Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo : FOXNEWSW : January 21, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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maria: good sunday morning, everyone. welcome to "sunday morning futures," i'm maria bartiromo. thanks so much for joining us this morning. today, politics meets policy. and explaining away bad policy on the campaign trail. two days ahead of the new hampshire primaries and 289 days ahead of the presidential election and suddenly joe biden gets religion claiming change is needed at the southern border because it is just is not secure is. [inaudible conversations] >> no, it's not. [inaudible] give me the money. maria: coming up, live from the southern border this morning, house foreign affairs committee chairman michael mccaul on why republicans caved on a continuing resolution with no new security at the border. then, the deadly impact from a woman who with lost her daughter to an illegal immigrant and must still battle with democrat

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congressman dan goldman. >> so you're saying that you're upset because the border patrol is not doing can, the making sandwiches, i think you said, so you don't think it would be helpful to have more border patrol officers wore charged with stopping -- who are charged with stopping the fentanyl trade? >> i would like the border patrol to be able to do the job that they were hired to do. every border patrol officer that i have spoken to has told me that their hands are tied by this administration and mr. mayorkas. i've been to the border, sir, have you? have you. >> i'm -- excuse me, i'm asking the questions. >> i'm just wondering. maria: coming up, no change at the border, no money to ukraine. reaction to the political football underway with the president of poland, president andrzej duda from davos, switzerland, this morning. then, impeaching homeland are security secretary alejandro mayorkas, chairman mark between

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on the articles of impeachment against mayorkas expected this week. were tracking the issues headed into new hampshire tuesday and south carolina and super tuesday to follow as former president trump is leading the polls by double digits headed in to the next tests for election '24. the trafalgar group pollster robert cahaly and mark penn on whether nikki haley e can break the former president's grip on the gop nomination. then the cash from china keeps on rolling in to the university of pennsylvania as reports expose ccp donations to the penn biden center have tripled in the last year. former defense department chief of staff kash patel on the bribery investigation if into joe and hunter biden. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪ maria: and we begin this sunday morning with republican leadership coming up empty once again on securing the southern border as they agree to a third

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continuing resolution, once again extending the democrat agenda set by then-house speaker nancy pelosi and senate majority leader chuck schumer back in december of '22. republicans initially appeared to hold tough, pushing the threat of a government shutdown in their bid to stem the tide of over 10 million illegal migrants crossing into america under the biden administration. but in the end, they caved with 107 republicans in the house and 26 in the senate joining democrats to continue funding the government with no money and no new security at the wide open texas border. now congress has until march 1st and march 8th to pass a federal budget for this fiscal year which began in october. joining me right now in this "sunday morning futures "exclusive live from the southern border in texas where he is up close and personal with the issues, the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, congressman michael mccaul. chairman mccaul was one of the 107 house republicans to join 207 democrats in voting to keep funding the federal government

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through early march without new border funding. mr. chairman, always a pleasure. thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me, maria. maria: so why did you do it? why did you kick the can down the road and continue funding this government when you are up close and personal at the border and you see the devastating impact? >> well, i didn't kick any can down the road. i didn't want to take my football and go home and not play on the football field. you can't win the game if you're not on the field. and the fact is it would jeopardize our military readiness at a very dangerous time, our veterans. and you know what? i was with our border patrol all day yesterday. for me to come home and tell them we're not going to give you your paychecks to do your job, that's insulting. what we need, maria, is about a month to get this right. with we want to get a border security package. we didn't have it, an agreement, and that's unfortunate. the whole process should have

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been done a year ago, but we had to make a decision where we were. i think we made the responsible decision. going home with our football and not being on the field doesn't solve anything. maria: all right. fair point, mr. chairman. let's talk about what you're seeing up close and personal at the border because we're talking about murder, we're talking about fentanyl poisoning, we're talking about 10 million all legals coming to america on pride president biden -- president biden's watch. what can you tell us, what have you learned? >> it's gotten worse. you know, first today in office a he rescinds the very policies that were working, that i worked with on the trump administration, that being remain in mexico, migrant protection protocols. that was a direct cause and effect that border patrol chief ortiz told us. once that policy was rescinded, then the magnet, pull factor came in, you know, 8 million encounters at the board e300 on the terror watch list, for god

