Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo : FOXNEWSW : January 7, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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the rising tension across the region, and they are preparing for the possibility of a broader war with. shannon. shannon: trey, our thanks alls to you and your team. and a quick note this morning before we go, my podcast living the bream drops this morning, i talk with mitch albom to talk about his new book, the little liar, a riveting tale about the fight for truth in the middle of the holocaust. and as a reminder, we are a week away, a little bit more, from the first votes of the 2024 presidential election. the iowa caucuses take place january 15th. "fox news sunday" will get you ready for the big day, we'll be live from des moines next sunday. that's it for today. thank you for joining us. i'm shannon bream, and we'll see you next "fox news sunday." ♪ . will: happy sunday. say it, pete. pete: i already did. ♪

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♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. happy new year to all. welcome to "sunday morning futures." i'm maria bart with row mow. today, the policy train marching straight into politics as election year 2024 begins and election interference appears from all sides. congress is back this week facing critical deadlines as the battles over border security and spending resume and an impeachment inquire inquiry against president biden remains. coming up, chairman jim jordan on getting back to work amidst a new threat of a government shutdown in weeks. then, interference in the upcoming presidential election with democrat states looking to ban with trump from the ballot. biden's doj prosecutors looking to keep him off of the campaign trail and in court, and communist china working its own heavy hand of propaganda. coming up the ccp and biden's operatives in election 2024 and taiwan's election now one week away. with former director of national

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intelligence john ratcliffe on the many forces, domestic and foreign, trying to stop trump from returning to the white house. then, trump is fighting back, appealing to the supreme court on his immunity, asking the courts to hold special counsel jack smith in contempt. the 45th president's lawyer, iowa lean a that habba, makes his case. then, shut down the border or the government, the battle over spending impacts cities and citizens across the country. arizona senate candidate kari lake with president of america first legal stephen miller on biden's dangerous open border. plus, it is on, 303 days until election day in america. the iowa caucuses now in a week followed by new hampshire, nevada, south carolina expect list goes on. -- and the list goes on. will biden and trump lock up their parties' nomination by the middle of march? newt gingrich tracks the road ahead. that's all right here, right now on" sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪

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maria: and a very warm, happy new year the all. we begin this first sunday morning of the new year kicking off a critical month of january in washington and the start of primary season in this election year. congress returns to work tomorrow morning facing two government funding deadlines to pass a budget for the fiscal year or face a government shutdown within two weeks' time. republicans are pushing for a stand-alone bill to secure the southern border while democrats want to attach aid to ukraine as one of the conditions for any new border legislation are as the u.s. national debt surpasses $34 trillion with interest on that debt alone at nearly three-quarters of a trillion dollars. or meanwhile, a world way taiwan will hold its presidential election next weekend, on january 13th, amidst the start of the u.s.' election season as well. now eight days away from the iowa caucuses happening on january 15 isth. will the chinese communist party

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interfere in these elections? former president trump is on the campaign trail in the midwest this weekend looking to secure his third republican presidential nomination as the 45th president continues to hold a commanding levered the gop field -- lead over the gop field. the house will continue an impeachment investigation as the house judiciary committee begins the process of holding president biden's son, hunter, in contempt of congress this upcoming wednesday for failing to appear for a closed door deposition last month. hunter biden is also set to make his first court appearance this thursday in los angeles on federal tax charges. a busy week and a busy month. joining me right now with all of that at stake for the nation if this month and this year is house judiciary committee chairman congressman jim jordan. mr. chairman, good to see you this morning. happy new year and thank you for being here. >> good to be with you. happy new year to you as well. maria: so your back at it -- you're back at it, and you've to got a buzzy session here. talk to us about the priorities,

