Finding work in Amsterdam: the ultimate guide 2024 (2024)

Table of Contents
🪪 Work permits to work in Amsterdam EEA or Swiss nationals: You are free to work in the Netherlands Non-EEA nationals: You need a permit to work in the Netherlands 📣 Do I need to speak Dutch to work in Amsterdam? 🔎 Where to look for work in Amsterdam 👩‍💻 Check Dutch job-search websites 🔎 Keep an eye on company websites 🤝 Meet with a recruitment agency 🙋‍♂️ Get in touch with your network 📲 Use social media 🎓 Make use of your university’s career centre 📧 Put yourself out there 💼 Check out job fairs 🗂️ Types of jobs in Amsterdam 🛠️ Skilled jobs in Amsterdam 💸 Sponsored jobs in Amsterdam 💪 Jobs that require no vocational training 🧑‍🎓 Student jobs in Amsterdam 📈 What jobs in Amsterdam are in high demand? 🌍 Companies based in Amsterdam that hire internationals 📋 The job application process in Amsterdam Step 1. The job application Step 2. The (first) interview Step 3. The second interview Step 4. The assignment 👌 Tips on how to land your dream job in Amsterdam 🗣️ If you speak languages other than English, use it to your advantage 🗺️ Look (just a tiny bit) beyond Amsterdam 💻 Step up your LinkedIn game 📝 Polish up your resume ✍️ Stand out by getting referrals from previous jobs 🤔 What’s it like to work in Amsterdam? 🏝️ Dutch jobs have a great work-life balance 🍻 Drink with co-workers at after-work borrels 👑 Hierarchy? We don’t know her 👫 Team-building is essential 💰 Salaries when working in Amsterdam 🙋‍♂️ Finding a job in Amsterdam: frequently asked questions Can I work in Amsterdam if I don’t speak Dutch? Do I need a work permit to work in Amsterdam? Does Amsterdam have good job opportunities? How can I find a job in Amsterdam? What’s it like to work in Amsterdam? What jobs are in demand in Amsterdam? What is a good salary in Amsterdam? References

We know what you’re thinking: between work permits, language barriers, and hefty competition, finding work in Amsterdam can be quite the challenge.

But whether you’re just planning to move or already live here, getting a job in the Netherlands doesn’t have to be that hard.

In fact, as an international in the Netherlands, the capital city is probably your best bet. The job market in Amsterdam is booming, and many international companies have set up their headquarters along its gorgeous canals. 😍

Ready to find your dream job in Amsterdam? All you need is that certain know-how — so, strap in for our best tips and tricks on how to make it happen!

We’ve teamed up with the ultimate recruitment agency for internationals to get you all the best tips on how to land that sweet, sweet Amsterdam job. Undutchables have years of experience in matching internationals to Dutch jobs, so who knows, maybe they’ve got just the right match for you too! Curious? Find jobs in Amsterdam now. 🇳🇱

Ready to find work in Amsterdam

  • 🪪 Work permits to work in Amsterdam
  • 📣 Do I need to speak Dutch to work in Amsterdam?
  • 🔎 Where to look for work in Amsterdam
  • 🗂️ Types of jobs in Amsterdam
  • 📈 What jobs in Amsterdam are in high demand?
  • 🌍 Companies based in Amsterdam that hire internationals
  • 📋 The job application process in Amsterdam
  • 👌 Tips on how to land your dream job in Amsterdam
  • 🤔 What’s it like to work in Amsterdam?
  • 💰 Salaries when working in Amsterdam
  • 🙋‍♂️ Finding a job in Amsterdam: frequently asked questions

🪪 Work permits to work in Amsterdam

First things first: the bureaucracy (boooo-ring!). 🥱

But yes, before you can start your journey of finding work in Amsterdam, you’ll need to have a valid permit that allows you to work in the Netherlands. You will most likely fall under one of the two following categories:

EEA or Swiss nationals: You are free to work in the Netherlands

If you’re already a citizen of an EEA (European Economic Area) or Swiss country, then you’re free to move to the Netherlands and start working right away. No extra permits needed. ho*ra! 🥳

The only thing that these lucky people must not forget is to set up their Burgerservicenummer (BSN) upon arrival in the Netherlands.

You will get this handy number when you register at your municipality, and it lets you apply for almost everything you need for life in the Netherlands — including a job.

