Hattiesburg American from Hattiesburg, Mississippi (2024)

NINE HATTIESBURG (MISS.) AMERICAN HATTTESBTJRG (MTSS.) Friday, June 8, 1951 Friday, June 8, 195 brata the bonanza. That's a whing-dlng whale feast. ajaga Westbrook Pegler k. latar aaaagggaam larceny, robbery, petty larceny and assault to rob and violation of tne BaMta laws. His sentences wart for 10 days, ten months and one year.

The west is booming and the population Is growing even in the desert as the government expands its war program. The harpies of the great crime syndicate, the union racket, are flocking to tha new Blame Ignored Order For Train Wreck Which Killed 6 i cantonments and industrial plants, Paris, said the orders to stags af Hematite were received by him and Miller, but added that he waa tos unnerved by the wreck to offer aa explanation of why they were not carried out. The trains crashed on a stretch of single track, not equipped with block signals, two miles north ft arrr-HORie Dies1! engines were demolished, and three cara of the local and two of the Pan American wrecked beyond repair. The other dead were H. Johnson, 53, Paris; Buck Hagan and Harold Glen.

Bowling Green; Tom Dtl-lahay, Dixon Springs, and J. A. Richardson, 60, Paris, engineer on 103. Two beehives and a crate of baby chicks broke open In the plleup. Some rescue workers got atung.

Tha chicks' shrill "cheeps" and tha whines of four unhurt puppies mingled with the cries of the injured, The noted Swiss painter, Holbein, long made his living by painting signs. PICK TRACY Chester MICKEY FINN "-iwiartfWlligw. Bt Lank Leonars WM now. bomnv braids, 1 fiwFsAv mer stuoo ft I aWsmSi 1 ZTWkmmumM 7W Mjl gpS -ruie: uin i ae -rue- at tui1; ADTO tcrr US SHE HfM- KiDD(N JP2f. 3p.

life- -Pae SOMP thing 1 if a KWG PWSrwT w5 GOSm. HE a WaJBerMt OM-HOW THf- a. i Tr ArT AN ASSISTANT bj; WAT I FOflGOT TO MLWM m.mblM JMNtB SuWa MU wf WTO Td4 SN I LLBCVWUL Bt Jl TWAMT TP BjSmEfig Ur Sfeg'S MM PeflTPO PW RuD I aye I -L 'I I TrL. 'i "''si "fllaits an ia, gjjgyl jggwfciilllf ft are repeating the performance of the period between 1938 and 1945 when rogues bearing credentials from the A.F. of L.

and the C.I.O., preyed on millions of workers, retarded production and added billions to the cost of making it possible for the young fighting men to protect them. The West has had little experience in dealing with such rascals and may have to learn the hard way. asBisa. CLARKSVILLE. June 8 OP) Because an order was not followed, six trainmen died when two Louisville and Nashville passenger trains met head-on yesterday six miles southwest of here, Thirteen passengers were injured, one critically, when the Pan American, northbound from Memphis, and southbound local No.

103 out of Bowling Green. came together In a rainstorm. R. C. Parsosn.

L. and N. general a YOU CAN IAT YOUR OATS AND HAVI IT TOOThe oats in the picture above, 70 acres of it, fed 75 cattle for 65 days and then waa allowed to go to seed, producing 37 bushels per acre of high quality oats. In the picture above, left to right, are: Howell Downing on the combine; Solomon Saucier, on the tractor; N. S.

Hand, Forrest county agent; J. V. Stewart, firm owner; and L. B. Saucier.

The farm is located near Carterville. (Staff photo by John White). Marine Gets Life For Slaying Wife manager, said at Louisville, Ky that the Pan American's engineer and conductor had written orders to stop at Hematite, to let the local pass. No. 103 was running two SO EASY I al.

Joseph 1 hours lste. The engineer. 54-year-old W. MOTHERS present inflated prices, whale meat, or muk tuk. Is bringing a dollar a pound in Eskimo villages where defense projects and oil exploration work has provided the natives with plenty of cash.

The Eskimo village at Point Hops has scheduled a "nlllkstuk" to cele- row, the northernmost tip of the continent, and four near Kotzebue, northeast of Bering strait. They have caught inflation, too. At Miller of Parte, was killed TO GIVE The conductor. C. P.

Vaster, also of By WESTBROOK FKGLER (C'opyrifbt. 1951. King Features Syndicate, lac). James King, the goon who helped hi. ft In crime.