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and let's first get into the budget issues where we could see a government shutdown in two weeks. are you prepared for that? >> well, i think the number one priority's border. we're on pace to get to 12 million if illegal migrants in the biden presidency. that's equivalent to the population of ohio, and we're not a maul state, we're the seven largest state. that's priority number one. two funding bills, january 19th, february 2nd when government funding, those are due. and then, of course, we've got the impeachment of secretary mayorkas and the impeach9 inquiry into president trump -- excuse me, president biden. so we've got a busy, busy month coming up, and we're going to tackle all those. but i do think the border situation, which is why we were down there this past week with over 60 members there this week, i do think that's priority number one. when you have something this size, this magnitude and it's the been done intentionally. i always say this is willful, this is deliberate, this is

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intentionally done with the policy changes the biden administration put in. so we're focused as republicans on getting that fixed. and if democrats think it's more important to have an open border than to fund the government, that's their problem. maria: so you're willing to take this to the mat and allow the government show tut down -- to shut down unless he has some new border legislation? >> i think we have to, because think that's what the american demand. 8 out of 10 americans know this is a crisis on or our southern border, so we've got to deal with that. that's, again, why speaker johnson took the largest delegation ever to the border past week. we saw firsthand how serious it was, and we've heard from everyone, sheriffs, border patrol agents about how bad this problem is, and they want us go to the mat to solve this now. instead of continuing on this pace that'll get us to, as i said, 12 million illegal migrants coming into the if country, being released into the country under the biden presidency. maria: yeah, it's pretty extraordinary. we'll talk with kari lake and

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stephen miller coming up about this. let me get your take on where you are on all of the other business at hand, congressman. you're only at a 2-seat majority right now. your majority is dwindling, and it is dwind canning fast. do you feel you have the votes for an impeachment of mayorkas and an inquiry of biden? >> i do. i mean, we'll see. again, it's all driven by the facts and the evidence. that's how we've played this, much different than what the democrats did when they impeached president trump. they just, you know, they decided on that before they even examined any evidence and, of course, there was no evidence there. we're going to look at the facts and the evidence. we do think on the impeachment inquiry into president biden, we do think the key witnesses are going to come in this month. we're going to have rob walker, eric schwerin, jim biden, kevin morris, we think we're going to talk to all those individuals this month, and then we'll make a decision. and when it comes to secretary mayorkas, again, multiple times he's misled the congress. we know how bad the situation

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is. chairman green and the homeland security committee is committed to move forward on that. they start hearse on wednesday and, of course, on wednesday both the oversight and judiciary committees, we will mark up the report on contempt for hunter biden's failure to appear for a deposition last month. maria: yeah. and that is a lot that you're dealing with. i guess the question becomes what does contempt charges, contempt of congress charges mean for hunter biden? >> well, if we pass it out of the committee, then pass it through the full house which i think we can do, then it goes to the justice department. that'll be the attorney general's decision when he's going to press charges. if he does, it could be up to a year of jail time for failing to come and comply with a deposition for a subpoena, subpoena if deposition to be interviewed by congress. so this is serious stuff. and, again, remember, merrick garland has prosecuted steve bannon, peter navarro e for

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failure to show up in front of congress when they were requested for, subpoenaed for a deposition. so we'll see what happens if, when that a goes to the attorney general with. that would be his call. but i do think there was support in the house, surgeon hi in the house judiciary -- certainly in the house judiciary and oversight committees, to pass that resolution. and it'll go to the house floor, i think, quickly thereafter. maria: so you believe you will get all of these depositions done by the end of january? some of the people you just mentioned? give us your sense of what the most damning evidence is that the you have so far on joe biden regarding bribery potential, money laundering? these are the terms that you and your colleagues have been using. where's the evidence, and do you believe you're going to find more from these depositions by the end of january? >> i do, to the last question. the most, i think, damning evidence thus far is what we got from devon archer when we --