Finding work in Amsterdam: the ultimate guide 2024 (1)

Non-EEA nationals: You need a permit to work in the Netherlands

For Non-EEA passport holders, things are a little more complicated. If you fall under this category, then you need to get a valid residence and working permit before finding a job in Amsterdam. 🪪

There are two types of work permits for non-EEA nationals: the tewerkstellingsvergunning – TWV (work permit) and the gecombineerde vergunning voor verblijf en arbeid – GVVA (combined residence and work permit).

READ MORE | Can I work in the Netherlands? Complete guide to work permits and visas to land a Dutch job

If you’re a highly-skilled migrant from a non-EEA country, you might come to the Netherlands on a so-called highly-skilled migrant visa.

To get one of those, you will need to land a sponsored job with an employer that is recognised by the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

📣 Do I need to speak Dutch to work in Amsterdam?

The short answer to this question is nee, you technically don’t need to speak Dutch to get a job in Amsterdam.

In a city where almost one in every three people is an international, it’s no surprise that English is spoken everywhere. Add to that the thousands of tourists that flock to Amsterdam each year, and boom: you have the perfect conditions for a highly international and English-speaking job market.

Finding work in Amsterdam: the ultimate guide 2024 (2)

As a result, working in Amsterdam often requires no to minimal Dutch, and especially jobs in hospitality and retail are easily available to non-Dutch speakers, thanks to the many tourists. 🙌

It’s worth mentioning, however, that your native-Dutch-speaking competition on the job market speaks near-impeccable English as well.

That means that if an employer has to choose between you and a Dutchie, chances are that they might be inclined to go with the latter — unless you can outshine them with your skills and experience, of course.

It’s also nice to learn at least some Nederlands for various reasons, such as the social aspects of your job (did anyone say after-work borrels?), client contact, in-company growth opportunities, and general integration into your new home. 🇳🇱

🔎 Where to look for work in Amsterdam

Now for the nitty-gritty: where do you start looking for your Amsterdam dream job? How do you navigate the Dutch job market? And what the frikandel is a vacature?

There are plenty of options for anyone that’s on their “finding work in Amsterdam” journey, so let us help you out.

👩‍💻 Check Dutch job-search websites

The first and most obvious place to start looking for work in Amsterdam is on Dutch job-search websites, also called vacaturebanken (vacancy banks) in Dutch.

The Netherlands has plenty of these websites, which are regularly updated with the freshest job offers.

The best part? Most of them let you filter by language and location — so just select ‘English’ (or any other language you may speak) and ‘Amsterdam’ and ta-da! Alternatively, you can simply put ‘English’ as a keyword into your search bar.

The most popular job-search sites for internationals to find a job in Amsterdam include:

🔎 Keep an eye on company websites

Got a company in mind that you would love to work for? Great, make sure to keep an eye on their own website to see their latest openings!

This can be advantageous because it allows you to search for jobs within the company of your choice, and find vacancies which may not have been posted on regular job-searching websites.

READ MORE | 13 companies in the Netherlands that hire internationals

You can usually find this information by scrolling all the way down on a company’s website. In fine print, it should say something along the lines of “Careers at [company]” or “Werken bij [company]” (Work for [company]).

🤝 Meet with a recruitment agency

When it comes to finding work in Amsterdam, especially if you don’t already live in the Netherlands, your best bet may be to reach out to the pros — a recruitment agency.

Recruitment agencies act as the bridge between employees and employers. Their agents assist job-seekers in things such as finding new opportunities, preparing their applications, and even negotiating contracts.

When it comes to recruitment agencies, we recommend you meet with the best of the best: Undutchables. A pioneer in multilingual recruitment, Undutchables helps internationals navigate the Dutch job market and advance their careers in the Netherlands. Explore job openings in Amsterdam 👉.

🙋‍♂️ Get in touch with your network

If you know other internationals that were successful at finding a job in Amsterdam, reach out to them! They know the struggles and may be able to give you leads you haven’t considered yet.

It is especially useful if you know someone that works within your field, or at a company you’d like to work with. They might have heard of positions that are about to open, or are able to pass your resume on to a superior. It’s worth a shot!

📲 Use social media

No network? No problem! The wonders of social media are just a click away and can help facilitate your journey to finding a job in Amsterdam.