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sakes. when i chaired homeland, that would be a big red flag. the fbi director said as much. and, sadly, we had two mothers testify before our committee who lost their loved ones, one to fentanyl, another daughter got raped by an ms-13 gang banger from hondurans -- honduras. this is the real life tragedy that we are seeing, you know, on the ground. it's tearing apart the fabric of this this nation, and it's a human tragedy, and it needs to stop. i'm going down to mexico city to talk to the president of mexico and all the a elected officials and government officials, stop sending fentanyl in to the united states, stop the flow of migrants in to the united states. but we can't effectuate the trump policies that had a worked so well without mexico's cooperation, and that's why i'm going down there. maria: you know, congressman, a couple of weeks ago we had all these demands coming from the

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president of mexico, right? we're not going to help you unless you do one, two, three. i'm wondering who's really running mexico? do you get a sense that the president of mexico is in charge, or are these dangerous drug cartels running mexico? >> i, you know, i think the latter. i think you have a president who's playing laissez-faire with them. play nice in your sand box, don't kill each other. and, by the way, bring home the bacon. and that's a model that has to stop. president trump, he threatened them with tariffs and said, look, if you don't agree to remain in mexico -- simply what that means, maria, is their political asylum claims are adjudicated outside the united states. what we saw yesterday is we don't have enough detention space, so they release them, catch and release, into society. that is the key here that that has to stop. and it's not throwing a bunch of money down here, it's policy

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changes. maria: yeah. you know, i thought it was really interesting that suddenly president biden claims that the border is not secure. he claims he's been saying this for ten years, congressman. now he's admitting it with two days before new hampshire and 289 days before the election. do you believe that republicans can actually unite at this moment in time against the biden policies and and actually make a change at the border? >> we have to. and this epiphany is very interesting. i was if the white house with the national security chairman. he told me i know the boarder's broken, i -- border's broken, i know it needs to be fixed, i know we need significant change down there, in his words. but what does that mean? i told him what it means, and that is, change the policies, go back to the policies that were working under the prior administration where we were actually securing this border. it's not rocket science. we can get this done.

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and republicans will stand together. but you know what? a lot of democrats agree with this, and they know the maps. they know this is an 80-20 issue, and they know that if they can go back home and say they did something, because it's not just here, maria, it's in new york, it's in ohio, it's everywhere across the nation that's impacted. and thank god my governor has sent the migrants to new york so they can get a little bit of a taste about what we experience here in texas. maria: yeah. we're going to talk with governor greg abbott tomorrow morning on "mornings with maria" over on fox business. that'll be important, to talk about what he's been doing there. let me get your take, mr. chairman, on what's going to happen with alejandro mayorkas this week. you've got another hearing in terms of this impeachment hearing. are you going to be able to talk this across the finish line and impeach mayorkas? >> we have to. i'm one voice, but i represent 800,000 people. when i go home, number one issue, border. and this one man is the architect of destruction down

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here. one man has caused all this chaos, deaths of fentanyl poisoning, you know, danger to the country with terrorists coming in, 8 million encounters with no legal status. he is the architect. he has destroyed the fabric of this nation. he is the one who has injured society as the founding fathers talked about. bring to public trust was sufficient for impeachment by the founding fathers, and we intend to go forward. chairman mark green's doing a great job. we're working together. articles of impeachment, january 31st, and we will impeach him after that. maria: all right. we will be watching that. mr. chairman, i know that you're going to mexico city and you've also been to that lab where they're collecting fentanyl, and you're doing lots of work there. thanks for going to the border, sir, and thank you for joining me this morning. >> well, thanks for having me, maria, always.

