The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)

0 00 0 0 00 00 0000000 00 0000000 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0 000000 0 0 0 0 000 000 00 000 000 000 0 0 I PAGE SIX THE PIQUA DAILY CALL TUESDAY AUGUST 1, 1914. Dally Newsletter Briety TellCovington of ing and of Ha Arrivals in and of Interest Departures Valley or Covington, Ang, number or visitors al Chantangua Hunafternoon and evening were inAttorney V. A. Blainesley and Joseph Reno and. Richard, Min.

Are. Jolies and F. Erisman, of Greenville, Mr. and Mre. J.

B. Miller, and Taylor Myely and others eGuysburg, Dr. and Mrs. Muton, Miss Wizabeth Minton, Mr. 1 Delarals can Air.

and Mrs. WitDay, of Bradford. Dr, and Mrs. M. Wine, Miss Oliza Meredith and Stanley of Dayton, Mex, Dolia Thompson, the Misses Hattio and Thompson and H.

Thompson, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. West Milton, Rev. and Mrs. Biter, Troy, Roy of Pinna, Mr.

and D. Prof, and Mrs. Beery, Mr. and Mrs. F.

M. maker, Mr. and alps. .31. It.

Myers, Mr. Mrs Strayer and daughter. the Misses Beery, the Misses Song and Mazle Teeter and 092 of others from Pleasant Mill. Dr, Poe Preaches Able Sermon Dr. Floyd Poe, 01 Independence, occupied the pulpit at the Pres.

byterian church Sunday morning and preached an able -and inspiring serto an appreciative audienee. Dr. is out of the strong young listers of the Presbyterian church. His ability as a sermonicer la winning for a place AIDOng the pulpit orators the Presbyterian church and his genial personality will attract many friends. Dr.

and Sirs. Poo are here for mention period with Mrs. Poo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.M, Roll.

PerSonal and Social Events Mr. and Mr.s W. A. Heck entertainto six o'clock dinner Saturday Dr. Barbee, of May hold.

Hov. John I. rOoss, Nev. William Flammer und Mr. F.

Rankin. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rontson and children of Pina, were guests of dielr parents, Mr. and Mrs, 11.

W. Routson, Sunday and attended. Chaminqua Sunday afternoon and ovening. Sirs. Elizabeth.

Schmidlapp, of Piqua. was a Chamaugua visitor Snnday and Was the guest -of her sister, Mra. Nomer Buchanan and famlly. Mr. V.

ME. Rankin enterlained to An elaborate o'nlock dinner Friday orening Dr. IT. N. Darbee of Mayfield, Reverends El.

Gross and William Mr. P. A. Falckeincr, or Kansas City, Messrs. George Worloy and AV: A.

Heck. Delia Thompson, Midases Alice AMUsem*nT NOTES PRINCESS Pranels Y. Bushman, the popular picture actor of tho Ladles' Home Journal contest, appear n1. the Princess tomorrow night in the 2 reel "The. Scratch An plot and thrilling situations inukes this :11 exceptional Tonight, "Hunger Knows No Low," splendid Viagraph and "Under A Skin" a great Biograph combined with hilarious Lubin comedy, makes nn: other good program.

Malinces are given daily at this theater. The Star theater offers nu exceptionally fine program this afternoon And evening. "The Double Kant," strong Western, dramatic, Majestic feature in two purts, featuring Dorothy Gish and Donald Crisy. The photography and scenic settings are most beautifn). por: trying a story of great heart interest.