Finding work in Amsterdam: the ultimate guide 2024 (3)

The obvious choice here is LinkedIn, the business and employment-focused social media platform where you can easily look up a company’s employees, and directly reach out to them.

READ MORE | 10 things to know before finding work in the Netherlands as an international

Besides LinkedIn, good ol’ Facebook can help you in your quest of finding work in Amsterdam. It has plenty of groups for internationals, where English-speaking jobs in the Netherlands are regularly posted.

Facebook can also be extremely handy in finding student jobs, such as babysitting or dog walking gigs. 🦮

🎓 Make use of your university’s career centre

If you’re a recent graduate from a Dutch university, your school’s career centre should be your go-to place for anything career-related.

Universities often have their own job boards targeted to recent alumni, and sometimes they even have partnerships with companies in order to connect their students with potential employers.

But the benefits don’t stop there, and university career centres offer many great services to give students and alumni the tools necessary to make successful career choices. Some of their services include things such as resume and cover letter reviews, interview preparation, and career counselling.

📧 Put yourself out there

This one may require some big bitterballen (if you know what we mean), but it’s worth giving a shot! Instead of waiting for the perfect job to find you, you can simply reach out to companies you’d like to work with.

This is called cold-emailing or cold-calling, and is about as direct as it gets — even in the Netherlands. The best that can happen? You get an interview. The worst? You get no response. 🤷

But even if the company of your choice has no suitable openings at that moment, they might get back to you when they do. And if not, they’ll remember you as someone who is eager to work hard — and that’s a good reputation to have!

💼 Check out job fairs

If all else fails, why not go the old-school way by attending a job fair? The Amsterdam area hosts events like these quite regularly, and many of them are directly aimed at internationals.

Finding work in Amsterdam: the ultimate guide 2024 (4)

Here, you get a chance to talk to recruiters, connect with employers from the area, get to know new companies, and visit interesting workshops and presentations from within your field.

You can find upcoming job fairs in the Amsterdam area by simply typing “job fair Amsterdam” into Google.

🗂️ Types of jobs in Amsterdam

Where you look for work in Amsterdam will also be dependent on the kind of job you are in the market for.

If you’re looking for a student job at a restaurant, for example, it may be easiest to just walk through the streets of Amsterdam and be on the lookout for recruitment flyers or posters.

READ MORE | Unemployment benefits in the Netherlands: what you need to know [year]

Finding a job in Amsterdam in tech, however, is probably easier on the world wide web. 💻

Broadly speaking, there are four categories of jobs that you may encounter in your Amsterdam job search.

🛠️ Skilled jobs in Amsterdam

A skilled job is any kind of work that requires a formal education — be it a university degree, technical training, or a special certification.

Finding work in Amsterdam: the ultimate guide 2024 (5)

💸 Sponsored jobs in Amsterdam

If you fall in the pool of Non-EEA residents, then you have probably already heard of sponsored jobs in Amsterdam. A sponsored job refers to employment where your employer helps sponsor your work visa.

The employer, who must be recognised by the IND, thinks you’ll do such an amazing job at their company, that they’re willing to vouch for you at immigration. These jobs are very well-paid and, therefore, highly sought-after. Competition is tough!

💪 Jobs that require no vocational training

Besides jobs that demand vocational training, Amsterdam also has lots of work that doesn’t necessarily require specific education.

Here, you’ll mostly be trained on the job, where you learn to do all the tasks you’ll be responsible for. Under this category, you’ll find positions like sales associates, cleaners, and waiters.

Amsterdam always has many such positions available, and thanks to the many tourists and internationals, English is usually enough to land one of them. Whether you want to work at a bar, a clothing store, in a hotel, or as a delivery driver, the options are (pretty much) endless!

🧑‍🎓 Student jobs in Amsterdam

Last but not least: student jobs. Yup, those of you that are attending university in Amsterdam have to find some way to pay for rent (and the occasional beer, or three 👀)!

Student jobs in Amsterdam are usually part-time or weekend-based, and typically range from anywhere between five and 20 hours per week. Many students work for stores or restaurants, their university, or use apps to dogsit, tutor, or babysit.

Finding work in Amsterdam: the ultimate guide 2024 (6)

Besides that, many internships in Amsterdam are also open to English-speaking applicants, and can be a great way to kick-start your career. 💪

If you’re unsure about your student-work limitations in the Netherlands, make sure to thoroughly check your visa requirements!

