, J. A.: Mariner 10 Venus en-counter, 1289

Duquesnoy, R. J. See Kemp, R. G.Dyal, P. See Smith, E. J., et al.Dynamics of expanding inhibitory fields,

R. A. Armstrong et al., 444Dyson, R. H., Jr.: book review of SouthAsian archaeology, 947


Earth's magnetosphere, The, J. G. Roed-erer, 37

Easton, W. H. See Ku, T. L., et al.Eaton, J. W., et al.: Survival at extreme

altitude: protective effect of increasedhemoglobin-oxygen affinity, 743

Ebbesen, P.: Aging increases susceptibilityof mouse skin to DMBA carcinogenesisindependent of general immune status,217

Eckles, H. H.: Marine advisory programs,(letter), 595

Economics of resource recovery frommunicipal solid waste, The, J. G. Abertet al., 1052

Ecto-enzyme of granulocytes: 5' nucleoti-dase, J. W. DePierre and M. L. Karnov-sky, 1096

Edelson, R. E. See Howard, H. T., et al.Editorials: AAAS meetings, 369; Academic

science and industry, 1251; Globalscience policy, 1147; Ignorance as thedriving force, 907; Managers of science,599; No easy way out of energy crisis,475; Out of the energy crunch by 1976,707; Overmanagement of medicine, 155;Pioneer 10 mission to Jupiter, 261;Prospectus for science advising, 801;The "slippery slope" of science, 1041;Social experiments: promise and prob-lems, 35 -

Education in the San Francisco Bay area(Association Affairs), C. Irving, 340

EISENSTADT, S. N., Tradition, change, andmodernity, book review of, 742

Eisner, T. See Carrel, J. E.Electroencephalographic evidence for re-

tention of olfactory cues in homing cohosalmon, J. C. Cooper and A. D. Hasler,336

Electron tunneling and superconductivity,I. Giaever, 1253

Embryology and phylogeny in annelidsand arthropods, D. T. ANDERSON, bookreview by R. L. Fernald, 1073

Emiliani, C., and N. J. Shackleton: TheBrunhes epoch: isotopic paleotempera-tures and geochronology, 511

Emmel, T. C.: Rainfall in the AmazonBasin (letter), 257

Energetic electrons in the magnetosphereof Jupiter, J. A. Van Allen et al., 309

Energetic particle population in the Jovianmagnetosphere: a preliminary note, J.H. Trainor et al., 311

Energy and environmental costs (letter),F. H. Bormann, 1246

Energy and the environment (letter), J.McCarthy, 901

Enright, J. T. See Snedaker, S. C.Enzymatic mechanism for the antithrom-

botic and antihemostatic actions ofaspirin, An, A. L. Willis, 325

EPSTEIN, E. H. See WEISBROD, B. A., et al.Eraker, J. H. See Simpson, J. A., J. H.

Eraker, J. E. Lamport, P. H. WalpoleErratum: for News and Comment (25

Jan., p. 291), 769ERWIN, -. A. (Ed.), Lipids and biomem-

branes of eukaryotic microorganisms,book review of, 1287

Esaki, L.: Long journey into tunneling,1149

Esposito, P. B. See Howard, H. T., et al.Essenhigh, R. H.: Fuel technology direc-

tory (letter), 797Ethane evolution: a new index of lipid

peroxidation, C. A. Riely et al., 208

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology)· Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (5)


Etzioni, A.: The "slippery slope" of sci-ence (editorial), 1041. See also Capron,A. M.

Eustatic sea level 120,000 years ago onOahu, Hawaii, T.-L. Ka et al., 959

Evans, C. A., Jr. See Natusch, D. F. S.,et al.

EVANS, F. G., Mechanical properties ofbone, book review of, 67

Evans, H. E.: book review of Wasps, 192Evidence that enzyme polymorphisms are

selectively neutral, but blood grouppolymorphisms are not, T. Yamazakiand T. Maruyama, 1091

Evolution of melanism, The, B. KETTLE-WELL, book review by H. L. Carson, 67

Evolutionary paleoecology of the marinebiosphere, J. W. VALENTINE, book reviewby J. Levinton, 648

Ewens, W. J., et al.: Analysis of neutralityin protein polymorphism, 446

Exchanges with China (letters), U. S. G.Kuhn, III, and H. Brown, 1142

Excitability changes in cat lateral geni-culate cells during saccadic eye move-ments, H. Noda and W. R. Adey, 543


fa*gan, J. F., II: Infant color perception,973

Failure to confirm cyclic AMP as secondmessenger for norepinephrine in rat cere-bellum, N. Lake and L. M. Jordan, 663

Fairweather, R. See Stepita-K1auco, M.,et al.

Farel, P. B.: book review of Habitutation,649

FDR's science policy (letter), D. J. Kev-les, 798

Fears, T. R., and M. A. Schneiderman:Pathologic evaluation and the blind tech-nique (letter), 1144

Fecal bacterial p-glucuronidase: control bydiet, B. S. Reddy et al., 416

Federbush, P. G.: book review of Themany-worlds interpretation of quantummechanics, 1189

Feldman, B. M.: Rabies shots (letter),1248

Feldman, M. W. See Ewens, W. J., et al.Feldman, W. C. See Bridge, H. S., et al.Female steroid hormones and target cell

nuclei, B. W. O'Malley and A. R.Means, 610

Fernald, R. L.: book review of Embry-ology and phylogeny in annelids andarthropods, 1073

FEST, C., and K.-J. SCHMIDT, Chemistry oforganophosphorus pesticides, book re-view of, 506

Feynman, R. P.: Structure of the pro-ton, 601

Ficken, M. S. See Ficken, R. W., et al.Ficken, R. W., et al.: Temporal pattern

shifts to avoid acoustic interference insinging birds, 762

Fillius, R. W., and C. E. Mcllwain: Radia-tion belts of Jupiter, 314

Fjeldbo, G. See Howard, H. T., et al. Seealso Kliore, A., et al.

Fjcrdingstad, E. J., and V. E. Shashoua:Seasonal changes in goldfish learning?,1321

Fleischner, G. See Mahoney, P., et al.Fletcher, R. T. See Bensinger, R. E., et a!.Flindt, H. R. See Van Allen, J. A., et al.Flynn, J. P. See Bandler, R. J., Jr.Forest planning (letters), D. J. Zinn and

P. C. Wakeley, 26Form and pattern in human evolution,

C. OXNARD, book review by D. M. Raup,298

Foundations of scientific method, R. N.GIERE and R. S. WESTFALL (Eds.), bookreview by R. Smith, 946

Frailey, D. J.: Computer systems (letter),150

Freeze, R. A. See Gambolati, G., et a!.


Fremlin, J. H. See Goksu, H. Y., et al.Friedman, T. B., et al.: Galactosemia and

galactonolactone: further biochemicalobservations, 764

Fry, J. M., et al.: Cerebroside antibodyinhibits sulfatide synthesis and myelina-tion and demyelinates in cord tissue cul-tures, 540

Fryxell, R. See Goksu, H. Y., et al.Fuel technology directory (letter), R. H.

Essenhigh, 797Function of naturally occurring polya-

mines, U. BACHRACH, book review by E.J. Herbst, 1075


Gaffney, P. E.: PCB's: another source?(letter), 367

Gaines, A. M.: Protodolomite synthesis at100°C and atmospheric pressure, 518

Gal, E. M. See Harvey, J. A.Galactosemia and galactonolactone: fur-

ther biochemical observations, T. B.Friedman et al., 764

Gale, S.: The "relevance" of basic science(letter), 473

Galenism, o. TEMKIN, book review by L.G. Wilson, 650

Gallo, R. C. See Lewis, B. J., et al.Gally, J. A.: book review of Genetic con-

trol of immune responsiveness, 507Gambolati, G., et al.: Predictive simula-

tion of the subsidence of Venice, 849Garber, M. See Suenaga, M.Gardner, F. H. See Marsh, W. L., et al.Garelis, E., and N. H. Neff: Cyclic adeno-

sine monosphosphate: selective increasein caudate nucleus after administrationof L-dopa, 532

Gas-rich meteorites: possible evidence fororigin on a regolith, D. Macdougall etal., 73

Gasoline substitutes (letters), G. B. Cas-tor and W. H. Smyers, 698

GASTON, J., Originality and competition inscience, book review of, 841

Gates, D. M. See Bakken, G. S., et al.Gating currents of the sodiuf. channels:

three ways to block them, F. Bezanillaand C. M. Armstrong, 753

Gatto, P. See Gambolati, G., et al.Gault, D. See Murray, B. C., et al.Gay, C. V., and W. J. Mueller: Carbonic

anhydrase and osteoclasts: localizationby labeled inhibitor autoradiography,432

Gehrels, T., et al.: Imaging photopolarim-eter experiment on Pioneer 10, 318

Geigle, J. E. See Moore, J. C.Genetic control of immune responsiveness

H. 0. MC DEVIIT and M. LANDY (Eds.),book review by J. A. Gally, 507

Genetic control of the cell division cyclein yeast, L. H. Hartwell et al., 46

Genetic heterogeneity (letters), R. S. Singhand R. Klein, 700

Genetic recombination: genetic, physical,and biochemical aspects (meeting report),A. Skalka et al., 1218

Genetics of sex differentiation, u. MITT-WOCH, book review by A. D. Bloom, 66

Geomorphology in deserts, R. U. COOKEalnd A. WARREN, book review by K. W.Butzer, 1286

George, W. J. 5&e Ignarro, L. J., et al.German, D. C.Tee Yeomans, J. S., et a!.German, J.: book review of Chromosome

identification, 647. See also Marsh, W.L., et al.

Giaever, I.: Electron tunneling and super-conductivity, 1253

GIERE, R. N., and R. S. WESTFALL (Eds.),Foundations of scientific method, bookreview of, 946

Gillett, J. D.: book review of Man againsttsetse, 299

Gillette, R. (News and Comment): congres-sional press gallery controversy, 728;

energy budget for fiscal year 1975, 636;Hosmer to leave Congress, 398; Meadelected AAAS president, 181; plutoniumand the "hot particle problem," 834;"Problems of forbidden knowledge" aAAAS meeting, 1060; synthetic fuel.,641; uranium enrichment, 1172, 1271;Velikovsky and AAAS forum, 1059;Weinberg leaves Oak Ridge, 60; WeiTberg moves to White House, 288; Seealso Abelson, P. H., and R. Gillette

Girvin, J. P. See Dobelle, W. H., et al.Gladney, E. S. See Zoller, W. H., et al.Glass, L. See Armstrong, R. A., et al.Global science policy (editorial), Lord

Ritchie-Calder, 1147Goksu, H. Y., et al.: Age discrimination

of burned flint by a thermoluminescentmethod, 651

GOLDBERG, E. D. (,Ed.), North Sea sci-ence, book review of, 1286

Goldberger, R. F.: Autogenous regulationof gene expression, 810

Goldman, C. R. See Home, A. J.Goldman, M. I.: book review of Our en-

vironment, 1187Goldstein, A. See Lowney, L. I., et al.Goldstein, M. A., et al.: DNA synthesis

and mitosis in well-differentiated mam-malian cardiocytes, 212

Golub, L. See Gorenstein, P., et al.Goodman, R. N., et al.: Host-specific phy-

totoxic polysaccharide from apple tis-sue infected by Erwinia amylovora,1081

Goran, M. See Stokes, J., III, et al.Gordon Research Conferences (meeting

report), A. M. Cruickshank, 979Gorenstein, P., et al.: Detection of radon

emission at the edges of lunar mariawith the Apollo alpha-particle spectrom-eter, 411

Gorman, A. L. F. See McReynolds, J. S.GOTTLIEB, G' (Ed.), Behavioral embryology,

book review of, 948Goudsmit, S. A.: Voluntary or not? (let-

ter), 702Goudsmit, S. A., et al.: Citation analysis

(letters), 28Gould, L. V. See Villareale, M., et al.Gould, S. J.: book review of Numerical

taxonomy, 739GRAHAM, N. See DE WITT, B. S.Grant administration (letters), V. P.