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hunter biden's business partner. he says what they were selling was the brand. remember, there was never -- there's no business here. they're selling access to the brand. the brand is the big guy, the brand is joe biden. devon archer said that. the best way to tell this story is through hunter biden's' interaction and joe biden's interaction when hunter biden was on the board of this ukrainian energy company, burisma. fact number one, hunter biden gets put on the board of this company. fact number two, he's not qualified. he said so himself. fact number three is that he's asked by the leaders of this company to weigh in with d.c. and his father to help them deal with the pressure they are under. fact number four, joe biden goes to ukraine and conditions the release of american tax dollars to ukraine on the firing of the prosecutor who was applying the very pressure to this company, burisma, that hunter biden sat on the board of. those are the facts. and then you have probably the biggest concern is the cover-up, i think, that took place at the justice department that we,

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frankly, wouldn't have known about a but for two whistleblowers coming forward and telling us what was going on. this is really an old story, maria. it's a politician does certain things that benefit his family financially, and then there's an attempt to sweep it under the rug and hide it. and that's what a we have here. and and we continue to gather evidence. i think we're going to get more as we talk to these key guys, these key individuals this month. maria: more all right, a key month, for 450ur. mr. chairman, thank you. we appreciate your time. house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan. thank you. and now this. >> and our country's dying, and there's no time to waste. you vote, you have to get these establishment politicians out of there because they're the bad whether it's testimony accurate or republican. [applause] democrat or republican. unlike any other candidate in this race, with me you know in your heart that i will always put america first, which i will. i think i've proven that.

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maria: former president trump in iowa yesterday just eight days before the iowa republican caucuses take place. in a new poll from morning son subtle -- consult, president trump holds a commanding lead over the field with a 55-point advantage over both ron desantis and nikki haley right now. joining me with analysis is the former speaker of the house and fox news contributor, newt gingrich. mr. speaker, always a pleasure. thanks very much for being here. >> well, listen, happy new year. you rock at those numbers -- looked a those numbers, it's really hard to imagine in the next week how trump is going to do anything except sweep iowa. he's built his lead, he's actually worked the state. you know, ron desantis gets 200 people, trump gets 7,000. that sort of tells you something. and iowa's a caucus state where people have to care enough to turn out, and i have no doubt that the trump system has identified over 100,000 people who have committed to turning

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out for the president. so you have to assume we'll be -- i'm sure you and i will talk about it after it happens, but i think we have to assume that next week is going to be a huge victory for donald trump and a big step towards the nomination. a week later is probably the most dangerous state in the country for him because independents can vote there. the republican governor so posed to him. -- so posed to him. but my prediction is he'll probably carry new hampshire by a significant margin. when you add that in, that means for all practical purposes the republican nomination race will be over sometime in january or february, and he will be the nominee for all practical purposes and will be in a general election choice between a failing, amazingly destructive incumbent who every single month gets weaker and a president who reminds us that we had a better gas prices, better inflation, better employment, better international relations when he

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was president. maria: yeah. and, you know, when you look at the politics calendar, the way the primaries are set up i'm wondering if, in fact, trump locks up the nomination and biden locks up his nomination on the democrat side by the middle of march. >> i think that's very likely true. you know, i know there are a lot of democrats who would like to get rid of biden, but they can't figure out a way to do it, and congress they will. i think -- i don't think they will. i think the fact is our primary choices are going to be between former president trump and the current president. and given the economy, given the 12 million -- think about what jim jordan said, 12 million illegal immigrants. those are biden's illegal immigrants because it's biden's illegal immigration policy. it's deliberate. that's going to be a big issue. crime is going to be a big issue. the economy's boeing to be a big issue. -- going to be a big issue. on every one with of those issues, joe biden is going to lose. maria: what about all these

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challenges, newt? you have got the spending deadlines, we could see a government shutdown, and then, of course, you've got all of these legal attacks against president trump. do you think that any of this has, will matter? >> well, let's divide the two. government shutdown is joe biden's problem. it's his job to figure out how to keep it open. if it doesn't stay open, it's joe biden's failure. he won't negotiate, he won't talk, he won't confront the border, he won't do the obvious, easy things. so in the end, the country's going to say the biden administration failed once again because the house republicans will have a proposal, they will get it through. i think that the the speaker, mike johnson, is doing a pretty darn good job of unifying his conference as you pointed out with jim jordan. a 2-vote margin? i can't imagine trying to get as much done as they're going to get done. first of all, any failure will be joe biden. second, i think when you get to these court challenges, they are