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maria: congressman michael mccaul this morning in texas at the southern border. well, of course, the continuing resolution was clean leaving biden's supplemental package with money to ukraine in him bow. an issue talked about from the walls of congress to the ski slopes of davos, switzerland, where european leaders made the case for russian are imperialism. i spoke with the president of poland, andrzej duda, who has been increasing his country's spending on defense in hopes of stock russia's wrath. can you give us the status of the war on ukraine on poland? what is the impact? [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: first of all, let me start with saying that myself and -- absolutely agree on this picture, the picture of the russian imperialism that we are deal with right now. so this attack of russia against ukraine which happened on the 24th of february two years ago was the reborn russia's imperial

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ifism. it is not stopped. it is not defeated. then also other countries, that is why russia has to be stopped. maria: you have also a announced plans to spend more than 4 of poland's gross domestic product on defense next year, this year as well amid these security concerns. $33 billion. tell us how that money will be allocated and why you increased it. >> translator: last year we spent 4% of our gdp on defense. by doing huge purchases, especially we are buying military equipment from the united states. we have been able to purchase a state of the art abrams tanks from the united states. so already the first items of those tanks have arrived in to poland. we have also been buying the patriot system from the united states. this is the cutting edge three layer, we are developing a cutting edge, three-layered air and missile defense system in our country and patriot defenses constitute a first and most

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important element in that system. a apart from that, we are in the process of purchasing f-35 fifth generation fighter jets also from the united states. that decision was taken by president donald trump. and is we're doing that thanks to his decision. but there are the also a lot of other procurements that are ongoing that are in the pipeline. maria: so what is the consequence of no more u.s. aid to ukraine? >> translator: the u.s. has got the midwest powerful armed forces in the world, and it is our biggest ally, of course, within nato. so ukraine does need this support. it provides the biggest support to ukraine, and without this -- and this help from the united states is also the only hope we can say for ukraine to prevail, because without that help, i'm afraid that russia will not be defeated. whenever there was a big worry in europe whether the first world war or the second world war, at the end of the day, the u.s. soldiers has to go to that war. and the u.s. soldiers were also

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dying fighting in europe and fighting in other fronts across the glob. in the end of the day, the united states won in those wars. however, that was a horrible cost to american families. now, if russia wins this war, it will attack another country, and that would mean there is a risk of another big war breaking out in europe once again. so only the u.s. can help and prevent such a war from breaking out by providing support to ukraine. maria: you have been at odds with prime minister tusk. tusk's new administration trying to get rid of people associatedded with the previous nationalist law and justice party government, trying to retake control of the media, public media, roll back the changes to the justice system that set off a multiyear conflict with brussels. mr. president, how will you deal with tusk in the middle of all of this? >> translator: i belong to the conservative wing of the to if liberty political stage. i'm a conservative politician. the government were simply elected one, as i said in the october elections, has gone to

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this liberal and left profile. so it is quite obvious that we differ in our approaches to politics, and we also a differ in our views. but right from the start i stressed that i'm open to talk, i'm open to discuss, and i just fulfill my role as a president of poland. it's been my if ninth year in the a office, so i'm just doing what belongs to me. the government has already violated the provisions of the polish law and the constitution by trying to introduce changes in the public media, for example, and, well, that court also passed a decision and confirmed that those changes happened actually with a violation of the polish law. so i called right prosecute beginning to stop it -- from the beginning to stop it, and now they've trying to remove the national public prosecutor in poland. that is also happening with the violation of the a law and and with the violation of the constitution. maria: let me turn to the united states and the alliance between poland and the u.s. your thoughts on the upcoming