White and R. J. Woodrow, 901Gravitation, c. w. MISNER et al., book re-

view by D. W. Sciama, 1186Gravitational parameters of the Jupiter

system from the Doppler tracking ofPioneer 10, J. D. Anderson et a!., 322

Gravity and tectonics, K. A. DE JONG andR. SCHOLTEN (Eds.), book r-eview byA. L. Hales, 1186

Graw, R. G., Jr. See Dale, D. C.Greeley, R., et a!.: Wind tunnel simula-

tions of light and dark streaks on Mars,847

Greenberg, A. See Beatty, J., et al.GREENWOOD, F. C. See MARGOULIES, M.Gross, J. See Polansky, J. R., et al.Groipe', V.: Virus Cancer Program (let-

ter), 367Guanylate cyclase: inhibition by light in

retinal photoreceptors, R. E. Bensingeret a!., 86

Gtillino, P. M. See Cho-Chung, Y. S.Gunnells, J. C. See Schanberg, S. M.. et al.


Habituation, H. V. S. PEEKE and M. J.HERZ (Eds.), book review by P. B.Farel, 649

Hackerman, N.: Ignorance as the drivingforce (editorial), 907

Hagen, K. S.: book review of Biology ofCoccinellidae, 299

HAGER, L. P. (Eds.), Chemistry and func-tions of colicins, book review of, 1076

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology)· Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (6)

Hailman, J. P. See Ficken, R. W., et al.Hales, A. L.: book review of Gravity and

tectonics, 1186lill, C. F.: Pioneer 10, 301HALLAM, A., A revolution in the earth

sciences, book review of, 504Hameen-Anttila, J. See Gehrels, T., et al.HIamilton, D. See Simpson, J. A., D.

Hamilton, G. Lentz, R. B. McKibben, A.Mogro-Campero, M. Perkins, K. R.Pyle, A. J. Tuzzolino, J. J. O'Gallagher

Hammond, A. L. (Researcli News): fron-tiers of research in atmospheric andmarine science, 736; manganese nodules,502, 644. See also Berendzen, R. Seealso Metz, W. D., and A. L. Hammond

Hammond, N. See Romanov, M. A., et al.HAMMOND, N. (Ed.), South Asian archaeol-

ogy, book review of, 947Hapke, B. See Murray, B. C., et al.Harris, P. R., and E. Callaway: Coupling

between cortical potentials from differ-ent areas, 873

Harr ison, H. See Hobbs, P. V., et al.Harrison, H. E.: book review of Calcium

and phosphorus metabolism, 845Hartle, R. E. See Bridge, H. S., et al.Hartwell, L. H., et al.: Genetic control of

the cell division cycle in yeast, 46Harvey, J. A., and E. M. Gil: Septal

tryptophan-5-hydroxylase: divergent re-sponse to raphe lesions and parachloro-phenylalanine, 869

Hasler, A. D. See Cooper, J. C.Haussler, D. H. See Brumbaugh, P. F.,

et al.Hauissler, M. R. See Brumbaugh, P. F.,

et al.Haviland, W. A.: book review of Papers

of the Peabody Museum, Harvar-d Uni-versity, vols. 62-64, 297

Hawkes, N. (News and Commzlent): energyin Britain, 57

Heart panel's report (letter), J. H. Comroe,Jr., 150

Heath, I. B., and T. Unestam: Myco-plasma-like structures in the aquaticfLungLus Aphanomyces astaci, 434

Heezen, B. C.: book review of A revolu-tion in the earth sciences, 504

Henderson, B. E. See Menck, H. R., et al.HENDERSON, J. F., and A. R. P. PATTERSON,

Nucleotide metabolism, book review of,507

Hendley. E. D. See Welch, B. L., et al.Henry, C. H.: book review of Deep im-

purities in semiconductors, 1284Henry, N. L.: Copyright, public policy.and information technology, 384

Herbst, E. J.: book review by Functionof naturally occurring polyamines, 1075

Heritability analyses of IQ scores: scienceor numerology?, D. Layzer, 1259

HERZ, M. J. See PEEKE, H. V. S.HESS, E. H., Imprinting, book review of.

740HIGH, L. R., JR. See PICARD, M. D.High-frequency C-type virus induction by

inhibitors of protein synthesis, S. A.Aaronson and C. Y. Dunn, 422

Hill, H. Z. See Friedman, T. B., (t al.HIORNS, R. W. See BARTLETT, N1. S.History of life sciences (letter), J. H.Young, 798

HL-A antigens in mummified pre-Colum-bian tissuLes, P. Stastny, 864

Hobbs, P. V., et al.: Atmospheric effectsof pollutants, 909

Hoch, W. See Silver, M. J., et al.HODEK, i., Biology of Coccinellidae, book

review of, 299Hoekman, T. B., et al.: Miniature end

plate potentials recorded from mam-malian myonetural junctions in vivo, 213

Hoffmann, D., et al.: Carcinogenicity ofmethylchrysenes, 215

Holden, C. (News anid Comment): financ-ing postsecondary education, 731; nui-trition of U.S. population, 1062; Sci-ence and Astronautics Committee, 1277:


Smithsonian Institution's Center forShort-Lived Phenomena, 55; Social In-dicators, 1276; world population andfertility reduction, 833

Holloway, F. A. See Yeomans, J. S., et al.Holmstead, R. L. See Casida, J. E., et al.hom*ogenized milk and atherosclerosis

(letter), J. P. Zikakis, 472Hood, L. See Barstad, P., et al.Hook, E. B.: Publishing ethics (letter),

1246Hoover, S. R.: Prevention of food-process-

ing wastes, 824Hopfield, J. J.: book review of Bonds and

bands in semiconductors, 403Horita, A. See Quock, R. M.Hormonal control of neutrophil lysosomalenzyme release: effect of epinephrineon adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate, L. J.lgnarro et al., 855

Horne, A. J., and C. R. Goldman: Sup-pression of nitrogen fixation by blue-green algae in a eutrophic lake withtrace additions of copper, 409

Host-guest chemistry, D. J. Cram andJ. M. Cram, 803

Host-specific phytotoxic polysaccharidefrom apple tissue infected by Erwiniaatmylovora, R. N. Goodman et al., 1081

How big is a chunk?, H. A. Simon, 482How man moves, s. CARLSOO, book review

by R. E. Davies, 649Howard, H. T., et al.: Venus: mass,

gravity field, atmosphere, and ionosphereas measured by the Mariner 10 dual-frequency radio system, 1297

Huang, A. S. See Kashket, E. R., et al.Huang, J. S. See Goodman, R. N., et al.Huang, P.-Y. See Goodman, R. N., et al.Human associative memory, J. R. ANDER-SON and G. H. BOWER, book review by,M. Posner, 1283

Human DNA polymerase III (R-DNApolymerase): distinction from DNApolymerase and reverse transcriptase,B. J. Lewis et al., 867

Human ecology (letter), C. H. Muller, 368Humes, D. H. See Kinard, W. H., et al.Humidifiers and energy conservation (let-

ter), P. S. Riggs, 1145Hunt, E.: book review of Pattern recogni-

tion, learning, and thought, 403Hydrolysis of the lectin of Otala lactea,

S. Matsubara and W. C. Boyd, 339Hynes, H. B. N.: book review of Limnol-

ogy of a small Malayan river SungaiGombak. 65

lgnarro, L., et al.: Hormonal control ofneutrophil lysosomal enzyme release:effect of epinephrine on adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate, 855

Ignorance as the driving force (editorial),N. Hackerman, 907

Ikekawa, N. See Chino, H., et al.Imaging photopolarimeter experiment on

Pioneer 10, The, T. Gehrels et al., 318Immunoglobulin structure: amino termi-

nal sequences of mouse myeloma pro-teins that bind phosphorylcholine, P.Barstad et al., 962

lnIprinting, E. H. HESS, book review by P.P. G. Bateson, 740

Increased surface albedo in the NorthernHemisphere, G. J. Kukla and H. J.Kukla, 709

Industrial air polltution: possible effect onlung cancer, H. R. Menck et al., 210

Industry in the San Francisco Bay area(Associationi Aflairs), R. J. Lamb, Jr.,222

Infant color perception, J. F. fa*gan III,973

Inger-man, C. M. See Silver, M. J., et al.Inhibition of celluilar mediated immunity

in marihuiana smokers. G. G. Nahas etal.. 419


Inhibition of neighboring motoneurons inconscious control of single spinal moto-neurons, H. M. Smith, Jr., et al., 975

lnjuries related to cosmetics (lettej), J. L.Donaldson, 1246

Innovation in industry and the diffusion oftechnology, J. M. Utterback, 620

Instability of N-nitrosamides (letter), W.Lijinsky, 368

Institutions in modern society: caretakersand subjects, 0. I. Romano-V., 722

"Internal waves" advancing along sub-marine canyons, F. P. Shepard et al.,195

Interplanetary and near-Jupiter meteoroidenvironments: preliminary results fromthe meteoroid detection experiment, W.H. Kinard et al., 321

Interstellar hydrogen in galaxies, M. S.Roberts, 371

Intestinal lactase activity in the sucklingrat: influence of hypophysectomy andthyroidectomy, K. Y. Yeh and F. Moog,77

Intriligator, D. S. See Wolfe, J. H., et al.In vivo inhibition of growth of two hor-

mone-dependent mammary tumors bydibutyryl cyclic AMP, Y. S. Cho-Chungand P. M. Gullino, 87

Ionic basis of hyperpolarizing receptor po-tential in scallop eye: increase inpermeability to potassium ions, J. S.McReynolds and A. L. F. Gorman, 658

Irving, C.: Education in the San FranciscoBay area (Association Aflairs), 340

IRVING, J. T., Calcium and phosphorusmetabolism, book review of, 845

Irwin, H. T. See Gbksu, H. Y., et al.Ishibashi, M. See Chino, H., et al.Iversen, J. D. See Greeley, R., et al.Izzard, C. S.: book review of Locomotion

of tissue cells, 1073


Jackson, J. L. See Armstrong, R. A., et al.Janese, W. W. See Parrish, R. G., et

al.Jannasch, H. W.: book review of Baro-

biology and the experimental biology ofthe deep sea, 1074

Johnson, R. C. See DeFries, J. C., et al.Johnson, R. T. See Narayan, O., et al.Jones, D. E. See Smith, E. J., et al.Jordan, L. M. See Lake, N.Judge, D. L., and R. W. Carlson: Pioneer

10 observations of the ultraviolet glowin the vicinity of Jupiter. 317


Kacew, S. See Singhal, R. L., et al.Kahana, E., et al.: Creutzfeldt-Jakob dis-

ease: focus among Libyan Jews inIsrael, 90

Kaliner, M., and K. F. Austen: Adenosine3',5'-monophosphate: inhibition of com-plement-mediated cell lysis, 659

Karnovsky, M. L. See DePierre, J. W.Kashket, E. R., et al.: Status of women

microbiologists, 488Katz, J. S. See Chalon, J., et al.Keil, K. See Dowty, E., et al.Keith, A. D., and W. Snipes: Viscosity

of cellular protoplasm, 666Keller Plan in science teaching, The, J.

