6 Things You Should Know About the Inari Fox in Japanese Folklore (2024)

byDavid McElhinney | ART

Japanese folklore and religious mythology is rife with anthropomorphic and deified creatures, from the huge-testicl*d tanuki (raccoon dogs) to the three-legged crow which remains a symbol of the nation.

The kitsune (fox) recurs throughout stories in Japanese history, usually appearing as an intelligent and/or cunning being with paranormal abilities and often residing at Shinto shrines. They’re portrayed as having a deep connection with their human companions and as manifestations of a major kami (Shinto spirt) in the Japanese story of creation.

But this only hints at the enduring importance of the kitsune in Japan. So, if you want to find out more, read on for everything you need to know about kitsune in Japanese culture.

1. Why are Kitsune Foxes Popular in Japanese culture?

6 Things You Should Know About the Inari Fox in Japanese Folklore (2)

Kitsune have been a part of Japanese religious culture for as long as the culture has existed in any meaningful sense. Long before Japan came under imperial rule, it was populated by nomadic tribes whose spirit worlds were fueled by deeply held polytheistic animist beliefs. (It wasn’t until the arrival of Chinese Buddhists and Confucians in the 6th century AD that these beliefs would be collectively termed Shintoism.)

To these nomads, the entire natural world, both animate and inanimate, alive or dead, was imbued with spirits. And the fox, a creature native to the archipelago and in abundance in prehistoric Japan’s dense forests, slowly began to take on a mystical significance.

By at least the 8th century, and likely even earlier, shrines were dedicated to kitsune, or more precisely, the fox incarnations of the Shinto kami, Inari – the goddess of rice, harvests, agriculture, fertility and more. Inari was said to have arrived in Japan during its creation riding on the back of a white fox. A harsh famine had struck the land, ushering the goddess from her heavenly abode into the land of mankind carrying grains to liberate the starving people from their hunger.

In 711 AD, the first Inari shrine was erected on the eponymous Inari Mountain in Kyoto to solidify the significance of the myth. Kitsune would operate as the guardian protectors of the shrine, and their physical presence throughout the nation would forever be a reminder of the benevolent goddess’s deeds.

2. What do Kitsune Represent?

6 Things You Should Know About the Inari Fox in Japanese Folklore (3)

The concept of god is pretty flexible in Japan, and so too are the representations of the kitsune. In their Inari form, kitsune symbolize good harvests, tea and sake, fertility and prosperity, cunning and smarts, business and money, all in equal measures and all at different turns.

The Shinto pantheon is believed to be infinite, but Inari is certainly one of the most important spirits, thus making kitsune among the most important of creatures. The most common depiction of foxes is at Inari shrines, 32,000 of which exist across Japan, making up over 30% of the total number of shrines of any kind.

A pair of stone kitsune usually appear at Inari shrine gates or in the form of sculptures within shrine complexes. They are there to protect both the spirit world and the worshippers within. As such, visitors will leave votive offerings to the foxes, often in the form of tofu (supposedly their favorite food).

This stunning image is from photographer Nandin Yuan. You can check out his work at Studio Bridge.

3. What are Some Common Manifestations of the Kitsune in Japanese Folklore?

There are said to be 13 different types of mythical kitsune, each corresponding to an “element”: Celestial, Darkness, Wind, Spirit, Fire, Earth, River, Ocean, Mountain, Forest, Thunder, Time and Sound. But more commonly, they are divided into two diametrically opposed camps: nogitsune (bad) and zenko (good), representing the duality and balance of life on earth.

Whether a given kitsune augurs good or ill, however, depends on the circ*mstance on which it’s encountered. In yokai (ghost story) folklore, kitsune evolve greater abilities as they age. Natural shapeshifters, they are believed to be able to take human form after they have reached their hundredth year.

Evil foxes, known as nogitsune, are wild creatures that serve no god and carry no divinity within their souls. They are known for shifting into human form, and in some cases presenting themselves as beautiful women to lure powerful men into their traps. They are also guilty of kitsunetsuki, possessing the spirts of young girls, to feed on their life force as well as for their own sad*stic amusem*nt.

Benevolent kitsune, also called zenko, are the messengers and reincarnations of souls in the spirit world, often growing new tails as they become more powerful. Once they reach a total of nine their fur turns white or gold and they begin to acquire powerful abilities beyond comprehension, including the bending of time and space. Nine-tailed kitsune are said to have heightened perceptions, can hear and see all that happens in the world, and eventually attain omniscience.