The "Courting of Prudence," new. Flying A Beauty brand, comedy drama, featuring Marguerite Fischer, the world's most beantiful and talented netress, supported by Harry Pollard and strong vast will also 13 shown. The admission will remain Ave cents to all. Ou Wednesday afternoon and evenins. "The 1.08L Sermon," a two part Flying A sycological drama, foalur.

ding Vivian Rich and "The -Fatal Flir: fation" a roaring Keystone farce comedy, will ho shown. "LEAN KLESCHNA" At May's Opera House tonight. Judge R. B. l.Indser, the famous justice and criminologist, declares that human.

nature l9 the same in every breast. and that if the right appeal made to people who go astray, there always a chance to lead them 'into light." This humane theory is adro. ented in the famous play, "Leah Kle. schna," the drania of a woman's demption- "T.rah Kleschna" ascends far above the plane.of the drama that merely interests and thrills. Ila.

directness, simplicity and power are irresistible. Its moral is powerful, touches a responsive and sympathetic chord in the heart of all humanity. LYRIC Was well filled al levening to see specul pictures and the vaudeville. Everybody waS well pleased, vaudeville is clever and the musical speciallies especially 'good. This will make good anywhere, tonight tomorrow will their engagement here.

FAVORITE Tonight at the Favorite theater. "Ford Sterling" the world's greatest comedian fn "A- Tealong Husband." Mr. Sterling Is the nighest salaried comedian of the screen today. "The Woman in Black" will est you in a strong detective dramp, Edna Mnisdon in tho title role. "The Lost Copperhead" will also shown.

See this program night. 5c. Tomorrow, Wednesday, RETURNED FROM MOOSE MEET Mr. Joel Mixon has returned from 319 waukee where he the naLional convention of the Loyal Order or Moose. Mr.

Nixon had all of the excitement; he desired for 'at the Lima another organization was Graving demonstration in which red flags were carried accompanied by unpatriotic demonstrations. Mr. Nixon stated several were found to the pique of march and were ousted from the Loyal- Order of Moose. WAR BULLETINS GERMANY DECLARES WAR Berlin, Aug. 4-Germany today dewar on placing the sponsibility up 'on the Government French republic, FRENCH CABINET CHANGES Paris, Aug.

4 Premier Vivian withdrew' as Foreign Minister; Gauthier, Firry and Jacquler also refrom the Cabinet. Their with. will have the effect of ce. menting the power of the Radicals, A MERE BAGATELLE Berlin, Aug. 4-German military officers at Stuttgart today reported seizure of $20,000,000 In goll to Russla.

BELGIUM GETS IN Paris, Aug. 4-Belgium ic to fight Germany. King Albert has left Brusfor the front to assume command the Belgium army COME AGAIN London; Aug. 4-The' German Cruiser Breslau today bombarded French naval station at Bona, at 4 a. After the bombard.

says a French dispatch, German steamed away at full speed. MORE INSULTS Aug. 4-Several fresh viola- of French territary by German troops were reported today. WHERE JAPAN STANDS Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 4 The Japan forcign office today issued statement that if the war extends far east Japan will support land.

WILL FORCE -A second ultimatum was sent to Belgium today by many. The latter declares she is pared to carry by force of arms measure she may deem essential. DROP BOMBS Paris, Aug. 4-A German army plane today dropped three bombs the French fortified town af ville. Ffteen persons were killed.

MEAT GOES Up Aug. 4--The of ned meats here has jumped 30 cent in the past few days. IN CHARGE Paris, Aug. 4-American Ambassad dor Myron T. Herrick has been in charge of German affairs in CECILE IS SAFE Bar Harbor, Aug.

4--Steamer. Cecile, carylng $10,769,544 in gold, which has been ly missing since she left New DA last. Tuesday, arrived in the bor here today after a forced run of a four days, her off cers fearing cap. ture. ATTACKS GERMANY German army af IL invasion which crossed the frontier from Metz has been attacked by French troops.

Heavy fighting is reported in progress. F.LEETS CLASH Aug. 4The French and German fleets are reported to have clashed. The sound of firing is reported to have been heard on the Yorkshire coast. MORLEY QUITS London, Aug.

4-Viscount Marley, member of the British cabinet, signed. He is opposed to the Government's war pol cy. JUST A FORMALITY London, Aug, today sent an ultimatum to Germany demanding a reply by midnight on the subject of the neutrality of Belgium. Explicit. Mrs.

