Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo : FBC : May 5, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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myth that always goes around if you filed an amended return you will get audited it turns out that's not the case even though the irs is cracking down and planning to do more audits this year. jack: for the irs only have one job and i did declared. >> were looking at norwegian cruise line in cl h, they got hammered after releasing earnings, the earnings weren't bad the guidance was a bad one analyst said you do realize they raised guidance and have a record book position they have no idea what's going on they might've paled in comparison to some of the competitors but after that drop they really do look like there a place to pie. jack: i still like his idea of the viking cruises but maybe this is a good sign. >> thank you for saving me there. great ideas from everyone to read more checkout this edition of barron' that is offer as we will see you next week on "barron's roundtable". competition together. pete: see you next weekend.

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rachel: bye, everybody. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. welcome to "sunday morning futures." i'm maria bartiromo. saboteurs in america piling on, indiana semitism rages in america, in some cases why outside agitator ors inside the country. but joe biden waits ten days to speak out against it, then claims islamophobia is just as big a problem right now. >> there should be no place on any campus, no if place in america for anti-semitism or threats of violence against jewish students. this is no place for hate speech or violation of any we kind whether it's indiana semitism, islamophobia or discrimination against arab-americans or palestinian-americans. it's simply wrong. maria: coming up, the woman who first exposed the anti-semitism on college campuses, new york

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congresswoman elise stefanik on federal funding of colleges in the future and who the real agitators are today. then, as america declines, prosecutors target one man, president donald trump, on trial. efforts to muddy up 45 with salacious headlines and insider testimony, yet critics say still no evidence of a crime. coming up, rnc co-chair lara trump on her father-in-law's week in a manhattan courtroom and on new fund raising and polls showing trump leading many seven swing with states right now. plus, former federal prosecutor and director of national intelligence john ratcliffe on a pierce the take down trump despite the national security risks in plain sight. the ultimate may tunnel on the table for a hamas, give up the hostages or face down israeli forces in rafah. then, former new york city police commissioner ray kelly on anti-semitism, crime and a wide open border. can new york be saved? it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪

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♪ maria: and we begin this sunday morning with america's colleges and universities and the impact of the ongoing anti-israel protests across the country. who is funding this? directing it on social media? how many faculty have participated? and what will it mean for schools and students going forward? sources saying the coordinated protests are getting direction on social media and then the wall street journal reporting on a web site called crime which has become, according to the journal, a hub for anarchists, antifa if activists and radical leftists telling users, quote, we can wield the most power by occupying the spaces where classes are held and administrators have offices. this ahead of graduation day upon us across the country. the university of southern california earlier canceling its graduation ceremony, many more schools altering plans as

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startling images emerge from top universities. at george washington university, protesters defaced a statue of the first president, draping the figure in a palestinian flag with a black and and white scarf wrapped around its neck. at a stanford university someone wearing a headband worn by hamas seep on campus. at columbia university, the epicenter9 of these protests, police stormed the campus tuesday night breaking up the anti-israel encampment and clearing an academic building protesters had seized after the psychological finally called for law and order to be restored. missouri's finest replaces -- new york's finest replaced the flag with the stars and stripes. thank you to those students and those nypd. nypd sources telling fox news of the 282 protesters arrested at columbia and city college of new york, 134 of them were not affiliated with either school. with new york city mayor eric adams saying outside agitators

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are to blame for fueling some of the anti-israel demonstrations. meanwhile, president biden finally spoke out on the anti-israel protests saying his administration is not about silencing people who with may disagree after ten days of silence. >> were not an authoritarian mission where we silence people or squash dissent. the american people are heard. in fact, peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but, but neither are we a law he is are country. we are a civil society, and order must prevail. maria: joining me now with more on all of this in this "sunday morning futures" exclusiveive is congresswoman elise stefanik. congressman, it's good to see you this morning. thanks very much for being here. >> good to be with you, mafia. martha: -- maria. maria: assess the situation today after we did see a fair amount of cleanup over the