A. Kulik et al., 379KELLEY, A. C. See WEISBROD, B. A., et al.Kemp, R. G., and R. J. Duquesnoy:Thymus adenylate cyclase activity dur-ing murine leukemogenesis, 218

Kendall, J. See Gehrels, T., et al.Kenney, M. D. See Mason, W. A.Kerrick, W. G. L., and P. M. Best: Cal-cium ion release in mechanically dis-rLupted heart cells, 435

a-Ketoglultaramate: increased concentra-tions in the cerebrospinal fluiid of pa-

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology)· Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (7)


tients in hepatic coma, F. Vergara et al.,81

KETTLEWELL, B., The evolution of melan-ism, book review of, 67

Kevles, D. J.: FDR's science policy (let-ter), 798

Keynesian theory (letter), D. L. Turner,702

Khalifa, S. See Casida, J. E., et al.Kilbey, B. J., and G. Zetterberg: Optical

brighteners (letter), 798Kimmel, M. A. See Ku, T.-L., et al.Kinard, W. H., et al.: Interplanetary and

near-Jupiter meteoroid environments:preliminary results from the meteoroiddetection experiment, 321

King, M. V.: Deepwater illumination (1let-ter), 596

Kirshner, N. See Schanberg, S. M., et al.Kittel, C.: On citations (letter), 702Kleiber, M. See Bakken, G. S.. et al.Klein, R. See Singh, R. S.Kleinsmith, L. J. See Stein, G. S., et al.Kliore, A. J. See Howard, H. T., et at.Kliore, A.. et al.: Preliminary results on

the atmospheres of lo and Jupiter fromthe Pioneer 10 S-band occultation ex-periment. 323

Knight, C. K. See Gehrels, T., et al.Knipling, E. F. See Cameron, E. A., et at.Knox, J R. See Casida, J. E., et at.Kocsis, J. J. See Silver, M. J., et at.Kolata, G. B. (Research News): combina-

torics, the mathematics of discretephenomena, 839; molecular probes anda new way to study gene expression, 63;theoretical ecology and beginnings of apredictive science, 400

Konigsberg, W. See Barstad, P., et at.Koopmans, H. S. See Yeomans, J. S., et al.Korenman, S. G., et at.: Protein kinase

translocation as an early event in hor-monal control of uterine contraction, 430

Korn, E. D.: book review of Lipids andbiomembranes of eukaiyotic micro-organisms, 1287

Kornberg, A.: book review of Nucleotidemetabolism, 507

Koske, R. E. See Bandoni, R. J.Kreuz, D. S., and J. Axelrod: Ampheta-

mine in human plasma: a sensitive andspecific enzymatic assay, 420

Ku, T.-L., et at.: Eustatic sea level 120,000years ago on Oahu, Hawaii, 959

Kuck, D. L.: Advantages of surface mining(letter), 28

Kuihn, D. C. See Willis, A. L.. et at.Kuhn, U. S. G., 1II, and H. Brown: Ex-

changes with China (letters), 1142Kukla, G. J., and H. J. Kukla: Increasedl

surface albedo in the Northern Hemi-sphere, 709

Kukla. H. J. See Kukla, G. J.Kuilik, C.-L. See Kulik, J. A., et at.Kulik, J. A., et al.: The Keller Plan in sci-

ence teaching, 379Kumar, S. See Broadfoot, A. L.. et at.Kushiro. 1. See Seitz, M. G.Kurland, R. J. See Parrish, R. G., et al.Kuse. A. R. See DeFries, J. C.. et al.


Lacalli, T., and A. B. Acton: Tip growthin Micrasterias, 665

Lai, C. Y., et at.: Amino sequence of rab-bit muscle aldolase and the structure ofthe active center, 1204

Lalke, J. A., and K. R. Leonard: Bacterio-phage strulcture: determination of head-tail symmetry mismatch for Caulobactercresceitus phage IbCbK, 744

Lake, N., and L. M. Jordan: Failure toconfirm cyclic AMP as second messen-ger for norepinephrine in rat cerebellum,663

LaMarche, V. C., Jr.: Paleoclimatic infer-ences from long tree-ring records, 1043

IJamb. R. J.. Jr.: Induistry in the San Fran-


sisco Bay area (Association Affairs), 222Lamport, J. E. See Simpson, J. A., J. H.

Eraker, J. E. Lamport, P. H. WalpoleLANDY, M. See MC DEVITT, H. 0.Laser handbook, F. T. ARECCHI and E. 0.

SCHULZ-DUBOIS (Eds.), book review byA. E. Siegman, 843

Layzer, D.: Heritability analyses of IQscores: science or numerology?, 1259

Lazarus, A. J. See Bridge, H. S., et al.Lead in seawater (meeting report), C.

Patterson, 553Lead pica produced in rats, C. T. Snow-don and B. A. Sanderson, 92

Lecar, M.: book review of The Titus-Bodelaw of planetary distances, 65

Lee, R. E., Jr., See Whitby, K. T., et at.Lehrer, G. M. See Fry, J. M., et al.Leive, L. See Kashket, E. R., et al.LEMBERG, R., and J. BARRETT, Cytochromes.

book review of, 505Lentz, G. See Simpson, J. A., D. Hamil-

ton, G. Lentz, R. B. McKibben, A.Mogro-Campero, M. Perkins, K. R.Pyle, A. J. Tuzzolino, J. J. O'Gallagher

Leonard, K. R. See Lake, J. A.Leonard, R. T. See Nagahashi, G., et at.Lepping, R. P. See Ness, N. F., et al.Leprosy in the armadillo: new model for

biomedical research, E. E. Storrs et al.,851

Lerman, J. C., and 0. Queiroz: Carbonfixation and isotope discrimination by acrassulacean plant: dependence on thephotoperiod, 1207

Levenspiel, O., and N. de Nevers: Theosmotic pump, 157

Levinton, J.: book review of Evolutionarypaleoecology of the marine biosphere,648

Levy, G. S. See Howard, H. T., et al.Lewis, B. J., et al.: Human DNA polymer-

ase III (R-DNA polymerase): distinc-tion from DNA polymerase I and re-verse transcriptase, 867

I EYHAUSEN, P. See LORENZ, K.Lichtenfeld, K. See Soberman, R. K., et al.Lieberman, M. See Riely, C. A., et al.Light flashes observed by astronauts on

Apollo I 1 through Apollo 17, L. S.Pinsky et al., 957

Lijinsky, W.: Instability of N-nitrosamides(letter), 368

Limnology of a small Malayan river SuLn-gai Gombak, J. E. BISHOP, book reviewby H. B. N. Hynes, 65

Linearized heat transfer relations in biol-ogy, G. S. Bakken et al., 976

Lipids and biomembranes of eukaryoticmicr-oorganisms, J. A. ERWIN (Ed.).book review by E. D. Korn, 1287

Lock, (,. S. H.: Tar sand technology(letter). 469

Locomotion of tissue cells, book revieli byC. S. Izzard, 1073

London, W. T. See Mahoney, P., et al.Long journey into tunneling, L. Esaki, 1149I ORENZ, K., and P. LEYHAUSEN, Motivation

of human and animal behavior, bookreviL'w of, 191

Lowery, P. J. See Lowney, L. I., et al.Low-loss niobiulm-tin compound for super-conducting alternating-current power1ransmission applicatiolis, M. Suenagaaad M. Garber, 952

Lowney, L. I., et at.: Partial purificationof an opiate receptor from mouse brain,749

Lozner, E. C., et al.: B-cell alloantigensdetermined by the H-2 linked Ir regionare associated with miAed lymphocyteclilturi-e stimLulation, 757

LUCKEY, T. D. (Ed.), Thymic hormones,hook reviewv of, 66

Lunar surface: identificattion of the darkmantling material in the Apollo 17 soilsatmples, C. Pieters et al., 1191

Lynn, G. E., and '. T. Benitez: Temporalbone preservation in a 2600-year-oldEgyptian mtimmy, 200


Macdougall, D., et al.: Gas-rich meteorites:possible evidence for origin on a rego-lith, 73

Machin, J.: Osmotic gradients across snafiepidermis: evidence for a water barrier,759

Mack, S. B. (News and Comment): Officeof Technology Assessment staffs up, 291;erratum, 769

MacMichael, D. C. See Pozo-Olano, J.deD., et al.

Magnetic field observations near Venus:preliminary results from Mariner 10,N. F. Ness et al., 1301

Magnetic field of Jupiter and its interac-tion with the solar wind, E. J. Smithet al., 305

Magnetic interactions in solids, H. J. ZEIGERand G. W. PRATr, book review by W. P.Wolf, 406

Magovern, G. J.: Safety of medical de-vices (letter), 149

Mahoney, P., et al.: Australia antigen: de-tection and transmission in shellfish, 80

Maimoni, A. See Stephens. D. R., (tal.Major, R. See Quinn, J. B.Mammalian pheromone: identification of

active component in the subauricularscent of the male pronghorn, D. MUller-Schwarze et al., 860

Man against tsetse, J. J. MC KELVEY. JR.,book review by J. D. Gillett, 299

Managers of science (editorial), D. Wolfle,599

Mancuso, T. See Stoeckle, J. D.Mangroves, isopods, and the ecosystem

(letters), S. C. Snedaker and J. T. En-right, 1036

Mannard, A., et al.: Regeneration elec-trode units: implants for recording fromsingle peripheral nerve fibers in freelymoving animals, 547

Many-worlds interpretation of quantummechanics, The, B. S. DE WITT and N.GRAHAM (Eds.), book review by P. G.Federbush, 1189

Mapping human autosomes: evidence sup-porting assignment of Rhesus to theshort arm of chromosome No. 1, W. L.Marsh et al., 966

Nlarathoning (letter), T. J. Bassler, 256Marcus, J. See Romanov, M. A., et al.MARGOULIES, M., and F. C. GREENWOOD

(Eds.), Structure-activity relationshipsof protein and polypeptide hormones,book review' of, 193

Marine advisory programs (letter), H. H.Eckles, 595

Mariner 10 Venuis encounter, J. A. Dunne,1289

Marsh, W. L., et al.: Mapping humanautosomes: evidence supporting assign-ment of Rhesus to the short arm ofchromosome No. 1, 966