Youngbride' (to butcher) want two pounds of beefsteuk, and have it rare, please." -Bouton Tran- There: 19 more Celarch in this section of the country than other discasea put together, and until the last few years WA9 supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced 56 a locat discase and preserthed local rumedies, and by constantly falling Lo cure with, Incal treatment, pronounced It 1n- curable. Setence has proven catarrh to constitutional disease and therelore Catarrh Curo manufactured by renutres constitutional treatment. ITall'a Cheney Toledo, Ohio Is the only constitutional cure on the market. IL la taken internally In dosea from' 10 drops to 8 teaspoonful.

IL act directly on the blood and mucons surfaces of the tem. They offer one hundred dollars for any, case it fails to cure. Sends for circulara and Address: F. J. CHENEY Toledo, 0.

Bold hy Drugalsta, 76c. Take Hall's Family Pills for ties. Wallingford In His Prime By GEOROR RANDOLPHI CHESTER Copyright, 1018, by the BobbsMerrill Co. from Monday.) game for kring time. Then again.

GoB ur "It. looks like you're up against it, After all this criticlem upon the part the experts in the galue the plece was bonul to IN: stupendous success, :1111 Manager. Wallingford. wits so certain- of It that during the last week of the he went beck into the lonely corner where Dan Sickels always sal in gloomy. apathy, "Well.

Dan, what do 3'Ou think the he mantred. trled to force 'n amile. "Yon CAN tell. It's ull gamble, body knows," he sold. "You're entitled to AL guess," Wal.

Ingford Insisted. "Come ou, Dan, me honestly, what do J'ou think abunt it?" "Well, I don't like to hurt your ings," Sickels hesitated. "I baven't any." Wallingford promptly informed bim, "Well, it you lenre it to mne, I don't Lind: It's any kiud of musical comedy, anyhow. None of the boys thinks: 90. Yon see.

Wallingford, you got wrong trom the sturt. You got Dolger's and Kickets Johnson's name's tacked on the program, and you're lucky la your cast. Delancy and rence and Devoe are. ull right, but haven't bad decent. parts for.

three sons, so wbat cun rou expect? Ronnie husa't been in touch with time. Then is the hondooed Avon. It looks like you're up against it. Wallingford." "It isn't my. funeral," returned J.

Rufus. "I'm not engaging in any business this sear, but I still luve a bet left jar me. "The Lama's Goat' makes IL hit it'll break the and this house worth more than it is today. At -what price wEll you sell the property, and how much will you take for AL thirty day option on it Dan sank back in his chair like collapsed puffball, "It's too late," he wulspered; then lie cleared his thront, "It's too late," he repeated in IL louder huskiness. "I gare Dillon thirty day option day before yesterdug." "The derll you sny!" exclaimed Wallingford, deeply disappointed.

"Why. the man's us crooked us Tammany and sure bankrupt 1r he goes through with this thing. I thought you had decided not to fuss up with him." "I couldn't help myself." bait whtned Sickels, In the pitiable weakness of enco strong man. "Wallingford, I've been broke so long that when 1 see any of my old friends on the street 1 hunt an ultey. usell to be one of the best dressers on Irondway.

and now I don't Ilke to go there in the sunlight: feel as Ir body that's walking behind mu leas his eyes focused the fringe of my pants. I own this property and its $85.000 worth of mortbut there's many AL time F're felt Who trading it for the price of new suit of clothes, dinner with pretty girt, a full of champagne and a Trottle of prussic acid. Well. when I'm feeling about like that this quivering Dillon comes along and shows no twenty-live greenbucks, encl one of them good for $20 'nt nny reg. alarly Mcensed bar.

