The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

31 The Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday, July 9, 1937 31 MOTOR VEHICLES MOTOR VEHICLES MOTOR VEHICLES MOTOR VEHICLE AUCTIONS FUNERALS FUNERALS FUNERALS FUNERALS NUMBER PLATES MASERATI owners Custom piatel EUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFECTIONERY RUN A rare oppoflunulv lo purchase a vendor refill eum wm returns between $30 $400 pr wee Full prire 112 SuO plus fork, with room lor r.pjntion Applicanrs require station or small van Mlnmuin hnir reoutred 1 days per wreh for inouinet phone Mr iacie C-358 1211 That's The Name AUTO AUCTIONS 3583022 DRUMMOND. The relatives and friends of the late MARGARET LESLEY DRUMMOND of 'fanlv Vale, are invited to attend her funeral service, to be held in fthe West Chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium, tomorrow (Friday), appointed to commence Ktpiease meet at the crematorium F. TIGHE CO. MANLY BRANCH. HEAD OFFICE.

F.D.A. 498 4100 NSW. ELLIOTT. A service for the late ROSEANNE ELLIOTT will be held in a chapel of the Eastern Suburbs Crematorium, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon, commencing at iQ clock. Please assemble at the crematorium.

WALTER CARTER Pty Ltd. 302 Oxford Street. Woollahra 389 3499 389 3367 OAM N.S.W. FERAN. The relatives and friends of the late HUGHIE WILLIAM FERAN.

are invited to anrf his funeral service, to be held in our chapel. '172 Redfern Street. Redfern. next Friday morning at 10 o'clock At the conclusion of the service, the cortege will proceed to the East-em Suburbs Crematorium. JOSEPH MEDCALF FUNERAL SERVICES AUSTRALIA'S OLDEST CAR AUCTION ROB OLLIFFE.

MANAGER. Enormous Sale Today 12 noon 856 Audi 1 0OCD 7 SPR Wagon Kalahri. contrastina trim, auto stereo, cruise control, i i uuu Kms 3583022 air ostccr owindows dooks. 300ZX Targa air cond. psteer.

stereo Feugo Coupe 86 KC Laser GL Hatch Yellow, contrasting trim, manual, air cond 1 .000 kms -nfm 172 Redfern Redfern. FDA. -NSW vtoe98 2644. 698 2315 85 Nissan Silver, matching velour trim 30.000 kms books. 83 Renault Metallic blue, contrasting factory mags, books.

82 XE Falcon trim. 5 speed, air windows FLETCHER. The relatives and friends of the late GEORGINA MARY FLETCHER, of Rvde. are invuea to aiiena ner runerai. cms day (Thursday), to leave the Presbyterian Churchy Liverpool i-fRoad.

Ashfield. after service appointed to commence at 2 30 o.m. At the conclusion of the service tr funeral will leave- for the Beige, contrasting trim. radio, style stripes, books. 82 ZK Fairlane Sportsman Sedan Blue, contrasting trim.

air cond. psteer stereo. 73 Mercedes Benz 350 SE Salon Blue, contrasting trim. Many-Many Other Cars Not Listed Majority of Makes, Year and Models 3583022 AUTO AUCTIONS (A DIVISION OF SMA. MOTORS PTY.

LTD). 137-163 BOURKE STREET. EAST SYDNEY. LICENSED MOTOR DEALER No 29 Member Auctioneers and Valuers' Association of W. WILSON.


Today ESTABLISHED SINCE 1953 ALL TITLES GUARANTEED. L. 658 Vehicles Under 77 GEMINI ALI936. 79 FIAT AKW937 77 MAZDA 323 JDP947. 76 SUBARU HYT507 75 TORANA OGH202 75 HJ HOLDEN 1XD277.

75 GEMINI UNREG 75 LANCER MBO408 NO SALE NO CHARGE SELL YOUR CAR AT DEBIENS Vehicles Under S4000 Reserve ALFA 33 GCL. Red. many extras A well loved car. Meticulously cared for SI 6.800. NHS224.

Call 326 1 995 a ALFA ROMEO GT 76 Silver Excellent body aood mech. Sui enthusiast. Reg. 1087 S7800 KPM878 Phone 6Q6 53Z8 ALFASUO Tt 2 dr 1 977 model. 6 mths good cond.

insideout. ALFASUD Tl 78. Looks oreat White. Radcass. Flared guards Dumpersskirts.

4etJ reg. txc mechs brakes. S3900 32 9235 or 33 4542 JQE959 ALL Convertibles and Sportscars For Sale and Wanted Urgently. NEED STOCK DESPERATELY. TOP PRICES PAID INSTANT CASH DECISION 358 Parramatta Rd BURWOOD 745 1000 AUDI 100 5E delivered 81.

fuel stereo, loa books, rea. boa excellent first to see will buy. J7800. no offers LHR523 Chris 663 5279371 6B39. AUSTIN.

A30 with no motor, body and panel Al. unreg. S2UU B1Q8B6. BARINA private sale, low kms sunroof, silver with blue interior. 1 owner, must sell S8000 ono NIC674 Phone 525 0788 work Or477 7412 BEDFORD Camper van.

new Ho den motor, auto. 2 wav fndae. gas cooker. Near new tyres, new radiator Heavy -duty snocks. Extra aonrf oria cond SteeDS 4 Superb setup S4500 o.n.o.

Phone 560 B780 PQK972 BLUEBIRD LX 5 spd Good condi tion LOY0B1 6bQO 6032115 BMW 520 Cab 5 sod 1181 Immaculate white. 53.000 kms Personally imported. 12 mths rea 122 ODO. AZ666 977 1 804. ah or 925 3400.

bh BMW 323i CABRIOLET AUTO 85 White Low kms MQZ716 CHATSWOOD CLASSIC CARS 8160 7 Days 411 5888 BMW 323i Cabriolet auto. Nov 84. Air. 22.000 terns. Graphite cotour.

OQ3231 $43.500. Ph 439 1242 BMW M535l SPORT 86 Red Only 9.000 kms OCRS23. CHATSWOOD CLASSIC LAHb 8160 7 Days 411 5888 CELICA auto liftback 1 980 mod air cond tidy car. priced to sell. S7990.

Terms or trade MRZ529. D.L. 1 007 1 7b 8226 CITROEN PALLAS 2400 1978 Verv aood condition. New motor CX116 S7350. Ph.

997 7420 or 9A3 Z6B6 COMMODORE Executive 84 Auto Air-cond o. steer. radiocassette, reg. 688. good cond 82.00O One owner (MWL147) 449 1525 S10.500 COMMODORE SL Auto Citv oak 1 owner, log bks Will stand your nardest inspect Beaut tnout KD505 S6950 59 6646 COMMODORE 83 SL Creamy White.

6 cyl. Auto radio cassette, lady car. excellent cond 2 mths reg S7900ono MZMJbb bh 6998910. ah 648 1254 COMMODORE SL 3 3. 79.

top cond 1 2 mths reg. KTQ623 I590Q Ph 3Q B353 CORDIA Turbo 85. Power steer Air-cond. AMFM stereo eoual. Met silver As new cond Urgent saie.

is.uuu ono. inj way. Ph 960 3297 COROLLA 77 coupe Excel, cond tnroughout. 12 montns reg OMV952 S3700ono 759 5632 CORONA 77 auto sed Air cond Exc mprh rond Kpltab ecar KKY500 S3800 671 1809 CORTINA swgn. 75 2000 OHC go.

running cond stereo, radials 1087. HNE598. $1875. 39B Oil. CORTINA TE 78 mod White 4 cvl o.

tngine and gear box very good cond. 559 2343 OGL3B6 DAIHATSU CHARADE 80 "model IO mths. reg. 1 owner. Excel cond mech.

A 1. $4500. KRX484 568 2390 DAMAGED Honda Civic 74 man ual. Reg 88. $450 ono Phone aai 1 35H A OZC91 7 DATSUN 200B 1979 automatic.

KKWi 1 1 46QO Q. 261 132Q DATSUN 180B 4 DOOR '77. in showroom cond. mech. perfect, low kms good tyres, air shocks, long DG865 $2990 Ph 389 8437 DATSUN 200B 79 GX auto mech Al.

radcass reg. 388. urg sale. KCK323 $3500o 439 4376 DATSUN Bluebird 1981. radiocassstereo.

mech Al Urgent sale LRT287 $5800 Ph. 750 4872 FAIRMONT XC VS auto, good car. mags, win trade NUibi 134UU. Phone 759 7098 FALCON XA. Qld plates (OOS375).

reg. till Aug Excel! mech $900 365 0540. FALCON XF Sep 85. Limited Edition. Z5th Anniversary model.

silver bar auto, air cond. power steer 1187 reg NRQ284. i4.ou ono. duo oa6. FALCON XT auto Good tvres radcass.

Goes well, some rust. reg ev. $3bO. NIQ837 Ph. 477 6861 FORD Escort 1978 Sedan manual.

air conditioned. KBW101 $4300ono Phone 261 1320 FORD FALCON GL sedan T-bar auto. air. stereo, alarm, power gaspetrol conversion, tow-bar, headlight protectors, full 12 mths. rego OBL1 17.

$15,800 or neg. take over co hp b23 3 1 2Q FORD LTD 1985 EFI 4 1 as new co. directors silver, done 40.000 kms suited with LTD luxury, new tyres, a mtns. reg. 2.9UO NI0649 i 477 4775 FORD XD 1979 Tbar Auto, air cond rad cass.

1 owner. Mech Al 26.000kms Reg. 987. $6200 ono pn. i sa K.K.tooa F100 WANTED URGENTLY.

Terms Paid Out. Cash Today. Phone John 728 61 33. L.D 1143. end 787.

$1350 HBL281 Phone 63 5493. GEMINI 79 SL manual sedan, red bone interior. 288 pink ticket, good cond. S48UO o.n.o KOW402 570 4024.