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u.s. election. we could be headed to another president biden, president trump rematch. your reaction. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: first of all, i want to say that the election of the u.s. president belongs to the u.s. voters, and i believe it is at least inappropriate for any european politician to tell the u.s. people what kind of president they should choose. because the choice is up to them. they know which president is going to be best for them and which president's going to best serve the country and the nation. maria: but you know president trump as well. do you see a further alliance or partnership in some way should president trump return to the white house? >> translator: it is in our interest to have very close alliance between poland and the united states. it is also in our interest to forge if very strong atlantic bond. i believe this is in the interest of poland, europe and the united states. indeed, during the presidency of donald trump, if to poland had

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very good relations with the united states. i personally had a very good relations with president donald trump. i was happy to receive him in poland. he got involved in many different initiatives, also the -- [inaudible] in this operation, he got engaged in that. we also signed a number of very important contracts within poland and the united states including the contract for lng supplies from the united states to poland. we also started and haunched very serious discussions -- launched very serious discussions on constructing the very first nuclear power plant. so all of that forged a very close economic ties also between our two countries. maria: my thanks, my thanks to president andrzej duda for joining me from davos, switzerland. quick break. still to come, hunter biden finally agrees to testify behind closed doors in his father's impeachment inquiry after a facing a contempt of congress charge. the former department of defense chief of staff cab patel will join me with reaction -- kash

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patel. but first, impeaching homeland security secretary mayorkas and the deadly impact of his wide open border from murder to fentanyl poisoning. the chairman of the house homeland security committee, mark green, on the evidence he says he has against mayorkas. plus, don't miss my exclusive interview next week with former president trump after iowa and new hampshire. we'll talk with the 45th president as he sets his sights on south carolina. we will talk to the number one gop if contender from his mar-a-lago estate in florida right here, next sunday. hope you'll join me. ♪ d i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? you give eye exams. i give fresh starts. better vision, healthy eyes? get 50% off lenses when you

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>> on july 27th, 2022, i received the worst news that a parent if doesn't want to hear, that my new hi 20-year-old daughter, kay that hamilton, was murdered in her own room and left on the floor like trash. the illegal ms-13 known gang member brutally raped and murdered my daughter by strangling her with a cord and robbed her of $6. during the attack, kayla called her boyfriend for hope but went to voicemail. the voicemail of the murderer or strangling kayla was 2 minutes and 30 seconds long. maria: heart-wrenching testimony from tammy nobles during the

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mayorkas impeachment hearing after her autistic daughter kayla hamilton, was brutally murdered by a member of ms-13 who was in this country illegally. republicans voted to move forward with impeaching him with a markup of the articles expected before the end of the month. joining me right now in this "sunday morning futures" exclusive is the chairman of of the house homeland security committee, congressman mark green. mr. chairman, thanks very much for being here. >> thanks, maria. maria: this really was hard to watch, this testimony by the woman who lost her daughter. you all are out until the end of january. when you get back on january 29th, will you walk us through how you will approach impeaching alejandro mayorkas? >> yeah, maria. right now we are assembling articles of impeachment to present to our committee. we'll mark those up in committee very shortly after getting back, and then passing the committee they'll go to the floor for a vote on the floor. maria: so the vote on the floor

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you're expecting in early february then? >> i think very soon after, you know? one of our challenges is just the folks that are out for health issues right now. but once those individuals get back, i anticipate a very quick vote on the floor. maria: bottom line, do you feel you have the votes to impeach mayorkas? >> yes, we have the votes. maria: you have the vote shes. >> we have them. maria: and are you seeing that as a opening to actually get this done? what happens in the senate? do you believe he will actually be out of the job? >> i certainly hope so, maria. hook, this guy has subverted the laws passed by congress, ignoring a coequal branch of government. it's very clear, the law says shall detain, and mayorkas has done everything not to detain. for the -- in fact, he's created systems of what he he calls lawful parole, but it's totally contra rah districting the immigration and nationality act that was passed by this congress. the executive branch executes the laws, congress writes laws.