4. What are some Famous Kitsune in Literature?

6 Things You Should Know About the Inari Fox in Japanese Folklore (4)

One of the most famous examples of kitsune in pop culture is through the Pokémon Vulpix (a fire kitsune) and its evolved form, Ninetails. In later editions of the game, Alolan Vulpix (an ice kitsune) and its subsequent evolution Alolan Ninetails would also be introduced. Particularly in their evolved forms, these Pokémon gained mysterious powers, staying true to the mythological source material.

Kitsune are also heavily represented in campfire stories, such as The Grateful Foxes, The Fox and the Tanuki (later adapted into a manga series), the Foxes’ Wedding and How Tokutaro Was Deluded by Foxes, all of which have been told for generations. In Christopher Kincaid’s introductory primer Come and Sleep, the author details the rich history of this tradition with authority and wit.

5. What are some Famous Kitsune in Art?

Kitsune were often depicted on inro, intricate hardcase pouches hung from the belt of a pocketless kimono. The above inro dates back to the Edo era, evidencing the rich tradition of kitsune in Japanese iconography. The depicted kitsune are linked to the shrine in the background. Note the fox whose tail is being revealed: the kitsune’s tail had real symbolic significance, and often foxes had difficulty hiding these when in human form.

Kitsune were frequently represented in paintings and ukiyo-e woodblock prints. The artist Kansetsu Hashimoto was renowned for his elegant paintings of Japanese wildlife. In Hashimoto’s calming nihonga-style Inari fox painting, he focuses less on the kistune’s religious significance, rather celebrating it for its elegant natural form.

6 Things You Should Know About the Inari Fox in Japanese Folklore (6)

Tsukioka Yosh*toshi (1839 -1892), one of the last great ukiyo-e masters, also celebrated the fox in his works. In his 100 Aspects of the Moon series he portrays a kitsune creeping through moonlit fields garbed in women’s clothing, hinting at foxes’ more mischievous incarnations.

6. Where Can You See Kitsune in Japan?

Fushimi Inari Taisha is one of the most famous shrines in the nation, famed for its procession of red torii gates snaking through hillsides. But it’s also the birthplace of fox shrines in Japan, and in commemoration of this, stone kitsune are peppered throughout the complex, guarding gates and watching over worshippers.

At Toyokawa Inari Shrine in Aichi Prefecture, Shinto and Buddhist symbolism exist in harmony. There are also thousands of miniature stone foxes congregated in the grounds. Many of the foxes wear red bibs as a sign of their divinity or hold scrolls in their mouth symbolizing their roles as messengers of the gods.

6 Things You Should Know About the Inari Fox in Japanese Folklore (7)

Takayama Inari Shrine in Aomori Prefecture is a smaller and considerably less crowded version of its Kyoto counterpart, Fushimi Inari Taisha. A procession of grand stone foxes marks the trail to the torii gates.

If you want to see kitsune in the flesh, head to Zao Fox Village in Miyagi Prefecture. Over 100 foxes, and several different species, roam the reserve, which visitors can enter. A shrine is located in the village as are platforms from which you can buy food to feed the foxes, while in spring there are also opportunities to hold newborn baby foxes.

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6 Things You Should Know About the Inari Fox in Japanese Folklore (2024)


6 Things You Should Know About the Inari Fox in Japanese Folklore? ›

The concept of god is pretty flexible in Japan, and so too are the representations of the kitsune. In their Inari form, kitsune symbolize good harvests, tea and sake, fertility and prosperity, cunning and smarts, business and money, all in equal measures and all at different turns.

What are the facts about Inari's foxes? ›

Inari's foxes, or kitsune, are pure white and act as their messengers but it is more likely that in ancient times the fox itself was revered as the kami of rice. According to myth, Inari, as a megami (female Kami), was said to have come to Japan at the time of its creation amidst a harsh famine that struck the land.

What do the foxes mean in Inari shrine? ›

Inari shrines typically possess guardian figures in the form of foxes or kitsune. These guardian figures are messengers of Inari but are commonly thought of as the deity itself. The kitsune statues typically come in pairs, and each represent a male and female.