GEMINI TC 78 Sedan reg BB. UNI496. Kink Slip. A1 Cond $3720 o.n.o. 51 5605.

GOVERNMENT Used Van Trucks Terms arranged. BRISCOE MOTORS. Melton and Pmatta Rds Auburn. 648 1700 PL. 112 HOLDEN Commodore Exec 1 986.

excel! cond $14,000 Reg to March 1968 560 2855. 744 2374 all hrs. BVK669 HOLDEN EH immaculate, just been restored. 1 yr. reg New paint, trim and mechanically work.

Alpine stereo, deep Dish, mags and lots more. Has to be seen to be appreciated. $6850. OMY277 Ph 798 6080 HOLDEN FB 1960. unbelievable showroom cond.

4B.OOO miles, must be seen. NXP273. $4750. 32 3915 HOLDEN HI Deluxe. 202 auto.

L737 Met bronze rea sedan. LQ 388. stereo, excel cond. $2750 ono 63 azz or Q4i 66 444 HOLDEN HJ SWagon. Man.

Fair conoition. 2 weeks reg. $1400o JGZ984 958 5209 HOLDEN HQ Premier 74. excel. cona ijsuu.

bBo LWU21B 30 7390 267 3939 HOLDEN HR X2 sw g. motor. disc front end. slight rust, unreg $600 View 21 Harrington Marrickville. after 4 p.m.

HOLDEN Premier SW 1 976 auto. no rust. 10 mths. exc. mech.

cond. Must sell LF0316. $3000 ono Ph 969 4838 HOLDEN RODEO Diesel 4WD Late 8 1 1 0 mths. reg in excellent working condition $4800 ono. MRH648 Phone 30 7383 HOLDENS.


Sales. Service. Spares MUIRS (G -H PEALERS. Parramatta Rd. and Bland St-Ashfield Ph 798 8888 MUIRS GIVE YOU MORE.

HONDA ACCORD 1980. met blue. 5 speed man 3 door hatch. Exc. cond.

Lady driver Reg. 788. Rad. cass. Great reliable car.

Forced sale. ONI499 $6500 ono Phone 33 6938 A H. HONDA CIVIC 1981. Air condi tioning, good condition. 1 owner.

$6400ono 810 3642 LBM147 HONDA CIVIC 1981. 3 dr. Good cona. stereo, iz mtns. $6500.

NVK0S9. 71 2 2528 HONDA Civic 77 Hatch. Spotless Ye lowb ack man. S31SO. JCU718 3898437 HONDA HONOA.

ACCORD 4 DOOR. NEW 1986 $25,900 HONDA EASTWOOD 603 Blaxland Road Eastwood 85 1908 LD 628. 858 1440 The lTJeekv TSUI. The relatives and friends of tr late ROSALINE SHEUNG CHEUN TSUI are kindly invited to attend he funeral service, to be held at the chapel of Gregory Carr. Cnr.

of Pacific Hiohwav and Merriwa Streets. Gordon, on Friday (July iu. i doj. commencing at luam At the conclusion of the service the cortege will proceed to the (general Lawn cemetery at Northern Suburbs. GREGORY and CARR.

KU-RING-GAI. HEAD OFFICE. FDA 498 44S5 N.S.W. TUMETH. The relatives and friends of the late EDWARD TUMETH.

of Alexandria, are invited to attend his funeral service, to be conducted within a chapel of the Eastern Suburbs Crematorium, tomorrow (Friday) commencing at 10 a.m. Please meet at the crematorium oy reouest. no flowers. METROPOLITAN BURIAL AND CREMATION SOCIETY BURWOOD 744 2178 a of in ana National Selected Morticians VALLANCE. A service for the late HAKULU THOMAS VALLANCE.

will be held in our chapel next Friday (July 1 0. 1 987). On conclusion of service commencing at 10 o'clock the funeral win leave for the Botany Ceme tery. WALTER CARTER Pty Ltd 302 Oxford Street. Woollahra 389 3499 389 3367 A.

OIN i W. WALLS. A Service for the late (Mel) EDWARD MELVIN WALLS, of Lane Cove and for merly of New Zealand, will be held in the chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium, tomorrow (Friday. 10th July. 1987).

at 3.50 p.m. Please meet at the crematorium. KENNETH MAURER FUNERALS 92 1510 920 5813 Ken Maurer Bruce Maurer. Persona 263 MILLER STREET. NORTH SYDNEY.

A.F.D.A WEBB. The relatives and friends of the ate HFNRY IAMFS JOSEPH WEBB, of Lugarno. are invuea to attend his funeral service to be held in a chapel of the Woronora Crematorium, today I nursoay). at a a Please meet at the crematorium I HARDY A. of ROCKDALE.

HURSTVILLE 599 4400. 57 1554 WITCHARD. The relatives and friends ot the late MABEL EDITH WITCHARD (nee PARKER), are invited to attend her funeral service, which wilt be conducted in the West chapel of the Woronora Crematorium, tomorrow (Friday). at i i a.m. Please assemble at the crematorium.


560999 KINGSFORD. 663 0408 LAKEMBA 759 4044 IN MEMORIAM CARSON. Shane Ian John July 9 1 983. 4 years in loving memory of our utne ooy. loving him always, love mummy, daddy, Anthony.

CARSON. Shane Ian John. July 9 1963. It broke our hearts to lose you but you did not 90 atone for part of us went with you the day you went away. Loving you nanny, pop and families CHARLTON.

George. Passed away July 9. 1982. In memory of my darling nusoano. oao ana pod You cared so much for others with every passing day.

nothing was ever a bother, or too much out of vour wav. you never had favourite, instead a special place for all. matter not what time of day. you were always there on call, you gave love and happiness to everyone you new. no-one could ever mean as much as what we thought of you We miss you from your loving wife.

Kuby. family and grandchildren CHARLTON. Georae In mem ory of my brother, who passed away July 1 Lest we forget jtm ana ramny. CON RAN. Ronald Charles.

July 10. 19B. Always remembered with love, from your wife and family. Passed away July 9. 19Sb.

aged yri. irii3iRj iiiciiiuucs, always in our hearts. Arthur and DALY. Sid July 9. 1 983 A tear I wipe away, because you (ert us 4 years today Always in our hearts, loving wife.

1 neima and tamiiy GORDON. Alexander. Passed away juiy 9. lyol. badly missed vour wire rviavis.

GORMAN. Doris Irene. Passed away July 9. 1978. In livong memory of my darting wife.

always in my thoughts, china, your loving nusband, Peter HARD. Jennifer Anne. At rest July 9. 1986. In memory of our loving and devoted wife and mother.

In our hearts she will always be. cherished and loved in our memory. Colin. Blake. Corey, Tiffany and Dane HARD.

Jennifer Anne, (nee new; in loving memory or our loved daugnrer ana sister. Jennifer, who passed awav July 9. 1 986 We hold back the tears when we speak your name, but the ache in our hearts will always remain, no one knows the grief we bear when the family meets and you are not there, where ever we go. what ever we do. there is always sornething that reminds us of you Mum, uao and ramny HENRY.

William Gilbert. Passed away uiy y. 1 aob- 1 here comes a time for all of us when we must say goodbye but memories of those we love live on and never die. Till we meet again, sadly missed by your loving wife tnid LAKE. Robert Ashley.

July 9. ytio. you are always in my heart. LEAHY. Gladys Dorothy An age it seems has passed since we shared together many wonderful moments, now cherished, but never forgotten.

Its been 10 years Mum. I miss love and need vou so much, your loving oaugmer. jo McGAUGHEY. Joyce Florence Joined the Lord on this dav July 9 1 985. The years may pass but ouri memory of vou will stay forever! with loving pride.

Your daughters. joy ana tneen. RUDDER Gwendoline Edith July 9. 1986. To live hearts you left teni no is not to die, oawen.

UUC I Dftatl I CUrn July 9. 1976 Loved and remembered by her husband Edmund, and granddaughters Lillian and Lisa WORTHINGTON. John Dudley (Dud in loving memory of my dear husband Dud. passed away July 9. 1986.

No happy time that passes is every reailv gone, if it leaves a special memory for looking back upon, badly missed by no and Noel RETURN THANKS PAUL. Ivy. of Waterloo. The family would like to extend their heartfelt THANKS to all those people (too numerous to men-tion) for their help and kind expressions of sympathy Special thanks to the Maori Anglican Foundation for making available their church and facilities and to the ministers and Apotoro's. Also staff and doctors of Rachel For-ster Hospital.

Please accept this as a personal acknowledgement of our gratefulness. CARAVANS. TRAILERS BOX trailer. 6 4 ft 1 2 mths. old itnrego.

idiss ju 602 7642 Caravans Wanted Too prices paid, hp paid out. Immediate cash settlement. Phone Greg Cairncross 728 61 33 TOYOTA COASTER 76. 12 mths reg. Raised root, sleeps 4.

new tyres. 3 way fridge, sink. Portagas stove, chemical tit AMFM radcass plus eaualizer 12V light system Ready to travel S9800 Urgent Sale 77 9964 VISCOUNT 81 gtour. 20 ft front kit hot water system, isiana oea air 2-dr fridge, zinc alume annexe, exc. cond on site, fish and ski.

cpark Dunbogan 1 0.000. kur Car of KHuku Jf, MIDDLETON. Reauiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late SISTER MARY BcRNA DETTE CSB will be celebrated a the Holy Family Church. Pacific Highway. Lindfield.

tomorrow (Friday), afternoon, at 1.30 clock. The funeral will leave the church after Mass. for Northern Suburbs Cemetery. BULL PTY. LTD F.D.A.

of N.S.W. 519 5344 MORRISON. The relatives and friends of the late Dorothy MAY MORRISON, of Liverpool are kindly invited to attend he funeral, to be held at the Rook wood Crematorium, this Friday (July io. 198). commencing at iu tua m.

Please meet at the crematorium P. E.BUTLER FUNERALS. F.D.A. of W. Camden.

