Election latest: Rishi Sunak heckled by GP at the end of 'torrid day'; Nigel Farage accused of 'bigotry' during debate (2024)

Election news
  • New poll reveals what public think about PM leaving D-Day events early
  • 'The country is not stupid': Sunak laughs as GP heckles him
  • Farage accused of 'bigotry' in TV debate
  • Sunak apologises for D-Day decision and admits it was a 'mistake'
  • PM says 'it's important we don't politicise this'
  • Starmer says PM will 'have to answer for his own actions'
  • Unite did not endorse Labour's election manifesto
  • Electoral Dysfunction:What could be in the party manifestos?
  • Live reporting by Brad Young
Expert analysis
  • Rob Powell:It beggars belief someone didn't sound the alarm about PM leaving D-Day events early
  • Tamara Cohen:Labour can't believe their luck
Election essentials
  • Battle For No 10:PM and Starmer taking part in Sky News special
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The famous names standing for parliament

Olympic athletes, top musicians and an ex-soap actor are among those standing to become members of parliament at the General Election.

The deadline for candidates to submit their nominations passed earlier today.

Notable names on the list include:

  • Blur drummer Dave Rowntree, Labour, Mid Sussex
  • Double Olympic gold medal rower James Cracknell, Conservative, Colchester
  • Rock star Tom Gray from the band Gomez, Labour, Brighton Pavilion
  • Former Coronation Street actor Marc Anwar, independent, Bury North
  • Gogglebox'sJosh Tapper, Labour, Hertfordshire
  • Olympian Marc Jenkins, Conservative, Gower


Count Binface challenges Sunak for Yorkshire seat

Count Binface has announced he will stand against Rishi Sunak in his Richmond and Northallerton constituency.

Speaking on his podcast, Trash Talk, Binface said it would be like "Fury vs Usyk times a billion" in the July 4 election.

"That's right, I am here right now in Richmond and Northallerton and I can announce that I will be taking on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in electoral combat on July 4.

"You shirked D-Day Rishi, you can't miss the B-Day.

"That's right. Binface vs Sunak is going to be Fury vs Usyk times a billion. Bring it on."

Binface recently came 11th in the London Mayoral Elections, where he earned 24,260 votes.


Analysis: Combative Mordaunt comes out of debate a threat to Sunak

It was reported last weekend that allies of Penny Mordaunt claimed Downing Street was keeping her "in a box" during the election campaign because Rishi Sunak's team see her as a threat.

Well, after her barnstorming performance in a TV debate against politicians from six opposition parties, the Leader of the Commons is well and truly out of her box now. And she mustn't be put back in it.

Her opening words in this 90-minute showdown were explosive. The prime minister, she declared, had been "completely wrong" to leave the D-day ceremonies in Normandy early. No pulling of punches there.

She said the PM was wrong, not once, not twice, but three times. No wonder Number 10 see her as a threat. If this was an audition for a leadership bid after the election, her friends will claim she passed with flying colours.

But once she'd dug her black stilettos out of the PM's back with her opening remarks, after that she was relentlessly on message in hammering Labour on its policies on tax, immigration and crime.

She was at her most combative on the Tories' controversial allegation – first made by Rishi Sunak in his TV debate with Sir Keir Starmer on Tuesday – that Labour is planning a £2,000 tax grab if it wins the election.

This attack triggered the most heated clash of the whole debate, when Mordaunt traded blows with Labour's Angela Rayner on tax. It was a shouting match that went on long after presenter Mishal Husain attempted – but failed - to stop them.

It was all the more heated because the pair were standing next to each other at the end of the row of seven leading politicians, including Nigel Farage, the Lib Dems' Daisy Cooper and the SNP's Westminster leader Stephen Flynn.

For the rest of the debate, Rayner was slightly subdued, rather like Sir Keir had been against the PM on Tuesday. Rayner didn't even attack Sunak about D-day at the start. Nor did Daisy Cooper. Like Sir Keir, his deputy needs to raise her game.

Besides Mordaunt, on D-day Farage claimed Sunak had been unpatriotic and Flynn accused the PM of putting his own political career before public service and Normandy war veterans. Strong stuff.

Mordaunt also tore into Rayner over her previous voting record against renewing Trident. And the brightness of Rayner's red dress wasn't matched by a bright performance in the debate, although she improved as the debate went on. Mordaunt, incidentally, wore Thatcher blue. Remind you of anyone?

