'Sunday Morning Futures' on border crisis, inflation, Russia (2024)

This is a rush transcript from, ‘Sunday Morning Futures’, December 12, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Good Sunday morning, everyone. Welcome to "Sunday Morning Futures." I'm Maria Bartiromo.

America on her back as the year comes to a close, with misinformation and lies from the White House about the true state of affairs, the year ending the opposite of what Joe Biden was selling earlier this year.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: America is back. I speak today as president of the United States at the very start of my administration, and I'm sending a clear message to the world. America is back.

The transatlantic alliance is back. And we are not looking backward. We are looking forward together.


BARTIROMO: And, together, we watched bad policy create bad outcomes, record high inflation, record crimes and breaches to the country, record low approval for President Biden. How much more damage can they do?

Coming up, Wyoming Senator John Barrasso on what gets done during the countdown to year-end.

Plus, our adversaries on the move, tens of thousands of Russian troops up the Ukraine border right now, a record number of Chinese military jets entering Taiwan's air defense zone. Coming up, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on why the U.S.' adversaries are getting aggressive right now.

Then: killing off Americans? Why is China pushing fentanyl onto American shores and killing our people, after 700,000 have already died from COVID- 19? The realities of the wide-open Southern border, with enough fentanyl to kill 200 million Americans.

Former Trump administration adviser Stephen Miller on the bad policies putting Americans in dire straits.

Then, Georgia peach, Herschel Walker's touchdown in politics, as the former Georgia state great campaigns for a Senate seat in the 2020 race. Can the GOP take the Senate and the House in next year's elections? Herschel Walker is here on moving the ball forward after a year that saw Americans lose so much.

Then: After trying to steal an election with lies and corrupting the FBI and the DOJ, the creator of the big Russia collusion lie weeps while reading her victory speech she never got to deliver.


HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON (D), FORMER U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: I'm going to share with you what I intended to say if I had been elected in 2016.

My fellow Americans, today, you sent a message to the whole world.


BARTIROMO: Yes, this is really happening. Why does Hillary Clinton think anyone cares, after her dirty tricks and lies were exposed?

All that right here, right now on "Sunday Morning Futures."

And first this morning: Inflation worsens, rising almost 7 percent year over year in the month of November.

New data out on Friday shows inflation now at the highest level in almost 40 years due to bad economic policy. But the Democrats are still trying to push through more, hoping to bring a vote on their massive spending and tax plan by year end, with Joe Biden once again misleading the American people this weekend on its impacts.


BIDEN: There's a whole range of things that are in there that are going to really reduce essentially the cost of living for people in a reasonable, rational way.

And, by the way, every single bit of that bill is paid for. No one making less than 400,000 bucks here will pay an additional cent in taxes, as well as it will not increase the deficit one penny.


BARTIROMO: Joining me right now with more on what to expect this weekend by year-end is Wyoming Senator John Barrasso, a member of GOP Senate leadership.

Senator, it's great to see you this morning. Thanks so much for being here.

SEN. JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY): Thank you, Maria.

BARTIROMO: Your reaction to what you just heard from the president? It doesn't cost anything. It's already paid for. And it will actually lower inflation, this massive spending plan.

BARRASSO: Well, he's -- the president is wrong on all of these things.

Remember, he started the year by saying America is back, and he's been backpedaling ever since. You look at these new inflation numbers, and our economy is on its back. You look at what's happened after the disaster of Afghanistan, and our back is against the wall in international areas.

And now he is pushing this so-called Build Back Better bill. I mean, to me, I look at this. This will break the back of the American people with taxes, with spending, with all of the mandates, that people will end up paying more for just about everything. It will make inflation worse. Taxes will go up.

All the tax experts will tell us that at least a third of Middle America will pay a lot more in taxes. And the impact of inflation on people's lives now, whether you want to call it a hidden tax or not, people's paychecks are not keeping up. People are hurting. And it's the Biden policies that have made it worse.

BARTIROMO: Well, that's right.

I almost feel like your colleagues on the left are living in another, alternative universe, because we see these numbers every day, Senator. I agree. We saw the CPI out, the Consumer Price Index, on Friday, which showed us that everything is up in price, from gasoline to food and furniture, et cetera.

And yet Chuck Schumer said he wants to get a vote on this spending package perhaps this week. What can get done in the Senate legislatively before year-end?

BARRASSO: There are a number of things we need to do.