Ralph Howard Alsup, to escape from the Las Vegas union hall the night that Algety shot a poor working still Bt reason at all. is a more vicious thug and all-around criminal than AJsup. himself. These two vermin control the oouncll of Clark county, Nevada, which Includes Las Vegas and a lot of tax-supported gov-CffBBterit projects, whose employees are forced to pay tribute to such public enemies. They are two of the worst union racketeers that I have encountered In a fifteen-year campaign which has turned up Browne, Bloff.

Sca-gV Hove and so many other rtptilian specimens in the team-ters', boilermakers', laborers', and operating engineers' unions that a rtter would crowd out the rest of this piece. How It happens that they haven't been plugged by some rough guv among their subjects, or ridden out of town or strung up by vigilantes I will not try to explain except to observe that men engaged In the horny-handed lines of toll, such as stevedores, are notoriously docile under the rule of gun-men. They fight in saloons and do more or less social killing In personal maladjustments but the tougher they are in song and story, the more craven they are under union terror. Alsup's criminal record has been thoroughly canvassed here and If you weren't listening you have only yourself to blame for believing those unblushing accomplices of the master crime syndicate of them all who write pieces out of Washington and New York describing the master-goons as "labor-leaders." Alsup is heavy with titles. He is president and secretary of the Central Labor council of the A.F.

of L. for Clark county, president of the County Council of Metal Trades; business agent of the local Plumbers' union MB Vice president of the Nevada federation. He has been con- victed of seven crimes, has served ten years In prison out of a total of 33 years on all charges and is registered as an ex-convict under Ne-Tad law. In Texas he was pardoned after five convictions. Notwithstanding his crime of shooting a union man who was peacefully appealing a problem to King, as business agent of the local Painter's union, in a naive belief that he could expect justice from this gun-man, Alsup Is still the plenipotentiary union boas of Clsrk county and onlv a feeble local opposition has been started.

This is tainted with the ambitious rivalry of another group which might be no better. During Alsup's trial for shooting Rav Folsom on Dec. 3 1949. Fol-som swore that King, the business agent of his own union, the Painters', helped Alsup to escape. Kim's title of business agent for the Painters' union is a petty one and not.

indicative of his power as Alsup's henchman. Alsup's power increased when Tom Hsnlev. of the Sheet Metal workers, which Is more reputable than most A.P. of L. unions, was made international vice president and international representative and took to the road, supervising the dealings of his union In California.

Arizona and New Mexico. Alsun succeeded him as secretary of the council. In effect, Alsup and King kicked Hanlcv upstairs and they now control Clark county. King's record in the FBI begins with a Job on a phone-booth coin box In Crown Point, Ind in 1921. For this job he got from one to eight years under the name of Harry Ryan.

In 1924 as Thomas Giles, he was fined $200 and costs for busting a telephone coin box in Oak Park, 111. In 1926 he got a vear on the state farm at Oreencastle. Ind for larceny and broke Jail within a month. For the escape he got from one to five years at the Pendleton. reformatory.

He was paroled. Between 1931 and 1933 he was arrested In Los Angeles, Berkeley. Chicago and Evanstbn, Hl as James Ryan, James Bailey and James King, but was not convicted. As James King, however, he got from one year to life in Chicago i'y armed robbery and served time fn Jollet prison until June 16, r942, when he was paroled. The records of the war department show that the same man applied for government work a painter In 1942 and 1943.

The records of the Las Vegas police department contain his registration as an ex-convict, In March 1946. The FBI memorandum notes other arrests In Chicago on charges of gambling, DETROIT, June 8 () The poor boy-rich girl marriage of Albert Daly and Virginia Hebb has completed its tragic last chapter. Daly, 22, a Marine Corps privata. was convicted of first degree murder yesterday for the shotgun slaying of Virginia, also 22. A Circuit court Jury of nine man and three women took eight and one-half hours to arrive at the verdict.

It means life imprisonment. Daly, wearing Marine dress blues, paled at the verdict. He was led handcuffed from the courtroom. The story began in 1949 when Albert met Virginia at a dance in fashionable Grosse Pointe. Three weeks later, they eloped.

Daly claimed his mother-in-law, Mrs. Pauline Hebb. widow of that all the coats will sell for leu than $200 and will be guaranteed to wear two years. Girls: Our Clothes Must Match -it- gaa rrV TO SPEAR 'LOOK FOP HAvB VOL) A (5LASSES COULD rT)fcAc OAVM4 Cam loudec. i seew yOjrshe doh't hear a 7 A Buildings, uesigner ueciares Navy Enlisted Man wealthy manufacturer, tried to break un the marriage.