Throughout the debate, Farage was typically impish. His quips included claiming Starmer was "very dull" and "Blair without the flair". The PM, he joked, was "slippery Sunak". Yes, he's used those jibes before, but the audience enjoyed them.

Stephen Flynn had his good moments, most notably when he condemned Brexit, an attack on the Conservatives and Labour that the audience enjoyed.

But this debate was about Penny Mordaunt. It was her show, despite the large cast list. If she has been kept in a box by Number 10 up to now, the PM's allies will have been delighted on her attacks on Angela Rayner and Labour's policies.

But they won't have appreciated her blunt – and completely unprompted criticism – of the prime minister over the big story of the day, his D-day snub.

It was a story about a blunder of the PM's own making. It wasn't a gaffe, or an accident. It was sheer bad planning, terrible political judgment, embarrassing and highly damaging to Sunak and the Tory election campaign.

That, apparently was, Penny Mordaunt's view. And she said so. Number 10 won't be happy. A threat? You bet.


Lord Cameron victim of hoax video call

Foreign Secretary Lord DavidCameronhas been the victim of a hoax video call and messages from someone claiming to be the former president of Ukraine.

The government said it was making the incident public to stave off any attempts to manipulate footage of LordCameron.

The Foreign Office said a "number of text messages were exchanged followed by a brief video call between the foreign secretary and someone purporting to be Petro Poroshenko, former president of Ukraine".

Mr Poroshenko served as Ukrainian president between 2014 and 2019, and has remained a prominent figure in the country since leaving office.

"Whilst the video call clearly appeared to be with Mr Poroshenko, following the conversation the foreign secretary became suspicious," the Foreign Office said, adding contact details for other people were requested by the caller.

"Whilst regretting his mistake, the foreign secretary thinks it important to call out this behaviour and increase efforts to counter the use of misinformation."

Politicians have received repeated warnings in recent months about the growing threat of misinformation and disinformation, especially as artificial intelligence technology improves.


Northern Ireland's first minister told to apologise for skipping D-Day commemoration

The prime minister is not the only one whose feet are being held to the fire over D-Day 80th anniversary commemorations.

Northern Ireland's first minister has been criticised for not attending, with only the deputy going instead.

DUP leader Gavin Robinson said it had been an opportunity for Michelle O'Neill to act as a first minister for all.

"With men from across the island being remembered, I am disappointed that the deputy first minister was alone in Normandy and the other half of the joint office was absent.

"When we consider how so many from this island have only been able to openly remember their grandparents' war efforts in recent years, this was a missed opportunity for leadership and reconciliation."

He continued: "The first minister should recognise it was a mistake."

Mr Robinson also accused Rishi Sunak of undermining "the authenticity of the speech" he made at the British Normandy Memorial by departing early.

A spokesperson for the Executive Office said: "The Executive Office [TEO] receives many invitations and endeavours to attend as many events as possible.

"TEO is represented by the first minister, deputy first minister and junior ministers.

"This week, TEO was represented at events including the D-Day commemorations; business awards and the Your Time to Shine female leaders celebration event."


Parties put forward solutions to knife crime at debate

Crime is the last theme of the BBC's debate, with one audience member raising the issue of knife crime.

The Green Party's Carla Denyer says not all crime can be tackled by being "tough", explaining a generation of young people have grown up with services like youth centres closing.

Nigel Farage says "stop and search" must be done "in a very tough way".

"We are seeing a societal decline of law and order in this country," he says.

The Liberal Democrats' Daisy Cooper says the model of policing must be changed, with more community policing engaging with families and faith groups.

She says stop and search can be useful, but "suspicion-less" deployment of it has been used to target people.

Penny Mordaunt, the Conservatives Commons leader, says knife crime in London is "top of the list", but the host points out the West Midlands has a higher rate.

"We need more police and we need police who are embedded in communities," she says.

Labour's Angela Rayner says education and reversing cuts to neighbourhood policing is needed.

Rhun ap Iorwerth, of Plaid Cymru, says decision-making should be made closer to communities, calling for more devolution.

Stephen Flynn, of the Scottish National Party, says tackling poverty as a driver of crime is required, and those in poverty have been failed by the government.


Rayner scripted, Mordaunt polished - Farage enjoying himself

The final 30 second concluding statements are under way. Angela Rayner goes first. "If you want change, vote Labour," she says, though it's as though she's memorising a script rather than talking with passion.

Carla Denyer, of the Greens, says Labour are offering more of the same and Labour has changed into the Tories. She got better as the debate went on. Iorwerth is lively and will have done his party some good here.