Campbelltown (046) 66 8265. (046) 25 1854 NEUSS. Reauiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late Mr KEVIN EUGENE MEUSS. of Marrickville will be celebrated a St Brigid's Church. Marrickville Road.

Marrickville. tomorrow (Friday) afternoon, at 1.45 clock. The funeral will leave the church after Mass for catholic Lawn Cemetery. Rookwood. BULL PTY.

LTD A. OF 519 5344 NICHOLS. The funerai of the late IAN EVELYN NICHOLS. Of Budaewoi. formerly of EttalonQ.

will leave the Salvation Army Citadel. The Entrance Road. Enna West, tomorrow (Friday), after a service commencing at 1 0 30 a.m.. for the Point Clare General Lawn cemetery. CREIGHTON Central Coast Funeral Service.

Gosford. 24 1 533. F.D.A. PARRY. The funeral of the late OLIVE KAR PARRY, of Kanong will leave Christ Church Anglican Church Mann Street.

Gosford. tomorrow (Friday), after a service commencing at 5.50 p.m.. for the point ciare oenerai Lawn cem tery. CREIGHTON Central Coast Funerai Service. Gosford 24 1533.

FDA PEARCE. The relatives and friends of the ate Mr WILLIAM FREDERICK PEARCE are invited to attend his cremation service, to be held in the chapel of Palmdale Crematorium Ounmbah tomor row (Friday), commencing at 10 am Please meet at crematorium. COASTWIDE FUNERALS. Berkley Vale (043) 88 5272. PEDERSEN.

The relatives and friends of the late VERONICA ISABEL PEDERSEN. of Arnclitfe are invited to attend her funera to leave St. Davids Anglican Church. Corner of Pitt-Owen Avenue and Forest Road. Arn cliffe.

tomorrow (Friday), after a service commencing at 2 m. for the south Chapel of the Woronora crematorium. METROPOLITAN BURIAL CREMATION SOCIETY F.D.A of NSW and National Selected Morticians ROCKDALE. 596066 RULE. Cabramatta Chapter No 121 E.S.

Members of the above Chapter are reauested to attend the funeral of their late esteemed member. Mrs POPSY RULE P.M For particulars see family notice, yesteroay Heraia. MAXINE TYRRELL. Sec SAFFRON. A service for the late MAKLtNt ELIZABETH SAF FRON will be held in the North Chapel of the Northern Suburbs crematorium, tomorrow (Friday) morning, commencing at 10.40 clock Please assemble at the cremato rium.

WALTER CARTER Pty Ltd. 302 Oxford Street Woollahra 389 3499 389 3367 F.D.A. Of W. SHEHA. Relatives and friends of the late PAVLOS COSTA SHEHA.

of Rosebery. are invited to attend his funeral to leave the oreek orthodox Church of St Spyndon. Gardeners Road Kingsford. after a service to commence at 1 p.m. tomorrow (Friday), for the Botany Lawn cemetery.

ANDREW KENNEDY. DA. of NSW KINGSFORD. 663 0408 SILVER. The relatives and friends of the late ROBERT MACKAY SILVER are invited to attend his funeral service, to be conducted in the west chapel of the woronora crematorium.

tomorrow (Friday) commencing at jou p.m. Please meet at the crematorium METROPOLITAN BURIAL AND CREMATION SOCIETY BURWOOD 744 2178 F.D.A of NSW and National Selected Morticians. SIMPSON. The relatives and friends of the late LESLIE ERIC SIMPSON, of Kingsgrove. are respectfully invited to attend his funeral service, to be held in the chapel of the Rookwood Cremato rium, tomorrow (Friday.

July 10). commencing at 3 ju a Please meet at crematorium ottice. WALTERS SON. F.D.A. of W.

Dulwich Hill. Lakemba. 560 9999. 759 4044. SIMPSON.

Officers and mem bers of Kinosarove RSL sub branch and club are kindly invited to attend the funeral of their late esteemed member. LESLIE ERIC SIMPSON For further details please see family notice FOOT Pres Sub Breh W. STEVENSON. Sec Mgr. SMITH.

The relatives and friends of the late ROBERT (Bob) JOHN SMITH. of Wahroonga. are invited to attend his graveside service, in the Anglican Section of the Prospect Cemetery, tomorrow (Friday. July 10. 1987).

commencing at 1 0 a.m. TIMMINS. METCALFE MORRIS. PARRAMATTA. A of W.

630 8922. SPORRER. The relatives and fnenos of the late HENRY EDWARD SPORRER. of North Rocks, are invited to attend his funeral service, to be held in the chapel at Castlebrook Crematorium. Windsor Road.

Rouse Hill, this day (Thursday. July 9. 1987). commencing at 2 p.m. TIMMINS.


The relatives and friends of the late Mrs IVY THERESA (Anthea) SULLIVAN are invited to attend her funeral, to leave St Michaels Catholic Church. Longueville Road. Lane Cove, tomorrow (Friday. July 10. 1 987).

after prayers appointed to commence at 2 30 p.m.. for the Catholic Lawn Northern Suburbs Cemetery. ALLAN WALSH. CHATSWOOD A. F.D.

A. F.D A W. 419 8635 419 8747. SYKES. The relatives and friends of the late ESTHER LILIAN SYKES.

of Gordon, are kindly invited to attend her funeral service to be held in the South Chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium tomorrow. Friday (July 10. 1987). commencing at 1 1 am. Please meet at the Crematorium.

By reouest no flowers. GREGORY and CARR. KU-RING-GAI. HEAD OFFICE. F.D A.

498 4455. N.S.W. THOMPSON. The Companions of tne southern cross Koyal Arcn Chapter No. 77.

are invited to attend the funeral of their late esteemed Companion. CECIL THOMPSON, at Woronora Crematorium at 1 1 a this day. A. E. BEARD First Principal.

HAINS. Scribe TINKER. The funeral service for the late SIDNEY ALBERT TINKER, of Avoca Beach, will be held in the chapel at Palmdale Crematorium. Palmdale Road. Ounmbah.

this day (Thursday), commencing at 3 00 p.m. Please assemble at the crematorium. R. H. CREIGHTON.

Central Coast Funeral Service. Gosford. 24 1533. F.D.A. TODD.

The relatives and friends Of the late HARRY TODD. Of Ashcroft and Bankstown. are invited to attend his funeral service, to be conducted within the chapel of the Forest Lawn Crematorium. Leppington. this day (Thursday), commencing at 9 30 a Please meet at the crematorium.

HONDA. HONDA. PRELUDE. AUTO NEW 1 986' $32,500 HONDA EASTWOOD firit Rlavlanri Road Eastwood 85 1908. L.D.

628. 658 1440 HONDA PRELUDE manual. 1981 model Excell cond. Log book Sunroof Alarm system. Air-cond radiass and many extras.

Lady owner. OLN603 S9490. Ph 398 5712 HQ Premier panel van. 4 2 litre V8 4 cmd Rea 288 $4200 Must sell Ph 627 52 19 after 5 p.m. NUY74Q.

JAGUAR SERIES II XJ6 77. Green sana uiscuiie learner trim. Chrome wheels. Lots of extras Low kms. Immac.

cond. thout sale due to owner aoina overseas. MNV848 $16.475. 636 2884 IEEP 82 model 120 luxury ute tabletop. air.

power steering, bull bar. winch. Excellent condition Value $9500. exchange for LTD B3 model, f-airiane mooei would consider other quality car. Cash difference.

Phone 624 5DB5 KOMBI. 1 972 poo top camoermo bile. Mech. sound, (new engine 1984). regular service record available.

$3BOO ono. KWF733 Ring Sun. 8-11 a evenings attera ai a azii LANDCRUISER BUNDERA SV.B. UNIQUE CUSTOM-DESIGNED VEHICLE. Quick-action full convertible roof with torneau cover Petrol enaine.

1 5 000 fabulous white colour-coded paint work Flared guards. 1 1 in Desert Duelers on Bathurst wheels. Cibte drivina hahts. Infra-red anti-theft Premium sound. Wool -tweed seats Replacement cost over $33,000 will sell for $28,500 ono OFT82 1 Phone 32 4864 or 018 222 742.

LANDCRUISER 1984 4 door. I diesel. blue in colour, power steering, air conditioning, low kms. Never been off the road Immaculate condition OCR229 $25.500 ono Phone 977 41 88 LASER Ghia 1982 model auto- matte love car. onced to se I $8490 Terms or trade.

MBY670. D.L. 10071.76 8226. LASER Ghia 5-sp. Air cond Mags.

lots extras. Late 83 $9200 ono Forced sale 601 8671.MND6Q6 LASER GL 15 blue. 38.000 bought May 85. reg May 88. last service 687.

4 new tyres. wheel align. 787. rad cass rear demister. rear wasberwtoer.

$9,500 ono. NLA266.Ph. 232 8733 ext 235 bh LASER GL. Sept 85. 5-door.

soeed dblue. rust oaint prot tinted glass, tow bar. Dealer serv. one owner. garaged LASER GL srieed 85 mod 36 000 kms log books, in mint condition, full years reg Priced to sen.

1B99U. lerms or trade. NHT6S2. D.L. 10071 76 8226.

LASER Red. 83. 1 year rea new tyres. 5 spd. manual.

1 lady owner trom new. S3UU. ONS297 85 1 841 after 6 o.m. LASER TX3. elec.

blue. 1 2 mnths. reo low kms olus extras. SI 4500. OAY065 Ask for Glen Regan bh 688 2233.

ah 36Q 1 1Q3 or633 239 LASER TX3. white current model KC hatchback, fuel iniected. 5 speed manual, factory air condi tioned plus sports alloy wheels. immaculate condition, save thou sands on new car price. Only $13 SOU IMUI14t.

B5 2B2Q MAGNA ELite 86. As new. luxury car. 20.000 alarm, si b.000 9396302 NYJ753 MARINA 1973 t-bar auto. No rust Pink slip S9UO o.n.o GHZB59 6Q4bS97 MAZDA 626 Auto Deluxe Hatch.