and I fall. He forg me $100,000 cash and the same nnuount In stock of the Dillon Stores company for this place, if he chooses, on or before the day his option expires. But It Isn't the figure he offers thint gets mo: it's that real money, Say, do you know what I'ro got on 1101 for the first time in century or so? Silk "I'm sorry closed with Dat." commenled Wallingford. much interested in the business end IL to Lay aDS attention to Dan's joy The solid necessities of life. 3 gel out of this place will be 815.000 difference between the gel and the amount of your mortgages." And Wallingford stalked away.

steadfastly refusing Sickels' hospitalile invitntion to go out and take a drink and forget it. Instead. Wallingford. 15 was habit when he bad been balked in REDSBREAKEVEN, Lose First and Win: Second Game With York Giants. feated to kept The 01'8, New and New N.

SI. and 9t. and York, Ang. Giants de: New. the Rede In 'the frat game, 2.

Mathewson was on the slat and the vishtors' hits well scattered. second contest went to the 5 to 1, It was mainly a pitchers' contest. Scores: R. 0 1 0 0 0,0 I 10 York ...02100004 02 1: Batteries -Renton, Yingilni Clark; Mathewson and Meyer and Aleican. Second Game- R.

N. E. Cinennail 3 00000 -5 10 York 5 0 0--4 Batteries Schneider and CioILand Clark; Demarce and Moyery, NATIONAL W. 63 37 52 43 51 16 46 15 LEAGUE, PC. CLUBS.

W. PC. .550 46 49 .463 .617 43 628 Pittsb'gh, 40 Gl .410 .605 Brooklyn. 89 GU .138 AT. BROOKLYN- R.

H. Pittsburgh 001 000 110 000 4-7 12 Brooklyn 100 010 100 000 0-3 12 Cooper and Gibson; lagan McCarty and Gibson. AT BOSTON-. R. ll Louta 000.000000- 0-0 3 Boston 00 0 0 5 And Snyder; Tyler Whaling.

AT PHILADELPHIA- R. H. Chicago 0 0 00 0--0 6 Philadelphia 0 0200 0 9 Zabel and Archer; Alexander and Kilifer. AMERICAN LEAGUE. AS.

W. L. PC. CLUBS. 61 34 .642 48 50.190 Boston.

55 13 .561 47 49 53 43 .552 N. 42 51 61 48 .515 Cleveland. 31 05 AT CLEVELAND- I. Washington 1004 0 02 11 Cleveland 0 1 0 Batteries--Engle Ayres and Henry, Ingeman, Collamore and Egan. AT DETROIT- R.

H. New Detroit York 2 .00000001 0 0 0 000 2 00 1 11 Rntterleg-Cole and Nunamaker; voleskle and Baker. AT ST, R. 11. Boston .010000000 6 St, T.onla 00100500 4 and Cody: James Crosaln.

AT CHICAGO- P. 1. Philadelphia 0 51 0-8 8 Chiengo 0 10 3 0 5 12 Butteries Pennock, Bush and Schane: Scott, Russell Wolfgang and Schalk. FEDERAL LEAGUE. CLUBS.


55 42 .507 15 44 51.40 .500 -Pittsb'ah. 41 50 49 42 .599 13 51. Frockilyn. 47 41 .581 St. 10 54 Buttalo, St.

Louis, 4. Brooklyn, Indlanapolis, 7. Baltimore, Kansas City, J. Pittsburgh, Chicago, 0 (10 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. CLUBS.


L. 61 49 .505 54.55 59 45 ,551 K. 55 55 Steveland. 38 51 .532 50 lolumbus. 55 52 .514 St.

40 G7 Milwaukee, io. Kansas City, Columbus, 6. Minneapolis, Indianapolis, 4. 61. Paul, 15; Loutsvine, 15 (11 WHITE STARS SEEK TO REPEAT 'The White Stars will attenspi to take the Border City Athletic nine into camp for the secoud time this senson when on next 'Sunday the 1w0 teams hook ny at Stein's Park, while the city team is in Versailles battling against the French.