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weekend, and i want to get your take on what you want to see happen in terms of federal funding of college universities. >> first of all, maria, this is a crisis in higher education, and i want to thank our law enforcement officers. you played the clip of the nypd. but who has failed are the university presidents. our law enforcement have done the right thing, bringing security back to these college campuses, but our university presidents whether it's columbia, hard bard d -- harvard, ucla, yale, the list goes on, they have failed to condemn jewish students and failed to con -- to protect jewish students and failed to condemn anti-semitism. joe biden not only waited ten days to condemn, he has been silent since last december with that historic hearing where you had three ivy league university presidents fail to condemn the genocide of jews. joe biden waited months to speak out saying that testimony was unacceptable. he didn't even say that, actually, in his statement, but he gave it lip service. this is the radicalized,

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far-left democrat party, it is about lawlessness, anarchy, it is attacking our most precious ally, israel, and it is hurling anti-semitic slurs against jewish students as well as physical harassment, physical assault against jewish students. so there is a great deal we are doing in congress in our oversight, and our legislative solutions will consist of pulling back federal funding, addressing the foreign dollars that are flowing into these institutions and holding these schools accountable. maria: why haven't the democrats been more aggressive on this? chuck schumer in the senate, the highest ranking jewish person in congress, hasn't said enough, in my view. it feels like they're afraid to fend if their own base -- to offend their own base, and joe biden, the first thing he said was those who don't understand what's going on with palestinians, i also condemn that. whatever that a means. >> exactly. this is joe biden's democrat party today, the pro-hamas

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riotersen on college campuses, the anarchists, and that's why you're seeing trepidation among democrats from speaking out, because this is their base. and the reality is this is why republicans continue to poll stronger and strong the, because we represent -- stronger, because we represent peace and security, we represent standing up for the constitution, we represent supporting oural high of israel, and we strongly condemn anti-semitism. there is a reason that that house republicans have led on this, and it's a because there's been a void at our universities. there is a void at the white house with starting with the top, joe biden, and there's been a void including chuck schumer which is why we have exap paneledded the investigation and will continue to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars to yank federal funding that is propping up these institutions that are endock try nate being our next generation. maria: you also have to go back to schumer's speech on the senate floor a month or so ago where he called for new

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elections in israel, said benjamin netanyahu is not serving the people of israel anymore. this is in the middle of the fight for survival for benjamin if netanyahu's life and the state of's israel's survival, he's attacking netanyahu. >> it was unacceptable, and i was proud to respond immediately with fellow house republican leadership condemning chuck schumer's statements. it is more important than ever that the united states stand strongly with israel and the duly-elected leaders of's israel as they are fighting for their very existence. this is whey we're very proud to have a strong conference of house republicans condemning anti-semitism and supporting israel. that's in stark contrast to joe biden, the democrat biden campaign and chuck schumer who have failed to support israel. and and joe biden's silence on this is deafen. ing, and he owns these riots because they are a part of the democrat base, and that's why they're so desperate and trying

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to morally give candidate from the if white house. maria: tell me about this anti-semitism awareness act which the house voted on wednesday. if it would mandate the department of education to use the international holocaust remembrance alicense definition of antiself-tism. tell me what this does, how important is in that you all voted on week. >> this is very important. this codifies president trump's executive order. so president trump doesn't get credit for the mainstream media, but it was president trump that expanded title vi protections for jewish students on college campuses, and the biden administration and the biden department of education, they have failed to open up investigations into each of these college campuses that that have failed to protect jewish students on those campuses. so so what this legislation does is that codifies it, it strengthens it legislatively, and we need to continue to hold the biden administration accountable for their failure to comply with this executive order that's on the books because of

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president trump. maria: so who is funding this? i was told that lot of these groups were getting their direction from social media. at one point there was a directive on social media to go and take over buildings where academics take place. then they went and took over hamilton hall at columbia. we're hearing a lot that there are anti-antagonists that are not connected to the school. give us your sense of who's behind it, who's funding it and how many people are students versus outside agitators. >> these are already important questions, maria. so this is a well organized entity of far-left democrat radical groups domestically. it is well funded, well organized. but in addition, there is a foreign funding piece that is very important that we get to the bottom of to. whether it's the foreign funding flowing into these middle eastern studies programs at a these universities propping up antisemitic professors as well as propagating anti-semitic curriculum, we need to not allow that foreign funding. and that is going to be an important legislative solution.