Silver maas. air. stereo. burgundy Kleber tyres. First reg.

Dec. B3. Too cond. 1 owner. Fully dealer serviced since new.

70OO0kms. S12.7SO. MPY395 Phone 63Q 7336. MAZDA Capella 72 auto 9 mths. UOI 11? A Af cond $2400o 643 2497 MAZDA 626 85 deluxe sed.

5 silverblue. ac. alarm, extras. 28.000 kms Reg 788. Exc cond.

NSF957 $13.500. 888 2141 MAZDA 2 dr. coupe 1 200 manual white, unves good. KK3i. Pink sup 1 bug 33 339Z MAZDA RX7 AUTO 1 9S4 1 owner 23.000 kms OMU224.

CHATSWOOD CLASSIC CARS 8160 7 Days. 411S888 MAZDA RX7 late 1 983 Series 2 Red. manual, only 40.000kms. log immac cond new tyres. $18.500 Ph.872 2536.ONS070 MAZDA RX7 Series 3 66 000 kms.

Excel, cond Log books. Not a scratch. 1 9.000 1 760XY. 997 8240. MAZDA RX7 Series 3.

limited edition. Sept. B4. persimmon red alt extras. 49 000 kms.

Immac $21,500. MYK763. BH (066) 52 Ab. A (06b) 53 OBZ. MECHANIC useful yardman with own tools to suit car yard.

Repairs etc. stu zyoo. MERCEDES-BENZ 280 SE 1 98 1 1 owner -CURRENT SHAPE MIW31 8. SROOF S49.9S0. CHATSWOOD CLASSIC CARS L.D.

8160. 7 Days. 411 5888 MERCEDES-BENZ 380 SEL 1 98 1 CHAMPAGNE ONE OWNER. Low kms SROOF OOA47 1 CHATSWOOD CLASSIC CARS ID 6160 7 Days. 411 5888 MERCEDES-BENZ 250 1980 auto.

Air cond. Pwr windows. osteer 44.0UU miles. $17500 NGF493. 4195970 MERCEDES BENZ 1970 white immac.

S6000 o.n.o. LGJ19Q 92 1851. MERCEDES 280E twin cam fuel iniected 5 speed -manual. Rare cnance to own this rutiv imported compact model with sensational performance and new car condition Imported 1973. NZX074.

$15,900. 977 0369 MGA COUPE 1956. R. Green Restoration lust completed. immac si.suu o.n.o.

KPM264 625 7050 MINI Clubman red fair car KHG658 reg 1087. $1050. 18 crystal Petersham. MINI van 76 IEM135 Rea 887 2 new raaiais. goer.

i4u o.n.o. frt aba art 6 m. gays. MITSUBISHI CORDIA 1 984 white, immac. condition sroof.

air psteermg. rad Electric windows 1 year Reg. $13.5000 JC3194. 327 7201 MITSUBISHI COLT 84 GSR sports model 1 .6. low kms excel, cond.

$8450ono UBO88I 300 0485 MITSUBISHI NIMBUS GLX White Ac. 26.000 kms Alarm Tints Alloys, and more. CHATSWOOD CLASSIC CARS L.D. 8160. 7 Davs 4115888 NISSAN BLUEBIRD GL 82 As -rjaa a 1 1 ruu icy.

1 t. -J cxiiaa $7500 ono Ph 759 4281 NISSAN PULSAR ET Turbo 1 984. good condition. 19500. MZL561.

Ph 526 1504 NISSAN Pulsar GX1S Hatch. Jan. 86 19.OOO air cond as new. NUD636 $9600 Ph: 41 1 6491 NISSAN URVAN 82 mod new motor with receipts. 9 mths re No rust.

$5500 o.n.o. NYN54I Ph 630 1044 PEUGEOT 504 76 auto. Air cond Well maintained ladies car MFR522 Private sale Must sell. $3950o no 398 8390 PEUGEOT 504 1972 automatic. reg June 88.

good cond must sell Going abroad. $1600. LWJ936 799Q92 PEUGEOT 505 GR Auto 1 984 LOW KMS BG905 CHATSWOOD CLASSIC CARS LP 8160 7 Days 41 1 58B3 PEUGEOT 504 injection, white with blue velour mags. Pirelli Pbs. Decarbon shocks, extractors, new exhaust, looks and anec great.

$3900 CR071 84 4625. PORSCHE 91 1 SC 82 Series 1 owner options LPDOOO. CHATSWOOD CLASSIC CARS 8160 7 Pays. 4115888 RANGE ROVER 1 Q7K manual txcei cona wnite. 12 1 mths.

tow bar. air shocks. Must sell urgently. MWNS47. $10 000 Ph before 6pm 899 1 262 RENAULT 12GL 4 -dr.

auto 1976 in mint cona. tnrout. runs well, near new tyres. 1 2 mths low kms. AMFM radiorass A too example of this model.

NWC880. S.249U pn bB2 RENAULT 20TS 79. incl. all lux features, windows, air steer, plus extras. 1 2 mths.

rego. Urgent sale. Only $6500. KGQ702 569 0238. chatswood Classic Alfa Anew 33 Boxer only: $20,802 WHILE STOCK LASTS Plus on road costs, only $720.

411 5888 48 Pat ilk Highna.L hatHfMKl. ROLLS ROYCE. 6970 (green). immaculate throughout.

All inquiries phone Mr Byrne. (07) 277 1UB4. Dust ness hours. 777PUL ROVER 3500 Air cond SDI 79 V8 Hatchback, pwr. strwinoows Centlock Good cond Rea 1 B8 Pnv: $8200 MMN886 627 4438 ROVER 3 5 1972.

psteer. auto 75.000 excel cond mech Al. $4750 GFD103 358 5630 SIGMA GL auto. 2lt. 1985 owner.

2 1 OOOkms. 1 1 mths reg as new. juuuono: nvom Phone 309 3767 SIGMA SWAG GL AUTO. 83 42.000km. red.

many extras Very clean car. 10 mths. reg 4 new tyres, burglar alarm. $7500 (this car in a caryard would be $4000 dearer) Knv sale, i st to see win buy. Ph.

212 17S9 bus. or 90 1 5B0 home NLN693 STATESMAN Caprice 1978 HZ V8 auto. Venetian red. bone leather interior. 5GM chrome wire wheels, this magnificent vera cie is in immaculate condition new tyres, rego 588.

drives like new. regularly serviced and wry reuaDie rime sup. 33U n.o KEN774. 455 2249 STATESMAN DE VILLE 1984 Series 2. optioned to Caprice standard Genuine 20.

OOOkms showroom cond $22 000. FJ009 Ph 525 6816 SUBARU CLEARANCE SALE. New Used Demos Huge Trade In Allowance. "Speciar Finance A HOLLYWOOD MOTORS PU The World of Subarus 420 Hume Hiahwav. Liverpool 602 7655 Ml A PL 1697 SUBARU 83 S.

Wagon 1800 acond reg 1287. $8800 MQD319 86 1577 SUBARUS wanted and for sale 602 7655 1697 SUBARU 4WD SR Wagon 82 LIW158. $5000 579 1703 SUZUKI Carryvan 1980. 2-seater reg 388. good cond.

KPV833 $180O Ph. 57 2883 SUZUKI HATCH 83-84 MUV292 57. OOOkms. crash damaged rear, still dnvable. suit panelbeater.

reg 5bo si auu seufa TELSTAR TX5 GHIA 85 Burgundy extint power wndws. air cond FULLY IMPORTED immac. cond 55.000 kms. 90 PC NON BAN 1I4.UUU ne( Ph. 923 2022 or (062) 97 31S wenos (Haymono) nxkzjj TORANA LH V8.

4 spd very good cona insiae ana out iviag wneeis gooo tyres, ooes wen Must sell $5450 ono. 519 9144 or saabvga TORANA 74 TA 4 2 dr. man radio, radials. tidy cond $85 39BB337 TOYOTA Avante 86 2 4 EFI auto Pwr steer, air cond stereo svs tern. Below 10.000 kms.

Central locking maa wheels $15.900 NUZ914 419 5970 TOYOTA CELICA auto sunroof stereo Good reliable car. GNTQ56 $29500 no 44 7769 TOYOTA COASTER CAMPER Recond. motor, radcass alarm tarp bucket seats Excell cond $65000 no GYR261 398 3222 TOYOTA COROLLA CS79 man 1 2 mths. reg velour exc. cond $3700 ono (ONI432) pn ibB jiz, Koom TOYOTA Corona MK11 76 auto psteer air-cond gd cond $39000 797 Q459 LEG461 TOYOTA Corona.

Good runner clean int no rust, lust out of reg Bargain, isu jua Jian TOYOTA Corona 74 six cylinder runs well Radio. OT543S reg lBB S125U 5tU2aat TOYOTA Corona SW. manual. 78 model, aood radiocass mags new tyres. roofrack NKH69Q $35000 no 602 44Q1 TOYOTA CORONA CS 1 978 auto wagon, reg.

7BB. air. MicheMn tyres, mech Al. 2 owners only. 4toOO JTW434 V5 iua2 TOYOTA CORONA 1972 auto Reg 288.

Very good cond Very goc EQF516 nd 728 4601 sibbo TOYOTA Hi-Lux 4WD 82 Canopy. Air cond. Sunraysias Many extras. Exc cond $9000o no LS8149 S25 4887 TOYOTA Landcruiser FI45. 378 with fgiass canopy, many extras inci par.

towoar. reg. not) JQP240 $52500 635 3403 TOYOTA Swagon man. Good enaine and aear box NVK541 Reo 188. 209596.

$2200 o. 559 2343 TRIUMPH STAG 75. hrdsft too. DMTP76 conversion. 188 reg orig.

kept by mech. 4 spd ovrd. new white sorav. elec. wind pwr str.