The White Stars, earlier in. the season, won a .7 to gume against the Athleties and are of the opinion they will repeat the trick. Purifies Blood With Telling Effect Gives Conscious Evidence of Its Direct Action. And forgel -In but remember abat Unjon township is firell in plurality of Republicans over Doma: crats, and third hi the number or iRe. phIlican volers in the townships of Miami and has nol held county allice for twelve years except Coroner: and- that office goes hregme this year, 5.

B. Miller, or Union is a man -for the pitice of county! commissioner ThIs sear- -givn a hoost and dely, to elect him to 1)1a1 office' ny bIg majority. Primary 11, 191. FUNERAL OF MISS MABEL RIAL READ THIS 6 Alice Petera! sorvives for Miss Mabel of of Riel will he hold at the Park Avenue of 1LOOIL Baptist ALL 1 Church o'clock. DI1 Interment Wednesday at after.

For. Airs, Jessle vat. Bill cemetery. and LETTER EXPLAINS SHOOTING AFFAIR SISTER OF ALEX DUFF SHOT DAUGHTER 'IN SELF WILL RECOVER Alex Duff received A letter Iron his half-sister, Mrs. Emma Parstaling that her daughter, Mrs.

Alberte Morrin, bad returned home from the vity nosplial. was announced in THE PIQUA DAILY CALI. recently. Mira. Parrott shot her danghter, inflicting two bullet wounds, Sm the neck and the other in her chest.

The bullet in her chest was recovered. Mr. Duff Isited Mra, Morris the hospital and heard the details the shooting and the causes leading Thereto. It seems that Mrs. Morris was unter the in Buence of liquor and went to the home of her.

mother, Mrs. Parrott, who began admonish for. using liquor, which angered young woman, who ran after her mother with a butcher knife. Mrs. Parrott was standing beside 'the sideboard caught up a pistol shot her daughter twice.

Mrs. ris was removed lo. hospital Urs, Parrolt was taken to jail. Duffy went to Cincinnati 011 receipt ferrivle news and secured bail for his sister. Mr.

Dun. sald we talked with niece, Airs. Morris, who expressed rOW for her deed, and promised to Netter in the funre. Sirs. Parrott's trial Is set for August 7 and her torney says she will be cleared the plea of sol defeuse.

Alrs, Parrolt is 110 at tier own home and wrote a khudly manuer of her dangnter, ink Chat she would now a comfort. La. her of a sorrow, JUNIORS CAMP AT FAIR GROUNDS Troy Plays Host to -First Regis -Many Visitors Visit'. Camp Dills. "Several hundred visitors spent Sunday it Camp Dills 011 the fair grounds where the First Regiment, Tr.

O. U. A. will enjoy A week's outing. On Saturday a number of compames Arrived and quickly the white tented any arose, but it was not.

nutll Sunday that the camp bocanie Gully established with the following companica represented: Middletown: E. West. Carrollion: Gettysburg; f1, Bradford: K. Union CIty: 35, Plan. Bellbrook.

On Monday Companies of Dayton, and 0, ol Osborn, arrived. Battery of Dayton, with four brass cannon, went. into camp Saturday morning. "Colonel J. W.

Ropy, of Dayton, is in command. The camp is located on the slight rise lacing Troy pike and is an Ideal spot. The Regiment was organized eight years ton companies, with A membership of 350.. "AI 6:90 o'clock Sunday morning Miami Valley and the city of Troy were aroused by the roar of guns as the battery fired a salute of three rounds in donor el General W. SySarks and his adjutant, Colonel Walker, of Dayton, who arrived in camp General Sparks is the hrigade commander.

the men in camp appear to be in perfect health, but nevertheless the hospital. corps under Major Emerick is prepared for all emergencies, "Col. Ropy has arranged. a number of special evenls for. the week, commencing Monday evening when a -recoption will de given in honor of the citizens of Troy.

evthere will be a military ball with special musle. Thursday evening the First eximent will. give a dress parade ou the public square in Troy, Staley's band furnish the music. The great event of the camp. however, will he the sham battle on next Saturday afternoon, which will be worth whilo witnessing.