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perfect example of venezuela or russia or any other place that has totally phony systems. when you look at the attorney general of new york asking for $375 million in a fraud if case in which there are zero people claiming fraud, not a single person came in and said that donald trump defrauded them, but the politicians of new york want to destroy him. when you rook at the case in d.c -- look at the case in d.c., you have a radical, left-wing judge who is openly contemptuous of the president. you have, i think, a totally out of control prosecutor. and you have a district area where the voters were 19-1 against trump? maria: yeah. >> you're not going to get an honest jury, any chance at a jury of your peers, and the american people know that. the democrats use the law to try to destroy their opponents. they actually increase the strength of donald trump. maria: newt, i think the

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democrats have figured this out at this point, and they are looking for their next move. what about this rumor that has been floating around that the democrats are going to -- [inaudible] joe biden for michelle obama at the convention? do you see that happening? >> how do you do that? i mean, you have a president of the united states who's spending trillions of dollars paying off all of his friends. it's the most corrupt administration in history. he's going to have all the delegates. they will have voted for him, you know? he's gone through the primary, he's gone through the conventions. how do you show up and say, gee, why do we dump the guy that every single one of us has committed to? furthermore, how do you do that and jump past kamala harris for somebody else? i think that they -- part of the black community that's deeply democratic would explode if they saw kamala harris being dumped for somebody else. and so i just doesn't see -- don't see how they do it. maria: all right, we'll see. thank you so much, mr. speaker.

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former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. quick break, and then president trump fighting back asking the courts to hold special counsel jack smith in contempt actually battling plans to end trump's real estate empire in the empire state. alina habba, former attorney for president trump, is here with husband response. stay with us i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save.

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maria: welcome back. president trump is fighting back, the supreme court will now weigh in on trump's eligibility to run for president. the court agreed the take up trump's appeal to the colorado supreme court in an expedited track. oral arguments are expected by february 8th and a ruling soon after as democrats in colorado and maine are seeking to keep former president trump off of the election ballot. as new york attorney general letitia james is stepping up her pressure in a filing on friday, james demanding that trump be banned for life from the state's real estate industry as well as he and his business associates be fined $370 million. that is, of course, an increase from the $250 million that she was originally speaking. -- seeking. joining me with reaction and response to all of this is alina habba, attorney for former president trump. thanks very much for being here.

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first, i want to ask you about special counsel jack smith. what is president trump's reasoning for wanting him to be held in contempt? if -- >> because he is in contempt. he has clearly ignored the court's stay of that decision. the the decision is completely disregarded just like anything these radical lefts are really push their own agenda. what happened was there was a stay in the proceeding, that means that all actions, all activities on that case must stop until the issue of presidential immunity is addressed. that means that the president would have immunity during the time as he was sitting president, the same immunity biden and obama and everybody else gets, he should if be afforded that immunity. that decision needs to be made before there can be any activity on this case. jack smith has completely disregarded the washington court's decision to stay pending the immunity decision and has continuously filed motions to inundate our team and disregard the law. it is a clear contempt case.

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i know that if i was sitting as the counsel doing that and filing motions, i would be in contempt very quickly. i would be sanked. so let's see how they hold the cards on this one, but to me, it's a clear-cut contempt motion. maria: and, of course, jack smith is responding to this saying that they a did not violate a court order by providing discovery ahead of deadliness and that trump's allegations of partisanship remain baseless. where is this going? if these issues are headed right into politics as we are now just eight days away from the iowa caucussings. -- caucuses. >> yeah. and they're not heading into politickings, they started with politics, maria. the fact that you with look at the lawfare that we're going through and if you look at the timeline of these cases, these activities happened while he was sitting as president, most of them. so they waited, investigated for year years and years and years, and then they say we are in a