Perfect cond $12,200 713 5802 5TAG4U TRIUMPH 2500 TC 1978. good condition, genuine low kms. $20000 Unreg 9Q 7968 UTE HQ. 987 reg goes well, but neeas some worit juu, 1 Phone 90 2226. VALIANT VAN 43 Auto Air cond Stereo Radio.

JLP552 i asu pn. usau VOLVO 245DL station wagon 1976 auto. Air radio. 7 seater Nice vehicle. Reg 688 MUI769 $5900 736 1926 VOLVO 240GL 1 983 auto, power air all new tyres, blue matching interior uphol stery.

alarm system. 1 0 mths $14 900 NZT815 477 4775 VOLVO 240 GL Family Wagon pbteer Acond. OMUA9 CHATSWOOD CLASSIC CARS LP 8160. 7 Days 411 5888 VW BEETLE 1S00. Immac cond thout.

Mech. excel. Recond motor. Radcass Good tyres Long reg. A great bug LLCS 94 $3350 Ph 327 2998 VW BEETLE 1500.

sky blueblack mecn. as new. showroom cond 1 2 mths. new tyres, AMFM radcass. OMN572 $3490 Ph 327 8365 VW KOMBI Camper, exc.

new brakestyres. 1 2 mths reg $2300ono GKA183 93 4854 VW Kombi. 1975 2000cc Reg HLG714 Ph 546 3166 VW KOMBI 1600. lust back from touring uid. titted sink, cupboards, etc stereo.

$2450 OJP381 Ph. jerry 32 1438 Sat a weekdays or Sun. p.m 328 6068 VW KOMBI 76. exc. cond 3 spare tvres and rims.

bi. bed. mattress, extras, etc See for vourself. $3200 or best offer Must sell. Call 30 5333.

early mornings, or leave message for MrDaiani IQS275 V.W. Microbus 8 seater 1800. excel body excel mech LGB999 $44QO Ph 534 1 9B9 VW 1600S SUPERBUG. Great cond thout. Mech.

perfect Webber carb 1835 ce. motor Mag wneeis. New tyres. AMt-M radcass. 1 2 mths reg Sports steering lkmsk S35VHJ.

Phone 327 bBbO VW SUPERBUG 74 65 OOOkms Rea 1287 OSU477 Al cond Stereo. Must sell. $3500 o. Phone 81Q 7B4Q TRUCKS AND COMMERCIALS Bedford Pantech 74 Good cond. 292 Petrol Pantech 16 tt 9 ft ft in aood cond OKX931 S4WU (Q43J41 293b BEDFORD Semi.

446 diesel engine. 5x2. 34ft single axle flat trailer, good cond. (049) 97 0420 sabuu unreg BEDFORD TK cab and chassis Good mech cond Ex Govern 6-cyl Petrol. 4-so box.

2-sp. ditf. $1000 Ph 624 5085 DATSUN 4x4 LWB UTE Low kms. good ccndition. radio.

towbar. 12 mths PJZ215. $7750 Ph 624 5085 FORKLIFTS All Makes Models For Sale and Wanted 848 9811 GARBAGE COMPACTOR CAN 1 bK 75 4 Cvl dsl RLY463 $10 500 517 1394 750 2704 TOWTRUCK. Chevy 76. 30 Series.

35U motor, manua with rubber straps. Thomas winch, new brakes and tyres all round. DMT aporoval 1417. Ready for work $7000 ono MLL397 Ph 568 2147 or791 4437 a MOTOR VEHICLES WANTED SUBARU WANTED. 4 wu touring wagon, tsrumoy.

Leone Sedan, top prices paid for low kms vehicle. prompt attention. LANOCKS ST. LEONARDS 438 1777 LD 702. OPEN ALL WEEKEND.

FURNITURE REM0VAUSTS. TRANSPORT. FURNITURE Van wklv to Qld Melb Very low rates Phone (07) 39Q 3b 1 1 Lie NO 2BBB59 GENERAL removals Metrocoun. try $25perhr Fincher 57 3552 MOTOR PARTS ACCESSORIES COMMODORE ALL 79-85. 6 Cvl V8 motors.

G-Box. oitt doors. etc East. Sub. W.

6666719 DL5961 FALCON MAGS. Cheviot Hustler. 14 7. good cona si4uo.n o. pn 79150 FORD Escort 80 2L parts.

East Sub 666 6719 5961 GEMINI all 7683 Guards. Grills. Doors Motor box. dltf LAST. SUB 6666719 5961 HJ.

FW Good 308 motor. G-box. guards, doors. 1 gate etc East but) 666 6719 SWI HI. HQ.

HX. HZ. Station Wagon tan gate tw pjj HOLDEN ALL 6480 6 Cyl VB Motors. G-boxes. uitt panels etc East.

Sub. W. 6666719 D.L. 5961 MAZDA Bongo van 1000. recond oox plus new pressure piate.

500 602 7642 TORANA UC Good 4 Cyl. 6 Cvl motors, o-ooxes. ditf Lauards. doors East. Sub.

666 67 19 I 82 GEMINI VAN MFB603 82 ECONVAN UNREG. 82 DAIHATSU LGT076 81 MINI MOKE LYX255. 80 SIGMA. KZB291 80 MAZDA 323 KRH745. 80 COLT LCY786 80 MAZDA 626 OFX363 79 DATSUN 200B.

KUNS56. 79 CIVIC AHI791 79 DATSUN 200B IXV384. 79 CHHVbLtR KBP547. 79 200B OMF983 79 COROLLA MLI22S. 79 SIGMA KIP141 79 FALCON JZ 1 941.

79 200B KEG622. Mu lbUO onp Qbi op i i an tuw? 52 6 MEAN.XE 1700ono (043)52 2006 MOTOR CYCLES. MOTOR SCOOTERS BMW KI00RS. AK407 25 0O0 kms panniers. rm.

seat cover helmets and enlras Al cond J7200 ono Ph Robert (049) 52 7025 or work (049) 69 30fe6 KAWASAKI GPZ 550 reg 288 Low kms Mech Urgent sale 1700ono (043)41 2334 KAWASAKI GPZ1 lOO 1987 reg jng Must sen aonm jg t)7b SUZUKI GSX 250S 13 000 km new tvres. great b'ke Ideal first bike S.750O 398 9TOb SUZUKI G5X 2''Ub. very cond unreg $600 Ph pan'ei 21 1 4001 good TRIUMPH 1979 Bonneville. ecl lent condition, some scares S4200 Phone 872 3417 before 1 I a or after YAMAHA RZ350R Full fairing 10 000 kms Dunloo radials As new condition Uroent sale S2500 AQ446 (047)54 1932 YAMAHA XTSS0 82 model 1 5 OOOkms fust rebuilt never smashed Mini cond No lovrioers please 1 boo 7j' lbfez BUSINESSES FOR SALE ACCO TIPPER 6 wheeler Cum. mingi diesel.

1 3 so road ranger. ecellen4 cond with confrarf Earns appro 40O0 to 16000 per mth 620 146 7 620 1619 a AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR NtWiACitNCV LIQUOR SHOP and other businesses Fat aporoval Bst rales DARIUS FINANCE 17SOKfordSt Bondi let 3875500 7 DAYS A WEEK BEACHFRONT General Store Minnie Water near Grafton Eitcell local and tourist traoe all plant and eauipment owned, good lease ro uui pius a Phone (066) 49 7566 Beauty and Nail Modern eltntc. Wfrn Sub urbs AH fittings and rouiDmnt Good teas Liroe Wing rter noursoniv bLU b'Jtt I BICYCLES Substantial cvrje buimei Long established Norm Shore low rertt excellent showroom work shop and storage 190 000 tin 4ii 9JJ4 BOUTIQUE and BEAUTY SALON fully eauipped in main shopping centre in souinern Sutiurps Hegj- lr clientele M'jst sell uroer.ll' 45 000 with stock Ph SS9 42i BOUTIQUE Established 20 vrs Upper norm shore Village Centre Very reasonable rental Fmlures and fittings tree 449 2420 or alter igm af)7 ihhl BOUTIQUE Youna Fashions Prominent position Penrtth Modern fit-out Fixtures fittings and stok only No qooowim Aikmg orire 1 OOQ Pnon (04) 32 23VJ BREAD PUN Urgent saie 3700 units. fQ wholesale 30 PC eta it 7V aijg BUTCHERIES all suburbs or Coun try or Coast ail s-zes Ce Phillips ra bartiett it Summer ii 7Qfj 35 51 now MOPt WANTt BUTCHER SHOP western sub urbs Ay to ISb'jQ ow Henl S200 Price 123 000 sav King Cabinetmaking BUSINESS Est business. good profit immediate start Fully equipped I factory at Bankstown 12 mms I work on hand Low rent Price I S4S000 includes machinery ele Ph (02) 707 20-al COFFEE SHOP luly Burwood Potential plus Modern shopping i centre about to undergo massive I extensions Adioming office low- ers aiso under construction S7S 000 total Vou would need to I pay double this when extensions are complete Kennedy 233 6833 A 6106086 CONFECTIONERY PUN A rare opportunuty to purchase a vendor refill business with returns between i2O-4Q0 per week Full 1 2 500 plus stoik with room for enpansmn Applicants reauire station wagon or small van Maximum time reauired 1 days per week For inauiries phon Mr taoe.