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in addition, any individuals who are part of these pro-hamas if riots or pro-hamas end encampments on student visas, those visas need to be i vocked, and those -- revoked and those individual ises deported immediately. we found that over 40% of the rioters at columbia were up affiliated with the university meaning they were neither students, professors or faculty members. and that just shows the failure of columbia leadership to deal with this. they have allowed these outside rioters, far-left pro-hamas if activists to take over their campus putting all students at risk, especially jewish students. this is why i've called for the resignation if of the president of columbia. he negotiated with the terrorists, and that was a rests pee for disaster. maria: look -- recipe for disaster. i know china also has a role, all the money they've sent to these institutions, and we never see the biden administration push back on that.

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is it largely the institutes that are connected to college institutions or something else in terms of china's role? >> yes. communist china has tried to infiltrate our college campuses through their confucius institutes. the this is something that republicans have worked to address, to not allow confucius institutes, but we're also seeing it in the information warfare space, maria, that that you touched upon on tiktok which is a chinese communist front to collect data. it's a national security threat. they have promoted anti-semitic comments on tiktok and suppressed any pro-israel content on tiktok. and we know that these radicalized, far leftists utilize tiktok to organize, to get their message out which is why the ban on tiktok, the requirement that tiktok divest from communist china, is so incredibly important. we passed that in the -- house, and that's a big result we've been able to deliver. maria: congressman, let me switch gears and ask you about

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the trial of president trump right now. i know that you have issued an ethics complaint against the judge. you also want an investigation of michael cohen. tell me what you're doing with regard to that and how would you assess this trial right now for trump? the. >> this is a political witch hunt against biden's opponent if who is donald trump, and it's because democrats not win at tht box. the fact that they have a gag order on president trump in the midst of a presidential campaign shows how desperate they are. you have a corrupt judge in judge merchan. not only did he donate personally to the biden campaign, but an immediate member of his family is raising millions of dollars off the trial itself and to the tune of nearly $90 million, maria. this is corrupt to its core, and yet this is -- the left and the corrupt doj, this is apparently what they're doing with lawfare, and we need to stand strong and make sure that this never happens again. when it comes to the star witness for this political witch

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hunt, this is an individual who perjured himself in front of congress, who is a known liar. finish and i urge the department of justice to continue to criminal contempt against mike cohen. there is no case here. it is desperation, and it's a desperate if form of election interference. maria: congresswoman, you were at mar-a-lago this week. did trump bring up you being his vice presidential candidate? >> oh, we had a lot of great members there. what really came out across to me, maria, was how unified the republican party was and how many rising stars we have. i'm honored to have my name as one with of them in the mix right now p but it is a true testament to the strength of the e britain party you have so many up and comers working hard every day to save america, and this is a unified campaign to support president trump who will save this country this november. maria: congresswoman, it's good to see you, thanks very much. >> thank, maria. maria: all right. elise stefanik joining us in new york. treasury secretary janet

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yellen warns against a second term for president trump while inflation is up nearly 19% and growth has fallen to just 1.6% on her watch. >> democracy is associated with strong, independent institutions that uphold the rule of law. winners are not predetermined or subject to arbitrary and unpredictable whims of political leaders. maria: rnc cochair lara trump with reaction as new polling shows the 45th president leading in seven crucial swing states. stay with us. ♪ finish. ♪

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>> but the one thing that has been interesting about this four years, it shows how bad their policies are. it shows that their policies don't work. and one of the reason reasons we are more popular than we were four years ago -- and we were very popular, but more popular, is because they're so bad. they're so incompetent. they're so evil. they're so corrupt. it makes us look that much better. maria: and that is former president trump on the campaign trail in michigan and wisconsin on wednesday amid his ongoing trial in new york brought by manhattan democrat prosecutor alvin bragg. on thursday night, after spending the entire day in court, the 45 president made his

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way to a new york city firehouse in midtown manhattan and delivered boxes of pizza a to the brave men and women of the fdny. my heroes. fire department of new york. a new poll from emerson college and the hill shows president trump leading president biden in seven swing states that account for a total of 93 electoral votes. joining me now with more on the presidential race is cochair of the rnc lara trump. lara, good to see you. thanks very much for being here. i want to start right there, because president trump seems to be fitting in, you know, a bodega here and the fire department of new york there, trying to fit in campaign stop it's whenever he can. but the majority of his time is in a courtroom. if how are you raising money and putting president trump in front of donors if he's got to be in new york all day long? >> yeah. well, obviously, maria, that's by design. they want to keep donald trump trapped in a courtroom and not able to go out and cam pane, and their hope is that somehow that helps joe biden. but it's amazing to see, it's