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rush to get to trial. why are we in a rush to get to trial, jack smith? because you can't win the election. so this is how they have to do it. it's called election interference. it's political. it is 100% political. and what they're doing is doing it at critical tames. -- times. i have trial coming up, closing arguments this week all while iowa is going on so that the president is taken off the campaign trail and into the courtroom. maria: well, let's -- >> it's so obvious and pathetic. maria: yeah, i mean, right. when your in a trial -- you're in a trial, you've got to be there. it's a very important point that you make. what about letitia is james and her stepped-up activity? how are you handling that? >> so ms. james has, in my mind, always been a bit of a fame-hungry human being that has put her politics, again, in front of the interests of the new york state, but she should be. she decided after a trial where we had experts say that statements were undervalued, where we had experts who were on

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the nobel executive committee reference team tell the judge that he did not nothing -- wrong, that his statements actually gave too much information and there were no victims and deutsche bank saying, hey, we loved working with trump, he actually paid his loans off early in many instances if not on time, we all made money, and he overinvested in the properties and he was a great client. after that she thinks it's time to up the ante on how much he should pavement shen't -- she wants to completely wipe clean the bank account of the trump organization. she wants to hurt individuals who have done nothing wrong, disgorge them of their severance pay. imagine, imagine the lengths she is going to to personally hurt trump because she ran a campaign on going after trump, and she has to keep her political promise. it is so, so sick and sad, honestly, for new york. i love the state of new york -- i should say i loved the state of new york, but i have real concerns for any business that is doing business right now in the state of new york understood

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lee tier shah james. >> maria: trump built his empire in new york, and now she wants him banned from the real estate industry in new york. it's extraordinary. what is president trump expecting from all of this? he's still campaigning. he was, obviously, campaigning in iowa just over the weekend. what is he expecting in terms of all of these legal issues and how he's going to make it e to the finish line in november? >> you know, he's remained positive, sometimes more positive than i am. i think that he would like to think that judges still have the ability to take politics out of their state of mind when making decisions on these cases. ms. james, for instance, on thursday will be closing and giving summations. the judge there we've seen, you know, put a gag order on me, on the president, all the lawyers. we hope that he will see through this. sometimes when they push so hard, they make it obvious that their agenda is really not about law and justice, it's about

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politics and, hopefully, these judges -- i really do hope these judges will see through that. in the meantime, he's going to continue campaigning like he always does. the man really barely sleeps, he works so hard for the country. he now, more than ever, with all of this has seen how important it is for him to get back in 2024. maria: all right. thanks very much for being here. >> thank you. maria: alina habba, attorney for president trump. joining us this morning. quick break, and then shut down the border or or shut down the government? the republicans call for national security. dangerous drug cartels wanting america's open border with no fear of the biden administration as the cartels carry out billions dollar businesses of human smuggling and drug trafficking at the u.s. border. arizona senate candidate kari lake and former white house senior advisor steven miller on the lasting impact biden's border crisis has on america. that's next. ♪ here's to... one year bolder.

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>> we have an increase in authoritarian regimes, we have more extreme weather events that are driving people from their homes, we have poverty. and america is proving to be prosperous with more than 8 million jobs that need to be filled. >> we're going to have about three or four hearings in january, and then we're going to mark up the impeachment articles that have been written. maria: well, that was house homeland security chairman mark between with me here last month -- green -- promising to bring impeachment articles against homeland security secretary alejandro majors cat who then appeared on "special report" with bret baier attempting to explain away why millions of migrants have been crossing the southern border illegally into america under joe biden. , there he's partly blaming extreme weather events. that's what mayorkas just said, yes. customs and border protection sources telling fox news in december more than 300,000 migrants were encountered at the southern border, a new monthly