Members of the Troy Council will take part in the same. "Sonday morning Major J. A. Pantfe, D. 1.

pastor of an United. Brethren church. Dayton. regimental chaplain. conducted services at 11 o'clock.

His was "Quil Yon Like Men, He girong." Tho adress was brief but to the point, the speaker showing the need of strong men in this day and ngo, 3 o'clock in the afternoon there was PL band concert. and in Ing dress which, however, was interrupted by the Sara, day cluded sons, and Mr. from Porey Liam J. ALias mon Poe him of a ed IT. of her the and Morand Mr.

$500 his sordo uinuder in hop- Mattie Thompson and Te Thomason, of Colmbus, Mr. maud O'Dell suck children of Spring. were Chantanuna visitors Saturday and Swiday. They of Prof. and.

Mrs. R. W. Mimes. and M.

W. Brabaker, mo to, West Alexander, Saturday the family reunion, het al Lito of Mrs. Brubaker's parents, Ar. Mrs. Ira.

Pudge. Their litle nophew Kimmel, accompanied them Dollo after an etended visit with and Mrs. Brubaker. and. Mrs.

Otto Buchanan Milton were Chautauqua and were guests of their JEal'Mr. and Airs. John Buchanan Mias Martha. Rankin, of. Sunday with bor parents, Mr.

Sirs, M. Rankin. Mr, AV. Dollinger, of arrived here Saturday to join his wife SUn in IL visit with leis father, -Dollinger and sister, Miss Dollinger. Mr.

John Wine has returned home a two years' absence, spent Honolulu, 'Hawaii, where he WAS tencher in the Ophu College. Cards hae been received Announe the birth of a daughter to Mr. R. B. Lowman, of Anacortes, 011 July 31st, Mr.

and Mry, HenPerry are the happy grandparents. Mr. and Mra. George Rtench the Wearlek reunion at the Greenfair grounds last Saturday, Miss Anna Wefter of Naw Paris, visiting her sisters, Mrs. J.

W. Jones. Mrs. 1. 11.

Dersham. MIs Katherine Marlin at Oxford where she took weeks' course in domestle selence. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Ballanger, Annn Station, are visiting Airs.

Conma Ferris. were Chantanqua Saturday and Sunday. Miss DOn of Chicago, is guest of her. brother, Dr. Gaines family.

MT, and Mrs. F. Shaman Inined to dinner Saturday evening, and Airs. P. A.

Folchemer, pi Kansas City, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. John Young, of sailles were guests last week of aud Mrs. Warren Hurtle, Mr.

and Young were here for the purpose attending Chautauqua. Mr. and Mrs. David Murphy had Their guests the pust week tire Ethel and Helen Kendell of Cleveland, l.ore," 3 '30n episode, featuring world's famous screen slurs, Cubard and Francis Ford. Thursday, "The Perils of 9th episode.

fu 2 reels and "A in Pearls." detective drama in 2 featuring Irene Wallace." Some. eitement TOurmlay. DR. COOK ARE THRILLING The Dr. Cook pictures.

-The Abort the Pole," will be shown this week at May's opera house. pictures tell graphically the slory Dr: Gook's -quest of the North annel the conspiracy to ruin his acter. and reputation. were given a private run this and those who SILW them tound intensely Interesting and even ing. ISfanager Kress will also in Motion Pictures" also this week.