One is the National Defense Authorization Act, which should have been done months ago, but that's a very low priority for President Biden. We have seen that in the past. Exhibit A is when he came out with his own budget. It had limited dollars. It didn't even keep up with inflation for defense and for homeland security.

So we need to do that this week. The Democrats are going to all on their own raise the debt ceiling in the United States. We don't default on the debt. But what is happening is, they don't want to have a discussion about the importance of getting spending under control. They want to do massive spending.

And you're right. Chuck Schumer is still saying he wants to bring to the floor of the Senate this massive tax and spending bill, which is, I believe, going to make inflation worse, increase taxes on all Americans, and hurt our economy even further.

BARTIROMO: Well, you have said a lot of things there. And I want to go back to a few of them.

On the debt ceiling vote, you voted to raise the debt ceiling. And I was surprised, because there was so much conversation about the debt ceiling in the weeks prior, with Mitch McConnell saying, we're not going to help the Democrats spend more money, we're not going to be there to participate in raising the debt ceiling.

But you did. And my question to you is, was there a discussion at all with your colleagues on the left to say, OK, we will be there and we will vote for raising the debt ceiling, if you put a cap on spending in 2022? Was that even discussed, a cap on spending?

BARRASSO: Every time the debt ceiling debate comes up, the goal is to get spending under control.

Democrats don't want to do that. They just want to raise spending. The debt ceiling hasn't been raised yet. That vote is going to be next week. No Republican is going to vote for that. Every Democrat is going to vote for that. The vice president is going to have to break the tie.

They wanted a blank check. They're not getting it. They're going to have to come up with a number. I hear the Treasury Department is saying the number is $2 trillion. And the Democrats are going to be held accountable for all of this spending come next year's election.

BARTIROMO: Well, you also look at the money allocated for defense, Senator, and it's really -- it's laughable to see our adversaries like China and Russia getting more aggressive, and yet we are actually looking at a decline in defense spending in Bernie Sanders' budget, Joe Biden's budget.

Look, you just came back from the Middle East. You were great to go to visit our troops over Thanksgiving. We have pictures here to show you with the troops. You were in Bahrain. You know what they're up against. And yet this defense budget is actually a decline in defense spending?

I -- how can you justify that?

BARRASSO: Well, you're right. I go every year for Thanksgiving to be with Wyoming soldiers. This time was in the Persian Gulf right across there, eyeball to eyeball with Iran.

And what we're seeing is, after Afghanistan and the disastrous Biden response there, that our enemies are emboldened and are being more aggressive. Iran is. Russia is. China is. You're seeing it also in North Korea.

This should have been passed months ago, because it also includes the raise for our troops. You want to make sure they have the equipment they need, the firepower. We never want to send American troops into a fair fight. We want them to have -- be strong and be able to project strength.

But when the president puts his massive budget forward, as he did, supersizing all parts of government, and the only parts that don't keep up with even inflation were defense and homeland security, you realize this president does not have those as priorities.

So we now have going -- what will go to him will be a new National Defense Authorization Act, where we plussed it up in terms of deterrence against China, which is our long-term adversary, the biggest threat long-term, also plussing up against Russia, which is -- Vladimir Putin is today's clear and present danger, and a lot more effort in our defense in terms of cyber.

BARTIROMO: I wish -- I think our viewers would like to see some honesty.

I mean, we heard from the CBO this week that this spending and tax plan will cost $4.7 trillion. They continue to have these gimmicks that say the child tax credit goes away after one year, the parental credit goes away after one year.

But the CBO and the Committee for a Responsible Budget has told us the cost of this, and yet they're not admitting it. Do you think we will get a vote on this bill by year-end?

BARRASSO: Schumer has said on Thursday he plans to bring it to the Senate this year.

You would think the two things that out on Friday would have been the one- two punch, each of which could have been a knockout for this, one, the inflation numbers. We're now at a 40-year high on inflation. And the other is the cost, the true cost. When you get rid of the accounting gimmicks, we're talking close to $5 trillion, $3 trillion added to the debt.

Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are going to have a lot to say with this, about this. But you talked about these temporary programs. Remember, Milton Friedman said there is nothing so permanent as a temporary government program. Once they get in there, they stay forever.

Plus, Maria, what I hear about are just the terrible things in this bill. That's what I hear about in Wyoming. And the things that are in this bill are not on anybody in Wyoming's shopping list for Christmas.