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record, and for the fiscal year which gab in october, nearly 800,000 have been apprehended at the border. about 8 million people, we're totaling coming into america -- coming into total coming into america under biden's watch. joining me now, kari lake and stephen miller, thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. >> thanks for having us. maria: i want to talk about the imfact of this -- impact of this open border. stephen, when congress gets back to work with, you've got two major deadlines. january 19th is a funding deadline, and then february 2nd, which you say is the more important one. walk us through what's about to take place here. >> house republicans is have only three weeks from the day they get back into session prosecute holiday break -- from the holiday break to put together and execute a plan to force democrats to surrender on the open border. this will be by any definition the most difficult task house

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republicans have had in modern history. they're now operating with a 2-seat majority, soon to be a 1-seat majority. so they have to break democrats. they have to channel all of the frustration and rage and anger the american people feel over the border cataclysm, and they have to direct that that against the opposition of congressional democrats to any form of tangible border security. here, in my opinion, is how you do that. every single day you come back in, you vote on a different element of border security. hour after hour through the day, through the night, through the weekend. and you expose vote by vote by vote how extreme, how radical, how insane, how deluded and dangerous the democrats have become in their open borders obsession. and then by the time you reach and inform the whole country, you've laid bare just how out of

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control the democrat party has become, as you reach the beginning of february, then you push through the bill that shuts down the mass migration crisis, and then you draw that line and you hold that line. and whatever happens next happens next. but at least t you will be rep are remembered by -- remembered by list history, by your children and their children as being stepped up and what the rewill public needs of you in its hour of greatest need. maria: and you don't think the republicans will be remembered for the party that shut down government. >> they will be remembered not just now, but they'll be remembered for generations to come if they make this sand of having realized -- stand of having realized that joe biden's open border is the end of our republic. our republic cannot survive with this pace and this scale and this speed of uncontained mass migration from all of planet earth. maria: yeah. >> the very social fabric that stitches us together will be ripped apart and not repaired.

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maria: kari, you're feeling it firsthand in arizona. tell us what you're seeing. >> oh, it was -- i was just in the airport the orr day, and it looks like a refugee encampment, i'm not kidding. there's that many people who are here illegally in the airports right now. they've got their ziploc baggy full of paper, their little phone, gift card with cash on it, and they're heading to a city near you. this is the largest human smuggling operation i think we've ever seen in history, and our u.s. government, our tax dollars are fending it. and we -- funding i. we need to immediately, i agree with stephen, we need to get republicans together, and we need to hold the republican caucus together and let these people know, send a loud and clear message that a we're not going to take this invasion at our border any longer. the people counting are counting, they're counting on the house of representatives to do the right thing. they're counting on washington, d.c., the republicans, to do the right thing. i don't believe we can count on the democrats to do the right

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thing. their -- they're the ones who have facilitated this, they're the ones like my to opponent who's voted numerous times against the wall. i mean, for goodness sakes, joe biden -- we have $300 million of materials to build the wall ready to go. it would have taken just a few weeks, and he stopped that whole process and basically gave that material away for opinion nist on the dollar. pennies on the dollar. maria: do you think, kari, this is resonating with people though? there is a real opportunity for the republicans to take the majority in the senate. you are running for that seat in arizona. is this is this the issue that is going to turn that? >> i i think it is the issue. i think it's been the issue. i think the republicans and a lot of the politicians are now just finally catching up. the american people have been watching this horrified seeing the video, you know? and last week we saw a bunch of politicians go down and take a look at the problem on the border as if they haven't known

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how bad it is? have they not been seeing the same videos we're seeing? glad they did it, but i'd rather them back in d.c. getting to work like steven said immediately, working every single day, every single minute of the day to stop this invasion. it's taxing our hospitals, it's taxing our social services, our schools are going to be busting at the seams, and it's going to be hurting our children trying to learn. the american people, the poor and middle class american people are the ones struggling the most with this. maria: yeah. and, stephen, president trump came out with a whole list of items on his list of rigged and stolen election back on -- for 2020, very few people want to go back and investigate what 2020 looked like and what happened here. my question to you is, what are the republicans doing now to unsure that the 2024 presidential election is fair and free? >> well, that is the most important question, isn't it? all i can say to you on that is