Marshall, N. F. See Shepard, F. P., et al.Martian climate: an empirical test of pos-

sible gross variations, T. Owen, 763Martin, W. L. See Howard, H. T., et al.Maruyama, T. See Ewens, W. J., et al. See

(lso5 Yamazaki, T.Marx, J. L. (Research News): biochem-

istry of cancer cells, 1279; cancer vac-cine prospects, 1067; viral carcinogenesisand DNA virtuses, 1066

Mason, W. A., and M. D. Kenney: Re-direction of filial attachments in rhesusmonkeys: dogs as mother suirrogates,1209

Massie, H. R. See Samis, H. V., et al.Mathematical theory of the dynamics of

biological populations, The, M. S. BART-LETT anld R. W. HIORNS (Eds.), book re-view by R. M. May, 1188

M1athews, M. V., et al.: Computers andfuture music, 263

MATOLCSI, J. (Ed.), Domestikationsfor-schung und geschichte der haUstiere,b)oIo review of, 844


BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology)· Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (8)

Matsubara, S., and W. C. Boyd: Hydroly-sis of the lectin of Otala lactea, 339

Maugh, T. H., II (Research News): can-cer and what is it?, 1068; chemical car-cinogenesis, 940; potential carcinogensdetection, 943; RNA viruses, 1181

Mavko, G. See Nur, A.May, R. M.: book review of The mathe-4 matical theory of the dynamics of bio-

logical populations, 1188Mayer, K. See Marsh, W. L., et al.McBride, E. F.: book review of Sedimen-

tary structures of ephemeral streams,298

McCarthy, J.: Energy and the environ-ment (letter), 901

McClearn, G. E. See DeFries, J. C., et al.MeCord, T. B. See Pieters, C., et al.McCormick, R. A.: Air pollutants study

(letter), 1036MC DEVITT, H. o., and M. LANDY (Eds.),

Genetic control of immune responsive-ness, book review of, 507

McDonald, F. B. See Trainor, J. H., et al.McDonough, L. M., and H. R. Moffitt:Sex pheromone of the codling moth,978

McElroy, M. B. See Broadfoot, A. L., et al.McGervey, J. D. See Goudsmit, S. A., et

al.McGinness, J., et al.: Amorphous semi-

conductor switching in melanins, 853MC GUIGAN, F. J., and R. A. SCHOONOVER

(Eds.), The psychophysiology of think-ing, book review of, 1072

Mcllwain, C. E. See Fillius, R. W.McKearn, T. J.: Antireceptor antiserum

causes specific inhibition of reactivity torat histocompatibility antigens, 94

McKelvey, J. J., Jr., Man against tsetse,book review of, 299

McKerrow, J. H., and A. B. Robinson:Primary sequence dependence of thedeamidation of rabbit muscle aldolase,85

McKibben, R. B. See Simpson, J. A.,D. Hamilton, G. Lentz, R. B. McKibben,A. Mogro-Campero, M. Perkins, K. R.Pyle, A. J. Tuzzolino, J. J. O'Gallagher

McLoughlin, P. A. See Shepard, F. P.,et al.

McReynolds, J. S., and A. L. F. Gorman:Ionic basis of hyperpolarizing receptorpotential in scallop eye: increase inpermeability to potassium ions, 658

Meaning of fossils, The, M. J. S. RUDWICK,book review by T. J. M. Schopf, 945

Means, A. R. See O'Malley, B. W.Mechanical properties of bone, F. G. EVANS,book review by J. D. Currey, 67

Meetinzg reports: Beryllium disease, 449;Biotransformations and fermentations,1217; Genetic recombination: genetic,physical, and biochemical aspects, 1218;Gordon Research Conferences, 979;Lead in seawater, 553; Microcalorimetrytechniques: applications to cellular sys-tems, 227; Pharmacology and toxicologyapplied to the treatment of patients,1219; Radiation chemistry of condensedphases: report of a joint Japan-UnitedStates seminar, 881; Rubey conferenceon crustal evolution, 878; The sea andits resources, 224

Melting relations of the Allende meteorite,M. G. Seitz and I. Kushiro, 954

Menck, H. R., et al.: Industrial air polltu-tion: possible effect on lung cancer, 210

Merali, Z. See Singhal, R. L., et al.Mercury: does its atmosphere contain

water?, G. E. Thomas, 1197Merril, C. R. See Friedman, T. B., et al.Mesoscale ocean eddies in the North Pa-

cific: westward propagation, R. L. Bern-stein, 71

Metcalf, R. L.: book review of The chem-istry of organophosphorus pesticides, 506

Metz, W. D. (Neivs andl Comment): heli-um conservation program, 59; uranium


enrichment, 1270; (Research News):moons of Jupiter, 293; update on Mars,187_ and A. L. Hammond (ResearchNews): geodynamics report, 735

Microcalorimetry techniques: applicationsto cellular systems (meeting report), P.D. Ross, 227

Mihalov, J. D. See Wolfe, J. H., et al.Miller, E. J. See Chung, E.MIILLER, L. P. (Ed.), Phytochemistry, book

review of, 1190Miller, W. B.: Reproduction, technology,

and the behavioral sciences (letter), 149Millman, I. See Mahoney, P., et al.MILNES, A. G., Deep impurities in semi-

conductors, book review of, 1284Milton, D. J.: Carbon dioxide hydrate and

floods on Mars, 654Miner, E. D. See Chase, S. C., E. D. Miner,

D. Morrison, G. Munch, G. NeugebauerMiniature end plate potentials recorded

from mammalian myoneural junctionsin vivo, T. B. Hoekman et al., 213

"Miracle" sorghum (letter), H. K. Schnei-der, 596

MISNER, c. W., et al., Gravitation, book re-view of, 1186

MITTWOCH, u., Genetics of sex differentia-tion, book review of, 66

Miyazaki, H. See Chino, H., et al.Mladejovsky, M. G. See Dobelle, W. H.,

et al.Modisette, J. L.: OMB approach to man-

agement (letter), 1141Moffitt, H. R. See Beroza, M., et al. See

also McDonough, L. M.Mogro-Campero, A. See Simpson, J. A.,

D. Hamilton, G. Lentz, R. B. McKib-ben, A. Mogro-Campero, M. Perkins,K. R. Pyle, A. J. Tuzzolino, J. J. O'Gal-lagher

Monolayers and microbial dispersal, R. J.Bandoni and R. E. Koske, 1079

Moog, F. See Yeh, K. Y.Moon, H. W. See Donta, S. T., et al.Moore, F. R. See Mathews, M. V., et al.Moore, J. C., and J. E. Geigle: Slaty cleav-

age: incipient occurrences in the deepsea, 509

Morishima, A. See Nahas, G. G., et al.Morrison, D. See Chase, S. C., E. D.

Miner, D. Morrison, G. Munch, G.Neugebauer

Moser, J. C. See Riley, R. G., et al.MOSSMAN, H. w., and K. L. DUKE, Compar-

ative morphology of the mammalianovary, book review of, 948

Motivation of human and animal behavior,K. LORENZ and P. LEYHAUSEN, book r-e-v'iew by N. T. Adler, 191

Mueller, W. J. See Gay, C. V.Mulholland, J. D.: Definition of the meter

(letter), 1248Muller, C. H.: Human ecology (letter),

368Muiller-Schwarze, C. See Mililer-Schwarze,

D., et al.Miller-Schwarze, D., et al.: Mammalianpheromone identification of active com-ponent in the subauricular scent of themale pronghorn, 860

Multinational corporations (letters), J.deD. Pozo-Olano et al., 469

Munch, G. See Chase, S. C., E. D. Miner,D. Morrison, G. Munch, G. Neugebauer

Munch, G. See also Chase, S. C., R. D.Ruiz, G. Munch, G. Neugebauer, M.Schroeder, L. M. Trafton

Murphy, D. L. See Costa, J. L., et al.Murr, L.: Ordered lattice defects in col-

ored fllorite: direct observations, 206Murray, B. C., et a!.: Venus: atmospheric

motion and struLcture from Mariner 10pictures, 1307

Murray, F. A. See Whitson, G. L.Mycoplasma-like struLctures in the aquiatic

fungus Aphaniomyces astaci, 1. B. Heathand T. Unestam, 434



Nagahashi, G., et al.: The Casparian stripas a barrier to the movement of lantha-num in corn roots, 670

Nagy, L. A.: Transvaal stromatolite: firstevidence for the diversification of cellsabout 2.2 x I09 years ago, 514

Nahas, G. G., et al.: Inhibition of cellularmediated immunity in marihuanasmokers, 419

Nakai, N. See Lai, C. Y., et al.Narayan, O., et al.: Visna virus infection

of American lambs, 1202Natusch, D. F. S., et al.: Toxic trace ele-

ments: preferential concentration in re-spirable particles, 202

Naumann, R. J.: Automotive emissionstandards and fuel economy (letter), 595

Naylor, A. W.: book reviewv of Phyto-chemistry, 1190

Near identity of cognitive structure in twoethnic groups, J. C. DeFries et al.. 338

Neff, N. H. See Garelis, E.Neisser, U.: book review of Visual infor-

mation processing, 402Nelson, D. F. See Rogers, E. H., et al.Neonate movement is synchronized with

adult speech: interactional participationand language acquisition, W. S. Condonand L. W. Sander, 99

Ness, N. F., et al.: Magnetic field observa-tions near Venus: preliminary resultsfrom Mariner 10, 1301

Neste, S. L. See Soberman, R. K., et al.Neugebauer, G. See Chase, S. C., E. D.