BARTIROMO: Well, and then, Senator, there's this vaccine mandate. Are we going backwards here as well?

The Senate just voted to repeal Biden's federal vax mandate for businesses, with the help of two Democrats. You have got more Democrats increasingly seeing that what is coming out of this White House is not in step with what the American people want.

Your reaction to what Kathy Hochul in New York has done now? She has a statewide mandate requiring masks indoors, unless businesses or vendors implemented a vax requirement.

BARRASSO: You know, I'm a doctor. I am pro-vaccine an anti-mandate. I'm vaccinated. All my family is vaccinated.

But this mandate is a massive government mistake and a government overreach. And the courts are agreeing with us. We had this vote. You're right. Every Republican voted against a mandate, to repeal what the president has done. We have had a couple of Democrats as well join us.

The -- and I think, when they put the mandate in, certainly here in Wyoming, it actually hardened people against it. But the president's position seems to be to bosses is, vaccinate or terminate.

Maria, there are help wanted signs everywhere. There are 11 million job openings in the United States. Our interstates in Wyoming are closed right now due to snow. We can't find people to hire to drive the snowplows.

And yet you have people that have been working full-time through the entire pandemic who don't want to get vaccinated, but they have been there on the front lines.


BARRASSO: And the irony of all of this is...


BARRASSO: ... under Joe Biden's economy, if you don't want to get vaccinated, you can still collect a welfare check, but you're not allowed to earn a paycheck.

BARTIROMO: Unbelievable.

Senator, real quick, before you go, I find it really odd that this vaccine mandate, which we knew was unconstitutional from day one, came out right in the middle of Joe Biden's botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

Was this -- was this a look over here, not over here situation?

BARRASSO: Well, I have great concerns.

I agree with you, Maria. It came out September 9, at a time that our nation was reeling over the collapse in Afghanistan, the loss of 13 of our soldiers at the airport, one, Rylee McCollum, a young man, a Marine from Wyoming who was a high school wrestling champion, the people of a country, of our country, absolutely in despair over what happened under President Biden's leadership, lack of leadership in Afghanistan.


BARRASSO: And for them to come up with his mandate after Joe Biden said, we're not going to do it -- the White House spokesman this summer said, oh, we don't have the legal authority to do it.

BARTIROMO: Right. Yes.

BARRASSO: I will tell you, you look at the -- the timing on this is very, very questionable.

BARTIROMO: Well, the truth is, is the American people are seeing through all of this, Senator.

We appreciate your leadership. Thanks very much for being here this morning.

BARRASSO: Well, and, you know, Maria, after this Christmas and the high inflation, Joe Biden is going to go into his second year with record high inflation numbers and record low approval numbers.

And he has earned them.


Senator John Barrasso, good to see you this morning, sir. Thanks very much.

And merry Christmas to you and your family, Senator John Barrasso.

Quick break, and then: Russia threatens Ukraine. China taunts Taiwan. Iran makes the United States beg for a deal as they develop nuclear weapons. Joe Biden's economic crisis is outdone by his foreign policy blunders.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is here to react when we come back.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back.

This week, Joe Biden claimed he was tough on Russian President Vladimir Putin during a virtual meeting on Tuesday.


BIDEN: Hello. Good to see you again.

I -- unfortunately, last time, we didn't get to see one another the at G20. I hope next time we meet, we do it in person.


BARTIROMO: Well, this week, China Communist Party mouthpiece The Global Times reported that China vows to open fire on U.S. troops if they try to aid Taiwan in an invasion, China and Russia right now on the agenda.

Joining me right now to discuss the foreign policy blunders of this administration, from Afghanistan to China, Russia, and Iran, is the former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. He is also a FOX News contributor.

Secretary, good to see you this morning. Thanks so much for being here.

MIKE POMPEO, FORMER U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: Maria, it's great to be with you this morning.

BARTIROMO: So, we're approaching one year as Joe Biden as the commander in chief.

Assess this administration's foreign policy.

POMPEO: Oh, goodness, Maria.

Well, we -- I was on your show at the very beginning of administration. We wanted to give them every opportunity to be successful. American national security should be not political.

But I got to tell you, after now almost 11 months, we have seen debacle after debacle. Don't forget that the Russians shut down a pipeline in the Southeastern part of the United States, denying gas to Americans, and the Biden administration did nothing.