However, the Jury also heard how Daly, on leave from Camp LeJeune, SHOP SEARS FREE! 1 OWIllH I 9 BALLOONS FOR 9mW Wm Iwl THE KIDDIES moviLonto! I 'TlL 9 1 Named Governor Of Island Group In surausni of warrant of Mltnr and monition ImuwI nut of iht I nittrt ataun nmnct Court Hattiaaburg Dlvlilon. South trn Dtitrlet at Mluiaaippi. public nolle hrbr glvtn to all ptrmni hvinc nn lntrt in On MMS Koril Pickup Trues. Motor No. :4 ulitd by for rnn 1 1 a libal of Information 70S tin t'lvlt rorn of aalrl court, sainat aald truck now naid In mv tumviv, to ba and appaar bafora tha Court al Hal-tiaaburg Mlaaiaalppi.

on tha ISth iav of Juna 10SI and on or bafora aald lta to Intarpoaa any claim to aald truck thay may hava and to ahow eauaa. If any thay can. why aald truck should not ba condamnad and forfaltad In accordance with tha prayer Of -Id libel of information. R. H.

NKWt'OMB tTnlled Slataa llarahal loutham rltrlcl of Mlaaiaalppi By BKN 8. LOWRY URN S. t)WRY Chief Caput Marshal May 25th-3 fn Bt DOROth ROB functional to sure, feature llpelaled Prenn omen's EdIUr "cantilever necklines" and "central Dres buyers thronpnir into New I heatlnf York this week for the first of the Now can you blame an overworked fall fashion openings wear a haunt- buyer from Dubuque for being con lf.O, invaded his wife's home Feb. 8 and with a shotgun In his hands ordered Virginia into her bedroom fUfifM0 ed frantic look. and locked the door behind them.

Police, summoned by Mrs. Hebb They are here, by the thousands. 8 Help Her The straight-line coat or skirt, In cave Dalv 15 minutes to "talk it to pick out the suits, coats and the over" with Virginia. Then they By ROY E8KOVAM f-e-ARI. HARBOR.

June 8. v. 33-vesr-old Nav enlisted man is dresses the feminine half of Amerl- I y. is cnlnmn and no heln me. fahnrs 'irst in the door, simultaneous with are descrilied as archltextures headed north from Oifam today to a roar from uie snoigun.

Virginia was dying from a wound If this trend were carried to Its administer a group of Islands dotting FEELING logical conclusion, the lady who has 30.000 square miles of the far west-lust moved into modern house! em Pacific, NrmCaf In pursuance of a warrant of tenure and BUnlttan taauad out of the imied aHmtaa ca will wear next fall, but the new vocabulary of some of the big fashion houses plainly hss them bewildered One famous designer, for instance opened her fall collection this week with the theme "fashion in relation to architecture She advised clothes to match our buildings, explaining: "All through hlstorv our facades might be expected to select fall Chief Storekeeper Frederick A SLUGGISH ccatume msde of transparent plastic, Pobst of Pueblo, Colo. I. tha firrt StaSaW. DUt TO ONSTiParKsM TAKE in her stomach. Daly said the gun discharged as she grabbed It.

The Jury, however, found that he had intentionally pulled the trigger. Mil" 0 WHALE OF A TIME FAIRBANKS, Alaska, June B(JF Prosperity and plenty have come to Alaska's Eskimos. They are celebrating an unprecedented catch of 11 Whales. They caught seven at Point Bar- wim rnuituii. inn.

jcutioieu nmn 111 naval ninuiry tu us nereoy ivn to an pecaoni having any In- The sal who cllnes to her Victor- assigned representative of the TU? ine gai wno ciuiaa ner vichjt Motor No S3S10S9S aeued by me for ras- ian rose-covered cottage might Mgl- united Biatea government. He win lon, contained in a itbei of information rallv aonear in bustle and dust-' administer the Bt-r In-volcano group. Number 70s on rivii noekat of aaid court aP.Vf".. n.rt of th. ft r.otl.

teat t-rri. "'1 auteanobll now held in my nrfii iip' pifc i piy-" if i ik JiMLsA tm GOING C) f. iWc 1 TO HAVE THE 'V'' HOUSE ALL DAY) VELL-; S. W. 11 FOR FAST have mstched our bsekgrnunds 666 Her designs for fall, smart, simple RELIEF ruiiie.