Miner, D. Morrison, G. MUnch, G.Neugebauer. See also Chase, S. C., R.D. Ruiz, G. Munch, G. Neugebauer, M.Schroeder, L. M. Trafton

Neural pathways from thalamus associatedwith regulation of aggressive behavior,R. J. Bandler, Jr., and J. P. Flynn, 96

Neurons in rhesus monkey visual cortex:systematic relation between time of ori-gin and eventual disposition, P. Rakic,425

Newman, P. K.: book review of Diseaseand economic development, 1286

Newman, W. A., and T. F. Dana: Acani-thaster: tests of the time course of coraldestruction, 103

News and Comment: agriculture and U.S.-U.S.S.R. detente, 1175; boll weevil andits eradication, 494; "breeder econo-my" and AEC, 1276; budget for fiscalyear 1975, 635; Cliemicals & Health re-port, 395; computer sales to the U.S.S.R.,499; Congress and a jammed agenda,727; congressional press gallery contro-versy, 728; energy in Britain, 57; En-vironmental Protection Agency seversties with industry group, 60; financingU.S.S.R. detente, 1175; boll weevil andpostsecondary education, 731; floatingnuclear plants, 1063; Ford hears scien-tists' concerns, 496; Frederickson and In-stitute of Medicine, 184, 398; helium con-servation program, 59; herbicides andtheir effects in Vietnam, 1177; Hosmer toleave Congress, 398; Institute of Medi-cine scrubs three committees, 937; insur-ance dominates Nixon health message,933; land use legislation, 1176; Lawof the Sea conference, 290; Mars-ton to presidency of the University ofFlorida, 285; Mead elected AAAS pres-ident, 181; medical education, 1272; Na-tional Institutes of Health and its leader-ship, 829; nutrition of U.S. population,1062; off-road vehicles in CaliforniaDesert, 396, 936; Office of Managementand Budget, 180, 286, 392; Office ofTechnology Assessment staffs up, 291(erratuxm, 769); oil shortage, 183; Pen-tagon's R & D clients, 936; photocopyingof journals, 1274; plutonium and the"hot particle problem," 834; prescrip-tion drugs, 284; Presidential Prizes for

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology)· Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (9)


Innovation, 938; "Problems of Forbid-den Knowledge" at AAAS meeting,1060; Proxmire hits research prioritiesat the National Science Foundation,498; Russia and noncooperation withscientists, 61; Salk Institute worth $2.4million to March of Dimes, 937; schizo-phrenia program and U.S.-U.S.S.R. ex-change, 932; Science and AstronauticsCommittee, 1277; science and technolo-gy and its relations with the federal gov-ernment, 497; Sherman to AmericanAssociation of Medical Colleges, 285;Smithsonian Institution's Center forShort-Lived Phenomena, 55; sterilizationregulations, 935; Social Indicators, 1276;Stetten to deputy director for science atNational Institutes of Health, 285; syn-thetic fuels, 641; United States morevulnerable over raw materials, 185;uranium enrichment, 1172, 1270; Veli-kovsky and AAAS forum, 1059; Water-gate tapes and report of expert panel,732; Weinberg leaves Oak Ridge, 60;Weinberg moves to White House, 288;world population and fertility reduction,833

NIETO, M. M., The Titus-Bode law of plan-etary distances, book review of, 65

Nitrification in Paleocene shale, J. F.Power et al., 1077

No easy way out of energy crisis (edi-torial), P. H. Abelson, 475

Noda, H., and W. R. Adey: Excitabilitychanges in cat lateral geniculate cellsduring saccadic eye movements, 543

Nonhistone chromosomal proteins andgene regulation, G. S. Stein et al., 817

Norepinephrine uptake into cerebral corti-cal synaptosomes after one fight or elec-troconvulsive shock, B. L. Welch et al.,220

North Sea science, E. D. GOLDBERG (Ed.),book review by W. Burt, 1286

Norway: small country plans civil scienceand technology, J. B. Quinn and R. Ma-jor, 172

NOVA: programs of new science TV series(Association Affairs), 1216

Nowell, P. C. See Marsh, W. L., et al.Nucleotide metabolism, J. F. HENDERSON

and A. R. P. PATTERSON, book review byA. Kornberg, 507

Null, G. W. See Anderson, J. D., et al.Numerical taxonomy, P. H. A. SNEATH and

R. R. SOKAL, book review by S. J. Gould,739

Nur, A., and G. Mavko: Postseismic vis-coelastic rebound, 204

Nutritional significance of symbiotic bac-teria in two species of hemoflagellates,K.-P. Chang and W. Trager, 531

Observations at Venus encounter by theplasma science experiment on Mariner10, H. S. Bridge et al., 1295

O'Gallagher, J. J. See Simpson, J. A., D.Hamilton, G. Lentz, R. B. McKibben,A. Mogro-Campero, M. Perkins, K. R.Pyle, A. J. Tuzzolino, J. J. O'Gallagher

Ogilvie, K. W. See Bridge, H. S., et al.O'Hanlon, J. F. See Beatty, J., et al.Ohsawa, T. See Casida, J. E., et at.Ohtaki, T. See Chino, H., et al.O'Leary, B. See Murray, B. C., et al.Olins, A. L., and D. E. Olins: Spheroid

chromatic units (v bodies), 330Olins, D. E. See Olins A. L. - -

Olney, C. E. See Bidleman, T. F.O'Malley, B W., and A. R. Means: Female

steroid hormones and target cell nuclei,611

OMB approach to management (letter), J.L. Modisette, 1141

On citations (letter), C. Kittel, 702O'Neal, R. L. See Kinard, W. H., et at.


O'Neil, T. J. See Ku, T.-L., et al.On the directionality of medial forebrain

bundle fibers mediating self-stimulation,J. S. Yeomans et al., 102

On the "square" model of Maya territorialorganization, M. A. Romanov et al., 875

Operant control of occipital theta rhythmaffects performance in a radar monitor-ing task, J. Beatty et al., 871

Operations research (letters), C. H. Wad-dington and A. L. Porter, 1141

Opp, A. G.: Pioneer 10 mission: summaryof scientific results from the encounterwith Jupiter, 302

Optical brighteners (letter), B. J. Kilbeyand G. Zetterberg, 798

Optimization in ecology, M. L. Cody, 1156Ordered lattice defects in colored fluorite:

direct observations, L. E. Murr, 206Orgad, S., and I. R. Cohen: Autoimmune

encephalomyelitis: activation of thymuslymphocytes against syngeneic brain an-tigens in vitro, 1083

Originality and competition in science, J.GASTON, book review by M. R. Quillian,841

Origine du systeme solaire, book reviewby I. Rasool, 504

Orkin, L. R. See Chalon, J., et al.Osborn, E. F.: Coal and the present en-

ergy situation, 477Osborne, W. Z. See Pinsky, L. S., et al.Osmotic gradients across snail epidermis:

evidence for a water barrier, J. Machin,759

Osmotic pump, The, 0. Levenspiel and Nevers, 157

Our environment, A. P. VAN TASSEL (Ed.),book review by M. I. Goldman, 1187

Out of the energy crunch by 1976 (edi-torial), P. H. Abelson, 707

Overmanagement of medicine (editorial),W. C. Wescoe, 155

Owen, T.: Martian climate: an empiricaltest of possible gross variations, 763

OXNARD, c., Form and pattern in humanevolution, book review of, 298


Paddock, R. J. See Ignarro, L. J., et al.Palaeoethnobotany, J. M. RENFREW, book

review by H. C. Cutler, 193Paleoclimatic inferences from long tree-

ring records, V. C. LaMarche, Jr., 1043Palmer, K. J. See Casida, J. E., et al.Papers of the Peabody Museum, Harvard

University, vols. 62-64, book review byW. A. Haviland, 297

Paradoxical increase in rate of catabolistof low-density lipoproteins after hepa-tectomy, A. D. Sniderman et al., 526

Parathyroid hormone effects in rats treatedwith diphosphonate, R. V. Talmage andJ. J. B. Anderson, 661

Parrish, R. G., et al.: Proton relaxationrates of water in brain and brain tumors,438

Parsons, H. M.: What happened at Haw-thorne?, 922

Partial purification of an opiate receptorfrom mouse brain, L. I. Lowney et al.,749

Particle concentration in the asteroid beltfrom Pioneer 10, R. K. Soberman et al.,320

Pask, J. A. See Aksay, I. A.Pasternak, A. D. See Stephens, D. R., et al.Pathologic evaluation and the blind tech-

nique (letter), T. R. Fears and M. A.Schneiderman, 1144

Pattern recognition, learning, and thought,L. UHR, book review by E. Hunt, 403

PATTERSON, A. R. P. See HENDERSON, J. F.Patterson, C.: Lead in seawater (meeting

report), 553Pawley, W. H.: World food situation (let-

ter), 26

PCB's: another source? (letter), P. E.Gaffney, 367

Peakall, D. B.: DDE: its presence in pere>grine eggs in 1948, 673

PEEKE, H. V. S., and M. J. HERZ (Eds.),Habituation, book review of, 649

Penetration of somatic mammalian cell;by sperm, A. A. Bendich et al., 857

Periglacial processes and environments,A. L. WASHBURN, book review by J. T.Andrews, 1285

Perkins, M. See Simpson, J. A., D. Hamil-ton, G. Lentz, R. B. McKibben, A.Mogro-Campero, M. Perkins, K. R.Pyle, A. J. Tuzzolino, J. J. O'Gallagher

Perrin, C. L., and K.-L Ting: Testing ofcomputer-assisted methods for classifica-tion of pharmacological activity, 551

Persistence of cadmium-induced metabolicchanges in liver and kidney, R. L. Sin-ghal et al., 1094

Peterson, R. D. A.: book review of Thymichormones, 66

Pharmacology and toxicology applied tothe treatment of patients (meeting re-port), G. J. Cosmides, 1219

PHILLIPS, J. c., Bonds and bands in semi-conductors, book review of, 403

Phillips, R. L.: Cancer and adventists,(letter), 471

Phloem translocation, M. J. CANNY, bookreview by J. H. Troughton, 68

Phosphate absorption capacity and accli-mation potential in plants along a lati-tudinal gradient, F. S. Chapin, III, 521

Physiology of Insecta, The, M. ROCKSTEIN(Ed.), book review by J. W. Trumanand L. M. Riddiford, 404

Phytochemistry, L. P. MILLER (Ed.), bookreview by A. W. N-aylor, 1190

PICARD, M. D., and L. R. HIGH, JR., Sedi-mentary structures of ephemeral streams,book review of, 298

Piccolino, M. See Cervetto, L.PiCHA, J. See PICK, M., et al.PICK, M., et al., Theory of the earth's grav-

ity field, book review of, 1284Pieters, C., et al.: Lunar surface: identifi-

cation of the dark mantling material inthe Apollo 17 soil samples, 1191

Pinsky, L. S., et al.: Light flashes observedby astronauts on Apollo 11 throughApollo 17, 957

Pioneer 10, C. F. Hall, 301Pioneer 10 infrared radiometer experi-

ment: preliminary results, S. C. Chaseet al., 315

Pioneer 10 mission: summary of scientificresults from the encounter with Jupiter,A. G. Opp, 302

Pioneer 10 mission to Jupiter (editorial),P. H. Abelson, 261

Pioneer 10 observations of the ultravioletglow in the vicinity of Jupiter, D. L.Judge and R. W. Carlson, 317

Piperidine increase in the brain of dormantmice, J. Stepita-Klauco et al., 536

Pitzer, K. S.: book review of Wave me-chanics, 1075

Plague of corn, A, D. A. ROE, book reviewby B. G. Rosenkrantz, 949

Plasma dopamine p-hydroxylase: a pos-sible aid in the study and evaluation ofhypertension, S. M. Schanberg et al.,523

Plum, F. See Vergara, F., et al.Plutonium: biomedical research, W. J.

Bair and R. C. Thompson, 715Point of Viewv: On reading the federal

budget, 832Polansky, J. R., et al.: Brain hyaluroni-

dase: changes in activity during chickdevelopment, 862

Polarized magnetic field fluctuations at theApollo 15 site: possible regional influ-ence on lunar induction, G. Schubertet al., 1194

Pollack, J. B. See Greeley, R., et al.Porter, A. L. See Waddington, C. H.