It then tried to build out a pipeline in Northern Europe to allow the Russians to control European energy, and this administration gave them a free pass. And now Russia is mounting troops on the Ukrainian border, and the president has mere words for them.

I was traveling in the Middle East last week. World leaders were gathered. I must say, they're all looking at America and are continuing to believe that they can't count on America as a friend, that they can't rely on a partner that for four years in the Trump administration, while we didn't promise everything, everything we promised, we delivered on.

And that's what the world is looking for. And so, whether it's the Chinese Communist Party's moves against Taiwan, or the Russians' moves in Europe, or the Iranians' efforts to continue to build out their nuclear enrichment program and their weapons program, this is what rogue nations, bad actors, dictators will do when you walk away from the fundamental maxim of Ronald Reagan, which is, we win, they lose.

When you show weakness, when you say we're back, and you really go back to Barack Obama, these are the kinds of things you will see, and America will be less secure, and our people here at home, our families will be less secure as a result of this.

BARTIROMO: Well, I mean, what is the reason that Russia is building up these troops now? What is the reason that China is flying these jets into Taiwan now, and the reason that Iran is making the United States beg for a nuclear deal?

They have all decided to get aggressive now.

POMPEO: Every action that Biden administration has taken, all the evidence that any world leader can see, any dictator can see, shows that America is -- has no resolve, no credibility, no capacity to actually protect the things that matter to the United States and to our friends in Asia or our friends in Europe.

I mean, don't forget, Maria, the list is so long. The Afghanistan debacle is first and foremost, the way we departed there, with 13 Americans killed. I think world leaders all said, the Americans will do nothing to protect their own military.

We saw the Iranians fire missiles into Israel within weeks of the Biden administration taking office right out of the Gaza Strip. They flew missiles into Israel. And the United States took days and days to tell the Israelis they could defend themselves.

When the people rose up in Cuba, and wanted freedom for themselves, this administration took four days to say, oh, no, democracy is a good thing. And the president had to read it from a three-by-five card.

This is not the deterrence model that President Trump and our administration had. We were clear to people around the world we were going to defend the things that mattered in a way that provided assistance to our friends and allies and kept the American people safe.

BARTIROMO: Well, this is just extraordinary. And these are all national security risks.

I want to drill down on all of this. Let's slip in a short break, but I have got to ask you about this secret deal that Apple did with China, $275 billion deal with the Chinese Communist Party. What will it take for corporate America to realize that China is an adversary?

We will talk about that when we come right back. Stay with us with Secretary Mike Pompeo.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back.

I am back with former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. And we are talking about the national security threats this country faces sector.

Secretary, I want to get your reaction to a top Pentagon official warning Congress that China is actively preparing to attack Taiwan. Xi Jinping apparently says he's waiting until after the Olympics, which now is just two months away.

Your thoughts on that, as well as the Beijing Olympics in general? I mean, this diplomatic boycott that the United States has led, what does that mean?

POMPEO: Maria, I think the fact that these Olympics are going to take place in China is a devastating statement about the International Olympic Committee and, frankly, global business' unwillingness to confront the challenge that the Chinese Communist Party present.

You're going to have major American corporations sponsoring athletes and sponsoring these Games, supporting a regime that is holding a million people in internment camps in the western part of China. We're going to send American athletes to China, and we teach -- we teach our kids, our young people, these talented athletes to speak freely.

They're going to go to China. And if one of them should say free Tibet, or good for the people of Hong Kong, or I support Taiwanese democracy, they may not get their exit visa granted. They may be stuck in China if they say something that the Chinese Communist Party determines is inconsistent with their national security threat.

And these American companies need to understand that they are underwriting an adversary. They're providing resources and money to a corrupt regime that has the global intention of changing the way every American lives. We need to challenge the Chinese Communist Party on every front.

When you hear a Chinese military leader say they're preparing and they will fire on Americans if we do so much as help the democracy in Taiwan be successful, these are the kinds of things that an administration must confront, our business leaders have to confront. This is a serious challenge that confronts the United States of America.

And we all need to be serious, in the way the Trump administration was serious, to confront China on every front, diplomatic, economic, and military.

BARTIROMO: And yet Joe Biden had four calls with Xi Jinping this year, I mean, four calls that lasted two hours, three hours' long, and not once did Joe Biden raise the issue of the origins of COVID-19.