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if a cabinet secretary doesn't believe in those laws, he should run for congress and come over here and change them. he shouldn't just like a king do whatever he wants. and that's basically what mayorkas has done. that's why we're going after this impeachment. it's about the constitution, maria. it's about the founding principles of our country, separation of power. an executive branch that executes and a legislative branch that writes the laws. he doesn't get to by the laws or pick and choose. maria: i mean, do you find it ironic that suddenly president biden claims he's been telling everybody for ten years that the border is not secure? i mean, he just said that. of course, we know we're two days away from new hampshire and 289 days away from the if presidential election. it appears the president is getting religion. >> i think what's happening is he's recognizing this is an 80-20 issue for the american people. the american people, even democrats, i have democrats that are my colleagues in the house telling me that he should be fired, but it's unfortunate they're probably going to vote to not impeachment but the truth of -- truth of the matter is

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every american iraq needs they're not safe -- recognizes they're not safe with this open border. his lawless actions have resulted in 150,000 fentanyl deaths, the cartels controlling the gangs that are in our country and in our cities. of course the terrorists. you and i have talked before on your weekday show about the 28,000 chinese that have come into this country in the last year, many of them military age with prior associations with the pha. i mean -- pla. he has put the national security, the safety of americans at massive risk, and that impact is because of his lawlessness. he has to go. maria: we don't even know why they're doing it, why they're coming over here. are they being directed by xi jinping? i mean, 28,000 chinese national, military-aged men, we may already have written the script of what's about to happen to america. why? >> well, i don't understand why they're allowing it. i can tell you that xi jinping is -- he knows, he saw what happened in ukraine. the russians infiltrated, they

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imgreated into western -- immigrated into western, yeah, eastern ukraine and then they basically, when the attack the happened, those guys became the saboteurs. if you look at the numbers prior to this last year, the highest number of chinese nationals was 1800. and suddenly in a year it's 28,000? and you can't get a plane ticket in china without a correct social credit score. the chinese know when you're flying to el salvador and coming to the united states. maria: well, this is all very disturbing and the reason that we're constantly asking the question whether or not joe biden is compromised. let me go back to this impeachment hearing. why now? why not a year ago? you just heard your colleague michael mccaul say we should have done this a year ago, and we're still talking about it. you can understand the frustration on the part of republican voters, on your constituents who say you all can't get it done. [laughter] >> maria, i'm frustrated. i would love to have done this a year ago. but because there are colleagues, and these are some republicans who think that there ought to be a judicial,

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methodical due process, we did that in our committee. we did a five-phased investigation over the course of the last year looking at his dereliction of duty, looking at the human cost to the country, the financial cost to the country, looking for waste, fraud and abuse, and we have finished that report in december, and now we're moving forward with the impeachment. we did that methodical process to educate the american people and, hopefully, a few republicans that felt that was a necessary process. maria: all right, congressman. we're going to be watching your work and, of course, those articles of impeachment come early february. thanks very much. we will look to have you back soon, sir. thank you. >> thanks, maria. have a great day. maria: all right. congressman mark green. quick break and then hunter biden has second thoughts about defying a congressional subpoena for a closed door sit-down in his father's impeachment define inquiry. kash patel is here on that. miss, a new report which exposes tens of millions of new donations from china to the

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university of pennsylvania. why is china so eager to fund the penn biden center? next. ♪ ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing across all your benefits and savings options. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. ♪ they really know how to put two and two together. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. wh-who wants to talk about their heart! how's the heart? how's your heart? how's your heart? -it's good. -is it? aah, i don't know. -it's okay. - it's okay! yeah. good. -you sure? - i think so. how do you know? it doesn't come with a manual, and you like ooh, i got the 20,000-day checkup, right?