📈 What jobs in Amsterdam are in high demand?

Depending on your industry or field of interest, finding a job in Amsterdam may be harder or easier for you.

Currently, the following fields are most in-demand in Amsterdam, so if you have experience or training in one of them — good for you!

In-demand fields in Amsterdam that require no specific training:

  • Cleaners
  • Waiters and waitresses
  • Sales associates
  • Movers and delivery drivers

In-demand jobs in Amsterdam that require some form of vocational training:

  • Electricians
  • Plumbers
  • Painters
  • Mechanics of industrial or agricultural machines
  • Carpenters

In-demand fields in Amsterdam that require a university degree:

  • IT and data science
  • Business
  • Finance
  • Aerospace
  • Health and life sciences
  • Engineering
  • Project management
  • Science and research

🌍 Companies based in Amsterdam that hire internationals

One of the reasons why Amsterdam is so densely populated by internationals is because plenty of English-speaking companies (that we all know and love) have their headquarters here.📍

And if you’re already a loyal customer, why not become an employee too? Here’s your pick of companies in Amsterdam that hire internationals:

READ MORE | 13 companies in the Netherlands that hire internationals

📋 The job application process in Amsterdam

Have you found an interesting vacancy? Time to apply! The job application process in Amsterdam is generally the same across most companies, and can consist of anywhere between two and five steps.

Step 1. The job application

First things first: the application. Of course, in the process of finding a job in Amsterdam, the first step is to apply for the vacancy of your choice.

READ MORE | A guide to CVs and job Interviews in the Netherlands

For this, you’ll generally be asked to submit your CV to a recruiter (often accompanied by a cover letter), via e-mail or a job application form.

Step 2. The (first) interview

If the company you’re applying to likes your CV, they’ll invite you in for an interview. This is when you’ll get to talk to either a manager (if you’re applying for a job in a store or a smaller company, for example) or a person from HR (in most bigger corporations).

Finding work in Amsterdam: the ultimate guide 2024 (7)

The hiring manager’s main goal here is to simply get to know you, and find out if you’re a good fit for their team. In some sectors, this first interview will also be the last, and you’ll shortly know whether or not you’re hired.

Step 3. The second interview

For many jobs that require a university education, the job application process goes into the next phase with a second interview.

During this meeting, you’ll be interviewed by people that are higher up in the company’s hierarchy, and the questions will revolve more around your professional skills and expertise. 🤓

Step 4. The assignment

The hardest stage is often the third and last one: an assignment for the company. Not every kind of job will ask for one of these, but if they do, this is your chance to blow their socks off.

An assignment often comprises two or three tasks that ask you to demonstrate knowledge across various topics related to your desired position. Bring your A-game!

Finding work in Amsterdam: the ultimate guide 2024 (8)

If you manage to impress the hiring managers in all stages, the job is yours! Now all that’s left to do is sign your paperwork and get to work.

👌 Tips on how to land your dream job in Amsterdam

We know what it’s like: Once you’ve got your heart set on working in Amsterdam, hypnotised by spinning bike wheels and turning windmills, there’s no going back.

Let’s make sure you can stand out from the crowd and make that dream come true!

🗣️ If you speak languages other than English, use it to your advantage

Amsterdam-based companies are at the heart of Europe and do business with firms from all across the globe. If you speak any language other than English, that’s a huge asset to your resume!

READ MORE | 7 bizarre things about being German and working in the Netherlands

Languages from the Netherlands’ closest neighbours are in the highest demand: German, French, or Scandinavian languages in particular.

🗺️ Look (just a tiny bit) beyond Amsterdam

Many companies that hire internationals operate from places just outside of Amsterdam, such as Hoofddorp, Schiphol, or Amstelveen.

These locations are just a stone’s throw away from the capital, but they can seriously increase your number of potential job positions. The best part? The Dutch public transportation network is super reliable and accessible.

Finding work in Amsterdam: the ultimate guide 2024 (9)

If you have your heart set on living in Amsterdam (and don’t mind a short commute), you should consider slightly expanding your search radius. Oh, and if you’re lucky, your company will even pay for your travel cost!

💻 Step up your LinkedIn game

LinkedIn is HUGE in the Netherlands — and it’s almost guaranteed that HR will look you up there before inviting you in for an interview. Therefore, your profile should look fresh as a tulip at all times. 🌷

If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile yet, this is your sign to make one. If you do have one, this is your sign to update it.