We all know what has taken place here, that this virus that has killed 700,000 people in America, millions more across the world originated in Wuhan, China. We don't know the details, if it was intentional or if it wasn't intentional. You have got companies like Apple doing a $275 billion deal with the CCP, where Apple promises the CCP it's going to train its people to make iPhones, just so that Apple can get a good deal and Apple can get a better regulatory framework.

Ray Dalio, another one, comparing what happened in China, where they disappeared Jack Ma, they disappeared this tennis star, he says it's -- oh, well, that's like a strict parent.

POMPEO: Yes, this isn't like a strict parent. This is like communist leaders that we know, whether that's Stalin or Mao.

We know these kinds of dictators and what they mean for freedom around the world and American prosperity. And we have to confront it. Our business leaders can't engage in this kind of moral relativism.

But in the first instance, Maria, we have talked about this. This is a government responsibility. The Chinese Communist Party knew they had a dangerous virus on their hands. They allowed it to travel across the world, and the result has been millions of deaths.

We need to again redouble our efforts to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable. I'm continuing to work on that. This is very important. This virus that -- your point is right -- has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and millions of people and destroyed so many lives in the United States, and now we're permitting the Chinese to bring fentanyl across our border, threaten the Taiwanese democracy, and hold an Olympic Games.

This is something that the world is going to have to work on. And the American government, President Biden and his team, need to lead that. So far, they have failed in that miserably.

BARTIROMO: Well, I'm glad you brought up the fentanyl. We're going to talk with Stephen Miller about that.

But, I mean, my question is, is the CCP just trying to kill us all off? I mean, look at the way they're taunting us, this week, news of a new China- backed propaganda film depicting the CCP defeating the U.S. Army.

And this is a movie right now in China. It's set to become the highest grossing film ever in China. And then this is just a few weeks after we learned that the CCP was using fake U.S. warplanes as targets, when they were doing target practice, target drills for the CCP military. I mean, clearly, they are taunting the United States.

Is it of your mind that you believe, do you believe that the CCP wants to overtake the United States, acquire America?

POMPEO: Maria, there's no doubt about the -- Xi Jinping, the leader of the Chinese Communist Party's intention. This is a one-party state dominated by a communist tyrant.

And his objective is to achieve rejuvenation. He uses the term the China dream. They refer to their country as the middle kingdom. This is a power that wants to dominate the world. And they believe that China's rightful place in the world is to be the global hegemon. And they are intent upon delivering that.

And we watched, frankly, Republicans and Democrats, Maria, for two decades turn the other cheek, allow them to steal millions of jobs from the United States of America by stealing our intellectual property. And we did nothing. This is going to require every skill set we have.

We can push back against them. They aren't 10-feet tall, Maria. We can defeat this threat, in the same way we took down the Soviet Union. But we have to be resolved. American business has to come around and participate in this. And we need to respect the fact that Xi Jinping has this intention to be the global power.

And we need to make sure that the West property rules, basic freedoms, rights-respecting nations are the ones that dominate the next century, in the way they did the last one.

BARTIROMO: Yes, and there they are calling each other old friend, buddy, friend, when they do their calls.

Secretary, it's -- this is all very dangerous.

And we so appreciate your focus on it. We will continue to follow the developments.

POMPEO: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: Thank you, sir.

POMPEO: Bless you, Maria.

BARTIROMO: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Coming up, the man who could decide which party will control Congress in 2022, Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker, is here on why he believes D.C. outsiders such as himself have the edge.

Then, Stacey Abrams running for governor again, but will it be a rematch against an incumbent, Brian Kemp, who just landed himself a major primary challenger?

We will be right back.



GOV. GREG ABBOTT (R-TX): And what I can tell you for a fact is, most of the people coming across the border, if not all of them, are not being tested. The point is this. The president and the Biden administration, they have two standards. If you're going to pay money to come into the United States of America lawfully, you have to be tested.

However, if you come into the country illegally, you don't have to be tested. And, as you know the numbers, there have been more than a million people who've come across the border illegally that we know of this year, most of whom have not been tested.


BARTIROMO: That was Texas Governor Greg Abbott on this program last weekend exposing President Biden's hypocrisy over COVID mandates at our Southern border.

In addition to the nearly two million people apprehended so far this year, we are on track to have 600,000 got-aways. That's illegal migrants seen on surveillance cameras that escaped into the country and are likely in the interior of the country right now.