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maria: welcome back. well, china is ramping up its support of joe biden a ahead of election 2024. new records reviewed by fox news digital show the university of pennsylvania, which oversees the penn biden center, has seen donations from china triple in the last year. and since 2018 the ivy league has received nearly $130 million in donations from communist china. penn biden center is where in november 2022 ten highly classified and sensitive documents were found that were apparently taken during joe biden's tenure as vice president. special counsel robert hur was appointed to investigate biden's handling of classified documents last january.

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it is still ongoing. as republicans investigate president biden over allegations of money laundering, influence peddling and potential bribery. this week hunter biden finally agreed to sit for a closed door deposition in his father's impeachment inquiry expected to happen on february 28th. joining me right now with more on all of this is the former department of defense chief of staff kash patel. kash is the author of the book, "government gangsters." s it is available right now. thanks very much for being here this morning. >> thanks, maria. great to be with you. maria: your thoughts on the money from communist china tripling going in to the university of pennsylvania and the penn biden center. >> well, look, as a former chief investigator for russiagate, i've always said one thing, up money doesn't lie. i like to put it in perspective for your office. what if it was the donald j. trump penn center? would we be having this question? would the media be covering that they received $25 million that we know about recently from the ccp and its affiliates?

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and the question we have to ask is, what is our intelligence community and law enforcement communities been doing? this didn't happen overnight. xi jinping and his company have been infiltrating america not just through the southern border, but through cyber warfare and also by implementing monotower policies that affect finish monetary policies that affect china and america, and now they're buying interest at the u-penn center. i don't believe for one second that the fbi or the office of the treasury can't doesn't know about these things -- didn't know about these things. the treasury department was told to look at maga transactions, why weren't they told to look at biden transactions directly coming in from the ccp? maria: well, this is a great question, and i'd like the answer to that question. will we ever get some answers? will we ever get accountability? you want to see communication between what? personal i e-mails from hunter and joe biden? how will we actually put a spotlight on this? >> look, congress and the republican majority if is our

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only hope. they have to remind the world that the intelligence agencies and the law enforcement agencies work for them. that's per our constitution. what they have to do is get not just the personal communicationk it's great that hunter biden is going over there and testifying, but you and i both know the american public need the documentation themselves. we know that corrupt government actors are so conceited we e gee no that they will actually write down their malfeasance because they think they'll get away with it. just look at russiagate. congress has to go and subpoena the documents at treasury, in the intelligence community, at the fbi and doj. and i bet you that there's been an ongoing investigation that has allowed the government agencies to thwart congress from even knowing about this. i think they are misleading congress and the american people so there are using it as a blockade and a shield to prevent the disclosure of this information, and the are republicans must pierce it. maria: yeah. i mean, isn't it true that as soon as joe biden walked in to the oval office, he stopped communications for congress to actually see the suspicious

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activity reports, right? they used to have access to the 176 suspicious if activity reports we're told about. congress can't see those 176 suspicious activity reports about the biden family. but you just said something important, money doesn't lie. i want to get back to this money. $130 million from communist china since 2018? walk us through that money. where did that money go? if that money went to the penn biden center, how is it used? how much of the $130 million went to joe biden? what about antony blinken? is he also a getting paid? who else is getting paid by this money? >> maria, i think i want you sitting in the hunter biden deposition, and maybe you can teach some of these congressmen and women how to interrogate these witnesses. [laughter] no, i'm scheeres -- serious, we want the answers to these questions. we want american electors to go out with this information, and we want to see the bank records and the bank statements. that's the thing about wire transaction, you can't hide $160 million over a multitude of transactions, and congress has to go subpoena the personal

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banks and the personnel that were responsible for these transactions. and, oh, by the way, here's another question: do you not think that one, one ccp individual or one ccp if organization that was sanctioned by the treasury d. is on this list of donors to the u-penn center? that make makes that transaction illegal. what is the fbi and doj doing? why aren't they looking at this? who are these individuals, and if why aren't the american public knowing about it? when the fbi, truckerly and intel community balk, they've got to fence their money and take the private g5 jet and ground it until we, the american people, get these documents. that's the one thing they respond to. maria: there the seems to be too much censorship. they're too busy censoring information whether it be right before elections working with social media or censoring information about our defense secretary. lloyd austin, we pray that he is okay, we know he had complications from prostate cancer surgery. but he didn't tell anybody that he was gone. if they were having meetings