Penny Mordaunt is polished. "For a more secure future, vote Conservative," she says. She's been class here and shows why for the Tories, she's an underused asset. Daisy Cooper mentions sewage in rivers for the first time this evening. Why so late?

The last word goes to Nigel Farage, who says that unlike the others he doesn't need an autocue. He's right about that. He's been impish throughout, clearly enjoying himself. We'll see a lot more of him in this campaign. That's why he became party leader, of course!


'What matters to you more: Economic growth or successful climate policy?'

We're staying with the BBC's seven-way political debate between senior figures in the UK's political parties.

"What matters to you more: Economic growth or successful climate policy?" asks an audience member.

Mr Farage says climate policies like net zero are unrealistic and unaffordable.

"Nigel is going to keep your fact-checkers busy for a little while. Farage has been misleading you... so much of what he said there is simply untrue," says the Greens' Carla Denyer.

She criticises Labour for dropping a £28bn green investment pledge earlier this year.

Labour's Angela Rayner says there will be investment including insulating homes and creating green jobs, but oil and gas will be part of the future.

The SNP's Stephen Flynn says Westminster is betraying future generations and his party maintains its commitment to net zero.

"We are facing an ecological emergency", and economic growth can come with tackling it, says the Liberal Democrats, calling for a national insulation scheme.

"Nothing is more important than protecting the environment that you will be living in in future," says Plaid Cymru's Rhun ap Iorwerth.

The Conservatives' Penny Mordaunt says moving to green policies too quickly will "destroy supply chains".


Smaller parties have their moments too

Let's not forget the two lesser known politicians in this line up, Carla Denyer, of the Green Party, and Rhun ap Iorwerth, of Plaid Cymru. At times they've struggled against the big hitters, but they've had their moments, Denyer on climate and ap Iorwerth on tax.

The Plaid leader, a member of the Welsh Senedd, is a good speaker and reveals he used to be a journalist. A proper job! Tall with a chiselled face, he has matinee idol looks and a healthy tan. Must be the Welsh climate! Denyer speaks with passion too.

But it's Mordaunt who is dominating this debate, now with a powerful attack on Labour's energy policy, dismissing the party's plan for a new company called Great British Energy, as "GB - giant bills".

Here we go again, another shouting match between Labour and the Conservatives. With Rayner, in a bright red dress, and Mordaunt, wearing Margaret Thatcher blue, standing next to each other, it makes it easier for them to clash with each other.


Mordaunt says Tories 'hated putting taxes up' - as SNP attacks 'conspiracy of silence' on Brexit

Moving from migration to "working people" now, with an audience member asking senior party figures at the BBC's seven-way debate who will allow them to work to live, not just work to survive.

Labour's Angela Rayner says the country has been "at the mercy of global energy prices" and Liz Truss's mini-budget.

She says a publicly-owned energy company will bring down bills and create jobs.

Penny Mordaunt, the Conservative leader of the House of Commons, says the economy is "doing much better" and "we have got to cut taxes".

Ms Rayner says the government has raised taxes to record levels for 70 years.

"Yeah, we have, and we hated putting taxes up," says Ms Mordaunt.

There is some back and forth, and interruptions, between Ms Mordaunt and Ms Rayner, with some finger pointing from the former.

Audience laughs at Green candidate's joke

"Well that was terribly dignified, wasn't it," says the Green Party'sCarla Denyer when the dust settles, to some laughter from the audience.

She says there is an "inequality crisis", pointing out that some have become wealthier while many struggled in recent years.

Ms Denyer calls for a green economy to bring in jobs and bring down bills, such as a nationwide insulation programme.

A £15 minimum wage is required and the two-child benefit cap should be removed, she says.

Reform's Nigel Farage again calls for immigration to be brought down to net zero and taxes to be cut for middle-incomes.

"To hear Penny Mordaunt, whose government have put the tax burden up to the highest in this country since 1948, pretending they're a tax-cutting party, frankly, it is dishonestly on a breath-taking scale."

Stephen Flynn, from the SNP, draws attention to "cuts baked in" by austerity.

He says there is a "conspiracy of silence" over Brexit, saying it has put up food bills.

"That is why at this election you need to ignore the snake oil salesman who delivered Brexit," he says, pointing to Mr Farage.

Election latest: Rishi Sunak heckled by GP at the end of 'torrid day'; Nigel Farage accused of 'bigotry' during debate (2024)


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