What is the Japanese folklore about fox? ›

kitsune, trickster foxes from traditional Japanese folklore. They are a type of yōkai, a class of supernatural creatures with godlike powers, often equated to the English ghoul or demon. Kitsune are noted for their paranormal abilities, particularly metamorphosis. As they age, these abilities can become more powerful.

What are some facts about the kitsune? ›

The kitsune (fox) is a legendary creature imbibed with paranormal abilities, cunning intellect, and a deeply personal relationship with the human world. Kitsunes frequently appear in the Japanese story of creation and the founding myths of nomadic tribes. These tribes wandered long before imperial rule.

What are Inari's powers? ›

Furthermore, Inari's influence extends beyond agriculture, as Inari possesses healing powers capable of curing many afflictions, including coughs, toothaches, broken bones, and syphilis (“Inari – New World Encyclopedia”).

What do Inari foxes eat? ›

Over time, the shrines focused on the servant of that god, who happened to be a fox. Foxes are said to love deepfried tofu, and from this came the custom of calling tofu skins inari.

What does Inari mean in Japanese? ›

Name of Deity

“Inari” is short for “Ine nari” or “Ine ni naru” (reaping of rice). It is a word from ancient Japanese in which rice, the main food sustaining Japanese people's lives, symbolizes the miracles of heaven and earth.

What are the colors of Inari? ›

This red color has come to be identified with Inari, because of the prevalence of its use among Inari shrines and their torii. The main shrine is the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Fushimi, Kyoto, Japan, where the paths up the shrine hill are marked in this fashion.

Is Inari a kitsune? ›

Kitsune are associated with Inari, the Shinto deity of rice. This association has reinforced the fox's supernatural significance. Originally, kitsune were Inari's messengers, but the line between the two is now blurred so that Inari Ōkami may be depicted as a fox.

Can kitsune fall in love? ›

Kitsune are the only yokai in Japanese folklore who fall in love and get married, which typically results in a Fox's Wedding, or Kitsune no Yomeiri,. The jubilant event itself is quite a common motif in Japanese folklore, with numerous paintings depicting kitsune parading towards marital bliss.

What is an evil kitsune called? ›

The types of Kitsune are better known as zenko (善狐, literally good foxes) and yako (野狐, literally field foxes, also called nogitsune). Zenko Kitsune are benevolent creatures, heavily associated with the god Inari, and are sometimes simply called Inari foxes. Yako foxes are mischievous, and sometimes even malevolent.

Are Kitsunes only female? ›

Common stories show them playing pranks on the overly proud Samurai, with the malevolent ones abusing poor farming families or devout Buddhist monks. Their victims were usually male, as the Kitsune were believed to either be female, or generally possessed women.

Are Kitsunes evil or good? ›

They cannot bring harm to people. Statues of this type of kitsune can be found in shrines and cemeteries and are noteworthy because of the red bibs they wear. Nogitsune are the kitsune most likely to directly interact with humans. They can be good or bad, though they veer toward the mischievous or even malicious.

What are the 13 types of kitsune? ›

There are thirteen types of Kitsune in Japanese mythology.
  • Tengoku (Heaven, Celestial, Light, Prime)
  • Kukan (Void or Dark)
  • Kaze (Wind)
  • Seishin (Spirit)
  • Kasai (Fire)
  • Chikyu (Earth)
  • Kawa (River)
  • Umi (Ocean, Sea)

What are the facts about Ryukyu flying foxes? ›

The Ryukyu flying fox is the largest bat found throughout the Ryukyu Islands. This large bat often startles people on night walks. No need to worry, it is not a threat to humans. This large fruit bat feeds on fruit, seeds and nectar.

What is a fact about Tibetan fox? ›

Tibetan foxes are mostly solitary, daytime hunters as their main prey, pikas, are diurnal. Tibetan foxes may form commensal relationships with brown bears during hunts for pikas. The bears dig out the pikas, and the foxes grab them when they escape the bears. Mated pairs remain together and may also hunt together.

What are some facts about 9 tailed fox? ›

That is the nine-tailed fox, a deity beast appearing alongside Xi Wangmu (Queen Mother of the West) with the Rabbit, the Toad, and the Three-foot Blue Bird. In the Qin Dynasty, the nine-tailed fox was an auspicious symbol. The appearance of a nine-tailed fox symbolizes peace and prosperity in the world.


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