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about the and 8 attacks -- 138 attacks that we've seen on our troops in the middle east, maybe joe biden would have noticed that lloyd austin wasn't in the meeting. so you were the chief of staff at dod. what's your assessment of all of this? >> i think this is the most grotesque abdication of the national command if authority in modern u.s. history. the national command authority is the law. the president and the sec-def must maintain 24/7, 365 lines of communication. as you outlined, when america's getting attacked, when soldiers on the front line are getting killed, and we just had two tragically die in an operation last week that should never have been launched, we now find out the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff knew about austin's sidelining, him and his entire staff didn't tell the white house. they all collectively lied to the white house, and the former chief of staff, i'm telling you, if those two guys know, fifty other people in the office of the secretary of defense knew.

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and lloyd austin didn't tell his number two. his number two was on vacation in puerto rico and had no idea which means our national command authority could not have been gapped in sequence like the law requires, and we put our soldiers on the front lines at risk, and we put america at risk with 140 attacks. and now we are supposed to believe the president and the sec-def that they can defend the nation from the bedside table of intelligence? i don't buy it. congress needs to do more here, and lloyd austin needs to resign not because i have personal an animosity for him, but because he had the e photothink he could defend this nation and lie to the commander in chief. if any of that happened during the trump administration, it would be game over. maria: yeah. how do you trust anything this administration says after owl of this on top of the botched withdrawal from afghanistan? of course we're going to keep a spotlight on it, kash, thanks very much for being here this morning. >> have a great weekend, maria. maria: former dod chief of staff kash patel. quick break and then next stop,

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new hampshire. after a dominating performance in iowa propelling former president trump to the lead for the republican presidential nomination, the new hampshire primary is now two days away. trafalgar group senior strategist and pollster robert cahaly is here along with mark penn on whether the 45th president will lock up his third gop nomination within days. that's coming up right here. many. ♪ muck ♪ ♪ three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy private skiing with 23 runs for every level. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to to book your luxury experience. (♪) your ancestry is so much more than names and dates.

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7:45 am

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next test for trump as the 45th president comes into this tuesday's primary with momentum on his side having dominated the iowa caucuses. meanwhile, a new key swing state poll from the "atlanta journal-constitution" shows trump with an 8-point lead e over president biden in georgia with 20% of black voters supporting trump. joining me right now with more is senior strategist and poll pollster for the that fall garre group robert cahaly along with the chairman of the harris poll, or mark if penn. gentlemen, thank you so much for being here. i want to get your take on the issues at hand. we are in it, okay? we've got new hampshire on tuesday, and of course, we know that's followed very soon after by the south carolina primary, the nevada primary and super tuesday. mark, what strikes you most about what you're seeing in the polls? >> well, look, i think, number one, i've been surprised overall how strong trump is coming on, how immigration is coming up as an issue, and the big test for trump is can he get through new

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hampshire. will nikki haley get close enough, which i think is within 10 points, to keep her campaign alive. i think she's right on the edge. i'm not sure how it's going to come out. maria: you're not sure how it's going to to come out, if she's going to be able to get that close to take that much market share from trump. >> i think it's real close. i think, i think new hampshire voters are really volatile. we don't have a debate like we normally had. she's the only person who's had momentum. there are a lot of independent voters who want to come out and vote against trump. it is real close. we're going to have to wait and see. maria: robert cahaly, same question for you. we're talking about independents. can trump rally the independents in new hampshire? how do you see things playing out this week? >> we were discussing this very thing on my new podcast, polling plus, and one of the things that we talked about is how trump's appeal to the independents was how he won the new hampshire primary the first time in 2016.