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almost like sylvester the cat and tweety bird. when sylvester goes hard after betweenity bird, it -- tweety bird, it backfires, and that's exactly what's happening. as you pointed out, you see donald trump's poll numbers copping to go up. and at the rnc, we announced our april fund raising exceeded our expectations. we raised $76 million. and the beauty of that is the average donation, maria, is urn $30. that means the people of this country understand what's at stake, they understand what is happening to this man, this lawfare that is being waged against him in an attempt to interfere in an election, and they are fighting back. even in the midst of this abysmal if economy that yo biden has handed us, people are donating their money. donald j if people want to support us. they understand what's at stake. we get the weekend and we get wednesdays typically with donald trump, the candidates -- the candidate, to go out and campaign.

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but he goes, as you pointed out, to the bodega in harlem and gets a crowd joe biden couldn't dream of. he interacts with construction workers at 6:30 in the morning. it is earned media joe biden will never get. he cannot do these kinds of stops because no one will show up for him. the energy is palpable across this country. we we just halved a -- had a poll yesterday showing that the state of washington right now, donald trump is leading by 1 point, so it's within the margin of error, but nonetheless, leading joe biden. that tells you where this country is. we need donald trump back in the white house. and the lawfare and the communist tactics the democrats are employing are backfiring. maria: look, i think people want to see one on one trump, biden on stage for a debate with enough time to put their vote in. but i believe the first debate happens after the early voting begins. >> yeah. it's insane. and we've called for more debates. donald trump has said anytime,

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anywhere, anyplace he will debate joe biden. and, by the way, up until we got an interview between, of all people, howard stern and joe biden, we didn't even know if joe joe biden would commit to debates. we couldn't get an answer from his campaign. it is imperative to see these two men on a stage, to see these two candidates who want to be the leader of the free world head to head, face to face on a debate stage. we need to hear from the them not only about what they accomplished in their presidencies because we can compare two presidencies at this point, but their vision for the future of this country. the truth is we all know, joe biden can't do it. his campaign has been very reluctant to even comment on this. but as you point out, the presidential debate commission has the first debate starting weeks after early voting, maria. we know that millions of people will cast a ballot for one of these two candidates before they get to see these two men debate. we need earlier debate, and we

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have said from the if trump campaign and the rnc if they're not willing to move those debates forward, we would say to any network who would hike to host a debate, donald trump will be there. joe bide, we ask you to -- joe biden, we ask you to show up. maria: you've been saying your priority is to insure a transthe parent election, and i see that the rnc and the trump cam pane filing a lawsuit in a battleground state to stop counting ballots past election day. what are you doing with regard to suing nevada the right now? >> yeah. well, that's exactly right. you cannot cannot have ballots counted after elections are over. and is right now that is one of the many lawsuits we have out e across this country to ensure that just that happens, that we have a free, fair and transparent if election. so in nevada, as you pointed out, we are saying we want on election today that to be the last day mail-in ballots can be counted. and we've been very successful in a lot of lawsuits. a couple weeks ago we won in the

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state of pennsylvania. they wanted to take off dates from mail-in ballots, of course, the democrats in an effort to make it easier the cheat. that set precedent for the entire cup. so whether it's nevada, whether it's pennsylvania or whether it's in new york city where we actually just had a big win, they were trying to encourage 8000,000 non-citizens -- 800,000 non-citizens to vote. we had a bipartisan effort led by the rnc, we won there. they are not going to be the able to do that, and we are doing those things all across the country because wen't can be reactive. we have to be proactive. we have to look at this well ahead of the election season that we now have in this country. we're doing can everything from the rnc to ensure that that happens. maria: what else can you tell us specifically that you're doing right now to insure a transparent is and free election in november? what, five and a half months away now. >> yeah. it's closing in fast, and we have everything working at the rnc in the trump campaign. protect the i can't overstate how important it is for us to get people on