My next guest believes the White House wants open borders to achieve the exact results we are witnessing.

Joining me right now to talk more about that is Stephen Miller. He's the founder of America First Legal and architected the president's -- President Trump's immigration policy.

Stephen, it's good to see you this morning. Thanks so much for being here.


BARTIROMO: So, I want to start off with the border, Stephen, because we are seeing this border crisis expand way beyond Texas.

In fact, when I came back from my second trip to the border -- I have been there three times -- the second trip, the one issue that I kept hearing so much was that it was going into Arizona. The got-aways are in Arizona.

And now we're seeing the Yuma, Arizona, situation worsen. What can you tell us?


Well, I'm in close touch with a number of my former colleagues in the Department of Homeland Security, who have been sounding the alarm for months now. The situation in Yuma, Arizona, is completely out of control.

Yuma, Arizona is under siege. Remember, the population of Arizona is a fraction of the population of Texas, about seven million in Arizona, compared to Texas, 30 million. So this is bombarding an extremely small state, compared to the size of Texas.

So they're totally, completely overwhelmed. And there's two people, two people in this country responsible for this crisis. And that is Senator Mark Kelly and Senator Kyrsten Sinema.

Let me tell you how Washington works when you have a 50/50 split Senate. One phone call from either Senator Sinema or Senator Kelly to the White House that simply says, I'm a no on nominations, I'm a no on legislation, and I'm a no on Build Back Better until you end catch and release, and Biden folds. He folds.

The fact that they haven't made that phone call, the fact that they haven't even called publicly for an end to catch and release is monstrous. It is unforgivable.

So, if you're a citizen of this country, whether you live in Arizona or not, understand either one of those two people has the power with one phone call to shut this down. And I pray, I pray that they will change their mind and do so.


I mean, to be fair, this morning, just this morning, we have statements from Kyrsten Sinema and from Mark Kelly saying that they are going to be watching the developments, that they have asked the administration to get ahold and get some immigration policy in place.

But you're right. I mean, now we're getting these statements from these two senators. We haven't heard anything about this before this. I mean, probably, this...

MILLER: Yes, those statements, I mean...


MILLER: Look, I have been doing this for many years. Those statements mean literally nothing, zero.

Asking for more resources means, send more people to release people more quickly into our communities. And unless your elected official is saying, end catch and release, restore the Trump policy of detain and deport, which worked like a miracle, it's meaningless.

So, again, does Senator Sinema support continuing or abolishing catch and release? Does Mark Kelly support continuing or abolishing catch and release? Because as long as catch and release persists, the whole world, hundreds and hundreds of cities, thousands and thousands of regions, the whole world is going to be descending on Arizona's border, over 100 countries from across planet Earth.

They have the power to stop it by saying, no support for nominees, no support for legislation, no support for Build Back Better, unless catch and release ends. And they won't do it.

BARTIROMO: Well, I just -- I find that extraordinary. I think you make such an important point. And I'm going to focus on these two senators and what they're doing from here on out, because we have seen nothing up until now.

And Texas, as you mentioned, doesn't even have that kind of leverage, that you actually see the leverage that they have in Arizona.

MILLER: Right.

BARTIROMO: What do you make of where we are?

We have got 600,000 got-aways this fiscal year, Stephen, two million people having been apprehended. And, by the way, it could be many more than 600,000.


BARTIROMO: These are the -- this is an estimate. Obviously, we don't know for sure because they got away.

MILLER: Those are the known got-aways, right.


MILLER: Those are the known got-aways. Those are the got-aways that they can credibly predict got away.


MILLER: There's another population of unknown got-aways for whom we have no information. And that number could be unimaginably large.

And, again, to pick up on your point about Texas, yes, Texas has less leverage because Joe Biden doesn't need the votes of Ted Cruz or John Cornyn, right? That's just the bottom line.

I salute and applaud Texas for fighting so hard on this issue, while Arizona has two senators who've been MIA. My organization, America First Legal, aflegal.org, we're partnering with the great Ken Paxton to sue over these lawless, ruinous migration policies.

But just an important point about how bad this is, which people didn't realize because President Trump did such an extraordinary job. Because of the cheapness of modern travel, because of the ease of being able to get airfare from another continent, being able to come to the Western Hemisphere, this is a global phenomenon.

President Trump kept the whole world from coming to our borders illegally.