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology)· Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (10)

Posner, M.: book review of Human as-sociative memory, 1283

Postal, R. B. See Howard, H. T., et al.Postseismic viscoelastic rebound, A. Nur

and G. Mavko, 204Potter, M. See Barstad, P., et al.Power, J. F., et al.: Nitrification in Paleo-

cene shale, 1077Pozo-Olano, J. deD., et al.: Multinational

corporations (letters), 469PRATT, G. W. See ZEIGER, H. J.Predicting success in graduate edtucation,W. W. Willingham, 273

Predictive simulation of the subsidence ofVenice, G. Gambolati et al., 849

Preliminary infrared radiometry of Venusfrom Mariner 10, S. C. Chase et a!.,1291

Preliminary Pioneer 10 encounter resultsfrom the Ames Research Center plasmaanalyzer experiment, J. H. Wolfe et al.,303

Preliminary results on the atmospheres oflo and Jupiter from the Pioneer 10 S-band occultation experiment, A. Klioreet al., 323

Prevention of food-processing wastes, S. R.Hoover, 824

Price, D. See Narayan, O., et al.Price, P. B. See Macdougall, D., et al.PRICE, W. C., et al. (Eds.), Wave mechan-

ics, book review of, 1075Primary sequence dependence of the de-

amidation of rabbit muscle aldolase,J. H. McKerrow and A. B. Robinson, 85

Pringle, J. R. See Hartwell, L. H., et al.Prinz, M. See Dowty, E., et al.Proctor, P. See McGinness, J., et al.Prospectus for science advising (editorial),

E. E. David, Jr., 801Protection of human subjects (letters),

A. M. Capron and A. Etzioni, 797Protein kinase translocation as an early

event in the hormonal control of uterinecontraction, S. G. Korenman et al.,430

Protodolomite synthesis at 1000C and at-mospheric pressure, A. M. Gaines, 518

Proton relaxation rates of water in brainand brain tumors, R. G. Parrish et al.,438

Protons and electrons in Jupiter's magneticfield: results from the University ofChicago experiment on Pioneer 10, J. A.Simpson et al., 306

Protsch, R. See Berger, R.Psychophysiology of thinking, The, F. J.

MC GUIGAN and R. A. SCHOONOVER (Eds.),book review by T. Shallice, 1072

Publishing ethics (letter), E. B. Hook,1246

Pyle, K. R. See Simpson, J. A., et al.

QQueiroz, 0. See Lerman, J. C.Quillian, M. R.: book review of Originality

and competition in science and Socialstratification in science, 841

Quinn, J. B., and R. Major: Norway: smallcountry plans civil science an technol-ogy, 172

Quock, R. M., and A. Horita: Apomor-phine: modification of its hyperthermiceffect in rabbits by p-chlorophenylala-nine, 539


Rabies shots (letter), B. M. Feldmann,1248

Radiation belts of Jupiter, R. W. Filliusand C. E. McIlwain, 314

Radiation chemistry of condensed phases:report of a joint Japan-United Statesseminar (meeting report), A. 0. Allen,881


Radiation effects (letter), C. L. Comar,258

Radiocarbon dates for earliest domesticatedanimals from Europe and the Near East,R. Berger and R. Protsch, 1100

Radioreceptor assay for la,25-dihyroxy-vitamin D3, P. F. Brumbaugh et al., 1089

Radon-222 from the island of Hawaii:deep soils are more important than lavafields or volcanoes, M. H. Wilkening,413

Rainfall in the Amazon Basin (letter),T. C. Emmel, 257

Rajan, R. S. See Macdougall, D., et al.Rakic, P.: Neurons in rhesus monkey vis-

ual cortex: systematic relation betweentime of origin and eventual disposition,425

Ramanathan, S. See Chalon, J., et al.Randall, B. A. See Van Allen, J. A.,

et al.Rasool, I.: book review of L'origine du

systeme solaire, 504Rasool, S. I. See Kliore, A., et al.Raup, D. M.: book review of Form and

pattern in human evolution, 298Ravensdale, T. See PRICE, W. C., et al.Reasenberg, R. D. See Howard, H. T.,

et al.Reddy, B. S., et al.: Fecal bacterial ,3-glu-

curonidase: control by diet, 416Redirection of filial attachments in rhesus

monkeys: dogs as mother surrogates,W. A. Mason and M. D. Kenney, 1209

Reducing automotive emissions (letter),W. G. Agnew, 254

Reduction of ferricytochrome c by somefree radical agents, A. Shafferman andG. Stein, 428

Reese, T. S. See Costa, J. L., et al.Regeneration electrode units: implants for

recording from single peripheral nervefibers in freely moving animals, A. Man-nard et al., 547

Reid, B. J. See Hartwell, L. H., et al."Relevance" of basic science, The (letter),

S. Gale, 473RENFREW, J. M., Paleoethnobotany, book

review of, 193Reproduction, technology, and the behav-

ioral sciences (letter), W. B. Miller, 149Research News: biochemistry of cancer

cells, 1279; cancer and what is it?,1068; cancer vaccine prospects, 1067;chemical carcinogenesis, 940; combi-natorics, the mathematics of discretephenomena, 839; electron-hole droplets,837; frontiers of research in atmosphericmarine science, 736; geodynamics re-port, 735; manganese nodules, 502,644; molecular probes and a new wayto study gene expression, 63; moons ofJupiter, 293; potential carcinogen detec-tion, 943; RNA viruses, 1181; supercon-ducting metals, 293; superconductingwire and how to make it, 294; theo-retical ecology and beginnings of a pre-dictive science, 400; update on Mars,187; viral carcinogenesis and DNA vi-ruses, 1066

Revolution in the earth sciences, A, A.HALLAM, book review by B. C. Heezen,504

Richards, F. M.: book review of Chem-istry and functions of colicins, 1076

Riddiford, L. M. See Truman, J. W.Riely, C. A., et al.: Ethane evolution: anew index of lipid peroxidation, 208

Rieser, L. M.: An invitation for sugges-tions on candidates (Association Af-fairs), 494

Riggs, P. S.: Humidifiers and energy con-servation (letter), 1145

Riley, R. G., et al.: Biological responsesof Atta texania to its alarm pheromoneand the enantiomer of the pheromone,760

Rise up to life, L. BICKEL, book review byH. F. Dowling, 505


Risset, J. C. See Mathews, M. V., et al.Ritchie-Calder, Lord, Global science pol-

icy (editorial), 1147Rivlin, A. M.: Social experiments: prom-

ise and problems (editorial), 35Robbins, M. L. See Kashket, E. R., et a!.ROBERTS, M. J. See CARSON, T. R.Roberts, M. S.: Interstellar hydrogen in

galaxies, 371Robinson, A. B. See McKerrow, J. H.Robinson, A. L. (Research News): elec-

tron-hole droplets, 837; superconduct-ing metals, 293; superconducting wireand how to make it, 294

Robinson, E. See Hobbs, P. V., et al.Robinson, R. R. See Schanberg, S. M.,

et al.ROCKSTEIN, M. (Ed.), The physiology of

Insecta, book review of, 404ROE, D. A., A plague of corn, book reviewv

of, 949Roederer, J. G.: The earth's magneto-

sphere, 37Roelof, E. C. See Trainor, J. H., et al.Roethle, J. See Auerbach, R.Rogers, E. H., et al.: Auroral photographyfrom a satellite, 951

Romano-V., 0. I.: Institutions in modernsociety: caretakers and subjects, 722

Romanov, M. A., et al.: On the "square"model of Maya territorial organization,875

Rosazza, J. P.: Biotransformations and fer-mentations (meetintg report), 1217

Rosenblatt, J. S.: book review of Beha-vioral embryology, 948

Rosenkrantz, B. G.: book rev,iew of Aplague of corn, 949

Ross, P. D.: Microcalorimetry techniques:applications to cellular systems (meet-inzg report), 227

Rossini, A. A., et al.: Beta cell protectionto alloxan necrosis by anomers of D-glu-cose, 424

Rothman, S. S. See Adelson, J. W.Rubey conference on crustal evolution

(mneetinzg report), P. Cloud, 878Rudikoff, S. See Barstad, P., et al.RUDWICK, M. J. s., The meaning of fossils,

book review of, 945Ruiz, R. D. See Chase, S. C., R. D. Ruiz,

G. Munch, G. Neugebauer, M. Schroe-der, L. M. Trafton


Sachs, D. H. See Lozner, E. C., et al.Safety of medical devices (letter), G. J.

Magovern, 149Sakurai, S. See Chino, H., et al.Samis, H. V., et al.: Deuterium oxide ef-

fect on temperature-dependent survivalin populations of Drosophila melano-gaster, 427

Sanborn, B. M. See Korenman, S. G.,et al.

Sander, L. W. See Condon, W. S.Sanderson, B. A. See Snowdon, C. T.Sandoval, F. M. See Power, J. F., et al.Savage, R. C. See Rogers, E. H., et al.Schanberg, S. M., et al.: Plasma dopamine

,8-hydroxylase: a possible aid in thestudy and evaluation of hypertension,523

Schatten, K. H. See Ness, N. F., et al.SCHMIDT, K.-J. See FEST, C.Schneider, H. K.: "Miracle" sorghum (let-

ter), 596Schneiderman, M. A. See Fears, T. R.Scholarly exchanges with the People's Re-

public of China, H. Brown, 52SCHOLTEN, R. See DE JONG, K. A.SCHOONOVER, R. A. See MC GUIGAN, F. J.Schopf, T. J. M.: book review of The

meaning of fossils, 945Schroeder, M. See Chase, S. C., et al.Schubert, G., et al.: Polarized magnetic

field fluctuations at the Apollo 15 site:

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology)· Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (11)


possible regional influence on lunar in-duction, 1 194

Schulz, K. See Lowney, L. I., et al.SCHULZ-DUBOIS, E. O. See ARECCHI, F. T.Schwalbe, C. P. See Cameron, E. A., et al.Schwartz, A. See Goldstein, M. A., et al.Schwartz, K. See Schubert, G., et al.Sciama, D. W.: book review of Gravita-

tion, 1186Science and management techniques, N. G.

Anderson, 726Science: challenges of today-outlook for

the future (Association AfJairs), H. J.Carlson, 104

Scudder, J. D. See Bridge, H. S., et al.Sea and its resources, The (meeting re-

port), H. B. Stewart, Jr., 224Search by Mariner 10 for electrons and

protons accelerated in association withVenus, J. A. Simpson et al., 1318

Sedimentary structures of ephemeralstreams, M. D. PICARD and L. R. HIGH,JR., book review by E. F. McBride,298

Seasonal changes in goldfish learning?,E. J. Fjeringstad and V. E. Shashoua,1321

Seidel, B. L. See Howard, H. T., et al.See also Kliore, A., et al.

Seitz, M. G., and I. Kushiro: Melting re-lations of the Allende meteorite, 954

Selective pancreatic enzyme secretion dueto a new peptide called chymodenin,J. W. Adelson and S. S. Rothman,1087

Selenium biochemistry, T. C. Stadtman,915

Sentman, D. D. See Van Allen, J. A.,et al.