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and, you know, there's this idea that independents are going to break all haley's way, but it's more independents that were democrats and switched parties back in december is going to be her strength versus true independents. and our thought is that if haley doesn't get within 4 or 5, very close, that she's just not viable anymore. and and she can't risk coming in to her home state and getting beat and getting beat soundly. that's the kind of stuff political futures are made of. if she wants a political future, she can't do it. maria: what about that? south carolina, i've seen polls where she's down 30-40 points. what's the story in south carolina which will happen very soon after? >> i don't think she can break 35 right now. i mean, all the numbers we've seen and everything we've done just kind of give her a cap. and, you know, with vivek out and with desantis fading, the

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possibility that trump can get over 60 is really there. and and so it really just looks like this is kind of her last stand to have viability. but she's got to be thinking about 2028 and beyond and getting creamed in south carolina is not the way to get there. maria: what about that, mark? the journal writes that she is having a south carolina problem, and that's her home state. >> oh, she is. i think that's the trump firewall. it was the biden firewall. that's why the democrats have moved their primary -- [laughter] beginnings to south carolina. it is where obama, i think, turned against, you know, was able to have a big win against hillary. that is her biggest problem right now because when you look at the overall party, 23 states have independents, most republican primary voters are in the suburbs which is really her strength, and 49% are women. so if she, if she really needs to get momentum out of new

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hampshire, get within 20 in south carolina and have a cam -- campaign. and if neither of these things happen, donald trump's going to be the nominee come next week. maria: all right. so in other words, he could wrap this up within a week. we're going to take a short break. i want to dig deeper or into actually the groups, the woman vote, suburban, black vote. we're two days before the new hampshire primary. that -- stay with us, we've got more right after this. ♪ you always get the whole home not part of it but the whole upstairs the whole downstairs the whole fridge and the whole secret nap room because is it really a vacation home if you have to share a house with a host? ♪ only with vrbo

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maria: welcome back. we are back with pollsters robert cahaly and mark penn. mark, i want to get your take on trusting these polls. we've been talking a lot about what you guys are seeing in your numbers. does polling still work? a lot of people, you know, trust in elections is plummeting. you've got polls where the majority of voters or have doubts about election results. how do you feel about it? >> look, i think the polls have been so far making a comeback. i think that you saw even in, look, these primaries are highly volatile, difficult to call. i think you saw the iowa polls really on target. finish i do think new hampshire can move around, you know, a bit more in the last couple of days than you think. but, no, i think polls are back. i think the credibility of

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polls, i this think the cooperation -- i think the cooperation we get from people with polls, people want to answer them. and, you know, we have a 50-50 country, right? but i don't think the next election will be 50-50. i think america will decide strongly one way or the other. are they going to go back to president trump or are they going to continue biden, and i think that -- if that's the election, that's the likely election, i think it's going to break one way or another decisively, and we get a decision out of these voters. maria: what about the black vote? what about the women vote, robert? >> what we're really seeing right now is that turn is making some very big headway with the black vote. i mean, so much of these numbers we're looking at over 20%. and then, you know, over 40% with his passengers. so he really doesn't -- hispanics. he really doesn't have to do much with the sub is urban women and actually make that gap up. but he's doing well there. he's improving those numbers.

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it's not necessary to do that much. maria: real quick, mark, what does the public say about joe biden? real quick. >> joe biden, 42 approval, still has a lot of problems. lowest rating is on immigration, and that's the rising issue in this. maria: and they think he worked with his son on his business. thank you so much, gentlemen.i great to seegi everybody. thanks for joining -- "hero doc saves vision!" well, i— —"hero owl saves money!" get 50% off lenses when you buy designer frames at america's best. i'm a parking gate. and i'm all out of whack. automated voice: please insert your parking ticket. it's going to take a lot more than a little ticket to get out of here.

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