C- 3bo 1211 CRAFT and aft shoo wim tapestries naoeraasnery picture framing etc Located busy northern suburbs shopping centre with yr lease Oood DOtentiaf IO ouo ono iii sav 4S0 26 1 2 bh 452 2 1 JS jftprb JCpm Mon-Fri FISH SHOP Long established fresh and cooked seafood business in busy section of eastern suburbs good TO and cash flow all areas of the business bv day wk Price 100 0QC1 John 52o 20Tb GIFT shop in Gosford "cedent gures H8O00 neg plus stock Krone a -i CUa3J4bbl HAIRDRESSING Salon brand new in tr-e western suburb Pnre I negotiable ror more details for mana jeron 604 4749 HAIRORCSSING Salon, estab 12 years Htiis Area 12000 Urgent s.le 6B0 430 A HAIRDRE SSING salon and house freehold sale a solid Riverma town to be sold as a oackaiae 1 SO 000 i Leave the smog come to 'he country and breathe Phone (0-59) 77 1 868 (069) 77 71 76 a Jewelry shop Located on the Northside of Sydney. ths rtigh Quality ta.hion jewelry snoo repreients excellent value especially tor the own- erooeraior Vendor has urgent need to sen and is ottering tn(s uniauc opportunity to wo-k for yourself tor just 120 000 plus i A Fhone Mark on bib J-SOOorbZa" dd 1 AH LA WNM OWING PUN Norm Snore. t28 000 pa 4 dav summer 3 days winter Extensive training period i a uuu -3 ail i uu LAWN Mowing run SI 200 per 5 day wk One man operation All eauipment and training incl 125 000 41 i eioi LIQUOR STOKE AND SUPERMARKET For sale or lease TO 1 10 000 pw stock about 180 000 Rent $600 For information ring Kari.ti (ub) bz iubo or uto; 62 241 2 or write PO Bon 405 Parkes 2870 MILK RUN Tnornle 250- 1300 6-9 17500 Van avail if requ'red 875 21 19 NEWSAGCNCY-SubMiaed Busn Long evidbhsned. in Orange TO 1960 000 pa large snop witn room to epand slock range Ideal for couple Reasonable rent SI 95 000 plus SAV Frenold available Phone (06 J) 63 1866 or (06) 62 3403 Aflr-r Hours PANEL BEATING Premiers Iree- rold New building 7200 sq ft building area Excellent position I surrounded by rar sa evards Bjrgjin tor S350OO0 PEAL ESTATE CENTRE. BURWOOD a 7 to 7ZU PIE AND CAKE.

ETC RUN Contracted disrtbutor to maiorl company Huge potential 1 1 years established clientele enpandtng city area Earns I S600-S800 plus pw S44 500 includes Toyota Dyna 1965 die-1 sel Phone 99 Bb 1 4 PLANT Hire Co S340 000wiwo Well esfab with tngh profit returns Mam road situation 1 hr trom Sydney Exc growth poten tial Accountant figures avail Owner (043) 41 5940 SMASH REPAIRS Industrial area Carinabah long lease Reasonable rent Kcuuuono zb I23t TAKEAWAY. Italian. Mosman area oood lease excellent dos reas rent TO S2000 to S2200 pw rjij mo after 3pm TAKEAWAY FOOD BAR encel- lent position, lots ot potential S45 000 47 2623 TAKEAWAY. Waitara takings ruou pw II5UUO Must sen I going overseas 4BfJb221 UNIQUE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Be Your Own Boss Nationally known publishing company is seeking self motivated people capaoi of looking after our business in the following areas ot iyaney western Suburbs. Hills district, and Southern suburbs This uniaue business will net owner income of S600 per week Full company framing is provided The successful applicant will reouire a home phone reliable car and ft 1 000 for he full purchase price of aH stock and equipment For full details of fhs uniaue business phone Mrs Stewart pn 4 58 61 4 WRECKING YARD.

St Marys TO S450OO0 pa 2 premises pius an stock Manager availaole S9S O00 ono 673 3000 BUSINESSES WANTED SMALL boardingguest house I lease no meals to 178O0O Eastern suburbs preferred i HUTCHISON. The relatives and friends of Mrs. SARAH ANNIE HUTCHISON, late of Elizabeth Bay Road. Lake Munmorah. are invited to attend her funeral, to be held at the Uniting Church.

Catherine Hill Bay. tomorrow (Friday) morning at 10 clock, thence for Catherine Hill Bay cemetery. JOHN PARSONS. Funeral Director. INNES.

The relatives and friends of the ate ALFRED ALtXAN DER INNES. of Marrickville. are kindly invited to attend rvs tunera service, to be held in our chapel 435 New canterbury Koaa, uui wich Hill, tomorrow (Friday. July lot commencina at IQ.ib a then to the Rookwood Anglican Cemetery. Enter our off street parking from Dulwich Street, opposite bus terminus.

WALTERS SON. A of NSW Dulwich Hill. Lakemba 560 9999. 759 4044 IACKSON. The relatives and friends of the late LAN ETTA MAY JACKSON are invited to attend her funeral, to leave the Ebenezer Baptist Church, cnr Blaxland Road and Hatton Street Rvde.

tomorrow (Friday), after a service commencing at 1.45 pm. for the Baptist Cemetery Field of Mars. By reouest no flowers in lieu please consider a donation to the Baptist Homes irust (raiiamp Court). METROPOLITAN BURIAL AND CRFMATION SOCIETY BURWOOD. 744 2178 F.D.A of and National Selected Morticians.

JAMIESON. The relatives and rrienos or ine late ntLiuw HARRY JAM ESON. of Beralla are kindly invited to attend his funeral service, to be neia ii chapel of Rookwood Cremato rium, tomorrow (Friday), com- jnencina at 40 m. Please meet at the crematorium LABOR FUNERALS. 171 Rawson St Auburn 6498611.

F.D.A. N.S.W JONES. The relatives and friends of the late JAMES MAURICE JONES, of Sadlier. are invited to attend his funeral service, to be conducted within a chapel of the Rookwood crematorium, tomor row (Friday), commencing at a.m. Please meet at the crematorium office.

METROPOLITAN BURIAL AND LKtMATfON SOCIETY. A of and National Selected Morticians BANKSTOWN 709 5044 KEARNEY. Reauiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late WILLIAM RAYMOND KEAR NEY, of Bright Waters, will be celebrated at Saint Jerome Cath olic Church. Kossmore Avenue Punchbowl, tomorrow (Friday), at 2 m. iOn conclusion of the Mass.

the cortege will proceed to Rookwood catholic cemetery. LABOR FUNERALS. BANKSTOWN. 70 1668. FDA.

NSW KINDRED. The relatives and friends of the late MARJORY CUMMING (Mari) KINDRED, of Killarney Vale, are invited to attend her funeral service, to be held in the chapel or the Palmdale Crematorium. Palmdale Poad. Ounmbah. today (Thursday), at 1 30 m.

In lieu of floral tributes please send donations to the New South Wales Baptist Chaplaincy Care Fund. PALMDALE FUNERAL SERVICE OURIMBAH. (043)62 1203. LE BEAU. The relatives and friends of the late ARCHIBALD GEORGE ERNEST (Georae) LE BEAU, of Ashfield.

are invited to attend his funeral, tomorrow (Fri day), to be held in the chapel of the Rookwood Crematorium, service appointed to commence at 12.10 o.m Please meet at the crematorium at 12 noon. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS. DA -NSW. FIVE DOCK. 713 191 1 LAKEMBA.

LEICHHARDT 7592512 5682111. LIVINGSTONE. Reauiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late BERYL EILEEN LIVINGSTONE, of Dobrovd Point and formerly of North Haven, will be celebrated at St Peter The Fisherman's Church. Launeton. tomorrow (Friday.

July 10. 1987). apDOinted to commence at 2 p.m. On conclusion of Mass the funeral will leave for the Laurie-ton Cemetery HASTINGS DISTRICT FUNERAL SERVICE. (065)83 1266.

A.F.D A LONGLEY. Members of East wood Bowling Club, and of East wood Central Womens Bowling Club, are invited to attend the funeral service of their late esteemed member. GORDON SPENCER LONGLEY. to be held at 1 1 a today, at St Anne Anglican Church. Top Ryde H.

MURPHY-PRESIDENT. NEALE. SECRETARY LOWE. The relatives and friends of the late TONG SEE LOWE, are kindly invited to attend her funeral service, to leave our chapel. 714 Victoria Road Rvde.

on Thursday (July 9. 1987). after a service commencing at 1 m. for the Chinese Section of Rookwood Cemetery. Parking at rear off Cowell Street.


LUCCHESE. Reauiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late BARTOLO LUCCHESE. of Earl-wood, will be celebrated within Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. Homer Street. Earlwood.

tomorrow (Friday), at 10 a m. On conclusion of the Mass. the cortege will proceed to Frenchs Forest Cemetery. Blackbutts Road. Frenchs Forest.

LABOR FUNERALS. BANKSTOWN. 70 1668 FDA NSW. MALCOLM. The relatives and inenas of late WILLIAM MORRIS MALCOLM, of Oatley.

are invited to attend his funeral service, to be held in a chapel of the Woronora Crematorium, tomorrow (Friday. July 10. 1987). at 9 30am Please meet at the crematorium. AC HARDY.

FDA. of NSW ROCKDALE. HURSTVILLE 599 4400. 57 1554. MANN.

The relatives and friends sof the late MYRTLE HEATHER MANN, of Kings Langley. are respectfully invited to attend her graveside funeral service, to be held at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens. Hume Highway. Leppington. tomorrow (Friday.

July 10. 1987). commencing at 3 MACARTHUR DISTRICT FUNERALS Campbelltown. 046 26 2948. Leppington.

606 5646. MATTHEWS. The relatives and friends of the late HILDA MAY MATTHEWS, of Five Dock, are invited to attend her funeral, tomorrow (Friday), to leave St. Bede's Anglican Church. College Street.

Drummovne. after service appointed to commence at 1 1 45 am. At the conclusion of the service, the funeral will leave for the Field of Mars General Lawn Cemetery. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS. FDA -NSW.

FIVE DOCK. 713 191 1 LAKEMBA. LEICHHARDT. 7592512. 5682111.

MclNTOSH. The relatives and friends of the late JOHN MCINTOSH, late of Paddington and Redfern. are kindly invited to attend his graveside service, to be held in the Monumental Section of Botany Cemetery tomorrow (Friday July 10 1987). appointed to commence at 2 p.m. Please assemble at the cemetery office.