wiuie our roinniai nnune mna cuatoov to he ani appear oaforc the rourt could very well go back to the cos-; tory taken over from Jspsn after tumes of our Pilgrim mothers- and world war II. The Islands include to interpoae any claim to aald automobile I'm sure nobody would enjoy that, wo Jims. they may have and to ahow rauae. if any Then there Is the current ranch-! The Navy said Pobst will govern Xl? Come Bring the Entire Family! For Fun and Bargains Galore! house enthusiast, who could upset sbout a dosen tiny atolls with a with prayer of said of mforma- FREE! VACUUM CLEANER-SEWING MACHINE DEMONSTRATIONS the retailers no end by reverting to native population of 148 men, worn- FLOOR SANOINfi AND FINISHING NEW rtX)ORS MS HE BE A t'TIFT'L OLD riX)ORS RCNFWKO For Eatlmat Call JOE D. STINES sit of Town Calls ami Prompt Attention SIS Buf-hmar Street Phone 1931 see the South wit blue Jeans and cowboy snirts as a en ana children.

He will try to or-permanent costume, ganize all of the outlying atolls un- One sure thing emerges from the dr a single government snd teach ft NEWCOMB United atataa Murehal MMarn Diatrici. of lluiaalaa By BEN 8 LOWRY BKN 1 OWRY Chief Deputy Martha) May 28th-3 advance fashion shows, and that is! the Bon In islanders to run their that everything la going to cost more own government The pattern nectf Mat 'fall, especially woolens sarlly will be blend of American The sport a ear houses, who are the! and native Pacific customs at tha BBiltli; WW first to open, show increases of start. In purauanet ot a warrant of ttlxure and monition taauad out of tha I'mted Btataa rtlltrlct Haltiaahiirff Dli'iilnn ajyrik. to 10 percent, in most lines, but buy-1 The Navy said Pobst Is an all a Wl. eLf eidrlT, THEY ICNOW WEfeEUrHEYOU COVERED HC 4T0LE THAT OUN lTl.lTEN.' THAT WHISTLE "Vl -af-' sf FUNO! PACKEP UP A6AIN9T FOE WHEN THE PHONY COULD WELL, SO i MEAN A SHIP CASTING I ri WE'VE 60T TO KNOCKS.

THE COP TEIED TO 6RAB IKS WOULDN'T HAV6 TO BE OFF.1 LETS 6ET ON BOAED ers are taking the hike In stride As round man for an all-round Job. em niatnet or Mieatasippt. public notice ta jr i-aaxea-r- i' jr Mm one biff city buyer put was chosei. for his knowledge WmB'ffJBfKMBBmJS Enjoy Good Food At The FORREST HOTEL COFFEE SHOP REGISTER FOR FREE PIG TO BE GIVEN AWAY JUNE 16 Appliance Dept. We fieure that the woman who Is of mechanics, clerical work, cargo No.

7a i4onj aeued by me for tatlw accustomed paying $75 for a dress handling and farming. IB, Number jn kill 707 on Civil Docket of aald court. aatnat wont mlnrl an extra (en dnllnr bill pnhst, arcomnaned br his wife, taid automobile now held in mv cuatodv. The trouble Is colna to be In the MNHkar-Old PPr nerore tn rourt as fast budget departments, where the daughter. Merrllv Fave.

will set un fl.1 SOO mlarpoae any claim 'o aald miinmnblle thev customer has only a ten dollar bin headquarters at Chichi Jtma iM turn nnvw. inn it? nfir.w BBtsBH aw aBWW to aouwi oi miyo, in a quotisri why aaid automobile thotild not ba hut he is takin" With him. The condemned and forfeited in accordance with HON Hpol There is a bright spot, however. In pobsts' only links with the world f'" 01 "bl information. HEADLIGHTS CHECKED Adjusted ftftti Tha Guide Headlight Machine Carburetor ft Ignition Co.