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our election integrity team. it is the largest division we have right now at the rnc. if you want to volunteer out there to be a poll watcher, a poll worker, someone who can actually work in these polling locations and tabulation centers, we are now able to train you. we want you to join our team. if you're an attorney, we want attorneys volunteering as a well, because we want them in every single major polling location across this country to insure that we are not waiting for weeks after election day. we are going to strike at a moment's notice during early voting, during election day voting. we have to have our eyes on everything. so we want people to come volunteer. michael whatley, the chairman of the rnc, and i have announced we want 100,000 people on our team by november 5th, and we plan to meet that goal. i want to encourage everyone out there, please, come join us because, maria, it is the most important thing. maria: all right, lara. thanks very much for being here this morning. >> thank you so much. maria: quick break and then

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america in decline yet democrat judges and prosecutors are focused on taking down one man and one man only, donald trump. a deep dive into trump's new york trial as new details emerge if on then-vice president joe biden and the sensitive documents he walked away with. former prosecutor, congressman and director of national intelligence with john ratcliffe on the state of affairs and the impact on national security. stay with us. ♪

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>> i was shocked at how highly classified these documents are. the immediate what wants you to believe, oh, this was just some old cold war stuff that old senile biden maybe had in his garage from decades ago. no, it was recent, it was relevant. and they had so many code words across it, i've had a clearance for 30 years, i had to ask what they meant. maria: and that was florida congressman and house intelligence committee member michael waltz breaking news on

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this program last weekend with details on just how sensitive those classified documents are that were kept in president biden's garage next to his corvette as well as at the penn biden center. the top secret documents dated back to biden's tenure as both a vice president and senator which he had no authority to personally keep. despite the national security risk, special counsel robert hur declined to charge biden in part because he said, quote, he's an elderly man with a poor memory. meanwhile, special counsel jack smith is still pursuing his case against president trump. in a filing on thursday, trump's attorneys called for the indictment to be tossed citing hur's decision not to charge biden. and former vice president mike pence admitted he kept classified documents after he left the white house. the doj declined to charge pence, closing the case last year. then this bombshell, the fbi admitting the misrepresenting the, documents they claimed to have taken from trump's estate, mar-a-lago. joining me now with more on this "sunday morning futures"

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exclusive is former prosecutor himself john ratcliffe. john, thanks finish very being here -- very much for being here. >> morning, maria. of. maria: i'm going to get to this mess representation by the fbi, but first, give us your legal aspect, legal perspective of the manhattan department a.'s trial right now for donald trump -- d.a.'s trial for donald trump. >> welsh or it's been a train wreck for the prosecution. look, every witness that they've called so far has been a witness intending to harm donald trump and, in fact, in every instance they have at least in part helped donald trump with his case. and every witness that the state has called so far has also said that the state's most important witness, michael cohen, can't be believed, that he's essentially a pathological liar. so if this were a fair judge and a fair jury, the case already would have been dismissed, or the case would be decided in the jurors' minds. but we don't have that because we have, you know, a judge in

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this case who is allows through his rulings the prosecutors to pursue an impossibility. the case that they are prosecuting, maria, is to try and show the jury that donald trump somehow magically, mystically, impossibly business records, entries in 2017 somehow influenced the presidential election of 2016. their whole case is premised on the idea that all of the conduct that that they discuss which is lawful is somehow unlawful, and the judge is allowing them to do that. and, of course, we know that that, in the end, is reversible error. but in this case, you know, we have a judge who voted for joe biden, donated to joe biden, whose daughter works for joe biden's vice president, kamala harris, and for adam schiff and for the democratic party, and that has clearly been reflected in his rulings against president

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trump throughout this trial. and that's the only danger that president trump has in this matter because with from a legal standpoint, again, they're attempting to approve something that is absolutely legally impossible, and his conduct is absolutely lawful in every respect, and it is reversible error on any number of grounds when this case ultimately goes up, if it had to with a verdict against the former president. maria: now, you beliefs this is all coordinated -- believe this is all a coordinated because with you point out are there were some of these d.a.s that were meeting with white house counsel. >> well, it absolutely is. it was systematically coordinated. look, this lawfare campaign, maria, is the most unlawful and unconstitutional politicallers persecution and instance of election interference that, hopefully, any of us will see in our lifetime. as you know, what you have is the leading republican presidential candidate and nominee in waiting, and the year