VACATION TRIPS ON THE GREAT LAKES action travel on the Great Lakes is now in fEll swing, and the volume of tourist travel attracted the lake routes by the splendid ennipment of the passenger lines and for thip cool and restful lake trips Is even larger than In former seasons. The Great Ship "SECANDACE," NOw running daily between Cleveland Buffato, has errated a with the traveling public who break their rail journey at either city to enjoy a deighiful night's trip on this marvelbus ateamer. The "SCRANDREE" iR the largest and most costly passenger steamer on inland waters of the world. has 510 staterooms and parlors accommodating 1500 passengers, enualling in alceping capacity the largest hotels or the country, and she can cary 6,000 people, the population of a good size town. Notwithstanding her gigantic daring the summer season her sleeping accommodations are reserved well in advance, and those contemplating the trip should arrange for rooms 15 carly no possible.

All railroad tickets reading between Cleeland and Buffalo are good for transportation on C. B. line steamors, aud 110 one should miss the opportunity of using the lake ronte durlug the bot summer months. FUNERAL OF J. J.

DRAKE The funeral services for the late I J. Drake will be held on Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the residence on the Washington pike. Interment in Forest Hill cemetery. AUDITS BUSINESS OF PIQUA COLLATERAL BANK State Bank Examiner Maher yester- be day completed an audit of the books 10- and Trusiness of the Pinna Collateral Bank of this city, and found everything in a most satisfactory condition. of his plans, minted a 4ulet corner whor* notions could and An hour Dater he dowu from thou Jouply balcony box Just above the hogling relivareal and hunted Sickely, wboni bio found huddled up In the old walchman's comfortable chair at the stage entrance with a fooi across his kave gently stroking a silk sock.

"Yon mulght as well have SODIC 151 OL'O Dan." Wallingford observed. laying 11 hundred dollar bill neross tho glistening ankle. 1:1 promptly clutched- the gundy trite his Augers. "What's It fort he asked quite naturally. "A second option on tuis thenter and the ground occuples.

Tbirty days, dating from today." "Same price?" Inquired Dan. folding the bill lengthwise and then end wise: "Better." replied Wallingford -Two hundred thousand cash." Dan stuffed the money into late pock: el. "Let, me got this straight." he said, rising vigoronly. from cluilr. "You're paying me $100 for what.

you cull a second option. Ir 'Dillon don't buy my property in thirty days from lust Tuesday at the price he orfered tie you have the right to buy it pt may thine In the following two days for cush?" "Paint's it," acknowledged Wallingford. go und see my lawyer," greedBy luvsted Dun. "I hope Dillon chokes before Nils thirty days are up." clared of the today a ghed drawal the algned sels of giere, merit, of tions as the the ex- a Truth nil These of Pole char: thom thrill. present all feel- in' of Dicky: of winLow- they the CHAPTER XIV.

Putting One Over. 1. PC. rott, .490 .143 one .313 C. 3 7 E.

(a- E. 0 and in E. 1 and Faber, PC. .197 .481 .513 .417 Innings). PC.

.607 :500 :169 .324 innings). 8. 5. the famona biood purine: almost tolks is. it sweeps- through the Its action is SO direct (hat often in some forms of skin Amictiun the appearance of the eruptions over night.

the itch and redness are gone act recovery begins Immediately, As A matter of fact, there is nce ingredil. rot. In 8. which serves the active parPose of stimulating each cellular -pact n( the body to the healthy and Judicious Rejection of Its, own essential That la it regenerates the blood supply why IL Das such tremendous influence in over. cozema, rash, pimples, and all.

oblo a Mictions. And in regenerating the tissues 4. 113 A rapid, and positive nntidotat effect unop n11 1 those Irritating. inDuences that ricumatism, sure throat. weak eyes, Ines cl weight, thin, pale chucke, and (bat wokelness mnsele and netie that la esperienced an spring Lever.

Get Trottle of 8. 8. 9. al BOy deng store, and 111 a low days you will nut only feel bright and energetic, but you will. be the of life.