JEFFREY BROS. Funeral Services. BALMAIN 8108444. PARRAMATTA. 891 1633.

WO WOY. (043) 43 1 670. McM ASTERS. Reauiem Mass tor the repose of the soul of the late ALFRED JOHN McM ASTERS, of Gorokan. will be celebrated in Our Lady of Perpetual Succour.

Catholic Church. Main Road. Noraville. tomorrow (Friday), at 1 1 30 a Following the Mass. the cortege will proceed to the Palmdale Memorial Park.

Palmdale Road Ounmbah PALMDALE FUNERAL SERVICE OURIMBAH. (043)62 1203 CONTRACT TATf rQijird (or Dufrvfu Goi Club Rmg Secret jryMnai'jr on 62 3 02 39 'or ppo'ntrrin Closing dt I34J DISTRIBUTORS WANTt Pt4t so our md undr tn heading PMnrrnps Agn-fi AuitrjliinPr.f.f Oiii PARTNERSHIPS, AGENCIES I DISTRIBUTOR WANTfD LirJng vdny tnJCJ'dnl ry, Comoiny binding and industrial ols ni WiShfl to tTil" miereJ rtrts to nanr)' ringt of proOur Uiibc'C country irff al Vt Eoresoris of interest with torn-party pf oti" to AUSTMAUAN PACif iC OILS Ho IftO Crot'l'jn Pi' 2 1 3 Equity Partner INVESTOR reauir1 by Vioyn r.rtny bvd tClt mnuU'tu'ff r.g to expand proven pet xi. rno UNIQUE bus.frM Ono Vj'itn west H.M suns we are a n-)' rn-Hy known ntibl'inmy verv su-e4tui our ftri-l ho are because of derinrl wrwv of appointing a rMrer ltr ffs manager for the anove trrtir, Tns is an idea) opportunity tr a person or couple want r-j to Qn thwir own buhinrst wie il having the Support and awitanre tot-finy Parkuo Tht proven CjniQu busme yv4l relurn to Owner an inrrm of 1800 oer wee The applicant viM require a ho-'e phone reliaoie car arid 1 1 OOO for the tul Durrrae rre of ail Stork and eauipment or ..,11 details I his unioue pfone Mr Irs Ve rwaf on ASH I 14 HOLIDAY RLSCRTS Metropolitan ACC. af sir. LmdfM fih Vwe 41.

1 1 I 1 OO Bf(J'fl'y'-i ACCOMMODATION A ru'es jlP I 0 ntyldlv or perm rlr 7 cilr Group bookmas i 1 i L'i'j4 CITY SFRV1CCD APARTMENTS Mmt vak to 6 and Botanical Caroens a.r ond Saturn park IPOM I 1 fJP Phpne for KIR IB! I. LI LODGfc MO'fL So clove to trams a'd ferry, Sidney f'bouf viiai? atmosphere 'mp'- to family MANLY becnf r0nt w-l equipped hoi unit 02) MANLY. FAMILY I AT'. Nr HOLIDAY RESORTS Snowy Mounta ins JINOABVNI. first r.lass av4l 1 1 nrjarwe Pwr nigt I ir) 4 7H4 1 SMI CLUB rremne sn.t.sin'e tor ctose to SKI'NSAVE JINDABVNE APARIMf NTS AND TOvVNHOUl $15 PER NIGHT Discount parkgrs on lift les ons ski rxftp rr4t, mm.

i.nowv Mtns on 02 4.1 S77 ttf Of HOLIDAY RESORTS Queensland i r. mi on luniNnf roait Aa ati'e jr leave Hased t'rep'a' rovd beams and all modr'n rt'enre S2 Vi PW P-on 2e 5 anrl Jvk f0r NOOSAVILL1 2 towrthouve jit nnfj pool terms cour Ava" no L1 cn BOATING 0UILD A BOAT PLANS TO Broofcrvaie Ca" mtpext worths lart-st range piar.s ai ype 1 iut 1000 hp HfB I includes t'-jrho p'Stons and rrja bearings ht-rjs mtr' tors oh t'Hers etc etc A gift at I 7S00 tr-p lot 7j 0j 5 MOTTLf Buwn dvvi equipped met mstr 3 a'K Oingi tr Very 0an boat PRIDl IS ft WaOoit ligfiti ani-hofi ropS fit Vj recond Merrury ril tr.u- AH turrpnt retio A'to' 1500 pnp 744Q7f4 ah 70H SCARAV 0 fh reiver twm merr mol'Ki uH (Ovarii BiTmhi ufl Shower anrj lo'it m-g sounder S'ero e.lent eampi Only Barren.ov V'l Brokers WANTIO 9 xd rinajf um or gias runabout Cal YACHT ft of I goc.d interior ano new ng well nown a nd vry sur e.t i ji Sell 18'iOOO or oMt or swap on inytrvng considered arj a.h MONEY. STOCKS AND SHARES AVAILABLE NOW MI'ji JOIN VI u- Ol SMOWL DARlU'j I INAttl I 1 75 (Jattirri WSW) 4I HOU" AN'. JVf AVAILABLE IMMFOIATtl lunai for inv ir.t)m i.rr.rvm. tion First or sronrj rnorlu'ji-fc businesses eir Bno.r-j medium term Di wiln lendir NO BROk I f'AOt oorj io 1 O'jO .00 DAVIDSON', IN Arjf Pl 4 York 1,1 Syfjnyy Jjl'j, LOST AND FOUND BRACELET, Engraved link of A Cm anrj ladies tolfts Town Hail Very vntimentai value Reward i gi.H BRIEFCASE Bljrk lost Snf.m.n.

tal pfvjto' and neg', on 1 pm in HurJvon Liiir Phone Crjfl printing 56 i iht Or 50612 Reward DOC blak mjrjdor cross pali.h on hest mr rrg wr.n'j on irjlf (oi'ar t. Jita Lost Crows N'! 4r. Nfura HI 4 JrJ 4 1 DOG thoroughbred wire ha. red to terrier, lost Friday juiy Owner is ai-yaslrfird Fiwrd TeUTihone 3 3 7 1 Jl Irr i GOLD Braceift nliiju loket lost fir uout, Bay a'a Reward Barov 26 1122 bh 32 1 047 a 6u" brown lost area needs medicme cniirjv rt Large reward Fieie pn riMi 709 75JH 708 56B8 anytime no questions yd MOTEIS ACC. at sin Lindiif'd Vre 122.

BedBreakl 4:1 4, 1 i BUDGET ACCOM Kings 'us From S30 per niurt J5tt I 1 33 SELL YOUP. 0 on mi VEHICLE IN Thr iiuii iiuHiiimi Hhf i Ju- -l TEL: 282 1122 Consignments Accepted Till 12 Noon Inspections Invited From 9 a.m. Quality Vehicles 86 4 RUNNER OND328. Bb CUHULLA NXD 24 85 ECONOVAN OBR656. 86 TELSTAR ODE700 85 XF FALCON NLI291.


MIW887. Plus Many More Pak Station Wagon air psteer. stereo, log books 3583022 105 WITH TIM 2.00 p.m. S2000 Reserve 74 COROLLA UNREG 74 CORONA HUE942 74 GALLANT GTW770 74 CHRYSLER GXT786. 73 TORANA RZO033 72 FIAT KNF346 71 RENAULT UNREG 63 EJ HOLDEN BGA969 78 SIGMA OGM445.

78 FIAT KGS1 37 78 MAZDA 323 IEG276 78 NISSAN E20 NJR96S 78 HZ HOLDEN OND853. 78 CORTINA NF0419 77 FORD LTD MLX577. 77 TRIUMPH IQE381. 77 LANCER LDI505. 77 GEMINI JQE641 77 CORONA JOG822.

75 VOLVO HUM155 75 CORONA HGY186 74 VW CAMPER GWY131. 74 TORANA GZQ903 71 VW ONS151 68 MERCEDES OJC404. To Be Auctioned 83 CELICA MQQ216 83 ZK FAIRLANE NCV256. 83 PRAIRIE NWQ263 83 HI LUX OKI519 83 BLUEBIRD MKL629. 82 VH SLE LZL375 82 F1004X4 NGD518 82 BLUEBIRO MHV899 81 DATSUN 280C LOJ845.

81 CELICA OGV672 79 ROVER KKD520 79 XB FALCON KJO063 Vehicles Not Listed 104 PLATES 565 001 511 vour car and increase in value CARS days till 6 p.m. Rook wood Crematorium. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS. FDA NSW. FIVE DOCK.

7S nn 713 191 1 LAKEMBA. LEICHHARDT. 759 2512. 5682111 FREEMAN. A graveside service noror the late HOKtNi-t WINIFRED FREEMAN will be held in the Botany Cemetery today (Thursday.

July 9. 1967). com mencing at ease meet at the cemetery ce. LABOR FUNERALS intng Enmore Road Newtown 51 2777 FDA 51 2778 FUCCILLI. Reauiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late LOUISA FUCCILLI.

of Ryde. will -e celebrated in St Charles Church. Victoria Road. Ryde. tomorrow (l-ridav afternoon), -commencina at 2 o'clock The funeral will leave the church J' after Mass.

for the Field of Mars Catholic Cemetery. A O'HARE LEICHHARDT I V'l'i 569 1995. .569 1811 GATES. Reauiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late CLIVE BRAMWELL GATES, of Revesby Heights, will be celebrated tomorrow (Friday), at St v- arick's Catholic Church. The River Road.

Revesby Heights Mass commencing at 9.30 a m. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, to leave the church, after prayers t. -following the Mass. for the lc Lawn Cemetery. Rookwood.


The officers and mem bers of the Revesby Heights Ex Servicemen's Memorial Club Ltd. to are invited to attend the funeral of -their late esteemed member SLIVE BRAMWELL GATES funeral particulars, please See family notice CHARLES MASON. Pres. NELSON. SecMgr.