MILLER: Now, with the cancellation of those policies, we have people from every region, every corner, every stretch of this Earth coming into our communities, depleting our health care, depleting our public services, bringing narcotics, bringing weapons.

This is a public safety, a public health and an economic disaster voluntarily inflicted.

BARTIROMO: Well, did you see that they sent back to two people for the remain-in-Mexico program? I mean, this was just so outrageous.

Thousands of people, seven...

MILLER: No, he's violating -- in my view -- and I'm speaking only for myself.


MILLER: He's violating the court injunction.

In my view -- I'm speaking only for myself here -- he's violating the court injunction. And I believe, if the House retakes the majority, that should be first up in the articles of impeachment.

BARTIROMO: Well, how are the Republicans doing?


BARTIROMO: I mean, you and I spoke about the leadership in the Senate and why you're seeing Republicans vote with Democrats on things like infrastructure, debt ceiling.

MILLER: Yes. Yes, and government funding bills.

The -- I want to talk about Senate leadership for a moment, Senate leadership, because, in the Senate, you need 60 votes. The House, it's a simple majority. And I give great credit to House leaders for fighting tooth and nail, despite not having any procedural tools.

The Senate leadership has made a series of inexplicable decisions. I will key in on one right now. Not once, but twice, twice, they gave the tranche of votes that Biden needed to get funding for his open-ended Afghan resettlement program.

This is unthinkable.


MILLER: Why wouldn't you say, we're going to block any government funding bill that has open borders immigration riders on it?


MILLER: If the tables were turned, right, and it was a Republican in the White House, and he wanted a pro-security measure attached to a funding bill, Democrats would block it.


MILLER: So, why are open borders measures getting through?

You can win this issue. You can win it. I swear to you, you can.

BARTIROMO: Joe Biden -- Joe Biden has been able to beat somebody, the Republicans. That's the only people Joe Biden can beat.

Real quick, before you go, Stephen.


BARTIROMO: ... you saw Hillary Clinton and her MasterClass.


BARTIROMO: I mean, when you look at her crying, initially, you're thinking, well, OK, she's crying. I'm sorry about that.

But then you remember how she was actually the creator of the Russia hoax, this made-up collusion story that half of the country believed for three years.

MILLER: Yes. No, what she did to this country, it's criminal. It's absolutely criminal. It's hateful. It's odious. And there has to be accountability.

And here's the bottom line. When Republicans take the majority, they need to have an agenda for accountability. They need to have an agenda for fighting crime. They need to have an agenda for fighting open borders. They need to have an agenda for fighting big tech.


MILLER: They need to have an agenda for holding this administration accountable and for issuing subpoenas to ensure that that happens.

And if they do, they will go down in history as the greatest Republican majority we have ever had.

BARTIROMO: All right, Stephen Miller, we will leave it there. Great to see you this morning. Thanks so much.

MILLER: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: Stephen Miller joining us this morning.

Quick break, and then Herschel Walker is here on his run for the Senate.

Back in a moment.


BARTIROMO: Well, welcome back.

Football legend Herschel Walker has racked up several endorsem*nts in his 2022 bid to oust Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock, including from President Trump and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

But his biggest show of support was actually right here on this program back in October. Take a look.


CHRISTIAN WALKER, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: As he's already built this foundation of trust with fellow Georgians. They have watched his work ethic, his attention to detail throughout his entire career in and out of the state.

So there's already a good rapport with them. And I think we're going to see a lot of people, even demographics that don't typically vote Republican, come out in support of my father, Herschel.


BARTIROMO: And that, of course, was Herschel's son, Christian Walker, on why he's confident Georgians will rally behind his father in next year's midterm election.

Herschel Walker joining me right now.

Herschel, good morning to you. Thanks very much.

I know I see the pride in your face when you see Christian on TV.

You are running in what could be the most important congressional race of 2022. Tell us what's at stake.

HERSCHEL WALKER (R), GEORGIA SENATORIAL CANDIDATE: Well, it's going to be a -- it's going to be a tough race.

But -- and I do. I love Christian to death. The young man has done some incredible things. I love him. I love him. I love him.

But this race coming up is going to be very difficult, but it's going to bring some, I think, adults in the room, because if people see what's going on in this country -- I don't even have to talk about it. You see this inflation. You see how we have lost this public safety.

Right now, we have got national security risks as well. Well, why? It's because we put in -- the wrong people in office. Well, it's time for us to change.