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before that election there's not one, not two, not three, but four criminal indictments all brought by democratic prosecutors in either blue states or blue counties or by his opponent if's own department of justice. so it's is absolutely out of bounds, it's absolutely coordinated. but it's also, maria, it's also failing. i mean, let's take inventory of where they are. in georgia, the fannie if willis prosecution has all but collapsed under the weight of her own corruption -- fani willis. in the jack smith matter you have two case, in the january 6th case he's already been shot down by the supreme court once and is likely to be shot down horsily on the immunity issue. and finish shortly. and in the classified documents case that you referenced before, it's hanging by a thread, maria, because awe as you pointed out he's now had to admit under oath in filings with the court that they tampered with ed and misrepresented or lied to the court about that -- evidence -- which then leaves us with this

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new york case which really, you know, at the end of the day the only to question for the jury in this case should be who's more corrupt, the prosecutors or the judge. maria: so in terms of the classified documents case, i remember the infamous picture that the fbi took of all those classified documents they said they took from mar-a-lago. specifically, tell me about what you're saying that what evidence was tampered, and did the fbi tamper with it? >> yeah. the famous photograph, what we have now learned and the government has had -- jack smith and his prosecutors have had to admit that that was staged. and if those top secret, classified sheets that all the public saw and said, oh, my god, look at those top secret documents, those were placed there by the fbi. and what jack smith admitted in court this week was that, if his words, they mishandled the classified documents and misrepresented those to the court. more a ya -- maria, that's a

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kind way of saying we tampered with the evidence and we lied to the court about i. is and they got caught when president trump's lawyers and the if other co-defendants raised this issue and said, look, the documents here don't match if up. the documents that were presented to us don't match the digitally-scanned records of when they were taken from mar rah a lag go. and jack smith, not only did they tamper with that and lie to the court about it, but he's now admitted to the court that he doesn't know how that happened. he's only offered a number of possible explanations for how that could have happened. so he's absolutely blown the chain of custody. and, again, he has a prosecutor, lead prosecutor in this case who met with white house counsel and a representative of the national archives several times in the weeks before jack smith was even appointed. maria: wow. >> maria, this reeks of crossfire hurricane when the biden -- when the obama-biden administration, fabricated evidence before the fisa court, lied to the court about it to

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pursue i donald trump, and new we're seeing it e again in this classified documents case. the judge could dismiss this case at any point in time, maria. i think the only reason he hasn't is she wants to document this publicly so that the public can see just how this case is being prosecuted, how unfairly donald trump has been persecuted in this matter by joe biden's department of justice. maria: let me move on, john, and ask you about the issues of the day with regard to foreign policy. there is a, what, ultimatum on the table for hamas. they either have to agree to give up and give these -- let these hostages free or netanyahu is promising to go into rafah and take down the hamas terrorists. tell me how you see that unfolding. and i want to get your take on the china role here because with we are waiting to see some kind of a tough stance against communist china for all of this bad waver, but it just hasn't happened from this administration. >> well, and it's not going to happen.

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it hasn't happened and it's not gonna happen. but with respect to what's happening in israel is, yeah, prime minister netanyahu's given an ultimatum to hamas. you have one week to accept a six-week ceasefire in exchange for releasing the hostages. hamas is responding so far and saying, no, you have to promise to end the war. you know who's agreeing with hamas? the biden administration if. we should be helping benjamin netanyahu. we should do everything we can to allow him to go into rafah and eradicate the reare maining four battalions of hamas that are still in gaza -- maria: yeah. >> because, maria, what happens with hamas here is a blueprint for what's going to happen with hezbollah, the houthis, with al-qaeda, with isis, with every radical islamic group and, you know, we should be supporting israel this if this, in this struggle, not supporting hamas which is what the biden administration is doing and what china is doing.

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so at the same day that antony blinken left beijing last week with, the people's republic of china received a delegation from, yes, you guessed it, hamas. [laughter] so they are working in that region to help hamas, and they are working in the united states through tiktok and through their assets here in the quites to foment -- in the united states to foment unrest in this country. maria: john, real quick, we've got to jump, but all of these chinese nationals that have come through the open border, 24 or 252,000 just since october on top of another 25,000 -- 25,000 -- do we have any if knowledge in terms of whether or not any of them were saboteurs in these college campus unrest? if i mean, we're trying to understand who's behind all of this and also trying to understand why so many chinese nationals have come through the wide open border on joe biden's watch. >> yeah. well, we wouldn't know because joe biden did nothing to track these chinese nationals coming into the country. but you'd be insane not to think that of the 24,000 that have