Septal tryptophan-5-hydroxylase: divergentresponse to raphe lesions and para-chlorophenylalanine, J. A. Harvey andE. M. Gal, 869

Serotonin storage in platelets: estimationof storage-packet size, J. L. Costa et al.,537

Sesplaukis, T. T. See Howard, H. T., et al.Sex pheromone of the codling moth, L. M.McDonough and H. R. Moffitt, 978

Sex pheromones: (E,E)-8,10-dodecadien-I-ol in the codling moth, M. Berozaet al., 89

Shackleton, N. J. See Emiliani, C.Shadden, J. See Rossini, A. A., et al.Shafferman, A., and G. Stein: Reduction

of ferricytochrome c by some free radi-cal agents, 428

Shallice, T.: book review of The psycho-physiology of thinking, 1072

Shapiro, I. I. See Howard, H. T., et al.Shapley, D. (News and Comment): Chem-

icals & Health report, 395; Environ-mental Protection Agency severs tieswith industry research group, 60; herbi-cides and their effects in Vietnam, 1177;Law of the Sea conference, 290; Na-tional Science Foundation budget forfiscal year 1975, 640; Presidential Prizesfor Innovation, 938; Proxmire hits re-search priorities at NSF, 498; Russiaand noncooperation with scientists, 61;schizophrenia program and U.S.-U.S.S.R. exchange, 932

Shashoua, V. E. See Fjeringstad, E. J.Shearer, G. M. See Lozner, E. C., et al.Shepard, F. P., et al.: "Internal waves"

advancing along submarine canyons, 195Shimozawa, T. See Suga, N.Shirley, D. L. See Howard, H. T., et al.Should the history of science be rated X?,

S. G. Brush, 1164Siegman, A. E.: book review of Laser

handbook, 843Silica-alumina system: stable and meta-

stable equilibria at 1.0 atmosphere, TheI. A. Aksay and J. A. Pask, 69

Silver, M. J., et al.: Arachidonic acidcauses sudden death in rabbits, 1085


Silverstein, A. M. See Narayan, O., et al.-Silverstein, R. M. See Muller-Schwarze,

D., et al. See also Riley, R. G., et al.Simon, H. A.: How big is a chunk?, 482Simon, W.: "Back-to-the-wall" effect con-

tinues (letter), 150Simpson, J. A., J. H. Eraker, J. E. Lam-

port, P. H. Walpole: Search by Mar-iner 10 for electrons and protons ac-celerated in association with Venus,1318

Simpson, J. A., D. Hamilton, G. Lentz,R. B. McKibben, A. Mogro-Campero,M. Perkins, K. R. Pyle, A. J. Tuzzolino,J. J. O'Gallagher: Protons and electronsin Jupiter's magnetic field: results fromthe University of Chicago experimenton Pioneer 10, 306

Singer, A. G. See Muller-Schwarze, D.,et al.

Singh, R. S., and R. Klein: Genetic het-erogeneity (letters), 700

Singhal, R. L., et al.: Persistence of cad-mium-induced metabolic changes in liverand kidney, 1094

Siscoe, G. L. See Bridge, H. S., et al.Site of biosynthesis of galactolipids in

spinach chloroplasts, R. Douce, 852Site of neural attenuation of responses to

self-vocalized sounds in echolocatingbats, N. Suga and T. Shimozawa, 1211

Size of suspended particle matter in air,The, K. T. Whitby et al., 1098

Skalka, A., et al.: Genetic recombination:genetic, physical, and biochemical as-pects (meeting report), 1218

Skelton, T. D. See Eaton, J. W., et al.Slaty cleavage: incipient occurrences in

the deep sea, J. C. Moore and J. E.Geigle, 509

"Slippery slope" of science, The (edi-torial), A. Etzioni, 1041

Smith, B. F. See Schubert, G., et al.Smith, E. J., et al.: Magnetic field of Jupi-

ter and its interaction with the solarwind, 305

SMITH, G. P., The variation and adaptiveexpression of antibodies, book review of,190

Smith, H. M., Jr., et al.: Inhibition ofneighboring motoneurons in consciouscontrol of single spinal motoneurons,975

Smith, J. B. See Silver, M. J., et al.Smith, R.: book review of Foundations

of scientific method, 946Smith, R. G. See Lewis, B. J., et al.Smyers, W. H. See Castor, G. B.SNEATH, P. H. A., and R. R. SOKAL, Numeri-

cal taxonomy, book review of, 739Snedaker, S. C., and J. T. Enright: Man-

groves, isopods, and the ecosystem (let-ters), 1036

Sniderman, A. D., et al.: Paradoxical in-crease in rate of catabolism of low-den-sity lipoproteins after hepatectomy, 526

Snipes, W. See Keith, A. D.Snowdon, C. T., and B. A. Sanderson:

Lead pica produced in rats, 92Soaring prices and sinking sales of science

monographs, C. G. Benjamin, 282Soberman, R. K., et al.: Particle concen-

tration in the asteroid belt from Pioneer10, 320

Social experiments: promise and problems(editorial), A. M. Rivlin, 35

Social facilitation and development inEphestia kuhniella Z., W. B. Cotter, 747

Social stratification in science, J. R. COLEand S. COLE, book review by M. R. Quil-lian, 841

Sofer, D. See Kahana, E., et al.SOKAL, R. R. See SNEATH, P. H. A.Some aspects of intracellular parasitism,W. Trager, 269

Sonnett, C. P. See Schubert, G., et al. Seealso Smith, E. J., et al.

South Asian archaeology, N. HAMMOND

(Ed.), book review by R. H. Dyson,Jr., 947

Spelsberg, T. C. See Stein, G. S. etal. C

Spheroid chromatic units (v bodies), A. L.Olins and D. E. Olins, 330

SPRADBERY, J. P., Wasps, book review of,192 O

Stadtman, T. C.: Selenium biochemistry,915

Standaert, F. G. See Hoekman, T. B.,et al.

Stastny, P.: HL-A antigens in mummifiedpre-Columbian tissues, 864

Status of women microbiologists, E. R.Kashket et al., 488

Stavinoha, W. B., and S. T. Weintraub:Choline content of rat brain, 964

Steele, J.: book review of The biology ofthe Indian Ocean, 405

Stein, G. See Shafferman, A.Stein, G. S., et al.: Nonhistone chromo-

somal proteins and gene regulation, 817Stein, R. B. See Mannard, A., et al.Steinberg, D. See Sniderman, A. D., et al.Stelzreid, C. T. See Howard, H. T., et al.Stephens, D. R., et al.: Underground coal

gasification (letter), 1036Stepita-Klauco, M., et al.: Piperidine in-

crease in the brain of dormant mice, 536Sternberg, S. S. See Bendich, A., et al.Stevens, R. H. See Korenman, S. G., et al.Stevens, R. K. See Whitby, K. T., et al.Stewart, H. B., Jr.: The sea and its re-

sources (meeting report), 224Stilwell, D. E. See Trainor, J. H., et al.Stimulation of 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3production by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3:Y. Tanaka and H. F. DeLuca, 1198

Stoeckle, J. D., and T. Mancuso: Beryl-lium disease (meeting report), 449

Stokes, J., III, et al.: The university de-partment (letters), 902

Stone, R. A. See Schanberg, S. M., et al.Storrs, E. E., et al.: Leprosy in the ar-

madillo: a new model for biomedicalresearch, 851

Straus, R. See Stokes, J., III, et al.Strom, R. G. See Murray, B. C., et al.Structure-activity relationships of protein

and polypeptide hormones, M. MAR-GOULIES and F. C. GREENWOOD (Eds.),book review by T. A. Bewley, 193

Structure of the proton, R. P. Feynman,601

Strunk, T. H. See Bakken, G. S., et al.Student-faculty evaluation, L. W. Zelby,

1266Stutman, O.: Tumor development after 3-

methylcholanthrene in immunologicallydeficient athymic-nude mice, 534

Suciu-Foca, N. See Nahas, G. G., et al.Suenaga, M., and M. Garber: Low-loss

niobium-tin compound for superconduct-ing alternating-current power transmis-sion applications, 952

Suga, N., and T. Shimozawa: Site ofneural attenuation of responses to self-vocalized sounds in echolocating bats,1211

Suomi, V. See Murray, B. C., et al.Suppressing Drosphila circadian rhythm

with dim light, A. T. Winfree, 970Suppression of nitrogen fixation by blue-

green algae in a eutrophic lake withtrace additions of copper, A. J. Horneand C. R. Goldman, 409

Survival at extreme altitude: protectiveeffect of increased hemoglobin-oxygenaffinity, J. W. Eaton et al., 743

Sutherland, D. J. B. See Singhal, R. L.,et al.

Sweetnam, D. N. See Howard, H. T., et al.Swindell, W. See Gehrels, T., et al.SWINDLER, D. R., and C. D. WOOD, An atlasof primate gross anatomy, book review of,

192Synaptic transmission between photorecep-

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology)· Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (12)

tors and horizontal cells in the turtleretina, L. Cervetto and M. Piccolino,417

Szybalski, W.: The confusion over bac-teriophage OX-174 (letter), 1145


Talmage, R. V., and J. J. B. Anderson:Parathyroid hormone effects in ratstreated with diphosphonate, 661

Tanaka, Y., and H. F. DeLuca: Stimula-ton of 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 pro-duction by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D8,1198

Tar sand technology (letter), G. S. H.Lock, 469

Teegarden, B. J. See Trainor, J. H., et al.TEMKIN, O., Galenism, book review of,

650Temporal bone preservation in a 2600-

year-old Egyptian mummy, G. E. Lynnand J. T. Benitez, 200

Temporal pattern shifts to avoid acousticinterference in singing birds, R. W. Fick-en et al., 762

Terry, W. D. See Lozner, E. C., et al.Testing of computer-assisted methods for

classification of pharmacological activity,C. L. Perrin and K.-L. Ting, 551

Theory of the earth's gravity field, M. PICKet al., book review by Z. F. Danes, 1284

Thomas, G. E.: Mercury: does its at-mosphere contain water?, 1197

Thomsen, M. F. See Van Allen, J. A.,et al.

Thomson, W. W. See Nagahashi, G., et al.Thompson, L. F. See Pinsky, L. S., et al.Thompson, R. C. See Bair, W. J.THORNE, K. S. See MISNER, C. W., et al.Thorson, J., and M. Biederman-Thorson:

Distributed relaxation processes in sen-sory adaptation, 161

Thymic hormones, T. D. LUCKEY (Ed.),book review by R. D. A. Peterson, 66

Thymus adenylate cyclase activity duringmurine leukemogenesis, R. G. Kempand R. J. Duquesnoy, 218

Ting, K.-L. See Perrin, C. L.Tip growth in Mic-asterias, T. Lacalli and

A. B. Acton, 665Titus-Bode law of planetary distances,

The, M. M. NIETO, book review by M.Lecar, 65

Tolerance to heterologous erythrocytes,R. Auerbach and J. Roethle, 332

Tomasko, M. See Gehrels, T., et al.Toole, B. P. See Polansky, J. R., et al.Torpor in an Andean hummingbird: its

ecological significance, F. L. Carpenter,545

Toxaphene insecticide: a complex biode-gradable mixture, J. E. Cassida et al.,520

Toxic trace elements: preferential concen-tration in respirable particles, D. F. S.Natusch et al., 202

Tracheobronchial epithelial multinuclea-tion in malignant disease, J. Chalon etal., 525

Tradition, change, and modernity, S. N.EISENSTADT, book review1 by L. A. Coser,742

Trafton, L. M. See Chase, S. C., R. D.Ruiz, G. Munch, G. Neugebauer, M.Schroeder, L. M. Trafton

Trager, W.: Some aspects of intracellularparasitism, 269. See also Chang, K.-P.