📝 Polish up your resume

Time to Dutchify your CV! Yup, the Netherlands has its very own practices when it comes to resumes. Make sure you follow them to increase your chances of finding work in Amsterdam.

✍️ Stand out by getting referrals from previous jobs

The Amsterdam job market may be booming, but so is your competition. We’ve gotta make sure you stand out!

A great way to do so is by getting referrals from a previous supervisor. Not only will this give your future employer a better impression of who you are and how you work, but it will also make you stand out from other candidates.

Tip: If you don’t want to ask your old boss for a letter of recommendation, maybe one of your old colleagues will be happy to write you a LinkedIn referral. They can endorse certain skills or leave a full review of your work. This will make your LinkedIn profile shine!

🤔 What’s it like to work in Amsterdam?

Congrats, you landed your dream job in Amsterdam! Time to get ready for your first day — but what can you expect?

Working in Amsterdam can be quite different from working in other places, and the Dutch working culture is generally considered pretty laid-back and informal.

READ MORE | 7 ways a Dutch job is different

While this is great, it may take some time to get adjusted to, especially if you come from a country where the work culture is more formal.

🏝️ Dutch jobs have a great work-life balance

The Dutch don’t live to work; they work to live! The Netherlands consistently ranks in the top 10 countries that enjoy the best work-life balance IN THE WORLD.

In most workplaces,by 5 PM sharp, laptops are closed, the brain is shut off, and people head out the door. Where to? A bar. A coffeeshop. A boat. A friend’s house. Paris? The possibilities are endless.

The best part? You’ll also benefit from a minimum of 20 days of paid vacation!

🍻 Drink with co-workers at after-work borrels

An integral part of your new career in Amsterdam will be after-work borrels. These get-togethers among co-workers usually take place on Fridays, and even have their own fun name: VrijMiBo, a.k.a. Vrijdag Middag Borrelen (Friday afternoon drinks).

Finding work in Amsterdam: the ultimate guide 2024 (10)

Here, you’ll be sharing a cold biertje (beer), a borrelplank (snack platter), and some great chats with your team — all in the name of unwinding from a busy work week.

👑 Hierarchy? We don’t know her

Speaking of drinking with your co-workers, be prepared to have a very amicable relationship with your boss as well.

While work hierarchy is a given in most other countries, it typically isn’t that big of a factor when working in Amsterdam. Here, people are appreciated for the work they do, not the position they hold. How leuk!

👫 Team-building is essential

Many businesses in Amsterdam emphasise the importance of team-building. HR departments are very proactive in putting together activities that will help you get to know your co-workers, and improve the overall relationship within the team.

This can range anywhere from a nice dinner among colleagues to a weekend trip to the Dutch coast.

💰 Salaries when working in Amsterdam

Like any major city, Amsterdam has a very wide range of salaries. If you succeed at finding a job in Amsterdam, your wage will largely depend on factors such as job type, industry, level of experience, and your company’s size.

That being said, according to Payscale Inc., the median gross salary (before taxes) of an expat in Amsterdam is €52,000 per year.

READ MORE | Salaries in the Netherlands: the ultimate guide to Dutch wages

However, salaries can vary significantly between industries and levels of experience. For entry-level positions or jobs that require minimal qualifications, the average salary might be lower, ranging from €25,000 to €40,000 annually.

On the other hand, highly skilled professionals in sectors such as IT, finance, or engineering may earn somewhere between €70,000 and €100,000 or more per year. 💸

Although the process of finding work in Amsterdam can be quite a challenge, all your sweat and tears will have been worth it once you sign that sweet, sweet work contract.

That said, we wish you the best of luck —you’re in for an adventure of a lifetime!

Do you have any valuable tips on finding a job in Amsterdam? Tell us in the comments below!

🙋‍♂️ Finding a job in Amsterdam: frequently asked questions

Can I work in Amsterdam if I don’t speak Dutch?

Do I need a work permit to work in Amsterdam?

Does Amsterdam have good job opportunities?

How can I find a job in Amsterdam?

What’s it like to work in Amsterdam?

What jobs are in demand in Amsterdam?

What is a good salary in Amsterdam?

Finding work in Amsterdam: the ultimate guide 2024 (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.