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just recent he come in, that they're not playing some role in what china's trying to do which is the create chaos in this country. we know that they're doing it through tiktok. so many of the assets that they've now brought into this country that we know from our intelligence that they have are likely contributing on the ground to foment if this chaos across the cup on our campuses. -- country on our campuses. maria: it's a story that i will certainly follow. john, thanks very much. former director of national intelligence, john ratcliffe. we're going to take a break and then talk with ray kelly, former nypd commissioner, next. (♪) (♪) what took you so long? i'm sorry, there was a long line at the thai place. you get the sauce i like? of course! you're the man! i wish. the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund

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the city college of new york. they're actually from outside the country, outside agitators, people not connected to the school at all. sources also said that the nationwide protests are coordinated, and agitators are getting direction from groups on social e media. joining me now is one of the leading, perts on the rise of anti-semitism, former new york city if police commissioner ray kelly. commissioner, thanks very much for being here this morning. >> thanks for having me, maria. maria: first i want to ask you about the anti-semitism. i also want to ask about crime in new york. you've done a study on the world. how would you assess what has taken place in the last two weeks. >> well, i think it's been -- the flames have been ig e nighted by one organization in particular, that's the students for justice in palestine, sjp. they've been around since 193. they have over 200 chapters on college campuses. and this.

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spontaneity of the services all over the country indicates to me that an organization very much like sjp if has fueled all of this and provided money. they get money from overseas from middle ian cups, so they are very -- middle eastern countries, so they are very active. everything they receive at sjp is very much involved, i think the prime if move of a lot of it. maria: there's a lot of conversation about liberal groups like a george soros. the do you put him anywhere near this? >> yes. george soros, of course, he does it through his umbrella group, open society, and they funnel money down to a lot of these organizations. the organizations, by the way, change their name. but, clearly, money is coming from if overseas and from soros. he doesn't need overseas money, but it's coming to these

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organizations and, obviously, this is the what they want. that's why i don't think this is going to stop. this is going to go into the summer. the nypd is going to be busy this summer as are other police departments. the war is continuing. so it's going to go on. but i think the federal government has an obligation to do an investigation if here. certainly looks like a conspiracy. as i say, these things happening spontaneously all over. so we need the federal government investigative capacity to look at this whole situation. where's the money coming from, where is the training coming from to insure that almost half of tease people arrested are not students. so, you know, a lot of them are just professional, professional agitators. maria: and you've told -- >> who will go from

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demonstration to demonstration. maria: and you've told me that there's one country that to you feel jews are the safest right now because of that very thing, because you feel that the government has taken a real interest and have put laws in place. we're going to talk about that when we come right back. stay with us, i'm talking to ray kelly. we'll be right back. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts.

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maria: welcome back with. i am back with former new york city police commissioner ray kelly. commissioner, you just said we need to see a government investigation of this anti-semitism, and you did tell me off camera that jewish people are safest right now in hungary. why? >> well, i think it's because of the policies of the president there. i interviewed many jewish citizens in a police station in budapest. it was a self-help group of view people. of jewish people. and they told me they felt safe. one of the things the president did, for instance, that made them feel safer, he put a fence if up between serbia and hungary. and it's clear that the message has gone out. they didn't talk about harassment as in ever other country that i went to. basically, they feel very much

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at home in hungary e, in budapest based on the messages that they've been getting from the government. maria: all right. so it matters, what happens on the top. real quick -- >> sure. maria: -- in terms of new york, ray e, and the crime here, you just said you think this anti-semitism's going to continue all summer. what about the crime in new york in what's behind it? >> well, i think there's three things that are behind crime in america, quite frankly, and that is the death of george floyd that made cops be demonized, be criticized. a lot of them left. also george soros-funded district attorneys, very cleverly done to make certain that they are way to the left progressives. and million dollars given the alvin bragg in his campaign which is serious money for a district attorney. maria: wow. >> and also the legislatures. we know that the new york state, the legislature has gone way progressive.

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maria: yeah. >> although right before george floyd the no bail, no jail law and many other things. to those three together. and people are very, anxious in new york city. maria: they really are. >> worried about what's going on, yeah. maria: commissioner, it's great to have you week. former new york city police commissioner ray kelly, my thanks to you. that'll do it for us on "sunday morning futures." be sure to tune in this fuse on fox business, we'll be

11:58 am

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