GENNER. The relatives and friends of the late REGINALD ARTHUR GENNER. of West Ryde. are kindly invited to attend his funeral service, to be held in the chapel of Northern Suburbs Crematorium, tomorrow (Friday). MOTOR FUNERALS.

4 East Parade. EASTWOOD. 8S1955 FDA. NSW GUlMORE. A service for the late Mrs bnsRYN ANN GILMORE of Dural.

will be held in the Castlebrock Crematorium Cha- peb Windsor Road. Rouse Hill, next Friday (July 10. 1987). commencing at 2 p.m. followed by an interment in the adjoining Memorial Gardens.

ALBERT MEYER. 'HORNLEIGH. 84 3992 GONSALVES. The relatives and of the late MILLIE GONSALVES are invited to attend her funeral service, in the chapel of the Forest Lawn Crematorium. Hume Highway.

Leppington. tomorrow (Friday), commencing at 1 30 m. i Please meet at the crematorium. P. E.

BUTLER FUNERALS. F.D.A. of NSW -Camden. Campbetltown. (046) 66 8265.

(046) 25 1 854. -HALPRIN. The relatives and of the late LEAH HAL-PRIN. are invited to attend her funeral, to leave the Chevra Kidisha Memorial Hall. 172 Oxford Street.

WooMahra. this (Thursday) afternoon, after a service commencing at 2 clock fpr the Jewish Cemetery. Rook- "wood. By reouest no flowers Minyon will be held at 82A Victoria Road. Bellevue Hill, this evening at 7.30 clock.

CHEVRA KADISHA. 32 2248. HAMILTON. The relatives and friends of the late STEPHEN GEORGE HAMILTON. are to attend his funeral "service to be held in Our Lady of Carmel Church.

Kellick Street. Waterloo, this Friday afternoon at 1 30 m. the conclusion of prayers the cortege will then proceed to Botany Cemetery. JOSEPH MEDCALF FUNERAL SERVICES 172 Redfern St Redfern. F.D.A.

N.S.W 698 2644. 698 2315 HANNON. A funeral service for "the late JESSIE ibUbtL man-. NQN of Randwick and Lindfield will be held in the west chapel of Northern Suburbs Cremato rium, tomorrow (Friday. July 10) commencing at 1 .40 m.


The relatives and friends of the late FLORENCE MURIEL HARTSHORN are "mvited to attend her funeral, to leave the Christ Church of England Church, cnr. Orchardteigh and Broughton Streets. Old Guildford today (Thursday), after service commencing at 2 o.m. for Rook- i crematorium. TIMMINS.

4 MORRIS. PAR RAM ATT A. FDA of NSW. 630 8922 iORSINGTON. Reauiem Mass repose of the soul of the FRANCIS HENRY (Frank) HORSINGTON.

of Mllsons Point "and-lormerly of Lane Cove, will be xetebrated at St Francis Xaviers McKenzie Street. Laven der Bay. tomorrow (Friday. July iu. lua A-'TJrivate interment will take Place at uranxton.

at a later aaie. KENNETH MAURER FUNERALS. 920 5813 Teen Maurer Bruce Maurer Personally 263 MILLER STREET NORTH SYDNEY A F.D.A HOUGH. Reauiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late AIDA ELLENA HOUGH will be celebrated at our Lady of Fatima Church. Shaw Street tomorrow morning "CFrlSav).

at 9 clock "On conclusion of prayers after 4 the cortege will proceed to Jhe, Woronora Cemetery. "SIMPLICITY FUNERALS. A of N.S.W ALC SUBURBS 609 3933 --vi HUBBARD. Relatives and 'friends of the late RONALD K-ETH HUBBARD, of Croydon Park, are invited to attend his funeral service, to be held in a of the Woronora Cremato- "ribirr. Tuesday next (July 14 1997).

at 11 30am iFtease meet at the crematorium AC HARDY A of ROCKDALE. HURSTVILLE 599 4400. 57 1 554 Some At No Reserve DEBIENS MOTOR AUCTIONS 5693211 M.T.A. 5693211 543 PARRAMATTA ROAD. LEICHHARDT (Halt-way up Taverners Hill) Member Auctioneers and Valuers Association of W.

658 NUMBER The Sydney Number Plate Exchange NSW. NSW. NSW. NSW NSW 22122 1899 These plates will add value to FOR ALPHA S300. FOUR WD $600.

REOBMW $1200 ALPHA 2 $300. ON FIRE $600 JAG VI 2 $1500 ALPHA 3 $300. A9X V8 $600 VEEDUB $1500 FORD 4 $300. 308A9X $600 BROCKS $1500 FORD 6 $300. 2002BM $600 928S50 $1500 FORD 8 $300.

HOT A9X $800 91 IC $2000 FORD49 $300. TOP JAG $1000. XY HO $2000 RT E49 $300 911 $1000 JAGWAH $2200 RR 77 $500. 260 $1000 CARERA $2200 RR-88 $500. 740T $1000 HOE Offers MY FORD $500.

900 GLE $1000 FIAT Offers TOWIE $500. S928 $1000 MG Offers. FOR BUSINESS REDUCE $300. UDDERS $500 MILK $600 CHEAPA $300. ALARM 1 $500.

MILK 4U $600 MOBIL-5 $300. HOME 4U $500. DANGER $600 SOLO 2 $300. RENT IT $500. AD-MAN $600 AM POL 2 $300.

TO-RENT $500 1 HOUR $600 FRUIT-4 $300 TO-LET $500. TV-ADS $600 CREDIT $400. -LEASED $500 IH3-TAX $800 VEGIES $500. TOWIE $500. MEDICO $1000 FRUITS $500.

MOO $600. DVELOP $1000 NAMES MY OWN $500. MCPHEE $500 CASH $800 JESICA $500. BAZZAS $500 KIWI $800 LIZIE $500. BAZZA $500 MUM $800 TONIE $500.

DARCYS $800. DAD $800 DOUGIE $600. MOTHER $800. JULIET $1000 STEWS $500. FATHER $800.

SHARON $1300 FOR SPORT SURFER $600. SKI H20 $800. BIG WIN $800 BOATIE $600. THE GG 1 $800. TEE OFF $800 GOLFER $800.

MY GG1 $800. UNION $900 GENERAL NO TOLL $300. ZOOM $500 FUNKIE $500 MY IDEA $300. CATS $500. WV $5000 IUST4U $400.

FORGET $500 ZZZ $500 BULLIT $400. REAPER $500 KING $800 HE LOST $400. LAZER $500. QUEEN $800 IM DEAF $400. JET $500.


P. l.d 185 RYDE TOYOTA open 7 days We also have a large range of Black White Number Only' plates. WE HAVE MANY MORE PLATES TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST ALL ENQUIRIES WELCOLME FROM BUYERS OR SELLERS. 858 1788 1046 Victoria Road. West Ryde 5g 1788 (02) 6335675 7 METROPOLITAN BURIAL AND CREMATION SOCIETY BURWOOD 744 2178 F.D.A of and National Selected Morticians TAXI PLATES WANTED -LIS 59b 1 Phone 9 3 781 1.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

What is the political leaning of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

What is the main newspaper in Sydney? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the most-read newspaper in Australia, with over eight million readers as of 2021.

Where is The Sydney Morning Herald headquarters? ›

In person. Drop documents in unsigned envelopes between 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday, at our street address at 1 Denison Street, North Sydney, with attention to a specific journalist or to the Herald investigations team. Include in the package your Signal, WhatsApp or Protonmail address for return communication.

Is the Sun Herald and The Sydney Morning Herald the same? ›

The Sun-Herald is an Australian newspaper published in tabloid or compact format on Sundays in Sydney by Nine Entertainment. It is the Sunday counterpart of the Sydney Morning Herald.

Who is The Sydney Morning Herald audience? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald has maintained its position as Australia's most-read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.2 million, according to figures released by Roy Morgan on Monday.

What political party does the Herald support? ›

Political stance

The Herald declares in every edition that it does not endorse any political party.

What is the most widely read newspaper in Australia? ›

The Herald Sun has the highest circulation in Australia.

What are the two national newspapers in Australia? ›

These include: The Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), The Age (Melbourne), The Herald Sun (Melbourne) and The Canberra Times. The two national daily newspapers are The Australian and The Australian Financial Review, which are owned by different companies.

What country is the Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald, daily newspaper published in Sydney, Australia's oldest and one of its most influential papers.

How big is The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the country's most read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.3 million Australians, according to the latest Total News readership figures released by Roy Morgan.

Is The Sydney Morning Herald and the age the same? ›

The newspaper shares some articles with its sister newspaper the Sydney Morning Herald. The Age is considered a newspaper of record for Australia, and has variously been known for its investigative reporting, with its journalists having won dozens of Walkley Awards, Australia's most prestigious journalism prize.

Who is the editor of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Bevan Shields is the Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

What is the circulation of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Monday to Friday print edition of The Sydney Morning Herald has an average issue readership of 401,000, while the Saturday print edition recorded 6 per cent lift in annual growth, attracting 510,000 readers.

Why are newspapers called the Herald? ›

Years ago, a herald was an official who announced important news to the people. This is why many newspapers today have herald in their name. Nowadays, the noun herald refers to an early indicator that something is about to happen.

What is the oldest newspaper in Australia? ›

Nearly all issues of many historic Australian and Victorian newspapers are held, including Australia's first newspaper, the Sydney Gazette (1803–42), and the oldest Australian newspaper still in publication, the Sydney Morning Herald (first published in 1831).

What is the conservative media in Australia? ›

The primary conservative magazines in Australia are News Weekly, Quadrant and The Spectator Australia.

What political party is in Sydney? ›

Political parties

New South Wales is currently governed by the Labor Party. The two main parties are the Liberal Party/National Party Coalition, and the Labor Party.

What political leaning is Morning Star? ›

The Morning Star is a left-wing British daily newspaper with a focus on social, political and trade union issues.

What is the political leaning of the Times newspaper? ›

In general, the political position of The Times is considered to be centre-right.


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.