109 Green Phone 448 all the cost-of-living gloom. Ttwi will be bv radio and quarterly calls women who yearn for mink may 0f a Navy supply ahlp settle for rabbit this year, and like It I case of lllneaa. Pobst will have One of the most elaborate snd to relv on a limited supply of spectacular fashion shows of the medicines snd first aid In emer- rt nswcuut t'nlted Btatet Marthal Southern Dialnct of Miatiaatppi By BEN 8 LOWRY BEN a LOWRY Chief Deputy Marthal May 2ftth-S rn -c year lakes place today In New jrenciea he will have to contact thai featuring creations by the cream of neareat Navy medical unit, hundreds NOTICE or TRI'SJTEE'S BAIa It (bad Wtexa. Truattt unaer the the big-name designers and all In of miles sway, by radio rabbit fur Ohlehi'l radio facilities Will be conferred upon mc in a deed nf trutt made SStafcllsherl bv Navv Radioman 2c A raby Tankaiey and wife, Ruth v. Advising the price-badgered public to "get the rabbit habit." tha da- Douglas Psles of Muskegon Heights.

WgAUKSEii I signers show everything from bath Mich. Pales wiii remain three a certain laseMednaaa to tha veterana' ling suits to greatcoats and negligees months, estsbltshmg communication "ndnwh.cr;r'..rd to slacks, made Of rabbit fur dyed nnka with Ouam. Pearl Harbor and r.corded Book No ni on Paea to look like Chinchilla, bea'er nutria, nth.r Panfln lalanri natel h.a. I9' nfofdt of t.and needa of Truat Thinking of Dad? Buy Him Camp Moccasins Save $1.29 On 20-Piece Symphony Dinnerware iiim I ISzi In the Chancery lerk a office of Forreat seal or simpl.v a cold-fife rainbow. Pales will be replaced by a native county.

Mtaaiaaippi and default untm bean LISTINGS WANTED Houses, furnished or unfurnished; Lots for residential construction Buyers have cash now For quick sale list with us. From all wtions of city MARCUS LONDON REALTOR Pror.t Street Phone IN Bright red rabbit slacks are shown Bontn islander belna- trainer! at the 'hereon 1 win on the ath day of tor country wear ana a turquoise rao Communications school on at oubiie aoction for rash to the m.heat and beat bidder, at the front door of tha bit fur evening skirt, sprinkled with, Truk lslsnd. Cotton Eyelet Slips Reg. 1.49 88c Smooth sanforized, straight cut slip with 1V Inch eyelet embroidery on gathered bodlca front. Snow white, 32-44.

Buy tonight! sequins and Jewels, Is shown over a The first i nurt noiui at Mitaiaaipp: government or rne w(n(n nouri following deaeribed i silver sheath, I Bonin-volcano islands was estab- rtai rrnPrtv 77 66 2 Rabbit fur hlaseri in att colors lished in 1163 when Commodore! Lot is in biocs or the Mctnma Mitenaii ara elated for college popularity. Perry stopped at Chichi and en- HatgU IIbSbbbI Val I greatcoats in camel-color rabbit look couraffed the settlers to organiTie. map' or put tMrsef oa ni ia ine offiee like a sure bet to rival the prennisl One hundred years ago. the settlers ciara. IpOlO coat.

were a mixture American. Kng- Witneaa my signature thia tha Uth Say 1 aj eki i. 1 of May. 1B91, 4 Compare at 3.49 Regular 5.95 I Wei a i huasi ON AWR HT agf WDT KINoA SHO" a SMUOOuP W) I O0. 7 CHJKWPO wrM I rtX CALL 'IM LONG PiSTANCE PM6W VOU, MEAMT THIS l-rWi 1 -i mm i Pair Set i naiu wre i u3 wi iv ia nan.

foriuKucsr jupanrse ano toiy SHED 1 1 1 1 1 neslan. Sine; then. non-Polvnealan wrEKS, Tljassm May lSth-4 Frl blood has thinned out. but the mix- ture remains in some of the present lurw icmauit in tnipir uir prrnarui I i The Truattct of the Raia Snnnsa Bi hrwi day names Takeshi Washington iad bide untn mm test i ttiT ik.il,.. far the purpnaa of conetructlng a erreenc.

SStfBesa of i-onetructfna a trreened CHEW IT SLOW TOP j'urr-f orrn.nice up with Iiu, oumiiRiii A i rw, porch alae 10' by SO' to be built onto the Say Dad; This moc is everything you want for fireside comfort, for out-of-doors I You get rugged Crosscountry wear from these budget priced Gold Bond mocs. Visit Sears shoe department. Buy your mocs today! Such fun to try new color combinations for your table! Mix or match settings of irresistible charm in Harmony House dawn gray, chartreuse, valley rose, and aquamarine, or all dawn gray. Sugar, creamer extra. Ww the mower for every Uwn Sraacnt ta--nr nnme eptriricationa nacured from Norman Smltli nrtnrli rCTRIIXO i i i i 1 1 Th Board reaen-ea tha right to fSIet raw YORK, June 8 cP James ny or all hlda.