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i hope every state republican party, every republican official all the way from the very top town to the bottom of the party is investing seriously in the legal resources that will be needed to file challenges in realtime as any state and every state is manipulating, violating, breaking, bending, bruising, damaging or simply ignoring election lieus and rules -- laws and rules. at the same time, it's essential that republicans in the states that that have completely stacked courts, completely stacked legal systems, the legislature and the governor's mansion are hopeless. they also need to develop world class ballot-harvesting operations understanding, understanding that there is going to always be an enormous amount of cheating and fraud in a system where there's no id checks, no citizenship verification, no meaningful verification of any kind on anything. so you have to do both of those things. and i am confident that people realize now that if they don't do those things, they're going to continue to see the kind of horror shows that we've seen

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with election manipulation in the past. maria: wow. president trump writes about mail-in ballots, he writes about zucker bucks in swing states. same question for you, kar, i. -- kari. >> i would caution we start looking at the money we're pouring into these ngos that are processing all these people pouring across our border. when i saw some of the names of these ngos, many of them were the same ngos that take part many that ballot harvesting. so how do we know the money's really going to process these people? frankly, the money should be going to building the wall and stopping people from coming over, but there's an awful lot of money being poured in by democrats to the ngos and these organizations to process people coming across illegally s and we know that they're going to in some states get these people signed up to vote. that's illegal. it's going to happen. if so we have -- so we have a perfect storm kind of starting up right now. the democrats realize they can't win with their dead end,

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disastrous policies. the american people don't want it. they can't win, they can't beat president trump, so they're trying to tie him up in course. -- court. they're up to the highest level of shenanigans i've ever seen as we go into this election, and the people have to start demanding more of their elected official to do something about it. maria: and, stephen, the rumor is the democrats are going to pull michelle obama out of the hat during their democrat convention this summer. >> i have no idea what the democrats are going to do when they are incapacitated by a frail, age aing, severely cognitively-eroded joe biden. but what we do know is we are witnessing election interference now in realtime on two front seat. they're trying to imprison, bankrupt and destroy donald trump using the awesome power of the state like something out of a failed third world country -- maria: wow. >> -- and they're leaving our border wide open to import a new generation of voters that they believe will be more favorable to big government andtop-down control -- and top-down control.

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so what is happening on the border every single day is one of the greatest crimes in human history, and joe biden and the entire biden administration are guilty of leading an insurrection on the southern border against the laws, constitution and sovereignty of the united states of america. and it's happening every day. maria: all right. we are tracking it every day, and we will continue to do so. thank you so much for being here, both of you. arizona senate candidate carr. carrie: -- kari lake and former white house adviser steven miller. quick break, and now it is in the hands of the supreme court. the high court agreeing to hear former president trump's appeal to democrat-led colorado banning the 45th president from the state 's ballot with oral arguments set to begin on february 8th at a former cia analyst warns of potential protection interference from the intelligence community this november. former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe who has exposed both domestic and foreign election interference right here on this program with analysis when we come back. stay with us.

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>> my guess is that the proverbial deep state within the intelligence community will remerge because presumably a republican candidate will again be seen as a threat to the internal policies that many intelligence people like. maria: and that is former cia analyst john gentry speaking with fox news digital on the potential for election interference this upcoming november due to now-politicized intelligence community. as former president trump appeals rulings in colorado and maine to remove his name from those sates' ballots, georgetown law professor jonathan the turley sounds the alarm writing in "the new york post," it's not just trump democrats are moving to bar are republicans from

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ballots -- ballots nationwide. joining me now is the man who first warned of potential election interference this november on this program, former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe. john, it's great to sew you, thanks so much for being here. >> you bet. maria: want to get your take on the intelligence community interfering in the election and these prosecutors. first off, take on jack smith. the last time we spoke about the special counsel, you said he had a mueller moment. >> i did. so, maria, you know, we expect foreign adversaries like china to interfere in our elections, but what we don't expect and what we should never tolerate is for our own government, for our own agencies and entities within our republic to interfere in elections, and that's exactly what is happening on a number of fronts. you mentioned the intelligence community and that analyst, and we've talked about that a great deal about how the politicization has come into play. but here -- leaning into 2024