Trainor, J. H., et al.: Energetic particlepopulation in the Jovian magnetosphere:a preliminary note, 311

Transplantation of allogeneic bone marrowin canine cyclic neutropenia, D. C. Daleand R. G. Graw, Jr., 83

Transvaal stromatolite: first evidence forthe diversification of cells about 2.2 xI0' years ago. L. A. Nagy. 514


Trask, N. See Murray, B. C., et al.Troughton, J. H.: book review of Phloem

translocation, 68Truman, J. W., and L. M. Riddiford: book

r-eview of The physiology of Insecta,404

Tuddenham, R. D.: book reiewv of AlfredBinet, 1071

Tumor development after 3-methylcholan-threne in immunologically deficient athy-mic-nude mice, 0. Stutman, 534

Turek, I. See Welch, B. L., et al.Turner, D. L.: Keynesian theory (letter),

702Tuttle, R.: book review of An atlas of

primate gross anatomy, 192Tuzzolino, A. J. See Simpson, J. A., et al.Tyler, G. L. See Howard, H. T., et al.


Udovich, N. See Greeley, R., et al.UHR, L., Pattern recognition, learning, and

thought, book review of, 403Uk, S.: Aid to Indochina (letter), 469Ultraviolet observations of Venus from

Mariner 10 preliminary results, A. L.Broadfoot et al., 1315

Underground coal gasification (letter),D. R. Stephens et al., 1036

Unemployed biologists (letter), D. E.Davis, 1036

Unestam, T. See Heath, I. B.University department, The (letters), J.

Stokes III et al., 902Utterback, J. M.: Innovation in indtustry

and the diffusion of technology, 620


VALENTINE, J. W., Evolutionary paleoecol-ogy of the marine biosphere, book re-viewv of, 648

Van Allen, J. A., et al.: Energetic electronsin the magnetosphere of Jupiter, 309

Vandenberg, S. G. See DeFries, J. C., et al.Vanderstoep, S. F. See Smith, H. M., Jr.,

et al.van Heyningen, S.: Cholera toxin: inter-

action of subunits with ganglioside Gm11,656

VAN TASSEL, A. J. (Ed.), Our environmentbook reviei' of, 1187

Variation and adaptive expression of anti-bodies, The, G. P. SMITH, book reviewvby R. F. Doolittle, 190

Venus: atmospheric motion and structurefrom Mariner 10 pictures, B. C. Murrayet al., 1307

Venus clouds: structure and composition,A. T. Young, 407

Venus: mass, gravity field, atmosphere,and ionosphere as measured by the Mar-iner 10 dual-frequency radio system, H.T. Howard et al., 1297

Vergara, F., et al.: a-Ketoglutaramate: in-creased concentrations in the cerebro-spinal fluid of patients in hepatic coma,81

"Very high alumina basalt": a mixtureand not a magma type, E. Dowty et al.,1214

Villareale, M., et al.: Diphenylhydantoin:effects on calcium metabolism in thechick, 671

Virus Cancer Program (letter), V. Groupe,367

Viscosity of cellular protoplasm, A. D.Keith and W. Snipes, 666

Visna virus infection of American lambs,0. Narayan et al., 1202

Visual information processing, W. G. CHASE(Ed.), book review by U. Neisser, 402

Voluntary or not? (letter), S. A. Goud-smit, 702

VYSKOCII. V. See PICK M.. et al.


wWaddington, C. H., and A. L. Porter: Op-

erations research (letters), 1141Wade, N. (News and Comment): agricul-

ture and U.S.-U.S.S.R. detente, 1175;computer sales to the US.S.R., 499;Ford hears scientists' concern, 496; mil-itary budget for fiscal year 1975, 639;Pentagon's R & D clients, 936; Salk In-stitute worth $2.4 million to March ofDimes, 937; U.S. more vulnerable overraw materials, 185; Watergate tapes andreport of expert panel, 732

Wakeley, P. C. See Zinn, D. J.Wallace J. R. See Natusch, D. F. S.,

et al.Walpole, P. H. See Simpson, J. A., J. H.

Eraker, J. E. Lamport, P. H. WalpoleWalsh, G. P. See Storrs, E. E., et al.Walsh, J. (News and Comment): "breedereconomy" and Atomic Energy Commis-sion, 1276; budget for research and de-velopment for fiscal year 1975, 635;Congress and a jammed agenda, 727;insurance dominates Nixon health mes-sage, 933; Office of Management andBudget, 180, 286; photocopying of jour-nals, 1274; science and technology andits relations with the federal govern-ment, 497

WARREN, A. See COOKE, R. U.WASHBURN, A. L., Periglacial processes and

environments, book review of, 1285Wasps, J. P. .SPRADBERY, book review by

H. E. Evans, 192Wasserman, R. H.: Calcium absorption

and calcium-binding protein synthesis:Solanium malacoxyloni reverses strontiuminhibition, 1092. See also Villareale, M.,et al.

Watanabe, M.: The conception of naturein Japanese culture, 279

Wave mechanics, W. C. PRICE et al. (Eds.),book review by K. S. Pitzer, 1075

Webber, W. R. See Trainor, J. H., et al.Weintraub, S. T. See Stavinoha, W. B.WEISBROD, B. A., et al., Disease and eco-nomic development, book review of, 1286

Weisburger, J. H. See Reddy, B. S., et al.Weiss, H. J. See Willis, A. L., et al.Weissbach, A. See Skalka, A., et al.Weissbarth, S. See Fry, J. M., et al.Welch, B. L., et al.: Norepinephrine up-

take into cerebral cortical synaptosomesafter one fight or electroconvulsiveshock, 220

Wellington, W. G.: Bumblebee Ocelli andnavigation at dusk, 550

Wescoe, W. C.: Overmanagement of medi-cine (editorial), 155

WESTFALL, R. -S. See GIERE, R. N.Whang, Y. C. See Ness, N. F., et al.What happened at Hawthorne?, H. M.

Parsons, 922WHEELER, J. A. See MISNER, C. W., et al.Whipp, S. C. See Donta, S. T., et al.Whitby, K. T., et al.: The size of suspend-

ed particle matter in air, 1098White, B. See Greeley, R., et al.White, V. P., and R. J. Woodrow: Grant

administration (letters), 901White, W., Jr.: Copyright decision (letter),

698Whitson, G. L., and F. A. Murray: Cell

culture of mammalian endometrium andsynthesis of blastokinin in vitro, 668

Wilkening, M. H.: Radon-222 from theisland of Hawaii: deep soils are moreimportant than lava fields or volcanoes,413

Willingham, W. W.: Predicting success ingraduate education, 273

Willis, A. L.: An enzymatic mechanismfor the antithrombotic and antihemo-static actions of aspirin, 325

Willis, A. L., et al.: Acetylenic analog of

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology)· Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (13)


arachidonate that acts like aspirin onplatelets, 327

Willis, W. 0. See Power, J. F., et al.Wilson, J. R. See DeFries, J. C., et al.Wilson, L. G.: book review of Galenism,

650Wilson, W. E. See Whitby, K. T., et al.Wind tunnel simulations of light and dark

streaks on Mars, R. Greeley et al., 847Winfree, A. T.: Suppressing Drosophila

circadian rhythm with dim light, 970Wing, E. S.: book review of Domestika-

tionsforschung und geschichte der haus-tiere, 844

WOLF, T. H., Alfred Binet, book review of,1071

Wolf, W. P.: book review of Magnetic in-teractions in solids, 406

Wolfe, J. H., et al.: Preliminary Pioneer10 encounter results from the Ames Re-search Center plasma analyzer experi-ment, 303

Wolfie, D.: Managers of science (editorial),599

Wong, R. Y. See Casida, J. E., et al.Wong, S. K. See Anderson, J. D., et al.WOOD, C. D. See SWINDLER, D. R.


Wood, J. M.: Biological cycles for toxicelements in the environment, 1049

Woodrow, R. J. See White, V. P.Woodwell, G. M.: Biotic energy flows

(letter), 367World food situation (letter), W. H. Paw-

ley, 26Wynder, E. L. See Hoffmann, D., et al. See

also Reddy, B. S., et al.

Y and Z

Yaes. R, J. See Goudsmit, S. A., et al.Yamazaki, T. See Ewens, W. J., et al.

and T. Maruyama: Evidence thatenzyme polymorphisms are selectivelyneutral, but blood group polymorphismsare not, 1091

Yarkin, R. J. See Friedman, T. B., et al.Yek, K. Y., and F. Moog: Intestinal lac-

tase activity in the suckling rat: influenceof hypophysectomy and thyroidectomy,77

Yeomans, J. S., et al.: On the directional-ity of medial forebrain bundle fibersmediating self-stimulation, 102

Young, A. T.: Venus clouds: structure andcomposition, 407

Young, C.-Y. See Friedman, T. B., et al.Young, J. H.: History of life scienc s

(letter), 798ZASLAVSKY, c., Africa counts, book r-eview

of, 741ZECH, L. See CASPERSSON, T.ZEIGER, H. J., and G. W. PRATT, Magnetic

interactions in solids, book review of,406

ZEITZSCHEL, B. (Ed.), The biology of theIndian Ocean, book review of, 405

Zelby, L. W.: Student-faculty evaluation,1266

Zetterberg, G. See Kilbey, B. J.Zikakis, J. P.: hom*ogenized milk and

atherosclerosis (letter), 472Zin, D. J., and P. C. Wakeley: Forest

planning (letters), 26Zoller, W. H., et al.: Atmospheric concen-

trations and sources of trace metals atthe South Pole, 198

Zwislocki, J. J.: book reviewv of The audi-tory periphery, 845

Zygielbaum, A. I. See Howard, H. T.,et al.

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology)· Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (14)

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Signature. List the authors on thelast page of the text and give a simplemailing address.

Received dates. Each report will bedated the day an acceptable version isreceived in the editorial office.


The Letters section provides a for-um for discussion of matters of gen-eral interest to scientists. Letters arejudged only on clarity of expressionand interest. Keep them short and tothe point; the preferred length is 250words. The editors frequently shortenletters. See instructions for the prepara-tion of manuscripts.

Technical Comments

Letters concerning technical papersin Science are published as TechnicalComments at the end of the Reportssection, They may add information orpoint out deficiencies. Reviews are ob-tained before acceptance.

Book Reviews

The selection of books to be reviewedis made by the editors with the helpof advisers in the various specialties;arrangements are then made with re-viewers. A sheet of instructions accom-panies each book when it is sent to thereviewer.

Cover Photographs

Particularly good photographs thatare suitable for use on the cover aredesired.


BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (Physiology) · Send resume, transcripts, publications, and four letters of recommendation by 30 May 1974 to Dr. Norman E. Gary, Chairman of Search Committee, - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.