OR CM6W rr FAST- hire's a treat tmATS SURE TO AjlLasaM 'HBI ill Mb -nil IJMLe 111 if NORMAN SMITH Prln NORMAN SMITH Prlnrlpat. Rawlt Springe School. Phone a7J May aatn-Juna let June ath WWHET'S SPEARMINT! Bgjgjgjgjgaga fT 1 QUICK 'I'M SSURE-I BUT I'VE NEVER I -I OUST MARRIED WELL li-O JohAI I'NA HURRY ') SURE-J SEEN YOU IN SUChY CAN'T WAIT InOW -THAT'S OIFFERENtA; 0, c-wt xr TrN rU moU A A RUSH. MR LACY TO GET, 1 Je 0. PetrtSIo was reelected yesterday as president of tha APT, American Feredatlon of Musicians for a twelfth term.

There was no oppo- sltlon, Other officers also were elected at the final session of the union's 94th i annual convention. Denmark has been using a vaccine known ta BOO against tuberculosis since the early 1930s. WHN IJZ- Economy Sheets Oood Quality Bleached Muslin Ref- IIS. eaa. Ie50 SAUCE PAN SET 2 Reg.

$1.29 3 Piece Set Save 41c 88 Long lasting aluminum. Best for your kitchen. FLOOR VARNISH Reg. 3.99 Gallon Can Save $2.00 ...1.99 Guaranteed quality, You would expect to pay up to $5.00 for this varnish. wl 1 ilOUTHLAMO jt Ml Made to give lots of wearl Priced V5V to stretch your budget! Bieacnea muslin, 3-in.

bottom hem, sturdy selvages. Fast or slow, you get the same smooth, carefree driving pleasure when you drive with SOUTHLAND, the TOP PURR-formance gasoline. It's refined In Mississippi from high grade Mississippi crudes refined to meet rigid specifications. checked and double-checked to be sure every gallon is the same high quality. SOUTHLAND is energy-rated to give you TOP PURR-formance under all driving conditions.

So next time, and every time, fill up with SOUTHLAND, the BCHJVVlMiU'1 1 Maae-in-Mississippi gasoline that makes your motor PURR like a kitten. P. 20-in. cut $167.50 1H P. 24-in.

cut $189.50 3 H.P. 24-to. cut $219.50 Tpnii As Ixjw As $11.98 Monthly Reg. 2.39 Striped Dress Shirts SAVE 89e 1-50 For the man who needs dress shirts. This is the value you can't afford to miss.

Fancy stripes to set off that new suit or glamorize that old one. Buy several today. Sizes 14-17. I fn M0i0lBHHaHPB I 'rn RAhMB If HERE SHErr BUT HE laaaaetli gflnpv 'fBT Irt WL ESCAPED Trr wv- HID IN TVSZ BROKE IT WCTSf? Enamel Canners Covered I MAT fsaalKsl 1 AM Mov ing can be a picnic. Have us do it from the packing right on Batter Joba Oa To Mloh School Craduatea mSW MonOanf Paymenta AU Tawta Pasat.ehed Many rinlah In I Yea Prepare) Saw Colleee 'cSSsaat' taama Bamboo Rake Pine Quality Made in Japan Special Easy-handling, almost effortless way to rake your lawn.

lightweight bamboo sweeps it clean I Ideal 18-lnch width. through You'll like our able prices also. 1 a. T. Mi WHAT IF YOU DIDN'T FINISH HIGH SCHOOL 12" AN STUDY AT HOME IM YOU SPARE TIME AND ACTUALLY GET A DIPLOMA! 9JS7 Cwaneaaa aww foe PREE Pate Saohlet.

aai asatt a I 1 AMEtttCAM SCHOOL HA iachaana. Maaa. NAAf i i i AQal mmmma I Anragaa gffffffffg aeg. Treat your family to nutritious, delicious canned foods year-round! Enameled steel canner with cover and wire rack. A Demonstration On Your Lawn! -M BOMBOY'S SERVICE At Joe Morris Moton HI-Way 11 So.

Phone 5050 Chnilaf Open Daily 9 to 5:30. Fit 9 to 9 P.M.. Sat 9 to 6 ML Main Bat vm and New Orleans Sts, Phone 3061.

Hattiesburg American from Hattiesburg, Mississippi (2024)


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.