And I'm going to run a race to go out to win, because we got to bring some balance back.

BARTIROMO: Tell me about the race and where your priorities are, as we show this graphic of the four 2022 Senate contests that seem to be real toss-ups right now.

You have got Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona, who until today has not said a peep about the border crisis, Senator Raphael Warnock, of course, in Georgia, Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada, and Senator Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire.

H. WALKER: Well, I hate to say something like this, but I think you got to bring some integrity back to Washington.

First of all, if people just look what happened in Virginia, now, just think about this for a moment. When you have our government trying to go in and tell the parents how they want to raise your kid, you can't do that.

You cannot do that. We're going to lose the freedom that we have fought and died for. So many people have fought and died for those freedoms we have. And, right now, we're going to lose it if we don't put the right people in office.

Right now, we can't have government control, government mandate, government this, government that. We can't have that. This is not the country that people died for. And I think we got to have people that's going to stand up and say, no more. The buck stops here.

BARTIROMO: And do you think that outsiders are resonating?

I mean, President Trump was an outsider. You're an outsider. Dr. Oz is running for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, Blake Masters in Arizona. What do you think people are looking at outsiders right now -- why, rather?

H. WALKER: I think they're looking at outsiders because they're not politicians.

They're not just going to tell you things and go to Washington and not do it. And that's what I have told people. I'm not a politician, don't talk like one, don't look like one, and don't act like one, because I care about the people. I see what's going on.

I'm in the business world. Look at this economy.


H. WALKER: Now, this economy, it happened within such a short time of this administration being in office.


H. WALKER: And people act like they don't know what's going on.

People, we have to wake up and vote for the right people and vote, put Herschel Walker in the Senate.

BARTIROMO: Hold on. Hold that thought, Herschel. I want to get your take on Stacey Abrams.

We will take a break and come right back. Stay with us.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. I'm back with Herschel Walker, running for the Senate seat in Georgia.

Herschel, what do you make of Stacey Abrams now running for governor? And Brian Kemp just got a real challenger in David Perdue. Former Georgia Senator and governor candidate David Perdue says that he would not have certified Georgia's 2020 election results.

H. WALKER: Well, what's so interesting is, Stacey is going to bring a lot of attention to this race.

So, you know what happened in -- before. And so, right now, I got to run my race. But this governor race is going to heat up. We have two great guys running. But you have more people running for this governor seat. And it's going to heat up.

Stacey Abrams has done so much -- so many things in the state of Georgia, but there's going to be some celebrities coming in. But do she represent what Georgia values are? Because some of the things that happened in Georgia, I'm not sure if those are Georgia values there.

BARTIROMO: Yes. I mean, I'm questioning if the media understands Georgia values.

I want to ask you about race and what role does race play in politics. Last week, Politico does an entire expose on you titled "The Origins of Herschel Walker's Complicated Views on Race."

This would never have happened if you were a Democrat.

H. WALKER: You know, it's funny, because someone told me about this article here.

And that is fine, because I know they're going to come. But the harder they come, the harder they will see me fight. But one of the things they said at the end, which is the total truth, there shouldn't be any color in right and wrong. There shouldn't be any color in law.

And that's the reason I say I want to go to Washington, because I want to remove that. I want to remove this color, because you're black or you're yellow or you're green. Whatever color you are...


H. WALKER: ... there's no color in what's right and what's wrong.

BARTIROMO: That's right.

Real quick, before you go, President Trump endorsed you, continues to support you. What is his role in the upcoming years? We're still waiting for confirmation on whether or not he's running. And he will be my special guest right here next Sunday.

H. WALKER: Well, he plays a big role, because President Trump, he has done some incredible things for this country. And people need to acknowledge that.

Look at where we are at today, compared to when he was in office. And I don't care what people say. I thank him for his endorsem*nt. I thank Senator McConnell. I thank all the people that have endorsed Herschel Walker, because they know I'm the best man for this seat.

I'm going to get to Washington and try to change some things.

BARTIROMO: Fantastic.

Herschel Walker, great to have you this morning. Thank you so much. We will talk soon.

That will do it for us on "Sunday Morning Futures." I will see you tomorrow on FOX Business, "Mornings With Maria."

Have a great Sunday, everybody.

This show repeats today at 3:00 p.m.

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'Sunday Morning Futures' on border crisis, inflation, Russia (2024)


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