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there's a couple of things that are happening. one is an effort to keep donald trump off of the ballot. you mentioned what's taking place in colorado and maine and blue states and officials there. but then there's also the effort to keep donald trump off the campaign trail, and that's what jack smith is doing. and if what i think is just a nakedly political and partisan prosecution. the department of justice expressly says that a prosecutor may never take actions thing of -- timing of which without pulled a candidate at advantage or disadvantage. that's election interappearance. and yet that's exactly what jack smith is doing. what people don't understand is that as jack smith pushes for a trial date in washington, d.c. in march and then another one in florida in may is that a federal defendant must by law attend every day of his trial. so essentially, even if donald trump is not kept off the ballot, he can be kept off the campaign trail for the entire

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summer by joe biden's justice department. and it just, it just reeks of, you know, political partisanship especially, maria, when you consider the fact that the only reason to do this is relating to the election in november. maria: yeah. >> this is the same justice department, this is the same justice department that said six years is plenty fast to bring charges against hunter biden -- [laughter] and another, you know, it's now been a year since the prosecutor investigating joe bide, and he's done absolutely nothing, but yet jack smith says this has got to move forward now. maria: it's a good point. and we've put off the protection of government integrity from the web site showing federal prosecutors and agents may never select the timing of any action which it appears is what jack smith is doing. stay right there, john. more with former dni john ratcliffe right after this. and join me on tuesday, "mornings with maria" with the

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chairman of jamie dimon if tuesday on fox business. joins own "mornings with my daughter and i finally had that conversation. oh, no, not about that. about what comes next in life. for her. i may not be in perfect health, but i want to stay in my home, where my family visits often and where my memories are. i can do it with help from a prep cook, wardrobe assistant and stylist, someone to help me live right at home. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪ i've made the preservation of american democracy the central issue of my presidency. i believe in free and fair elections and the right to vote fairly and have your vote counted. there's something dangerous happening in america. there's an extremist movement that does not share the basic beliefs in our democracy. all of us are being asked right now: what will we do to maintain our democracy?

12:53 pm

history is watching. the world is watching. and most important our children and grandchildren will hold us responsible. the vice president and i have supported voting rights since day one of this administration, and i ask every american to join me in this cause. america is still a place of possibilities where the power resides with we, the people. that's our soul. we are the united states of america. there is nothing beyond our capacity when we act together. i'm joe biden and i approve this message.

12:54 pm

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welcome back i'm back with former director of nationa l intelligence john ratcliff.

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you've talked a lot about election interference as well aa foreign and domesticlk. talk about jack smith i want to get your take on how the supremt court iso going to rule on this immunity case but there's also china. china not use eight did meddle in the 2020 election and will do it in rex very clearlyse did the intelligence committee hasd on assessed that and said they will intensify paired one of thes concerns we have the will do tho samere things they did before, t there ha as been a 1000% increae the number of chinese nationals coming across ourossr border. 5000 were caught just in theov month ofem november. 85% of those are single men ofer cemilitary age. thhosee real question there is percentage of thosple are here n pla or prc orders to intensifyts as the i see says efforts are deferred in the election? >> good point. >> with respect to what is happening with colorado, lookiv jack smith is a most aggressive prosecutor as i talked about. even he could not bring chargeso for insurrection against donaldy

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trump. sta one a federal grand jury passes onor it but the state of colorao or maine or anyone else says weo arure going to come up with herh own process make our ownpr determination that is why theem supreme court took thiris upke d why the supreme court will strike iightt >> alright we will be watchinghn that. this is importanyou.t good to se you, john ratcliff joining us thank you so much that would do it for uys this "sunday morning futures" i will see you tomorrow on foxbusiness. stay with us right here.

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