S. S. is prepared. able in the laboratory ni The Srift Speelfr 534 Swift Atlanta, who maintain a sere, rabelent Medical Department, where all who have any disorder pf. alutuoro nature may write freely fur S.

hivico 8. ond sold book of 9. 1a by drug stores, and Pral stores, but beware of all 65 them. STAR canper placed France. Krone York the morning of the momentous opening date of "The Lama's Goat" Melissa Tripp was' stricken -with ber first attack stage fright, which took the form nerrous chills.

Dicky Dolger, his neenpation more or less gone, rosy dawn, emptied dels own cellaret and those. in the Sheraton and. Art Nouvern rooms and fell downstairs, and Johnson lost the coudue. tor's score of the robenreal thaPdny the most 1m- portum chorus givis left yawning gap in the ranks by their failure to appear. DIss Devve utterly.

refused to go ou that night unless they settled in her favor the allotment of the star dressing room now In dispute between Tierselt and Melissa Tripp. The electrician who haul rehearsed nil the lgbt effects burned his hand. A now grip poked one of the berole sized papier mache gouts through the reur wall of the temple, mind the stage mannger had Agut with Willis Lawrence, the. big busso. Througti all these triding.

Incidents Violet. Bonnle, though working stone. crusher and meeting ench death blow, as It came up with n' feree energy that should have belonged ouly retained an inmuzing cheerfulness, which was explained when, over the hasty sandwich formed her dinner. she observed to. thie only who- was enougb of disposition, to remnin mill ber through it all: "Blackie, it's: a pipe! Norer the history of the Big.

Lane was -there a production that -started off. with 50 11191 signs of a winner. we'd -lad. smooth. rehearsal this morning and everything else hod gone off as guy as an election, bet wine fest, I'd have been out -right now ordering 11 culin illy lock of Ages and being: mcasnred for my crape." At 7:15.

however, she sent burryup cull- for Mackie. who was nirendy. in the lobby with Wallingford, gloating: serenely over the advance. sale, Hastening hack. Blackie found Violet: Bonnie seated in state upon the -temple steps of gorgeous -Argt net sol.

"It's all over. Blackie," she said, with 910' lips which soniebow stretelied and pulled and numbly hurt ay she tried to forms the words. "Somebody has sure Dutch hex ou this show." and she twisted lace kerchief into a rough little string. "Cheer np." begged Bluckle, respondtog nobly. though with a sinking heart, tu this new demaud upon bis cheerfulness.

fatalitleg may nut be so great as at first reported, Who: mixed ep. the switchboard. this tire?" "Delauez!" the gulped. "Delaney? What's be kicking "Crumpa!" "Cramps, dog-gone dw! I Just got a note that he's lind three doctors, and: I guess a plumber, trying to take the kinks out of his stomach, but he can't be repatred in ilme." "How inconsiderate. of mumbled Blackie politely, still trying to brave.

"Why. he's the grand he exctalmed; awakenings suddenly. to the enormity of the blow. show enn't go on without a lama. What are you going to "Du?" shie hale shrieked.

"I'm 1171 to Squamosett and strangle Martha Tripp with her own co*ckscrew a And suddenly for the drst time in her. Ife she gave way to.complete despair and threw her arms around Blackie's neck and sobbed-actually sobbed! Mackle was seared to a linle Nile green. "Cheer up." he begged, with 1 Cechle finitation DE hig usual flippant of. heartiness and potted her nuitonitically upon the shoulder. "'Cheer Vt.

Say, fur the love of alike. cheer up.or 1'11 go dippy And ho looked about him for some place to sit me down, for Violet was no bantam; and in she was leaning hor full weight agalust 21m. a "The Lama's Cont" uight bare came to a premature demise, there and him, then, had Hat the distructed stage manager Insigorated Violet by burstof ing epon them at that moment. fu "Now the devil in to pay bawled "All out: boots for the second the net have just come in, and they're an cast inch too short. What.

in Texas are we going to do about it?" "Saw his ordered Violet, turning fiercely upon him. "But," protested the stage manager. his nuy la Continued,).

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.